Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This is how the miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish is done. If you read any horoscope, you will see how the twelve zodiacal signs relate to different parts of your body. Dominus Tetragrammaton means "Adonai the Tetragrammaton," because Adonai is written with four letters, which are Aleph, Daleth, Nun, and Iod. Now you know why there are twelve tribes of Israel, because these twelve Archetypes relate to the Tetragram in three worlds Yetzirah, Briah, and Atziluth. In the Tetragrammaton, the Vav (YH V H) stands for the manifestation of the Logos on this plane. Tetragrammaton. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Glorian averages 100 donors a month. It is something we have to do, because we have three brains, three forces. The Tetragrammaton YHVH makes its first appearance in Genesis 2:4 only after God has perfected the Creation and can finally rest: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that YHVH Elohim made earth and the skies." Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. They are diligent, so how is a lazy person going to command them, by yawning? The Kundalini has to be born within us. Precise Lines with Clear Visibility. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. That is why in the Kabbalah, the Zohar, the Alchemists or the Kabbalists name the angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Nuriel. Likewise, when you work in the annihilation of the ego, if you analyze, there are always three forces working there. The two fish represent the polarities: man and woman. In the Tree of Life are three columns. You find in this day and age people who put such yeast or leaven into their whims (wheat flour) and with that dough they elaborate their bread; thereafter they go and teach on Sundays. Triangle is the simplest form of a Polygon. are not. Anael is Venus, the voluptuousness of the Nun (the fish) within the two crossed waters. Meaning and Usage. As we said affirmation, negation, questions, and conclusion. Remember that we name Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Anael, four angels related with the four forces. So, you find the marvelous doctrine of alchemy with the four elements everywhere. (LogOut/ By costo perizia trasformazione sas in srl. This is why we insist that the three factors of the revolution of the consciousness that we teach in the Gnostic tradition is not something that we invented. Before doing so we recite this conjuration in order to invoke the forces of the elements in our ceremony. The French-born Lamy felt a cultural affinity with these former Europeans and they became good friends; he even sent them fruit and flowers on the high holidays, says tour guide Stefanie Beninato. Then you eat them. Below, in the very middle of the pentagram, you find the sign of mercury, which is a circle with a cross below and the moon above. Thus, in Binah we find the name Jehovah Elohim, which is the Kabbalistic name of Iod Hei Vav Hei, the four lettered name of Elohim, God, which is symbolized here by these four creatures. It is called the Tetragrammaton, literally meaning four letters, because of this. The name, which some people pronounce as Yahweh and others (mostly Christians) as Jehovah, appears 5,410 times in the Bible (1,419 of those in the Torah). The Hebrew Letters The Hebrew letters are difficult to read and have led to some confusion. It is to invoke the superior forces in order to reject the negative forces. Pronounced: MISH-nuh, Origin: Hebrew, code of Jewish law compiled in the first centuries of the Common Era. Do you grasp what Jesus said? And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. It is easy to see when you use your intuition and your mind. All Rights Reserved. The winged bull is related with the forces of our body, and is in relation with the salt of our body that we have to control and sublimate. In order to elevate the mercury, we have to perform alchemy, in order to acquire the forces of the elements. The Tetragrammaton symbol is formed with the letters YHWH which stands for the secret word for God or EHYH that stood for female, or Eve. When you do this type of work which I am doing right now, which is teaching, the four elements are also there. yard flamingos for birthday. The Tetragrammaton (/ t t r r m t n /; from Ancient Greek (tetragrmmaton) '[consisting of] four letters'), or the Tetragram, is the four-letter Hebrew theonym (transliterated as YHWH), the name of God in the Hebrew Bible.The four letters, written and read from right to left (in Hebrew), are yodh, he, waw, and he. Witnesses hold a number of traditional Christian views but also many that are unique to them. Did you hear that sentence in the book of revelation that says behold the lion of Judah has prevailed. What is that lion? All Time Past Year Past 30 Days; Abstract Views: 1230: 177: 12: Full Text Views: 59: 0: 0: PDF Views & Downloads: 30: 4: 1: Products. So that is why the twelve below relates to Adonai, and the twelve above to Iod-Chavah, which make the addition of twenty four. Eventually, that fire liberated in the sexual act, that electric force, will fecundate the soul of the mercury (the light of God, Uriel) which has been accumulated through many transmutations through our Ida and Pingala and will eventually awaken the Kundalini (the soul of mercury fecundated by fire) which is the positive ray of Venus, the force of love, Anael in our spinal column. Question: Is there any point in doing this conjuration if you are a fornicator? So I took a look on the spirit evocation tools in ceremonial magic, the pentagram and triangle of solomon. Photo Credit: Unsplash/Tanner MardisDesign Credit: Emily Hall. A Malachim is a human being in the complete sense of the word. Per Angelum et Leonem - Angelum represents the man, Adam, the water. When you transmute the Nuriel, the Nun (the light of God within the sperm) of your sexual force, and sublimate it towards your heart, then Nuriel becomes Uriel, which means the light of God, the positive light ray of Venus: Anael, the angel of love. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full. Remember that, magic or priesthood is the power that we exercise over the elements through the Caduceus of Mercury, because through our spine is how we control our own particular elements. The word Adonai means my Lord in Hebrew. Angel of the blind eyes, obey or pass away with this holy water! Raphael is the Air, Mercury and the three types of mercury. He is a solar man, but during his alchemical work, when I meet him physically in Mexico, he was a white king, yet before developing the white king within himself, he was a black king, still with ego, as he stated: In that forgone epoch of my present existence, I had not even died within myself. The angel Adonai is an angel of the Moon. How to conjure the Tetragrammaton Contents [ hide] How to Use the Tetragrammaton There are three, not four; the first is a black, the second is white, and the third is yellow. Remember it is the consciousness that has to control that. When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? What is the forbidden name of God? The Conjuration of the Four is a powerful conjuration that the magician uses in order to invoke the higher forces of the world of Yetzirah (the world of the angels, the world of formation) in order to reject negative forces related with the four elements of nature, which are related with our psychosomatic nature. So in this physical world we have to be aware of that, as there are a lot of people who interpret scriptures according to their level of mind, according to their sensual mind, traditions, and fanaticism. The French-born Lamy felt a cultural affinity with these former . Tetra means four and gramma means graphic or letter. Tetragrammaton therefore means the four lettered name of God, which we always state is Iod Hei Vav Hei, yet here we also say it is Adonai or Adony, since Adonai also has four letters, namely Aleph, Daleth, Nun and Iod. When we enter into this path, we have to fight against the negative forces of nature that work through our ego. While Billy (Sam Claflin) and Camila's (Camila Morrone) romance is front and center just as much in Amazon's Daisy Jones & The . You need wheat, which is your seed, which is also the same letter Nun, which is the fish. Saturn-Binah did that, and who is Uranus? It symbolized harmony between Catholics and Jews. Who does such multiplication or fermentation? Those that awaken in evil and for evil are completely black and are not obeying the Lord, but the one who reaches the fifth initiation is a hasnamuss because still has the ego inside. This degree emphasizes that life and its strength come from God. It does not store any personal data. You find also that salt, sulfur, and mercury are elements that are combined in four different aspects. So when saying the lord you know it is the lord but it is better to say Adonai because it is a Hebrew mantric word. So on the right side of the Tree of Life, we find the lion, which represents Chokmah and Chesed. The column on the left has Binah, Geburah and Hod. In Europe, this was a common Christian symbol, denoting the One god of Moses and Abraham revealed in their New Covenant, as Three Divine Persons in one God . Fulfil the judgement by fire by the virtue of Michael. Michael is the king of fire, sulfur, the king of the sun, Tiphereth, the heart. Only by knowing alchemy and by using our head and our common sense we will understand. The defects that we have relate to the four elements. I was still with my ego very much alive. Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? On Sunday, March 28, 2021, we blended our incense, Tetragrammaton. The tetragrammaton, in Hebrew and YHWH in Latin script, is the four-letter biblical name of the God and is God Moshe Chaim Luzzatto,says that the tree of the tetragrammaton "unfolds" in accordance with the intrinsic nature of its letters, "in the same order in which they appear in the Name, in the mystery of ten and the mystery of four." Namely, the upper cusp of the Yod is Arich . Tetragrammaton Symbol Symbol of the secret name of God, God, nature, the occult. To understand this, we have to observe the Tree of Life. Though the pronunciation of YHWH would have originally been known, after the Babylonian Exile in the 6th century B.C., the Jews began to use the name Elohim more than YHWH. What holy water are we talking about? When the positive (male) and negative (female) are united, they utilize the third, the force of sex, in order to destroy what we need to destroy: the ego. We find on the left arm of the pentagram the name Adam which is Aleph, Daleth and final Mem. In other words, through willpower he put all those multitudes in the fourth dimension, because it is in Yesod, sex, where the Bodhisattva performs the miracle. One way is "I am what I am" (think of the phrase "it is what it is") -- very crudely put, "everying is as it should be, everying is God". Remember that we are controlling the fires of Adam Iod-Chavah (written on the two arms of the pentagram) with our will (Mars) in order to transmute and to establish those forces in our own earth (Malkuth) which is our terra, our physicality. Category:Tetragrammaton in triangle. The serpent can fall not only by fornicating, but also by committing treason through the heart. Though it is uncertain whether this name of God was used previously, most scholars point to YHWH first appearing in the Bible when God manifests Himself to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3). The term "Tetragrammaton" apparently arose in contradistinction to the divine names containing respectively twelve and forty-two letters and formed likewise from the letters Y, H, W, H ( ib. What Is the Tetragrammaton? They just want to develop powers. It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen in his youth in France. Hebrew YHVH Tetragrammaton Triangle Pyramid Graphic for Everyone into the Kabbalah, Jewish and Christian Mysticism Judeo-Christian Hebrew Name of God YHVH, YHWH in Triangle, the Tetractys Pyramid, Cool Yahweh Jehovah Judaism and Christianity Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve and bottom hem Shop holiday gift cards Here in the west Master Jesus says, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees then later it is stated, he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. The Pharisees are related with what we call the intermediate mind (the emotional mind, the fanatic mind) related with beliefs, dogmas in the physical world. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Fermentation is the act of sexual alchemy. YHWH can be interpreted in multiple ways, from He who will be, is, and has been to He Who Is to He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists to simply I Am., It is perhaps this multiplicity yet cohesion of meanings that most powerfully points to who God is. 2022 Glorian Publishing. And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. So drink the wine of the weddings of Cana, eat the bread of alchemy, and multiply your fish, because you have a lot of fish (sperm and ovum) in your sexual organs; as Jesus you have yeast (spirit) as well, thus, if you know how to do alchemy, bread will multiply within you and you will learn and teach; this is how you will understand. Carved into a triangle in the keystone of the entrance arch is a Tetragrammaton, or the Hebrew word for God. The chained eagle are those thoughts which are chained to desire, those thoughts which we cannot control but we control them whether in ourselves or in others by the sign of the cross and the four sides of the cross are Iod Hei Vav Hei, the Tetragram again. Cherub, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Iod-Chavah! The four letters of the Tetragrammaton form the root meaning to be, and some have understood the original meaning to be He-Who-Is, or He who brings being into being.. On this side, the west, there are a lot of Pharisees and also Sadducees which relates with the mind, the sensual mind, the intellectual mind that read the scriptures literally and do not know the meaning of it. More specifically the tetragrammaton is ,[shem hameyuched] "God's own name," or ,[shem hamforesh] "the separated, special name peculiar to God," His proper name as distinct from designations, the name which is generally kept secret and uttered . It is a symbol of sexual magic. The five loaves of bread represent five internal bodies, because in order to reach Tiphereth, you have to have the five crucified: Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, and Tiphereth, who is the Son of Man. Three in Christianity are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Remember the twelve from above relates to the Tetragram in three worlds, and below to the twelve archetypes that we have within, the Tetragram and the three brains. Thus, for that purpose, we always invoke the higher forces of the Tetragram to unite with our lower forces, in order to reject the inferior forces. Omnipotence means God is all-powerful. That wisdom in Hebrew is Chokmah: Christ incarnated. In the beginning it is very difficult for students to understand, as many people say, Our lectures are from the clouds above; and we say, you need to eat that bread and drink that wine of transubstantiation. Yet down here in the earth, in the physical body, we also have the twelve forces, the twelve archetypes. In order to perform that, you need fish, because how are you going to multiply the bread within you, if you dont have the fish, if you dont have the letter Nun? On the left, we find the bull, which is related with Binah and Geburah. The conjuration has to be memorized in order for us to do it. In Wycliffe's English Bible, preceding Tyndale and the KJV, he rendered the Tetragrammaton "Adonai." Around the same time as Tyndale, Luther translated the Bible into German and rendered the Tetragrammaton "Herr," meaning "lord" or "sir." So although we don't have direct evidence of the translators' reasons via quotations, we do know that . You can perform the three factors individually or in a group. Judgement comes from the left side of the Tree of Life which is called Geburah. You are passive: holy negation; you are just listening. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Your lasciviousness is related to the air, your desires are related to your heart. Contents 1 The Pythagorean Tetraktys 2 In Theosophy 3 In Kabbalah 4 Online resources Be established in the earth by Adam Iod-Chavah! Again we are naming here the Tetragrammaton. It is crucial here to be aware that every mystic tradition, every source of spirituality, every fountain of knowledge, has been historically POISONED & CORRUPTED, interdicted and planted with all kinds of untruths and spin to suit the demonic Demiurgic manipulators of this false 3D Semi-Virtual Reality; as you read in the above Wikipedia link, Understand that the four creatures of the Tetragram are in the middle of the Pentagram, the Man. and do ye not remember? As a result, God has acquired a number of names: Dios, Apajui, God, Enkai, Dieu, Gott, and so on. We also find in the middle column that mysterious Sephirah called Daath. The three brains in the physical body imply the Tetragram. If the Angels allow his inner Being, then the operation is done, because the angels also do their work under the law of karma. Iod Hei Vav Hei is the name Iod-Chavah. GRAMMA = Means graphic or letter in Greek. Salt is in the water. The Tetragrammaton, meaning " [a word] having four letters", refers to the name of the God of Israel as YHWH (Hebrew: ---) that appears 6,828 times the Hebrew Bible, the first of which is in Genesis 2:4, which says, "4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. Surely Lamy was grateful for that. This was an important mystical symbol used by the Pythagoreans . He further explains that these four phases are represented in the four-letter name of God, Yud Hei Vav Hei . The Hebrew divine name YHWH enclosed within a triangle to suggest Christian Trinitarian symbolism. I am looking forward to mix them with folk magic, so it is very important for me to know their occult dynamics and symbolism. It is unclear what the original pronunciation of the word was, due to the longstanding Jewish prohibition on speaking Gods name aloud. The sylphs of the air, which control the clouds, the forces of the mind - how are you going to control them if you cant control your mind, if you easily identify with your lustful thoughts or with your fantasies? 8 What does Tetragrammaton mean in the Bible? When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens." You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. It has a lot of force if you are an alchemist, because when you pronounce it you are utilizing the four forces of the elements in your body. The Tetragrammaton is the combination of four Hebrew letters to form the ancient Hebrew name of God, YHWH. and having ears, hear ye not? Jesus made those miracles of alchemy with the multitudes. The name Jehovah is a product . This is why in the conjuration says Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Anael. Answer: If you examine the conjuration, you will read per Angelum et Leonem. The Angelum is in Tiphereth and Yesod, which are part of the Leonem, which is Chesed the fire. 1 What is the significance of Tetragrammaton? 3 Why is the Tetragrammaton in a triangle? The three primary forces create, if you analyze, in every way. This is because an alef cannot be pronounced with a shvah. We now have arrived at the Caduceus of Mercury with its wings of the Spirit that are always opened. Iod is either the grip of the sword or the tip of the blade of the sword. A better translation is "I am that am", which can be understood in two ways. What does Tetragrammaton mean in the Bible? The nature of God Jehovahs Witnesses believe the Bible teaches that God has four cardinal attributes: love, justice, wisdom, and power. Also I know it's used to command spirits but how? This is how the third factor, charity, works. In this way, we are assisted by the Tetragram. Is the Tetragrammaton in the New Testament? We emphasize that we need to work with the three factors which relate with the three brains. You have to elevate the air, the spirit of the earth, the volatile salt, in order to create with Azoth other bodies inside of you, etc. The right in Hebrew is what is called Tob, good, and the left in Hebrew is called Rah, evil. So in the left is where we find that tempting serpent that can fall or go up according to our sexual behavior, emotional behavior, and mental behavior, because remember that we have three brains. Emerald Tablet by Hermes Trismegistus. The whole pentagram is the outcome of the Tetragrammaton, which alchemically is in the centre of the pentagram; we work with the Tetragram, with the four angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Anael. Always understand that these forces are the four elements in one, as for instance, in the four sides of the pyramids of Egypt, and the sphinx of Egypt, which has these four symbols: the face of a human being (the water), the wings of an eagle (air), the paws of a lion (fire), and the hoofs of the bull or the ox (earth). One thing is Adonai as an archetype, and another is Adonai the angel. He works under the command of Gabriel, the archangel of the Moon. Why is the Tetragrammaton in a triangle? The firmament below stands upon [Ezekiel's] four living creatures [Lion, Ox, Eagle, Adam], the four living creatures within Malkuth [physical body], the secret of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Nuriel. So, in any magical white work, everything is done through an organized hierarchy. Each one of us as has his own particular individual Adonai. An oven! Also why Primeumaton, Tetragrammaton and Anaphaxeton is written on it's sides? Chavez responded that the placement of the Tetragrammaton in a triangle was a common Christian symbol in Europe. On the right leg or the right part of the chest (because it is not really the leg but the chest) is the symbol of the sun' which is Michael. If you make bread, what do you need? Contrary to what some believe, Jehovah is not the Divine Name revealed to Israel. Chastity; you have to know how to transmute your sexual energy. Bibliography. Does the Bible Mention What to Give Up for Lent? So those Tetragrammatons above are the three triangles of the Tree of Life, namely Yetzirah, Briah, and Atziluth. 3. In Abrahamic religions, the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost, is an aspect or agent of God, by means of which God communicates with people or acts on them. For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. But when I think about some of the things on Earth that seem heaven sent, that God has allowed me to enjoy, I wonder if . So Tiphereth the Son of Man performed that miracle in Yesod, the force of sex. The lower human emotional body is expressed through the astral plane. So when you are making the dough, you have to put enough yeast (air) in it in order to make the dough, the bread to rise. But those who have noticed it cant help but wonder what it is doing there. Work winged bull, or revert to the earth, unless thou wilt that I should pierce thee with this sword! 1. Tetragrammaton in American English. perceive ye not yet, neither understand? He said, bring them hither to me. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. By virtue of the pentagram, which is the morning star and by the name of the Tetragram, which is written in the centre of the cross of light. This entry was posted on September 28, 2010 at 7:04 am and is filed under travel, Travel writer, Uncategorized. We must utter the main conjurations in Latin in order to invoke the superior forces. 13 The Demystification of Language and the Triumph of Philology. The process consists of four phases: Chochmah, Binah, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut. Why is the Tetragrammaton in a triangle? - Matthew 16:5-12. Most Bible Dictionaries, today, say the Sacred Name (or the "Tetragrammaton") should be pronounced "YAHWEH," with a "W" sound at the end of the name or title. In The Mystery of the Golden Blossom, you will learn about Tantra. This is why you see in the graphic that Adonai is the one who stands out on this graphic because all these holy creatures work under the command of Adonai, who, individually speaking, is an angel. "Tetragrammaton" means "four-letter name." The Tetragrammaton consists of four Hebrew letters, YHVH (Yod, Heh, Vau, Heh). In other words Adonai is another Tetragrammaton or another Tetragram. The Power of the Tetragrammaton. Who is Adam Iod-Chavah? pp. What experience do you need to become a teacher? Compare Yahweh. The man is the water, the bull is the earth, the lion is the fire, and the eagle is the air. Similarly, it is asked, what does the Tetragrammaton symbol mean?TETRA = Means four in Greek. tetragrammaton: [noun] the four Hebrew letters usually transliterated YHWH or JHVH that form a biblical proper name of God compare yahweh.