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Through the use of expert witness testimony, Mr. da Costa was able to prove to the jury that by misplacing the pedicle screw during the surgery, and failing to timely diagnose and correct the malpositioned screw, Defendants deviated from accepted standards of care. 2018;43(14):984990. Medical malpractice in orthopedic surgery: a Westlaw-based demographic analysis. Luque ER: Segmental spinal instrumentation of lumbar spine. Furthermore, 25 patients (22.3%) reported persistent pain in the iliac crest (donor graft site) for several months, for which they were treated with repeated lidocaine injections and analgesics. Two patients had an acute infection develop for which they required operative intervention with irrigation and debridement. Despite commonly used, questions remain about their safety especially for the thoracic spine and in deformity where difficulty in positioning can lead to pedicle breach and adjacent structures injury. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Lumbosacral pedicle screw placement using a fluoroscopic pedicle axis Saillant G: Etude anatomique des pedicules vertebraux: Application chirurgicale. Edwards CC: Spinal screw fixation of the lumbar and sacral spine: Early results treating the first 50 cases. Importantly, these advanced technologies are not always readily available or the standard of care and cannot supplant a thorough understanding of operative anatomy, a high-quality surgical technique, and general complication-avoidance measures. Personal consequences of malpractice lawsuits on American surgeons. 5. The accuracy rate of pedicle screw (PS) placement varies from 85% to 95% in the literature. (PDF) Lumbosacral pedicle screw placement using a fluoroscopic pedicle Partner, Paul M. da Costa, Obtains $4.5 Million Verdict - Snyder Sarno Pedicle Screw Malposition Expert Witness: Malposition Can Lead to and 17.1% of the patients included had at least one screw misplaced. Defensive medicine: a culprit in spiking healthcare costs. The physician ordered an MRI of the lumbar spine which showed that the screws had been misplaced and were puncturing the patient's lumbar nerves. Using Low-Dose, Biplanar Imaging to Reduce Screw Misplacement. Defensive medicine in neurosurgery: the Canadian experience. EOS System Courtesy of EOS imaging. 2006;65(4):416421. Segal J. When adjusted for inflation, these values increased to $1,330,201 $882,023 versus $970,832 $381,619, respectively (p = 0.32; Fig. Spine arthrodesis was evaluated with plain AP and lateral radiographs taken 1 year after surgery. The most frequent primary injury listed for a lawsuit was nerve root injury, present in 81.0% (n = 17) and 74.5% (n = 35) of plaintiff- and defendant-awarded cases, respectively (p = 0.7). Intraoperative and postoperative complications were recorded by the authors and the results were evaluated by an independent observer. In six patients (5.3%) with degenerative spine disease, the disc material had been removed. 28. leg pain. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001828. 7. PURPOSE This study aimed to compare rates of perioperative complications between robotic-assisted and conventional . Autor de la entrada Por ; Fecha de la entrada austin brown musician; matrix toners for bleached hair . 2018;28(2):186193. Examples of both laterally and medially misplaced lumbar pedicle screws are provided in Fig. However, published reports are increasingly demonstrative of the positive effect of pedicle fixation on arthrodesis and successful outcome in the treatment of patients with these disorders. A retrospective review of charts, XRs and low-dose CT scans of 127 patients who underwent spinal fusion with pedicle screws for spinal deformity was performed. The remaining eight patients, including two patients with spinal trauma, five patients with infection, and one patient with a tumor, had anterior and posterior procedures. Pedicle screw placement: Robotic assistance for greater precision Pedicle screws have been used to treat spinal disorders, including those caused by spinal cancer, congenital anomalies, trauma, and chronic pain syndromes. Elizabeth Hofheinz, M.P.H., M.Ed. Screw misplacement. 2018;83(5):9971006. 4). 2013;32(1):111119. One common area for the potential avoidance of malpractice claims and subsequent payouts involves misplaced pedicle and/or lateral mass instrumentation. Pedicle screw accuracy in thoracolumbar fractures- is routine Nayar G, Blizzard DJ, Wang TY, et al. Descriptive analysis of state and federal spine surgery malpractice litigation in the United States. Dr. K. D. Than is a consultant for Bioventus and receives honoraria from DJO and LifeNet Health. 1. Two patients had early postoperative postural headache that disappeared after removal of the misplaced screw. pedicle screws sagittal alignment spinal fusion surgical guides Spinal fusion is used to treat a range of conditions associated with spinal column such as intervertebral disc degeneration and scoliosis [ 1 ]. However, the defendant doctor maintained that Nyquists foot drop was not caused by the misplaced screw. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot 62:151160, 1976. J Neurosurg Spine. 2017;31(3):287288. Agarwal N, Gupta R, Agarwal P, et al. Reoperation for Misplaced Pedicle Screws: A Multicenter Retrospec Call Us Now For a Free Consultation | Toll Free: 800.583.8002 | Local: 312.346.0045, Cook County Surgeons Cut Common BIle Duct During Surgery, But Jury Finds for Defendants , Illinois Jury Finds in Favor of Doctor in Gallbladder Surgery that Led to Fatal Bowel Perforation , Debate Over Extent of Eye Damage Following Implant Lens Surgery Leads to $1 Million Verdict in, $75 Million Jury Verdict in Failure to Timely Diagnose Stroke, $18 Million Jury Verdict in Late Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, $300,000 Settlement for Excessive Use of Radiation, Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer Kreisman Law Offices Home, Contact Illinois Personal Injury Attorney Kreisman Law Offices. 32. Spine surgery has been disproportionately impacted by medical liability and malpractice litigation, with the majority of claims and payouts related to procedural error. All these problems were observed only just above the upper instrumentation level and all were observed in patients older than 55 years. Spine surgery has been disproportionately impacted by medical liability and malpractice litigation, with the majority of claims and payouts related to procedural error. A total of 2396 screws were placed accurately (87.96%). Spine 18:18621866, 1993. Lawsuit information regarding the plaintiffs age at the time of the malpractice claim, sex, postoperative complaint, indication for index surgery, defendant surgeon specialty (neurosurgery vs orthopedics), and delayed diagnosis or treatment, as well as case location by state and case year, was obtained. Spine J. In the other patient, L4L5 float arthrodesis was done. Misplacement rates have been reported to be from 5 to 41% in the lumbar spine and from 3 to 55% in the . In addition, seven (6.3%) dural tears occurred during the decompression and none occurred during instrumentation. However, the misplacement of pedicle screws can lead to disastrous complications. J Neurosurg. A TLIF is a surgical procedure that attempts to fuse vertebrae in order to stabilize the patient's spine. Dalenberg DD, Asher MA, Robinson RG, Jayaraman G: The effect of a stiff spinal implant and its loosening on bone mineral content in canines. Wiltse LL, Spencer CW: New uses and refinements of the paraspinal approach to the lumbar spine. The rate of misplaced pedicle screws ranges from 1.1% to 28.8%, 10 although neurologic injury from misdirected pedicle screws has been reported to occur in 0% to 12% of patients. The highly litigious environment within healthcare has resulted in a majority of physicians practicing defensive medicine,15 often leading to burnout6,7 and an exorbitant ethical and financial burden on medical and surgical care.7,8 In 2008, medical liability accounted for $55.6 billion, representing 2.4% of the United States (US) healthcare expenditures that year,5,7,9,10 and the pervasive practice of defensive medicine may cost up to $210 billion annually in the US.5 A similar trend has been observed in Europe.11, Neurosurgery is the specialty most frequently affected by lawsuits and the fear of litigation, both in the US and abroad,12 with spine surgery at the forefront.11,1317 As a result, spine surgeons are nearly three times more likely than nonspine surgeons to practice defensive medicine, defined as the avoidance of high-risk procedures and the provision of unnecessary services and assessments beyond what is clinically necessary in an effort to avoid litagation.5 The average time to judgment in a case is approximately 5.1, 5.0, and 3.4 years for defendant verdicts, plaintiff rulings, and settlements, respectively.7,15 As a result, physicians spend an average of 11% of their careers dealing with one or more open malpractice claims.18 Neurosurgeons are especially impacted, spending an average of 27.2% of their careers in an open lawsuit.10. The authors of the current study aimed to describe this impact in the United States, as well as to suggest a potential method for mitigating the problem. GraphPad Prism version 6.01 for Windows was used for all descriptive analyses (GraphPad Software). Drs. The incidence of screw failure, which can occur despite solid arthrodesis, 7 in the current series was 8% and mainly involved patients with thoracolumbar injury. Similar to our findings, prior studies have shown that settlements result in lower payouts than cases that are ultimately taken to trial,7,14,15,30 with awards ranging from $125,000 to $9,000,000 compared to $134,000 to more than $38,000,000.7,15 Nevertheless, the true financial toll on spine surgery is largely unknown given that 85% of cases are dismissed or settled out of court, with undisclosed amounts.14 Likewise, substantial time is spent and costs, including legal and administrative, are incurred before judgment, as noted above. Dr. Goodwin has received grants from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, North Carolina Spine Society, and Robert Wood Johnson Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program and the NIH/NINDS K12 NRCDP Physician Scientist Award. However, only a few complications were related to a poor clinical outcome. General complications were considered those developing during and after surgery that were not directly related to instrumentation. Morphometric analysis of the proximal thoracic pedicles in Lenke II and IV adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: an evaluation of the feasibility for pedicle screw insertion. Preparation. After the removal of duplicates, a total of 68 unique cases met our inclusion criteria and were included for analysis. You are talking one of the most complicated area of the law. Please try after some time. Forty-seven intraoperative and medical complications were observed in 41 patients (36.6%). Placement of the pedicle screws in the thoracolumbar and lumbar spine is a technically demanding procedure. Copyright 1944-2023 American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. 2014;96(4):266270. Dr. Friedlander did not order a CT or MRI until January 2013, when the pedicle screw was found to be in the wrong location and a failed fusion was diagnosed, according to the suit. 2016;25(3):716723. The average followup was 35 months (range, 1851 months). 1). Spine Deform. The link was not copied. Problems of balance were coronal (scoliosis greater than 5 or trunk shift greater than 5 mm) as seen on the AP radiograph taken with the patient standing or sagittal (failure to obtain or maintain lumbar lordosis). 5 Those authors recommend that particular care should be taken in inserting the washers without cross threading and ensuring that they are locked down tightly, with an adequate length of rod protruding beyond the screw. 35. When grouped by US region, most cases occurred in the Northeast (n = 25, 36.8%), followed by the West (n = 15, 22.1%; Fig. Plaintiff's expert was prepared to testify at trial that these complaints are characteristic of a malpositioned screw impinging upon a neural structure. Conception and design: Sankey, KD Than. 22. 2021 Nov;9(6):1541-1548. doi: 10.1007/s43390-021-00377-5. Before Drafting the article: Sankey. Rajasekaran S, Bhushan M, Aiyer S, et al. Malpractice litigation following spine surgery. Nyquist followed a medical malpractice lawsuit against Dr. Masnyk for his surgical error, alleging that the surgeon had improperly positioned the right L4 pedicel screw which had resulted in a nerve root injury and Nyquists subsequent foot drop. Rovit RL, Simon AS, Drew J, et al. ObjectThe goal of this study was to determine the incidence of screw misplacement and complications in a group of 102 patients who underwent transpedicle screw fixation in the lumbosacral spine with conventional open technique and intraoperative. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Disc space narrowing was the most common problem after instrumented arthrodesis and was observed in 27 patients (24.1%). reported that 69.3% of neurosurgeons who responded to their survey saw every patient as a potential lawsuit.1. Edmunds I, Cummine J, Fearnside M: Prevention of dislodgement of Cotrel-Dubousset rods from tulip screws. A review of medicolegal malpractice suits involving cervical spine: what can we learn or change? Studdert DM, Mello MM, Sage WM, et al. Whitecloud et al 35 reported an overall 45% rate of minor and major complications, with the rate of complications increasing to 63% in patients who had previous lumbar surgery. (PDF) Accuracy of pedicle screw placement in the lumbosacral spine Delayed open treatment of aortic penetration by a thoracic pedicle Despite this problem, the clinical result was excellent. J Spinal Disord Tech. Under the high-low agreement, Drs. Acquisition of data: Sankey. Smith TR, Hulou MM, Yan SC, et al. Analysis and interpretation of data: Sankey, TT Than. The jury found the defendants liable and allocated 75 percent of the fault to Dr. Friedlander and 25 percent to Dr. Bradley. Am J Orthop. Therefore, when instrumentation is to be used, the benefits must outweigh the risks. Spine 19:25842589, 1994. (%), Pseudarthrosis requiring revision surgery.