Please help. My husband and myself were pressured into purchasing a Wyndham timeshare in 2005since then have surrendered it? your claim status, claim form or questions about when payments are My fianc and myself were intentionally misled by this company also! I thought the Reed Hein Timeshare Exit Team was credible especially since Dave Ramsey endorsed the company. I personally went to the timeshare school to be a salesman. They explain that they were told the meeting would last only 90 minutes, but instead, the meeting lasted almost all day. We have three deeds and owe them nothing but a high maintenance every month, which increases every year. My cousin recently used them to get out of her Hilton timeshare and she had a great experience. When I called in they said you can only use it for purchases through them. Twice I have not been with her and twice they have pressured and basically lied to her into purchasing more points. At such auctions, there is often a line up of sellers and buyers at the same time, and often times bidders are permitted to enter the auction block with the hope of securing a timeshare within a few seconds, if not seconds. In fact, the timeshare presentation lasted eight hours and the Overtons were promised a fixed week in December, in a fixed unit of their preference. They need to be stopped! Club Wyndham is a complete scam. It is close to impossible to utilize the points because the places we want to travel to we do not have the clout or number of points to qualify and so we are always left with unspent points and being told we needed to purchase additional points. So I now owe more than the purchase price due to a 13.5% interest rate despite I paid $6000 dollars that day and $1005/mo since then. Of all the lies, the part about deeds being real Estate is the one that just made me stop cold. After 3 complaints and no response, i called HQ in Las Vegas ! Florida When we asked the representative this questions we were told there was nothing we could do and the salesperson was told that he was done with us and to go get the people for his next appointment. At the time we thought it was a good idea. I need to be included in a class action lawsuit for dealing with Wyndham! Owner services gave my two, 1 bedrooms at another location. Then they had more managers come in to try to close the sale. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Defendant(s) Diamond Resorts International Diamond Resorts Management, Inc. ILX Acquisition, Inc. I started out on the weeks system. I have experienced everything described by other owners and this year have been the worst. So you put your extra points in RCI/Wyndham but then you pay a fee to use them. The day my husband signed the contract just to get out of there it was more than 4 hours he was not well and just kept asking for something to drink. I purchased 8,000 points back in the 1990s. Pls assist me in getting out and get our money back please. I get it! They filed paperwork without my knowledge and opened a credit card under my name when I never authorized opening a credit card. I pay so much monthly that I cant even afford to go on vacation! Then theyll insult you with statements like you could have saved me a lot of time Really, how many times do w3 have to say no, thank you . The hotel we were staying at had taken our belongings out of our room because it was check out day. Since we didnt know the contract was in Guadalupes email we didnt see it in time. The answer is Yes. I have had a similar experience and would like to join. Wyndham is a scam, owned for 22 years and theyve increased the amount of points needed to stay at their resorts. When we realized it he was only trying to sell us another timeshare. They never tell that the fees will go up either. With the world basically in lock down there is no where to go but Wyndham keeps sending monthly invoices. I asked for the Visa application and it was correct ! Virtually every argument and allegation they make is accurate in my experience, My wife did one of these , never been able to stay at one as of yet , shes to stubborn to just drop it , and about 40000 later . Every tactic mentioned was used on my husband and I as well in November 2018. Then in November I went to Vegas and called to get a room for a night I ask the lady if she would email me the info because I didnt hav a pen or paper at the time to write the info down she said she would which she never did so I am in Vegas and I went to where I thought we agreeed on and they had no reservation for me I called the number again to find out where she booked me but their wasnt anyone to answer the call only a machine when I finally reached someone they said I had no reservation so I had them book me in a room for the night it was in a Howard Johnson that was run down and cost me more then If I would have went through LONG STORY BUT I NEED HELP THANKS. . HE STATED THAT I HAD MY MONEY THAT I PAID PREMIER TIMESHARE EXCH, IN 2012 ($4,153) WAS TO BE PAID TO ME FROM THE SETTLEMENT WHICH WAS NOW $11K TO INCLUDE PAIN AND SUFFERING AND OTHER STUFF. Save the sales pitch for the guy who is coming down for a free vacation. Yes we are also struggling; retired and no longer able to travel or afford but stuck. After well over 4 hrs of high pressure talking from the sales reps, I was ready to sign anything just to get out of there!! Just want out & to stop paying them money for nothing every month. The sales person did not read the items to us, either. Everyones story sounds like ours. Please add me to stop them from ripping people off, They will not let you out the contract. At this time we had just purchased our first home. Has anyone else been scammed by silver lake resort? Any class action Id love to get on. That is what we were sold on and now were stuck with a timeshare we dont even use. Now I attend for the freebies despite my children telling me not to go . I would like to join this class action law suit. Agree with everything the complainant wrote. This is so sad. This time, when I attended and kept refusing their sales tactics, a manager came over and completely ignored me and spoke ONLY to my husband. I cringe when I pay the fees every month for vacations I can get cheaper and dont get me started on the availability issue. I filed a complaint with Wyndham and they did an imvestigation that took a couple of months. I was paying $60 a month in fees and they raised once. My mother-in-law called in September to see how to get out and was convinced instead to purchase another account. Same lies, but they also asked that we wait 10 days for our info to get updated into the system. Price of maintenance slowly went up to where it is cheaper to go online and pay cash for a week. Already a year into the global pandemic, tourism has suffered enormously. This year even with Covit 19 we feel uncomfortable to travel so you would like to think they would give you an extension but we had to pay an extra fee to extend the points till next year. Until then, all we can do is warn others not to fall into the trap. The next step is they come to your room but we dont answer so they slip a notice under your door. The gentleman who helped me with the signing of the paper work apologized to me repeatedly and said to use him as a resource if I needed anything and that he would be reaching out. On December 30, 2021, in Wyndham Nashville, I went to a meeting to discuss how to improve and better utilize my points. This class action was dismissed. We purchased in 2018 and have not been able to use. I said no to them three times and they kept bringing over other people to me, until finally I relented when a middle aged woman, who seemed so sincere, told me how many times she took her family to Hawaii, where Ive always wanted to travel to and told me that I would be eligible for Comenity Capitol Bank, to loan me the $ which Ive since learned works hand-in-hand with Wyndham. And the increase in the cleaning fees maintenance fees are more and more each year. My wife and I went to Myrtle Beach to a Wyndham resort. Most of the presenters are not paid unless they close the sale and receive a commission, in which case the profession can be lucrative. They were never able to vacation during their desired time frame and were not given the unit they thought they agreed to. Very high pressure sales. You then have to pay other fees that will always increase! I often wandered if there was a class action law suit against them. Hope my info helps. Finally said I was gonna call law. The law suit was filed by 11 California timeshare residents who had a timeshare with RAINTREE CLUB (Hawaii) and were obligated to pay for the special assessment immediately between October and November of 2009. As the number of individuals filing a collective case against the large companies is high usually the final payment to the plaintiffs is high as well, provided they win the case. Well open a Wyndham Rewards card and put the down payment on it. Always get the run around, and deal with maintenance fees rising!!!! Of course, we fell for it! Not wanting to draw public attention to the matter, Wyndham settled outside of court ensuring that the matter was dealt with privately. Everytime I said no and told them I needed to leave because I had tickets to a show they just continued to push and push. Got mine in Florida also 2014 or 2015 .Same thing here. Lawsuit Background I too am aWyndham owner for two years. I hated the time share we got we had our special needs daughter with us and her service guide with us as well she actually had two they were so overly attentive to them during this whole frigin day episode, giving them water, treats etc. They claim the company touts that the timeshares are offered at attractively low prices and destinations around the world will be available to timeshare owners. They gave me 10,000 points. they agreed to settle with me 60/40. All of the above happened to us and still continues. We paid our fees/dues regularly on time and tried multiple times to book vacations for the family. This was the worst experience we have had. I just returned from Panama City Beach, Florida and the rooms were terrible. It is 26April2021 and I do not want the timeshare anymore I purchased it for over $8,000 in 2001 and at my age can no longer afford the almost $800 yearly maintenance fees. Westgate is a 1.4 billion dollar company and were sued, not by class action but by a couple who experienced the manipulative sales tactics of timeshare presenters that so many timeshare owners have experienced. When we wanted to buy it it seems good not knowing its all lies. I have literally paid 10k in interest and only 3k has gone to the principle and I still owe about 15k. And Legal Aid has no one who has experience in timeshare high pressure tactics. If theres a class action group in California please include me. Add me! Please add us as well. Places we were interested in at a particular time were not available, a year later the monthly maintenance fees were going up, etc. Although many class action lawsuitsform when victims experience similar outcomes in close proximity, timeshare legal battlesoften involve people from across the country. So we upgraded our timeshare. Tried calling many places to figure this out got no where. So glad to see this we had horrible experience I want my money back and I said that to them and basically they laughed and went to sell to the next sucker. I went into that owners update with a 740 credit rating and now cant get a refinance on my home mortgage because of my terrible credit rating. They are truly crooks, they lied to me when they sold me my timeshare. I told him I wasnt conformable with that because I never charge more than I can pay off in one month and I couldnt pay off the $2600+ amount in one month. That is a rather mute point, but confusing. I cant get rid of it if I tried. For instance, when someone files a lawsuit under a class action lawsuit clause, the plaintiff is essentially given a legal directive that all of the class members must bring their lawsuit against the Timeshare Company together. David and Thea DuBose are represented by Herbert Mondros of Margoolis Edelstein; Howard B. Brossnitz of the Law Offices of Howard B. Prossnitz; and Adam Szulczewski. Many timeshare companies are sued, but the case never makes it to court and is kept under quiet wraps so as not to alter public opinion. I cannot even begin to describe the misrepresentation and fraud perpetrated by these companies in a comment. Such abandoned contracts could easily be used by unscrupulous developers to simply hike up the timeshare contracts payment amount and extract further monies from timeshare owners through such methods as locking owners out of their timeshare units at the end of the contract term. Atlantic City and Myrtle Beach twice. I have been sold nothing but lies from Wyndham. Its like fighting for scraps from the dinner table. expected to be mailed out. We were extremely confused because like I said we had been paying for it for years and finally paid it off. Toilets were backed up and smelled like raw sewage. Wyndham claims there was no despute,but the financial provided me with the despute papers. And it was free if I attended a presentation. Pissed to say the least. I was finally able to get rid of my timeshare last year after owning it for 15 years! Wish we could all get some answers. There are currently 1,657 ongoing complaints against them by timeshare owners, 1,117 of the complaints are focused on misleading and deceptive sales tactics. When I didnt buy more points at a lower interst rate after my initial buy in the man came straight out and told me that i was just not getting it and had wasted his time He wanted me to refinance my lown at a lower rate but in the process up my monthly payment by $130.00. They need to know that people wont put up with this. I have not be en able to get a hold of my conman I mean salesman since I signed the dotted line. Thus, buyers of timeshares may seek monetary damages for injuries and other losses, but sellers cannot be held personally liable for deceptive or improper sales practices. I owned Worldmark for over 20 plus years and paid it off Wyndham bought them out and then they made us go to an owner update at the PRESENTATION they lied to us and had us sign up for the program travel share and a credit card stating we would NEVER pay maintenance fees. Credit is ruined and we cannot afford this debt. Please contact us at the email address to confirm our joining this law suit. Is it to late to join the suit? False, in fact we now have a more complex system, and have never been able to use Wyndham points, only the same RCI system we have used for years In short I finally had to show my a and we both got up and left. COVID hit. I bought in Orlando in October 2019 with multiple multiple lies. I dont want to mess up my credit. By submitting your comment and contact information, you agree to receive marketing emails from Top Class Actions regarding this and/or similar lawsuits or settlements, and/or to be contacted by an attorney or law firm to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you if you qualify. Have we been lied to? This is challenging because most lawyers will charge legal fees up front asking for a retainer, of a fairly large sum. I was so uncomfortable and felt cornered that I got up and ran out of the session. Everything mentioned is true, the tactics are ridiculous. I tried to look for information as to what I could do about this very expensive scam and found little to no information about who or how I could handle this. On April 15, 2009, this class action lawsuit was launched on behalf of the proposed representative plaintiff Jeffrey Lipson, against Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP ("Cassels Brock") in respect of allegations relating to legal opinions ("Legal Opinions") prepared in support of a timeshare . Since then we have been pressured ( multi hour owner meeting updates to buy more. I also had no written proof and the contract was legal. I have a 19+ year story.who wants to hear it? How can I get in on this class action law suits? Now they sent us the resale agreement because we have not paid last two payments and I do not trust that agreement. I dont want the wyndham but now I dont know what else to do? Only when I made serveral compliant n phone calls did we receive what I had booked n paid extra for which was a 2bd rm and that was at the end of our Las Vegas stay They never once said that we had to take it through RCI and pay for RCI membership and then pay 350 $ for the trip to RCI. Allegedly, after being made these offers, they were informed that the offers were being made for one day only. The very nature of a timeshare contract is that it is a promissory note that contains several binding conditions regarding the purchase, maintenance, sale and exchange of timeshares. Please add me too. I am completely disenchanted. A concerned scammed indidual. I went to a Wyndham Presentation for their Club Wyndham Vacation Clubworse decision ever. I didnt realize they change their options all the time. Every single tactic that the duboses experienced was used on myself. They came to our room when we were having breakfast. The most challenging obstacle with class action lawsuits against timeshare companies is that experience varies from one consumer to another, meaning what you were promised during a closing presentation may be quite different from your neighbor depending on what the presenter perceived to be important to you. Wyndham timeshare owners have filed a class action lawsuit against the company, accusing it of lying to customers about benefits and subjecting them to aggressive marketing tactics to get them to purchase useless points. Guess what, never been able to book where we wanted to go. We have called them and they said they would buy it back for $1700 dollars but it might take a year or so to sell it and we would have to continue to pay until it is sold. Please add us. I have wasted money on scam companies that you have to pay up front to try to sell. If, however, your timeshare is in a country without laws that protect the consumer the odds of finding success in any kind of lawsuit are negligible. I have done at least 5 times the meeting at this offer and they always go over the 90 min plus they push so hard to buy the time share that I felt almost obligated to purchase. Also, this morning their telephone and website system was down . What Are the California Sexual Assault Laws? Total sham. With out ruining my credit. Our experience exactly, can we join class action lawsuit? please advise me of what is taking place at present. Same happen to us, they said our credit was not going to be affected and they went ahead and open a credit card without our approval and now we cannot buy our home. We told them we had a funeral to attend the next morning and that we didnt want to attend the presentation. I feel pressured. ($46,000.00) as they swore it was a great investment. When we told the closer we need to have the contract reviewed by our family attorney( which any one should insist on it ) as there are so many false claims and lies in the proposed contract. Very pushy.Our sale man was a actor so he showed us all his pictures from being in Hawaii 5 O. It is going to cost us thousands to transfer deeds to our children, which should not happen according to their old rules and regulations. The salesmans name was Brandon. Did anything else happen after you refused to write another check? Top Class He was no longer assertive rather aggressive and asked me to explain to him my financial situation and justify why I would not purchase more credits. Every time I use my timeshare, they always have some meeting the force on us to try to up sell us. How do you get added to this class action suit? A class action lawsuit involves one single case filed by a group of individuals who have all experienced harm by the same defendant: It is the consolidation of their collective experience with the defendant, often a corporation or company. We were sold with very hard and misleading tactics. If you own a timeshare in the United States, Canada, Europe, or New Zealand there are many attorneys such as Michael A. Flynn with years of experience helping individuals and groups of individuals get the restitution they deserve from deceptive companies. A fourth offer was presented by a person pretending to be a supervisor who really wanted to help us get the vacation package/timeshare so that we would live healthier, happier lives. But they just kept pushing and pushing for hours and hours. The head sales rep kept pushing papers for us to sign for the lower rate and some where in those papers must have been the credit card apps. After saying no MANY times we got talked into purchasing points and I want out! I made complaints about sexist, racist, and bullying tactics. Im a Gold member and my wife and I dont go to the booth to collect their Welcome Package when we arrive at destinations because this is how they try to get you to sign up for their presentations. After all is considered you may prefer to hold on to your timeshare, transfer your timeshare to a family member, or donate the timeshare to a charity. And then they charge you for parking fees that are outrageous. She then spoke to me in a derogatory tone, claiming we was make a huge mistake by not upgrading. same story over and over Instead, they are charging me a very high interest on the money that was not paid., Heres a short message from a contributor to our website, which was sent to us via the Submit Your Timeshare Experience form. I questioned this several times as to whether I really would receive a check. Its a pitiful situation really bad and Ive sent written complaints but to no avail. Anytime we try to use it its one story or the order. There are lawyers around the country who proudly specialize in getting owners out of their contracts by threatening to sue over disclosure problems. I am looking for a Class Action Lawsuit against Orange Lake Resort in Kissimmee, Florida. They love you until they think that you might not be interested and then they turn on you and treat you terrible!! Wyndham is a master at manipulation and lies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please note: Top Class Actions is not a settlement . They will say anything to get you to do what they want and its so rampant wherever you go i.e. They also say that you dont have enough points to even go on the Quetion they always want you to buy more and more and always having Robo calls to bother you. Upon reading your story, I wanted to suggest using the exit company, Timeshare Compliance. They are all about making money and giving their employees incentives at the expense of members and customers. I had the same issues with them telling me I could sell my timeshare whenever I wanted and that it would only gain value in the future because its just like owning a piece of real estate, Please, I would like to be added as well. We are going through the same thing.over $175,000 in debt plus another $25,000 in credit cards and credit companies they opened on our behalf. They told us 90 minutes, it ended up being all day. In terms of timeshare related lawsuits, you will need to organize a group of individuals who have purchased with the same company and who also can relate a very similar testimony as to how they were deceived into purchasing their timeshare.