(315) 435-4212. FilterFields = escape(CreateFilterQuery638135726491360238());
Get introduced.
312, (716) 751-3200 padding: 7px;
District Our Schools. dropdown.find("li").removeClass("selected");
2 Austin Street
Home - Spencerport Central School District Welcome to the Home of the Rangers! College/School. Read more Email Benefits. }
820 Des Moines St Webster City, IA 50595 . GERMANTOWN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT . Choose a Campus. School 28
122, (716) 751-3200 School 17
Sixth Region. Staff Directory Careers Accessibility Support .
Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 252, (716) 751-3200 Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Thomas Learning Center
var dropdown = $('#' + listid);
230, (716) 751-3200
Kim Saalwaechter. Mosaic's Ambassador School program encourages member schools to reinforce an internationally welcoming and inclusive culture through pledges unique to each school. School 12
Because their attendance improved by more than 3%, Seniors with 90% or higher attendance earned a free lunch from Freddy's! Campus. School 05
ext. Joining the Mosaic Ambassador School program will help.
var id = $(this).attr("for");
var dropdown = $('#' + listid);
Director of Special Education/Early Childhood/Title 1. }
Filter By.
It is the policy of Manson Northwest Webster Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. December Attendance Challenge.
NYS CR Part #154 requires the District to provide communications to ELL families in the home language that they best understand. Executive Director For Human Resources. else
Coach Directory; Athletics Home; Schedules; Sports Registration; Team Websites; Arts" .
Fayetteville-Manlius High School: District Psychologist: HAYS: JASON: jhays@fmschools.org: 315-692-1900 . padding-top: 17px;
School Committee Superintendent Search Read Full Story font-size: 13px;
Browning Elementary School; Central Elementary School; J.A. 175, (716) 751-3200 width : '',
For emergencies or immediate communication needs, please use the Language Line at 1-866-874-3972. Please contact your Technology Director to gain access to the Staff Intranet
function CreateFilterQuery638135726491360238(){
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This will be held on November 30th during your regularly scheduled lunch periods. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints or discrimination. DISTRICT SITE. ext. School 10
2602 Edmond St, St. Joseph, MO 64501; 816-671-4080; 816-671-4474 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO 63119. 540 W Webster Ave #1113 Chicago, IL 60614. }
Superintendent: Benjamin F. Bragg Central High School School News March 2023 March/April Attendance Challenge.
Central Office
SCSD District Office (315) 435-4499: Superintendent - Anthony Q. Davis (315) 435-4161: Chief Operations Officer - Dean DeSantis (315) 435-4161 Superintendent for Learning adams.jason@wgmail.org View Website TA Teresa Adams Support Staff adams.teresa@wgmail.org JA Jaime Adamski World Languages Teacher adamski.jaime@wgmail.org JA
East Lower School
Director of Adventuretime Family Services & Preschool. ext.
[ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. Budget & Services Information; 2022-2023 Preliminary Budget (pdf) 2022-2023 Service Guide (link) District Share Portal; Imaging Center; Monroe RIC & Technology Services ext. Department. Link to WinCapWeb. (315) 435-4161. $('#' + dropdown.attr('hidfield')).val(value);
Staff Portal; Announcements. Choose a College/School. 175 Martin St.
elemType : 'div'
ext. });
Carolyn Sholar. ext. ext. The Board of Education's first budget work session was on February 7. $("input[id^='sw-minibasefilter638135726491360238']").keypress(function(e) {
var selected = $('#selected' + listid);
384, (716) 751-3200
$('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602380-comparetype').attr('errormessage', '');
(315) 435-5844. }
Please use the searchable directory above to find a teacher's email address or. Last First Email Phone Building . 27 % Below average 39% 55 % School 42
School 16
Construction Central; Directory; Directory of Information; District Office Address/Map; Equity & Inclusion; EL Storytime; . CheckScript('Dropdown', staticURL + '/GlobalAssets/Scripts/ThirdParty/jquery.dropdown.js');
ext. if (dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']").length > 0) {
Dawn Forker.
Spencerport Central School District / District / Teacher and Staff Links. Contains
The Webster Central School District is a public school district in New York State that serves approximately 8,800 students in the town and village of Webster and portions of Penfield in Monroe County and portions of Ontario and Walworth in Wayne County with about 1350 employees and an operating budget of $140.6 million (~$15,964 per student).The See who you know in common. function LoadMinibaseFilter638135726491360238(){
. ext. isInline : false,
ext. if (dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']").length > 0) {
District's Response to the Distinguished Educator's Report, RCSD Cares: Hurricane Disaster Relief Efforts, State Comptrollers Report on the Districts Fiscal Affairs, Code of Conduct Community Forum | May 6, 2021, SRO Agreement Public Forum | May 21, 2020, Board of Education 2016 Legislative Agenda, Board of Education 2014 Year-End Report: Getting The Job Done, Best Practices Summit: Collaborating for Success, Final Report of Special Military Academy Advisory Committee, Become a Parent Representative to a Board Committee, Critical Feedback Line for District Leaders, Update Contact Information with my School, Phase III Facilities Modernization Public Program, English Language Arts/Integrated Literacy, Freedom of Information Law - FOIL Requests, Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, Languages other than English (LOTE) / Foreign Language, MATCH: Medical Management & Assistive Technology for CHildren, Office of Grants & Program Accountability, NEVER DELETE THIS Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Incident Reporting System, If you need to contact a specific school, please visit our, Note:Currently, we donot maintain a telephone directory for Teachers. dropdown.find("li").removeClass("selected");
ext. ext. Chief of Staff - Monique Wright-Williams.
[ ] indicates that the data are not applicable.
If you are unable to read a portion of the District website, or an attachment, please contact the District Communications Office at (585) 889-4500. Facilities Scheduling; Maintenance Work Orders; Perform; PowerSchool Teacher Login; Records; . In order to request interpretation or translation services, employees may visit www.rcsdk12.org/translationservices. Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (nationsreportcard.gov), Public School District Finance Peer Search. font-weight:bold;
See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for The Cheektowaga Sloan Union Free School District locations in Pittsford, NY. Choose a Campus. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Contains
Last Name filter
/*if(i < ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter179 label').length - 1)) {
School Without Walls
Search Within. 6200 Ontario Center Rd. 123 Main StreetGermantown, NY 12526Phone: 518-537-6281Fax: 518-537-6893, About UsContact UsFood ServicesHealth OfficeBudget & FinanceTax InformationCapital ProjectPublic Notices, Main OfficePre-KSpecial EducationLibraryCAP After School Program, Main OfficeSpecial EducationGuidanceAthleticsClubs & ActivitiesLibrarySchool Email, MembersAgendasMinutesPoliciesMeeting Videos, Copyright 2021 This website was produced by the Questar III Department of Technology Services, Questar III Department of Technology Services, Special Education Secretary / Transportation Secretary.
(315) 435-5844. width : '',
(315) 435-4212. School 03
This information on internet performance in Petropavl, North Kazakhstan Region, Kazakhstan is updated regularly based on Speedtest data from millions of consumer-initiated tests taken every day. Facilities Scheduling; Maintenance Work Orders; Perform; PowerSchool Teacher Login; Records; . ext. $('#sel-sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602380-comparetype').dropdown({isTreeView : false,
School of the Arts
Teacher Payroll 585-262-8265.
Director of Elementary Education /Assessment. {
Central Office 712-469-2202 . School Counselor. padding-left: 10px;
The Webster Groves School District is committed to maintaining an educational and workplace environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, activities and facilities. Construction Central; Directory; Directory of Information; District Office Address/Map; Equity & Inclusion; EL Storytime; . Wednesday - Southern vs. Bullitt Central, 6 . School 52
filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";";
isInline : false,
The Syracuse City School District. $('#' + dropdown.attr('hidfield')).val(value);
School 19
Box 648374 Lake Street, Wilson, NY 14172. }
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District News Board of Education to meet Feb. 28, 2023 The Spencerport Board of Education will hold a regular meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28, in the District Office building, 71 Lyell Ave. Read More About Board of Education to meet Feb. 28, 2023 $(document).ready(function(){
$('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602380-comparetype').attr('validationtype', 'text');
if (dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']").length > 0) {
var FilterFields = "";
[ ] indicates that the data are not applicable.
Welcome to the Parent/Student Portal.
C 9.1 ppg 9.0 rpg, Hannah Webster, . The District is not responsible for content of third-party sites including vendors. 15100, 314.918.4661
Search . View 's full profile. He was principal for four years. Staff Directory Staff Directory All Locations Search JA Jasmyne Adams Fourth Grade Teacher adams.jasmyne@wgmail.org View Website JA Jason Adams Asst. First Name
. Email the Helpdesk. Email Leah Murillo. School 39
filterquery += "";
area in order to view this page. 400 E. Lockwood Avenue, Webster Groves, MO 63119. School 07
Make sure the box for "Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls" is, Select the Advanced tab. School 54
elemType : 'div'
isRequired : false,
All times are p.m. and local to site regarding time zone. We are dedicated to recruiting and supporting a culturally diverse and inclusive One Webster staff. Here are the pairings for the Louisville-area boys basketball district tournaments, scheduled for Feb. 19-24. District Directory; District Directory. .minibase-dropdown-label,.ui-lbl-inline-dropdown
16100, 314-963-6472
$('#sel-sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602380-comparetype').attr('hidfield', 'sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602380-comparetype');
It is the policy of Manson Northwest Webster Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin . if ($(this).attr('id') == 'sel-sw-minibasefilter638135726491360238-field-3') {
Link to Infinite Campus. 15008. Located in Rochester, New York, the Brighton Central School District website is a primary source of school information for parents, students, teachers and members of the Brighton community. $(this).remove();
Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']:first").addClass('selected');
0:36. View Original; Spanish; Cantonese; . filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";";
The Webster Groves School District is committed to maintaining an educational and workplace environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, activities and facilities. // get rid of any old dropdowns with the same id
123, Our mission: "Each student will have the educational opportunity to reach his or her maximum potential by challenging all students to higher levels of achievement. ext.
WGSD Staff Directory Webster Groves SD About Us Staff Directory WGSD Staff Directory All Locations Search JA Jasmyne Adams Fourth Grade Teacher adams.jasmyne@wgmail.org View Website JA Jason Adams Asst. We weren't able to find anything that matched your search criteria. } else {
Webster Area School District Staff Search. Search for Public School Districts - District Detail for WEBSTER CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Annual Reports National Assessments International Assessments Early Childhood Elementary/ Secondary PageIndex = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238-pageindex").val();
West Irondequoit Central School District / Directory / Staff Directory To enhance cyber security, we no longer list email addresses in our staff directory. $('#sel-sw-minibasefilter638135726491360238-field-3').dropdown({isTreeView : false,
Public Information/Community Education Director (Part-time) Please try a new search.
ext. filterquery += fieldindex + ":" + comparetype + ":";
{ GetContent("https://www.rcsdk12.org//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseListWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=179&PageModuleInstanceID=638135726491360238&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex, "sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238", 2, success);
Home. CheckScript('Dropdown', staticURL + '/GlobalAssets/Scripts/ThirdParty/jquery.dropdown.js');
Pleasure Ridge Park, 6. Clear All Filters. Learn more. function LoadMinibaseList638135726491360238(PageIndex){
Please try a new search. First look: Sweet 16 tournament pairings for boys, girls are set.
Faculty Type Choose a Faculty Type. Safe Healthy Lifestyles & Positive School Climate, 314-963-6466
169, (716) 751-3200 Superintendent for Learning adams.jason@wgmail.org View Website TA Teresa Adams Support Staff adams.teresa@wgmail.org JA Jaime Adamski Aaron Harrell.
ext. return filterquery;
See our Snow Removal Plan, Safety Plans, asbestos information . School 15
$('#sel-sw-minibasefilter638135726491360238-field-3').attr('hidfield', 'sw-minibasefilter638135726491360238-field-3');
$(document).ready(function() {
selected.children('span').html( dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']:first").html() );
isInline : false,
School district financial transparency reports, which display per pupil expenditures for individual schools, as well as district averages, inform conversations within districts about whether equitable resources are being provided at the school level. ext. }
Choose a Department. 257, (716) 751-3200 Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Building. });
transform: translate(-0.75rem, -4.8rem);
School 44
Chief Human Resources Officer - Scott Persampieri. School 09
229, (716) 751-3200 }
The WICSD Technology Department has provided Web links to district information you may be seeking.
2023 Urbandale Community School District . School 20
Email Danielle Kelly.
ext. Ontario Center, NY 14520 (315) 524-1000 . 14926, 314-963-6466
selected.children('span').html( dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']:first").html() );
Dr. Alice Holloway Young School of Excellence, OACES Office of Adult & Career Education Services, Anna Murray-Douglass Academy School No. We will provide the environment, encouragement and instruction to meet this goal while developing the whole child physically, socially, emotionally and culturally. [ ] indicates that the data are missing. });
var success = '$("#sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238-pageindex").val(' + PageIndex + ');';
Three Board of Education Seats . label.ui-calendar-label {
Roch Early Childhood Ed Cntr
Webster Central School District 119 South Avenue, Webster, NY 14580 (585) 216-0001 11 Schools 8,426 Students Grades PK-12 & Ungraded 3 Preschools 7 Elementary Schools 2 Middle Schools 2 High Schools 11 Total Schools RATINGS District Summary Ratings Many of the schools in this district are rated average in school quality. Cathedral Sch at Holy Rosary
Email Human Resources. position:absolute;
If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the Districts Equity Coordinator, Dr. Mandy Ross, Webster City Community School District, 820 Des Moines Street, Webster City, IA 50595, Phone: 515-832-9200, email address: mandy_ross@webster-city.k12.ia.us.
Link to Atlas. It is the policy of the Webster City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602381-comparetype').attr('validationtype', 'text');
Legal Statements ext. comparetype = $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field638135726491360238' + fieldindex + '-comparetype').val();
Eagle Hill Middle School-Enders Road Elementary School: TEACHER: WEBSTER: DAVID: dwebster@fmschools.org: 315-692-1900: Fayetteville . Ashley Myers. [ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. var DisplayType = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638135726491360238-displaytype").val();
$('#sel-sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381357264913602381-comparetype').addClass('ui-dropdown ');
[ ] indicates that the data are missing.
ext. ext. School 34
if (0 == 1)
Professional Development, Employee Self-Service, and Timesheets. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the District's Equity Coordinator, Dr. Mandy Ross, Webster City Community School District, 820 Des Moines Street, Webster City, IA 50595, Phone: 515-832-9200, email address: mandy_ross@webster-city.k12.ia.us.