June 9 - Last day to reconsider decision on fact-finder's report. With a land area of 745 square miles, Success! infrastructure for data sharing to support a growing ecosystem of data providers and data users. Jul. WebSearch Tips: You do not need to fill out all fields. $41,111. Nationwide, the average annual salary for teachers stands at $65,977. 2021. WebHighest salary at Pennsylvania Public Schools in year 2016 was $133,900. WebSearch Tips: You do not need to fill out all fields. WebFor questions about pay-related transactions, contact the HR Service Center at 877.242.6007. Share. The information is exempt from disclosure or the information is prohibited from being disclosed under State and Federal Laws and regulations including the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act, 65 P.S 67.101 et seq., the Criminal History Record Information Act, 18 Pa.C.S. April 10 - Last day for either side to request and receive fact-finding. In addition to base salary, compensation can include overtime and other types of payments. Governor's office of Administration. Local leaders should contact their local UniServ representatives for more information or to schedule a training. Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. Experience. University President. The average Teacher salary in Pennsylvania is $56,830 as of January 26, 2023, but the range typically falls between $47,522 and $69,286. All rights reserved. Easily find employee salaries for federal agencies, states, counties, cities, universities, colleges, and K-12 schools. Additionally, several charter school companies run more than one school. At 6 years. WebThe following searchable database allows you to see what the average teacher salary and average years of teaching experience is in Pennsylvania's public schools. At 6 years. All data fields accept partial entries. WebCheck out 2021-22 Pennsylvania teacher salaries and Schools Details: WebTeacher salaries, experience and other information for the 2021-22 school year is now available on thetimes-tribune.com. Agency Name. The Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center supports key community initiatives by making public Job Salaries; Pennsylvania $64,074; Connecticut $63,759; Rhode Island $63,435; South Carolina $62,927; Missouri $62,853; GovSalaries is not affiliated with any government entity. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. Web2013-14 Professional Staff Summary Report (Excel) 2012-13 Professional Staff Summary Report (Excel ) For additional information, please contact: Data Quality Office Pennsylvania Department of Education 333 Market Street | Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Ra-DDQDataCollection@pa.gov NAME SCHOOL/DEPT. Contact schools offering teacher education/certification programs in Pennsylvania. WebEmployee Salary Database. Thank you for reading! New Hires may receive approved prior experience credit for all years minus one (1) with a maximum placement of step ten (10) on the salary scale. PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day. Experience. OpenPayrolls.com is the largest searchable nationwide public salary database consisting of over 100 million salary records from employers nationwide. WebIn March 2022, the salary data files prior to 2021 were updated so that all columns matched for consistent presentation. WebLearn more about becoming a teacher. Contract Average Salary. Contract Low Salary. The last teacher raise was 4%, in 2019, which pushed the starting salary for a teacher with a bachelors degree over $40,000. Pittsburgh. Contract Agency County. The Department of Education lists the employees total salary as an entry for each school. WebFor questions about pay-related transactions, contact the HR Service Center at 877.242.6007. Contract Agency Cesa. For all other classification or compensations questions, contact OA-Organization Management at 717.787.6154. For all other classification or compensations questions, contact OA-Organization Management at 717.787.6154. Already a Subscriber? WebNCTQ's Teacher Contract Database allows you to view data and analysis on collective bargaining agreements and school board policies for over 145 school districts -- from average teacher salaries for new hires to teacher evaluation requirements. 2021. The latest round of salaries is in from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Suggested Citation: National Council on Teacher Quality. Top 20 Paid Employess. Find salary information for teachers, principals and superintendents. Data and Resources. Last Name (Optional First Name with no comma), Public School Employees' Retirement System, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, Managing Director Investment Office Psers. WebThe Pennsylvania Department of Education compiles and analyzes a wide variety of data about attendance, graduation rates, schools and school districts, student progress, transportation, and other information. However, the salaries vary depending on the type of school, the city, additional skills, and your level of expertise. If rejected by either side, report must be publicized. Job Salaries; Pennsylvania $64,074; Connecticut $63,759; Rhode Island $63,435; South Carolina $62,927; Missouri $62,853; GovSalaries is not affiliated with any government entity. 1. 2021. Contract Low Salary. Read our short tutorial School Performance PSEA offers Compensation Awareness Training to local associations preparing to begin the collective bargaining process. Intending to be legally bound, you agree to the following: "Data" for purposes of this Agreement, shall mean all information of varying formats which has been deposited with the WPRDC by The City, The County, and other third parties, to make such information available for public access. However, the salaries vary depending on the type of school, the city, additional skills, and your level of expertise. NAME SCHOOL/DEPT. Jun 20, 2021. Starting salaries should be increased by at least the same amount as maximums, and never decreased. The latest round of salaries is in from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. PSEA iscommitted to making changes aimed at protecting everyone who works and learns in our schools. Employees should reach maximum as quickly as possible. (2018). WebTeacher/Counselor/ Clinical Staff (Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Psychologists) Policy. The national average public school teacher salary in 2020-21 is projected to be $65,090, a 1.5 percent increase from the previous year. WebThis report provides information on the compensation earned by employees in the previous calendar year. There are distinct counts at each reporting level. The Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center supports key community initiatives by making public information easier to find and use. The Data Center maintains Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh's open data portal, and JOB SALARY; WILLIAM HITE: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE: SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: $317,902: LYNN RAUCH: OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL: GENERAL COUNSEL: $200,850: NAOMI WYATT: CHIEF EXECUTIVE Explore by data type or scroll down to find your district snapshot. The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. The last teacher raise was 4%, in 2019, which pushed the starting salary for a teacher with a bachelors degree over $40,000. How Much Do Teachers Make In PA? Here's what to know about teacher pay in Hamilton County If you can't see the database below, click here. In March 2022, the salary data files prior to 2021 were updated so that all columns matched for consistent presentation. According to the Economic Policy Institute, there is a salary gap between educators and other professions that require a bachelors degree or graduate work for entry a gap that continues to increase. 12Teacher salaries, experience and other information for the 2021-22 school year is now available on thetimes-tribune.com. WebThis report provides information on the compensation earned by employees in the previous calendar year. Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. WebTeacher/Counselor/ Clinical Staff (Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Psychologists) Policy. Contract High Salary. Incentive Pay includes such things as a wellness incentive and longevity pay. GovSalaries. See the states top earners below. When adjusted for inflation, this represents Typing a number into the salary field will return salaries equal to or greater than that number. WebFor questions about pay-related transactions, contact the HR Service Center at 877.242.6007. So weve downloaded it for you here . It provides salary information for every professional employee in every one of Pennsylvanias school districts and charter schools. Low 32F. Contract Low Salary. Assessment and Accountability Budget and Finance Enrollment High School Graduation MyPDESuite PIMS Postsecondary and Higher Ed Charlie Wolfson June 30, 2021 (Photos via Adobe Stock | Illustration by Natasha Vicens/PublicSource) Pennsylvania paid almost $6.2 billion in salaries to 112,241 employees in 2020, a modest increase from 2019. $408,000.00. kAms2E2 FD65 :? Download Teacher Policy Here. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. Jul. Emily Nell came back to teach art and make an impact after spending 14 years as an independent artist working in schools and holding benefit auctions. Not all salaries are funded by state tax dollars; some salaries are paid with federal funds, tolls, or fees. Just how much have your property taxes risen over the last decade? WebThe SCHOOL PAYROLL database answers these questions, and more. Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives, Inc. All rights reserved. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. USER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES AND ACCEPTS THE ABOVE DISCLAIMERS AND USES ALL OF THE DATA IN THE WPRDC AT ITS OWN RISK AND ON AN "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. You do not have to enter criteria into every field. Contract High Salary. Emily Nell came back to teach art and make an impact after spending 14 years as an independent artist working in schools and holding benefit auctions. WebNorthern York 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 The outer bands show the highest and lowest incomes, while the shaded box shows the range of salaries between the 75th and 25th percentile. The Data on deposit with the WPRDC is not intended to and should not contain Non-Public Information, as defined below. Number of employees at Pennsylvania Public Schools in year 2016 was 242. To begin, use the search fields to generate a report. How Much Do Teachers Make In PA? WebThe number of columns on a salary schedule can vary from two (a bachelors degree column and a masters degree column) to 18 (an additional column for every six credits from bachelors to doctorate). Salaries. In the US, teacher pay has declined over the past decade, but showed small growth between 2020 and 2021. 17% of Pennsylvanias taxpayer-funded payroll went to the Department of Corrections. GovSalaries. So weve downloaded it for you here . WebLearn more about becoming a teacher. The coronavirus has forever changed education in Northeast Pennsylvania. The average starting teacher salary for 2020-2021 was $41,770, an increase of 1.4% over 2019-2020. PDE could not provide the data before the newspaper published its annual Grading our Schools analysis June 26. The latest round of salaries is in from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Read our short tutorial School Performance Nationwide, the average annual salary for teachers stands at $65,977. Research by name or school district the experience and salary of all public school teachers in PA. Our database includes salary information for St. Louis-area municipalities, the states of Missouri and Illinois, and more. So weve downloaded it for you here . Find a list of PSEA's conferences and events for members. Here's what to know about teacher pay in Hamilton County If you can't see the database below, click here. User shall accept complete responsibility for its access to and use of the Data derived from the WPRDC, or any derivatives User makes of the Data. Union contracted salaries and wages which were not settled during the calendar year reflect the wage as of the end of the year. WebFor the 2021-22 School Year, certificated staff salaries range from $50,200 to $104,618 and are based on educational degree and years of experience. Contract Agency County. User shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations governing regarding use of the Data and Third Party Data Links. This report provides information on the compensation earned by employees in the previous calendar year. Governor's office of Administration. WebMontana has the lowest starting salary at $31,418, which is still below its livable wage of $47,000. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on the city and many other important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. OpenPAGov is a searchable database of Pennsylvanias education spending and performance designed for the taxpayers that fund it. Thailand's 'most beautiful transgender woman' and husband wear $580K in attire at extravagant wedding, Desperate mountain residents trapped by snow beg for help; 'We are coming,' sheriff says, U.S. court won't require FAA to make airplane seat size, spacing rules, Convicted killer Alex Murdaugh's new mugshot revealed after double life sentence, Rebel Wilson says she was banned from Disneyland for 30 days for taking a bathroom selfie, EU to speed up deliveries of howitzer shells for Ukraine, White House says Biden's laugh while discussing fentanyl crisis taken out of context: 'his heart goes out', More snow in the mountains and possibly the Whatcom lowlands. The spreadsheet contains all the salaries for teachers and staff in every school district, more than 190,000 rows. Jun 20, 2021. Governor's office of Administration. Thirty-four U.S. states have starting teacher salaries below $40,000 a year. Pennsylvanias public schools should be the safest and healthiest places for students to learn and grow. Web2013-14 Professional Staff Summary Report (Excel) 2012-13 Professional Staff Summary Report (Excel ) For additional information, please contact: Data Quality Office Pennsylvania Department of Education 333 Market Street | Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Ra-DDQDataCollection@pa.gov