Begin your German tour in Michigan in the town of Frankenmuth, meaning "courage of the Franconians" from a kingdom of Bavaria. Perth is larger than Berlin, but has around half the population. Metropolitan Clevelands population actually declined by 8 percent, yet 33 percent more of the areas territory was developed. with Latin America? Like Boston, Philadelphia played an integral part in the founding of the United States. Despite the lack of glaciers and seas, Swedish settlers decided to make Lindsborg, Kansas, their home in 1869. The sales tax on a new, medium-sized car in the Netherlands is approximately nine times higher than in the United States; in Denmark, 37 times higher. The country's capital city, Stockholm, is actually spread across 14 different islands of the Baltic Sea and is connected by 57 bridges. When German immigrants settled in this small town in Missouri in 1837, they brought their culture that continues to live on today. In fact, these sorts of public biases have exacted an economic toll in various Western European countries, and certainly in Japan, while the United States has prospered in part because its economy is less regulated, and its metropolitan areas have been allowed to decompress. Overseas cities most similar to Australian cities: Homes - Traveller Giant steins and mugs are filled with the brew during the annual Oktoberfest celebration, which was created by a Bavarian prince (later king) in 1810. You'll find the story of independence by following the Freedom Trail where a literal red line has been painted along the streets to take you to places that impacted the nation, such as Paul Revere's home and the site of the Boston Tea Party. Different continents have cities with different characteristics. European And West African Americans Similarities. And on this vast expanse, decentralizing technologies took root and spread decades earlier than in other industrial countries. City Beautiful movement - Wikipedia New Yorks murder rate dropped by two-thirds between 1991 and 1997, yet there were still 767 homicides committed that year. The town is renowned for showcasing its Swiss heritage through its customs, architecture, cuisine and traditions that earn it the nickname "Americas Little Switzerland. Its tourism board even boasts that you may hear yodeling and alphorns at any given moment. Of the 12.8 million travelers to Portugal, a third visit Lisbon and enjoy its until-the-wee-hours nightlife. Milan is on a mission to become the most bike-friendly city in Europe, with plans to build 750 kilometers (466 miles) of protected cycling lanes by 2035. The country is filled with museums, castles and windmills, drawing more than 28 million people annually. Brooklyn and the Queens also have unique signatures reflecting the shape of the rectangles that make up their grid-like structure. Thats because blocks can have similar shapes but very different areas. To conclude that greater fiscal burden sharing and a wide range of other public policies help sustain Europes concentrated cities is not to say, of course, that all those policies have enhanced the welfare of Europeans-and hence, that the United States ought to emulate them. They also reject certain advances in technology and favor the old way of doing things. Dutch? The love of beer extends to the World Expo of Beer that the town hosts every year. A windfall that large could do more to reclaim the citys slums, and halt the hollowing out of core communities, than would all of the regions planned empowerment zones, smart growth initiatives, and livability bond issues. Zbynek Plinta via Shutterstock. The Blue Ridge Mountains of Shenandoah Valley are also filled with vines climbing up the hills. PDF To zone or not to zone? Comparing European and American Land-use Regulation To display this, Louf and Barthelemy arrange the blocks according to their area along the Y-axis and their shape ratio along the X-axis. But is this a telling distinction? While a visit to the Acropolis and Parthenon is a must, it's truly the 6,000 islands found in the aquamarine waters of the Aegean and Ionian seas that put Greece on the top of many travel bucket lists. Peder Engelstad Pioneer Village includes museums, Victorian houses, churches, log cabins, a schoolhouse and other buildings to show what life was like at the end of the 1800s when the city was founded. The difficulty is compounded by federal laws that, without adequate recompense, divert scarce educational resources from serving the overwhelming majority of students. PDF Similarities and diversity of European cities - Eionet Portal But in practice, these taxpayers are also being asked to finance plenty of other costly projects, many of which are mandated, but underfunded, by the federal government. There is one final group, represented by Mogadishu in Somalia, made up almost entirely of small square-shaped blocks with a sprinkling of small rectangles. More specifically, in the predominant value model ( Schwartz, 1992) 10 value types are distinguished: power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformity, and security. What Makes Europe Greener than the U.S.? - Yale E360 But the magnetic small-business presence reflects, at least in part, a heavily regulated labor market that stifles entrepreneurs who wish to expand and thus employ more workers. But while the differences are stark to any human observer, nobody has succeeded in finding an objective way to capture the difference. No city north of modern Mexico, in fact, would match Cahokia's peak population levels until after the American Revolution. Yet the metropolitan population density of the United States is still about one-fourth that of Germany. For example, lavish agricultural subsidies in Europe have kept more farmers in business and dissuaded them from selling their land to developers. Holland, Michigan, also is home to windmills and tulips, especially during Tulip Time. Asian cities are usually built on ports for trade. The map above does an excellent job of illustrating the relative latitudes of European and North American cities by transposing them on the opposite continent. At the Venetian, ride a gondola through the canals beneath a painted sky while gondoliers serenade you. Louf and Barthelemy point out that New York and Tokyo share similar shape distributions but the visual similarity between these cities layouts is far from obvious. In contrast, U.S. urban governments must largely support themselves: They collect two-thirds of their revenues from local sources. Founded in 1845 by Germans, the town features German restaurants that serve up traditional sauerbraten and spaetzle as well as German architecture and culture, and, of course, Oktoberfest. Louf and Barthelemy began by downloading the road layouts from OpenStreetMap for 131 cities from all continents other than Antarctica.One objective way to assess road layout is to think of it as a network in which the nodes are junctions and road segments are the links in between. Smart cities are . Local governments in Germany derive less than one-third of their income from local revenues; higher levels of government transfer the rest. Is it Florida or Barcelona? A close look can give a picture of the contrasting and the similar features of the two regions. The king for which New Orleans and its first catholic church are named, King Louis XIV was such an influence that he was nicknamed the Sun King. Most European countries have much more worker-friendly labor laws than . Louf and Barthelemy say an interesting avenue for future research would be to find a way of determining the boundaries of neighborhoods based on their layout classification. bogdanhoda/Shutterstock. Napa and neighboring Sonoma County offer a combined 800 different wineries too many to visit all on one trip. Of its fjords, Sognefjord is its longest, extending more than 127 miles from Jostedalsbreen glacier to Jotunheimen National Park. Visit Independence Hall and Old City to walk the cobbled streets our forefathers once did. For instance, Brazil. Nearly two dozen wineries can be visited along the Shenandoah Valley Wine Trail, which happens to run beside Shenandoah National Park and its vibrant mix of colors every fall. Overlooking Jackson Square is the towering Saint Louis Cathedral (shown), the oldest cathedral in the U.S. Opinion surveys regularly rank public safety as a leading consideration in the selection of residential locations. In sum, the diffuse pattern of urban growth in the United States is partly a consequence of particular geographic conditions, cultural characteristics, and raw market forces, but also an accidental outcome of certain government policies. The people here were leaving behind persecution for their beliefs and named the town Pella after the other "City of Refuge" in Jerusalem. The rolling lavender fields of Provence? However, Louf and Barthelemy do this using the ratio of a blocks area to the area of a circle that encloses it. Spain sent Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles back to colonize the land, becoming governor and founding St. Augustine in 1565 well before the English created its first towns in Virginia. Differences between living in Spain and the US | Maria Abroad Sometimes these similarities are imagined, the pure fantasy of the homesick and pining - but sometimes they're real. Europe, particularly northern Europe, is more environmentallyconscious than the United States, despite Americans' sincere and passionate resolution to be green. There is a good reason why New Orleans' French Quarter is named as such, and it's simply that the city was founded by the French. As the Economist noted in a review of the Italian economy, Italys plethora of small firms is as much an indictment of its economy as a triumph: many seem to lack either the will or the capital to keep growing. The lack of will is not surprising; moving from small to midsize or large means taking on employees who are nearly impossible to lay off when times turn bad, and it means saddling a company with costly mandated payroll benefits. The Portuguese and Spaniards led the colonization of the Americas but were soon followed by the French English and Dutch. Vast suburbs containing dozens of high-rise apartment buildings house these people who were displaced from the inner city. Answer (1 of 16): Similarities: * Citizens can live and work were they want within the Union * Citizens have to be treated the same by a state, regardless of their homestate * Free movement of goods and money * Open boarder without boarder control (in Shengen area) * Common currency (dolla. Around 26% of residents live in cities with populations between 1 million and 5 million, and around 14% of Europeans live in cities with populations of over 5 million. 2. Big, fast, and violent The more important contrasts in urban development between America and Europe lie elsewhere. The cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Greece receives 33 million visitors each year to discover where it all began. Even though America and Rome may be more than 5,300 miles apart, they both have similarities that they share amongst them. It has been ordered to tear up 45 stations and install bumpy tiles along platform edges to accommodate the sight impaired, a multi-million dollar effort. But this city is a page out of Greek history with one in 10 residents of Greek descent more than in any other American city. Along the way, they built 21 missions from San Diego to Sonoma each about a day's horseback ride apart to colonize the land and bring the Spanish culture and religion to the Golden State. Asian Civilizations: Comparison between China and European Students read a description of the model of a typical Latin American city and complete a table in which they list similarities and differences between the classic models of North American cities and that of a typical Latin American city (see Appendixes A to C). European & North American Cities Transposed Onto The Opposite If Detroit were in Europe, it would be in southern Bulgaria, while New York City and Washington D.C. in Turkey. Most don't trust politicians. As research by Helen Ladd of Duke University has shown, the costs of delivering services in high-density settlements frequently increase, not decrease. His design mimicked Europe's greatest cities, with much of the city being an homage to Paris' grand boulevards and open squares. So it makes them apples and oranges. The resulting plot is the unique fingerprint that characterizes each city. 2019 will mark 400 years since the beginning of "American" slavery, which began in 1619. Although for some this may raise questions about the value of "expertise," in my view it puts into question the importance. In the United States the industrial revolution came in two waves. America has its own palatial home and gardens in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. The UNESCO World Heritage Kinderdijk houses 19 and is a main tourist attraction. They visit Paris and Barcelona and Madrid and Berlin. Similarities And Differences Between Latin America And North | Cram Located outside Wichita, the small town features homes built in a similar style as those in Sweden, Swedish dala (horse) sculptures and Heritage Square, the living history museum that showcases Lindsborgs early days. The Giralda belfry was christened in 1967, the same year Kansas City and Seville became sister cities. On the other hand, European higher education policy aims to promote social, political, and economic issues. Nor would most consumers gain greater satisfaction from housing strategies that encourage renter occupancy but not homeownership, or from gas taxes and transportation policies that force people out of their cars and onto buses, trains, or bicycles. Although buying a round of drinks is an optional act of generosity in the US, it's standard practice in the UK. It's snow-capped throughout the year and filled with colorful wildflowers during the spring and summer, much like the Alps where you'll want to twirl and spin a la Maria von Trapp. Assimilation in the United States is ahead of all but one European country for immigrants from India and Eastern Europe. America IS Egypt! (LITERALLY!) Here's Actual PROOF!!! (European Commission 1999b, American Planning Association 1998; also Siy 2004). Surveys show that the typical American work day is 8.15 hours, compared to 7.42 for British . It is true that the contours of most major urban areas in the United States were formed to a great extent by economic and demographic expansion after the Second World War. Nearby beach towns along the Atlantic Ocean and wineries provide relaxing getaways. A similar pattern exists in European cities. Two years ago, when the American Assembly weighed the main obstacles to business investments in the inner cities, it learned that businessmen identified lack of security as the principal impediment. To be sure, European central governments presumably oversee these local decisions through nationwide land-use statutes. According to economists Julie Berry Cullen of the University of Michigan and Steven D. Levitt of the University of Chicago, between 1976. and 1993, a city typically lost one resident for every additional crime committed within it. The old-world charm remains complete in what is now Old Town Alexandria. The above photos come from "Zhen Vision". At issue here, as in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is not whether provisions for the handicapped are desirable and just. With incomes rising rapidly, and the costs of producing vehicles declining, 56 percent of American families owned an automobile by that time. The sprawling conurbations demand, for one thing, virtually complete reliance on automotive travel, thereby raising per capita consumption of motor fuel to four times the average of cities in Europe. It, too, has extensive gardens 8,000 acres that provide color and blooms at various seasons of the year. This means that there are approximately 48,773,000 Hispanics and 40,375,000 African-Americans in the . The effect of such provisions is to lead most American families into the suburbs, where spacious dwellings are available and absorb much of the nations personal savings pool. Why Public Transportation Works Better Outside the U.S. Its empty seats and colossal operating deficits are no secret. This crown jewel of Ohio is filled with caves, gorges, waterfalls and lush forested trails. Spaniards traveled the coastline of California in the late 1700s hoping to expand Spain's territory and convert the natives. The researchers then plot the distribution of block shapes for a given city. But on closer inspection, this conventional wisdom does not suffice. Ref: A Typology of Street Patterns. North America and Europe are very similar in many regards: both continents host some of the most advanced societies and economies in the world today. Country Comparisons - Examine Similarities and Differences between any This European subgroup also contains Boston, Washington, Portland, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Baltimore, which have a European flavor. You'll see other similarities between Lisbon and San Francisco, from the cable cars, hilly terrain and water views to the pastel-colored buildings and colorful museums. American VS European Architecture according to . These cities are composed mostly of small blocks with a broad distribution of shapes. Most older European cities have grown organically, usually before the advent of cars, with their road layout largely determined by factors such as local geography. Similarities. For example, approximately 15.1% of the total U.S. population is Hispanic and 12.5% African-American (American people, 2016). Between 1880 and 1900, cities in the United States grew at a dramatic rate. What was the European impact on the peoples and the environment of the Americas and Africa during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? The main course is called "the main course". Differences between the United States of America and the European Union?