This re-raised Regiment was finally disbanded in May 1763, just before the outbreak of Pontiac's War, as the province could not maintain it without a supply of paper money, which the Board of Trade had disallowed. Grady, Edward B - State: Virginia - Regiment: 56 (Taylor's) Virginia A copy of Francis Taylor's will is on file at the Filston Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky, Taylor-Cannon Collection, Box 6, #51-58. Recorded in Circuit Court Order Bok 18, page 550-569 requested recorded by W. T. Akers, William Ayres and William B. He was taken prisoner at the Battle of Germantown, on October 4, 1777. Virginia Continental Line Reorganization of 1778 and 1779 K. Harrell CorporalR. Virginia Regiment - Wikipedia IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. The Grayson County Virginia Heritage Foundation is established to promote, preserve, and educate the members and public about the cultural and family heritages of Grayson County, Virginia. Virginia's Soldiers in the Revolution. Elected 7th Jan. 1814, served 20 days as private, and 51 days as corporal, in place of Bland, discharged. 0
Login to find your connection. Company C, Montgomery Guard. Elected 7th Jan. 1814, served 25 days as private, and 46 days as sergeant, in place of Pippin, broke. Small detachments of the regiment were involved in numerous minor actions along Virginia's extensive wilderness frontier. wikipedia.en/ at main chinapedia Died in serviceVia, James R.Via, J. E.Washburn, John T. Promoted to CorporalWhaling, JamesWood, GermanWood, JohnWashington, DavidWood, Richard J.Wright, C. J.Wood, LeviWillard, JamesWashburn, J. P.Young, Pleasant Killed in battleZentmeyer, David F. We certify that the foregoing roll is as near correct as we can make it. Mailing Address
T. Lawson First SergeantI. Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel Christian Febiger, [1] Lt. Died in prison, Elmyra, New YorkHatcher, William. Sary -- owned by Francis's half-brother George Conway, presumably willed to George by his father, had three children. Thomas Taylor was the eldest son of John Taylor, who came from Amelia County, Virginia, about 1750 and located on Back Swamp below Columbia. William Cunningham and Capt. Wounded at Cold HarborWiggington, C. M. Wounded at GettysburgWaller, James Wounded, died at WilliamsburgWaller, PeterWaller, John C.Waller, John Died in hospitalWilliams, John D. Scout and missingWilliams, FrankWimbish, Peter Lost in MarylandWimbish, John Third Sergeant, killed at Drurys BluffWolf, HarryWillard, Isaac Died in hospitalYoung, A. J. Four companies of the 4th Regiment Virginia Volunteers, a militia unit, were united with other volunteer companies to make up the regiment. U.S., Colored Troops Military Service Records, 1863-1865 - Ancestry Howey: Losing the republic my ancestors fought to preserve W. Cruise Fourth LieutenantS. White males between 16 and 50 were permitted to serve, although the regiment's size rolls report men as young as 15 and as old as 60 in the ranks, along with references to a small number of drafts with partial African and Native American ancestry. In 1769 he explored the Ohio River and Mississippi River with his older brother, Hancock Taylor, travelling from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. Stuart Butler's Guide to Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812, pages 159-160 indicates The "Petersburg Republican Light Infantry" company, one of several company size units of the 39th Militia Regiment, was commanded by Captain Alexander Taylor from February 13th to March 3rd, 1814 and it was sent to Norfolk and upon arrival was attached to the 2nd Virginia Militia Regiment . It is said of them that "the most inexpert hands reckon it an indifferent shot to miss the bigness of a man's face at 100 yards." State Library, Richmond. vZ/C\$R;#M'w^xL8, `I(fI1(`cLgLLkLYa!s{gYv7)}sZ;&ta]_8Te 8z),ap
>a[LqG-5.TVf`6U[;|@nR`W[1hM-;iyk] King's Mountain, men from Southwest Virginia contributing to this fortunate result. Colonel Richard Parker, and Major Ralph Falkner. The enemy then fell back on Gauley River and the roads were in such bad condition that our Army could not pursue them. 1656, to nephew Richard Taylor, son of Richard Taylor, 1,000 acres of my Military land, No. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Williams, P. S. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Wood, J. W. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Taylor, D. R. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Adams, Thomas Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Purdy, John Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment IntMartin, J. W.Hollingsworth, JacksonDeHart, Jesse H. Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryDeHart, Henry Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryDillon, Marion Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryDillon, Purris Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryRoss, D. J. PDF VIRGINIA MILITIA IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR - RootsWeb v:Ma4oSR?w|7V7lsV7?m^^[Yz/?l})X7,15N&(I(9,|I>d>3)VJ]/qC[=An ^*kj|&|4r_Ek5lAG'z}80t=kf'z=%q;>tqy|1x|Bw:L^9n\t$CWBJ)qFq? AR
5bt;I.-%zNo!}vOJ4/zm*]k7'tM_v7OY[sC3JuT%s&M4~f~Mp( They had the prime offender arrested on 24 October 1777, and made him run the gauntlet after which the families in the neighborhood were no longer bothered. Archives Reference Services Library of Virginia 800 E. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23219 804-692-3888 List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Special report of the EARLY COLONIAL FORCES, 1600-1749. He was discharged as a lieutenant colonel on September 12, 1781. Early letters describe life at the Virginia Military Institute (hazing, daily routine, excitement about secession, cadets as drillmasters) and in Lexington, Virginia, just prior to and during early months of the Civil War. "Letter to Robert Dinwiddie 9 March 1754." War of 1812 Discharge Certificates | National Archives Virginia Soldiers Receiving Land Bounty Certificates for Service in The Revolutionary War records that document his service in the 2nd and 15th Virginia Regiment and the Virginia Convention Guards; . J. T. Lawson Captain, first organizedMartin Staples First LieutenantW. Moore Fauntleroy. In addition to their names, information that may be listed for each soldier includes regiment, company, and rank. The roster includes all companies within the regiment. A. Tatum First LieutenantJoseph G. Penn Second LieutenantR. D. Via First Lieutenant, resignedN. Francis Taylor (1747-1799) was an officer in the American Revolution and later a planter in Orange County, Va. Taylor lived at Midland Plantation with his father, Colonel George Taylor (died 1794). It was the fifth statue toppled in Richmond during a series of civil rights protests.[10]. Broke Dec. 24, 1813, and Sturgis elected to fill vacancy. And they voted to secede only after Lincoln issued a call to arms to suppress the secessionist tendencies in the Southern states. This roll is as near complete as we can get and if there are any names left out please send them to William Ayers, Stuart, Virginia and they will be placed on the roll. 5 regiment virginia militia. Of The Virginia Militia 1812 - 1814. Virginia BattalionMartin, S. J. Richard Taylor (colonel) - Wikipedia hbbd``b`$@, H [5] The unit marched the prisoners under guard from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Charlottesville, Virginia arriving in long columns from New Year's Eve 1778 to mid-January 1779. Confederate Military Records, 1859-1996 - Library of Virginia The information in this listof Virginia Military Units comes from the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors website (CWSS). Powers Company - 68th Regiment. endstream
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He was commissioned lieutenant colonel in the Convention Guards Regiment on 24 Dec 1778, and promoted to colonel and took command of the unit on 05 Mar 1779. Some of the Union units are identified as formed in 1864. Virginia kokoontui Lynchburgissa keskuussa 1861, ja yritykset rekrytoitiin Floydista, Franklinista, Carrollista, Gilesista, Patrickista, Pulaskista, Mercerist, Montgomeryn piirikunnasta ja Henry Countysta. We are a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Akers, John A. (Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, January, I9IO, V. i8, p. Promoted to LieutenantBryant, Alexander N.Bryant, A. J.Brammer, T. P. DesertedBradley, M. W.Bowers, JacobBryant, WilliamBowling, John W.Bowling, Henry T.Boyd, Samuel S. DesertedBoyd, William DesertedConner, Alexander Killed in actionCanady, RandolphCanady, Marshall P.Canady, PleasantCanady, ConstantClark, J. R.Clark, JacksonCheely, R. J.Cheely, Graves W. Promoted to LieutenantConner, George W.Cockram, CharlesCannaday, S. H. DesertedCarter, John P. Promoted to CorporalCockram, William HCorn, PeterCraddock, James DesertedCox, ElijahCockram, David DesertedDeHart, PleasantDeHart, John W. DesertedDeHart, Eli DesertedDeHart, Joseph C. DesertedDodson, F. W. DesertedDeHart, EleazerDeHart, Thomas T. DesertedDeHart, Aaron Died in serviceDeHart, RobertDuggins, Edward C. Died in serviceFrench, G. C. Killed in battleFoley, PeytonFoley, James W.Farley, C. P.Foster, Peyton M.Foley, ReedFoley, Fleming DesertedFoley, William S. DesertedGriffith, PerryGraham, JamesGriffith, M. H. Promoted to Corporal, desertedHodges, Robert Died in serviceHouchins, Michael W.Hubbard, S. W. Died in serviceHubbard, Jonathan W.Hopkins, H. D. DesertedHarriss, W. T.Harriss, George L.Holley, John R.Hall, David Killed at Fort DonelsonHall, James F.Hall, David T.Hylton, Ira A. He remained active for the remainder of his life in Kentucky politics. [4]. CONTINENTAL FORCES, 1775-1783. Early life [ edit] 1862. Troop A, commanded by Capt. Killed at Drurys BluffLawless, Thomas Left in PennsylvaniaLawless, Mc. All information was obtained from the books "A History of Madison County" by Claude Lindsay Yowell, "For Home and Honor" by Harold Woodward Jr, and the "7th Virginia Infantry" Regimental book by David F. Riggs. Dedicated on 1 May 1930, to commemorate the regiment for fighting in seven American Wars, including the Civil War when they served in the Confederate Army. Nelson's Regiment of Virginia State Cavalry led by Major John Nelson with 15 men, including Capt. Assigned to the Department of the Peninsula. The Roll of Captain D. Lee Ross's Company C, 51 st Virginia InfantryCaptain W. T. Akers, Company D, 51 st Regiment of Virginia Infantryand Captain R. J. Woolwine's Company D, 51 st Regiment of Virginia Infantry. Nichols, Franklin Thayer (1947). In The War Of 1812, Captain Charles H. Braxton's Company - 1st Regiment, Captain Clairborne Wigglesworth's Company - 16th Regiment, Captain David Dick's Company - 29th Regiment, Captain Henry Howard's Company - 115th Regiment, Captain John Blunt's Company - 29th Regiment, Captain John R. Cary's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain Levi Dix's Company - 99th Regiment, Captain Richard Jones's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain Robert Thruston's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain Thomas Hall's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain William P. Custis's Company - 2nd Regiment, Captain William H. Fitzhugh's Company - 45th Regiment, Lieutenant William B. Washington 1834, p. 2. The Taylor's Regiment of Militia (Albemarle County) (1779), a militia unit from Virginia, fought in support of the American cause.
Stirlings Division|Muhlenbergs Brigade| 1st Virginia Regiment. Previous engagements: Chesapeake Bay, Northern New Jersey, Trenton-Princeton, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. If that is true, then Fontaine's Regiment was the seventh regiment raised. The 2nd Virginia Regiment was formed in October 1775 at Williamsburg. P.O. DOC Roster of Patriot Soldiers at the Battles of Ninety Six (1775 & 1781) H. Rangeley Third LieutenantC. Francis Taylor (all from Virginia and part of Greene's Corp). A Proud Part of The who was ill, barley escaped capture. He married Ann Wyche of Virginia on January 2, 1767. Virginia Militia in the War of 1812 - 24e Infanterie Regiment van Virginia - 24th Virginia Infantry Regiment The Convention Guards unit was raised for guarding the British troops captured at Saratoga, New York during their detention in Virginia.
2nd Virginia Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch Historic Taylor Family Homes in Orange County, Virginia, 1722-Present. Session of Virginia Council of State, 23 December 1778 - Archives 55 0 obj
A. He was born in Virginia on September 10, 1743, and died in Columbia on November 16, 1833, where his body lies in the Taylor graveyard. However, this was stopped by Capt. Winchester, VA - Taylor's & Company, the world's leading marketers and importers of state-of-the-art historical firearms utilizing the latest innovative designs, is pleased to announce the launch of the Full Size (FS) Tactical 1911 10mm pistol to their extremely popular 1911 family. Ninth annual report . Francis, having been a colonel in the Culpeper unit, was appointed a captain by the Orange County Committee of Safety and became engaged in raising his company in the 2nd Virginia Regiment, Virginia Line. G. Pendleton First Corporal, wounded Lee Town, VirginiaJohn Moran Second CorporalGeorge T. Burroughes Third CorporalWilliam Conner Fourth Corporal, went to West Virginia, Ayres, William Wounded at Lee Town, VirginiaAdkins, O. C. M. DesertedAdkins, Booher DesertedBurroughs, George T. KilledBuroughs, Tom Went westBoyd, IsraelBoyd, CharlesBoyd, CalebBoyd, H. H. DesertedBowman, Charles H.Branch, John DesertedBlancet, SamuelBrammer, H. T.Cockram, Peter Deserted, went to OhioCockrun, German Deserted, went to OhioConner, William B. DesertedConner, John DesertedConner, James DesertedCollins, A. J.Coleman, SamuelDavis, WesleyDuncan, A. J.Dehart, W. Green Died Raleigh Courthouse, West VA 1861DeHart, W. T., Jr.DeHart, WilliamDeHart, Thomas J.DeHart, Thomas DesertedDonathan, GeorgeElgin, AbsolumFry, Louis A.Fry, John H.Fain, William Living in Floyd CountyGraham, Parris M. Floyd CountyGraham, Noah B. September 24th, 1832: Capt. U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865. Thomas Shoemaker's land was the southwest corner of the intersection of present-day North Wales Rd. When, later in 1762, the British government wished Virginia to raise a regiment which would be put on the regular British establishment, the General Assembly instead voted to re-raise the Virginia Regiment. Francis paid taxes on eight slaves on 23 Jun 1786. Company B, Richmond City Guard. He qualified as a captain of the 75th Regiment of the (Virginia?) 150. Indiana-Infanterie-Regiment - 150th Indiana Infantry Regiment Died at Point LookoutHarriss, GreenHylton, James A.Houchens, John Left in Tennessee, February, 1862Handy, W. R.Handy, IsaacHoland, Ballard Died at Point LookoutHatcher, JohnHatcher, JosephKing, Robert F.Kimbal, WilliamLawson, Silas Still living at West Emmis, MO 1914Lambert, C. C.Lawson, W. Z. T. Killed May, 1863Lawson, A. T. Died at Point LookoutLewis, A. J.Mankins, Joel Died Point LookoutMankins, CloudMankins, _____McAlexander, Joel Died Richmond, 1865McMillon, EdwardMabe, SamuelMonday, J. A.McPeak, Bluford WoundedMays, George Died at Elmira, New York 1865Moore, E. E. Left in Maryland, 1864Newman, Joseph Died Point LookoutNewman, JohnPerkins, C. T. Killed at Fort Donaldson 1864Perkins, William Killed at Fort Donaldson 1863Puckett, ReedPuckett, RobertPuckett, ElijahPuckett, DoctorPuckett, EphraimPuckett, JohnPagget, CampbellPickeral, RichardPalmer, Tiberious Left Maryland 1864Pendleton, A. C. Killed Winchester 1864Pack, James Killed ChancellorsvillePack, John Killed ChancellorsvilleRogers, SandersRichardson, H. D.Richardson, ElkanahRakes, C. B. List of Local Designations for CSA Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery Units from Virginia by Regiment and County : ca. An eleventh company was added to the command in April, 1862. Independence, VA 24348. B. Williams Fifth SergeantC. Beginning in June, 1792, following the constitutional convention that made Kentucky a state, Col. Taylor built his first brick home on acreage east of Louisville purchased from Isaac Shelby. Revolutionary War: Related Families 3 (Jul., 1912), pp. that agreement made by my Brother William Taylor with John Obannon for locating and securing my Military lands on the North West side of the Ohio shall be complied with. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Left Valley Forge with 261 assigned and 154 fit for duty. Civil War Manuscripts - VMI Archives - Virginia Military Institute Virginia War of 1812 Military Records | Access Genealogy They did so in 1785. F. Shelor, 2ndSergeant then promoted to 1stSergeant, Company D, then to Lieutenant, Company DIsaac A. Nolen, 3rdSergeant, first year of war, did not reenlistW. EN. [5][6], With the outbreak of the Cherokee War, the Assembly prolonged the Regiment's service, adding 300 men in three companies as frontier guards. Richard Taylor died in 1829 at the age of 84. Elected Lieutenant killed in battleAkers, Nathaniel C.Akers, William Tyler Died of woundsAdams, M. P. Killed in battleAkers, Isaac N. Promoted to SergeantAgee, G. M.Agee, John T. Died in serviceAkers, Samuel R. Promoted to SergeantAnthony, J. V.Adams, J. I.Allen, Creed G. DesertedAkers, E. A.Branch, Joshua DesertedBrammer, Jonathan S.Burnett, JeremiahBalisles, George W.Burnett, John Died May 27, 1927Boyd, IsaacBelcher, CostleyBrammer, M. S.Belcher, PeterBelcher, Daniel Died in serviceBurnett, J. B. Terry Second LieutenantN. Chesley Taylor 1785-1840 - Ancestry He was the father of Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the United States, and Joseph Pannell Taylor, who served as a general in the Union Army during the Civil War. Descendants of William Byrd, I - "[8] Hampered by frequent desertions because of poor supplies, extremely low pay and hazardous duty, Virginia Regiment recruiters went to Pennsylvania and Maryland for men. Virginia Regiments in the Continental Army - American Revolutionary War The Virginia State Line | American Civil War Forum Francis Taylor (1747-1799) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree %PDF-1.4
33rd Infantry Regiment :: New York State Military Museum and Veterans The Taylors Regiment of Militia (Albemarle County) (1779), a militia unit from Virginia, fought in support of the American cause. The regiment served in the French and Indian War, with members participating in actions at Jumonville Glen and Fort Necessity in 1754, the Braddock expedition in 1755, and the Forbes expedition in 1758. Availability as of September 12, 2010 PLATES LISTED BY SUBJECT. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. John E. Penn CaptainJ. Via members of the Stuart-Wharton Camp of Confederate Veterans. The troops did not even leave a milk cow for the family with small children and when they bought a new one it was taken too. Your IP: Assigned to August's Brigade, Department of the Peninsula. They lived first at his plantation, "Hare Forest". Het rapporteerde 189 slachtoffers bij robert beatty In 1758, Virginia raised two additional regiments of a thousand men each for the Forbes Expedition. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MUSTER AND PAY RoLLs, REGIMEN?AL HISTORIES, ETC M. Boyd Second Sergeant, killedS. Died in serviceHarbour, J. T. Killed in battleHarbour, C. J.Hatcher, ElkanahHatcher, Edin T.Hollensworth, T. L. Killed in battleHall, William C.Hall, John C.Hall, Jasper R.Horsley, Rubin C.Hungate, ThomasHubbard, Thomas M.Hancock, John T.Hylton, William B.Holley, DavidHarbour, A. J. He passed away on 1840 in Ashland City, Cheatham County, Tennessee, USA. T. Cobb First CorporalJohn S. Penn Second CorporalJ. Shop now. [2], Taylor married Sarah Dabney Strother in 1779. Clement Read. This recurring payment can be stopped at the end of any membership year. 2ND VIRGINIA REGIMENT - Valley Forge Muster Roll UNITED STATES, 1784-1815. The families with which Francis had business and social dealings included the names of Alcock, Barbour, Bell, Burnley, Catlett, Chew, Conway, Dade, Gaines, Gibson, Glassell, Howard, Lee, Madison, Moore, Pendleton, Taliaferro, and of course his Taylor kin. Mrz verlie es Indiana in Richtung Harper's Ferry, West Virginia.Das Regiment wurde in Charleston eingesetzt , West Virginia, Winchester und Stevenson's Depot, die dort bis zum 27. Died at Fort Donaldson 1862Sanders, Vinsen Died at Fort Donaldson 1862Smith, William Died at Blue Sulphur SpringsSmith, DanielSmith, Thomas WoundedSmith, AlbertSmith, IsaacSmith, ElisSpangler, F. M.Spangler, WashTerry, WilliamTerry, R. P.Terry, J. G.Underwood, W. R.Webb, HenryWood, John Killed at Gettysburg 1863Wood, S. H. Went to Ohio in time of warWest. Free family records for Researching Ancestry in Virginia Virginia Militia in the War of 1812 Virginia Genealogy Trails A Proud Part of The Genealogy Trails History Group Muster Rolls Of The Virginia Militia In The War Of 1812 Captain Charles H. Braxton's Company - 1st Regiment Captain Clairborne Wigglesworth's Company - 16th Regiment 3/4/1907-9/18/1947 Partner National Archives and Records Administration Contributing Institution Johnston, Gent., Lieut in the campaigns of 1758, also in the campaign of 1759 .