(WLW) Women-Loving-Women: An umbrella term for lesbians, bisexual and pansexual women. Trading in what? http://malwaretips.com/blogs/fbi-moneypak-virus/, http://botcrawl.com/how-to-remove-the-fbi-moneypak-ransomware-virus-fake-fbi-malware-removal/, movies for the nights you cant sleep masterpost, version of romeo and juliet that sounds hella rad, alternatives to leaving dogs at the pound, book about aliens invading earth and being fought off by wildlife, icanttellyoubutiknowitsmine 2014 masterpost, fierce (you know exactly what im talking about. This cyclical erasure of Black culture into small digestible consumable bites for Whites parasitic palette is repulsive. Lets further perpetuate the stereotype that black people are uneducated and aggressive, why dont we. So the term AAVE in and of itself is purely a linguistics thing and has nothing to do with politics. this younger superwholock girl from Design Team that I dont even know by name, just as sippy cup girl after the annoying, noisy way she drinks out of her weird cup, came up to me after it ended today and asked me, do you have a tumblr?. Gee. Dont forget your mistakes: this shit video was showing people how to illegally download the Vocaloid Editor and voice banks, and it pisses me off :), (Sorry this is going to be a long post, i would put it on read more however it is becoming risky to go to other peoples blogs so I have just left it). and I wasnt gunna lie cuz shell probably see me on it later so I was like yeah. And she says can I have your url? and I was like I mean. Because the one good thing I can say about Frozens worldbuilding is that the aesthetic of this fantasy world is very clear, and Elsas ice dress just throws a wrench in it. please do not use this as an official source for this is a carrd that i made recreatively, and it's not to substitute credible sources ! as always, if there are any concerns, . it's not weird to not want to share your blog url with people you just met??right??? dont learn the rules just to excuse yourself using them. Just say gossip. While xQc, a caucasian Canadian man, vehemently denied that he is Black, Cenat went on to joke about how the former Overwatch League pro had the right to say the N-word. list of aave words to avoid Sodapoppin tried to avoid using AAVE phrasesand he didn't last long Why am I not allowed to use these words? Do you find yourself using slang in your fics? ", - "ariana's performance was pheonominal, show's over! note: some aave terms are claimed by other marginalized groups that i am not a part of, and it is not my place to add them to this list, so i would refer to you researching those unlisted terms on your own!! Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/zoil Twitter - https://twitter.com/ItsZoil Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/Zoil/ Discord - https://discord.com/invite/g. ), Be (habitual use, e.g. Beyonce gives me life, black tumblr giving me life), Habitual be (i.e. And honestly, you dont get an out just because your friend said it was ok. list of aave words to avoid - Tedfund.org 1. IT IS NOT A MEANS OF MAKING YOU SOUND COOL, FUNNY, OR TO EMPHASIZE YOUR ANGER. Depending on your laptop, this ransom ware can range from being annoying to being pretty dangerous! Everyone, including Black people, is erroneously taught that Black genius is more or less, public property with no clear 'ownership.' Please never forget that we (white people) shouldnt speak over any person of color when it comes to discussing their oppression, and other POC shouldnt speak over another POC. ", dime : to describe something of top quality, - "we all went to din' and then I had to pay", done : the state of being completed, perfective, - used throughout a sentence as an adverb. Like, even more so than it already was. Riley, who plays Daisy Jones, is Elvis Presleys granddaughter! Elsas gown is not only ooc, its also what I like to call oowc: out of world character. enjoy !! Gag, gagged (to mean amazed or taken aback) Giving me life, giving me all, giving you (a look/mood/aesthetic) Go off, but go off The gawds, beat for the gods/gawds Have several seats Hella Homies, squad -the house, the house down boots, etc Hunty Hype, get hyped I feel you Killin' it Laid, laying your edges Lit Lowkey, and other -key terms A major reason being that one is for black people only. This is what white people that speak AAVE sound like to me pic.twitter.com/61MiD6lWAa, taurusongs (@n3ongutz) January 22, 2023, When a white person uses AAVE, such as lit or bae, its seen as trendy and funny. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. :D - sj, shout out !along with myself @sagittarisoul by creating and editing this carrd, i have met and chatted with lovely, helpful, brilliant ppl who have given additions and suggestions with this carrd !to those dearly appreciated and cherished ppl, i'd like to thank: space- twitter user @Cranque2 - twitter user @hotscotchbutter - twitter user @deezmalders - twitter user @sowhatbyloona - twitter user @bwuniess - twitter user @keithxxx16 - twitter user @kuniroselover - twitter user @ImLegitStunning - twitter user @injwects space*+- thank uuu -+*, hello !! If you are interested in having a productive and receptive conversation and/or are looking for some great resources, feel free to message me. What is AAVE and which words are non-black people asked to avoid? Fun fact. sorry sippy cup girl. This is an excellent post for WRITING black characters who use AAVE. Was anyone teaching Elsa how to be an effective ruler? Anyway so Scar gets a redemption arc earlier in the story and Ed ends up wearing the clothes in the pictures instead of the Amestrian clothes he had been wearing and getting sorta-adopted by Scar. Rest in peace. Mocking the dialect of black POC is downright disgusting. Does the priest at the coronation know about Elsas powers? ), Ass (i.e. -this includes southern americans. Here is a look behind the origin, and why white people shouldnt use these terms anymore. Sharing what POC think and feel about their struggles instead of speaking about how their struggles affect you is central to being a good ally. Crypto CO 2 Gee. Tumblinguistics AAVE: STOP APPROPRIATING IT I have collected as many blogs as possible that I/other people have proven to be blogs linked to the FBI/moneypak virus. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current . ***the doc included also goes into other harmful language including a list language some of which is seen as normal!!! Or using the BLM movement as plots in your writing or art? Were clearly expected to believe that Anna is impulsive, headstrong and adventurous, and were shown her scaling the castle roof in For the First Time in Forever. No one ever seems to be supervising these kids Why wouldnt she just sneak out? yeah say the n**** or any variation its on sight, #I didnt even know some of these were aave which shows that even black people have things to learn about purselves, #I feel loke im rambling now so lemme go on my break its 3am too. For example, let's use the action of buying something. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English, and is essentially a vocabulary that is claimed to have been created by African American communities going back many years. Whens the last time you said deadass this party is lit? Chances are, it was trying to sound cool and tough. Did Anna not bother to socialize with them? BACKGROUND. It has a rhythm that differs significantly from that of other Englishes, and people tend to use the rhythm as a punchline or to seem more street savvy. But when those words are said by a Black person, its seen as improper and not smart., In "Using Black Vernacular English (BVE) as a Non-Black Person Isnt 'Woke' if You Don't Understand the History," Anisha Phillips explains, When white and other non-Black people use this terminology to gain social relevance, we are often able to turn it on and off when necessary. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with aave, and as you go down the . Again, this entire story is fucked. . African-American Vernacular English - Wikipedia Id like to thank everyone who contributed to this post- I spent countless hours interviewing and researching to be sure this contained everything needed to educate others about some things black people want you to know. If the url looks like a keysmash (random collection of letters and numbers) chances are it is a virus blog. According to Language Jones, there are two competing hypotheses about the linguistic origins of AAVE as the history of the U.S. has obscured the origins. bc people put on the dialect at very specific times for very specific reasons., not sayin that everything in this post is wrong bc theres some good points but uhhhhhh. If any of these blogs follow you, block them immediately and contact Tumblr. Wesley Cox, M.A. on LinkedIn: AAVE in Marketing Campaigns However, that doesnt make it any clearer what AAVE is so what actually is AAVE? plus my blog can get kinda personal. we dont use these either. So in keeping with that idea, below are some words and phrases that found their roots in AAVE before being coopted by white people. It is a legitimate English dialect with functioning rules. It's a combination of dialects across the country that many Black communities use to communicate with each other. This is a paraphrase of Kimi Narade If Not You, a poem from the Kojiki.The poem itself reads If not you, then to whom shall I show the plum blossoms? Assess whether your ability to say a word is as important as the dehumanization, oppression, and appropriation of an entire culture, specifically a culture who have been treated like shit since the entire existence of the country. This button displays the currently selected search type. Heres where you recognise the cast of Daisy Jones & The Six from, An awkward spelling error has been spotted on one of the signs in the Love Island villa, The definitive ranking of all Mario Kart characters, based on nothing but vibes. Scar shows up and hes like Im looking for the Fullmetal Alchemist. Why? AAVE is a form of speech. Dont talk about you throwing shade, Becky. Thank you for the link to this blog which should be everywhere and viewed by everyone on Tumblr. If you want to TRULY be respectful of black people, youll avoid any and ALL actions or words that have been said repeatedly to be damaging and offensive. master aave glossary African-American Vernacular English (AAVE, / v e, v /), also referred to as Black (Vernacular) English, Black English Vernacular, or occasionally Ebonics (a colloquial, controversial term), is the variety of English natively spoken, particularly in urban communities, by most working- and middle-class African Americans and some Black Canadians.. Having its own unique grammatical . double negation:I aint never seen that boy in my life.. This post is solely built on the experiences and opinions of black POC who have the right to determine if this is or isnt offensive I simply want to compile everything Ive gotten in hopes that others will read and learn. The Earl of Wesseltown doesnt get much of a punishment for attempted Regicide either, aside from a Nyeh, we wont trade with you anymore slap of the wrist. Hes got the gold eyes of Xerxes, and his hair is a tiny bit yellow, his skin a tiny bit lighter. !as always, if there are any concerns, please contact me !last updated : 11-01-22. about that : used with phrases like, "about that life," meaning, being passionate about or associated with something. Im making this post to try and inform other nonblack people not to be disrespectful and stay away from words and a dialect that is -not- ours. Woke: A political term of African American origin, and refers to a, Ratchet: Originating as a word used to refer to a woman who was sleeping with a married man, it has gained popularity when referring to someone who is ghetto.. This led to the formation of a Creole language with an English superstrate but strong pan-African grammatical influences meaning lots and lots of English words, but still a distinct language from English.". updatehello there, long time no see -! Could you expound your problems with the world of Frozen? These two hypotheses are Creole Origin Hypothesis and Dialect Divergence Hypothesis. That's some ignorant-ass shit.) ), https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ioy3CDX_iR75DNJwvz7ftq51EXAvZ99C51HP1V_zPOY/mobilebasic, https://waltdisneyconfessionsrage.tumblr.com/post/116538346824/mod-post-some-basic-things-about-aave, https://crocyoota.tumblr.com/post/622750270149050368/a-message-to-non-black-authors-do-you-find, Adding some more things to read real swift, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.feminuity.org/blog/using-bve-as-a-non-black-person-is-appropriation%3fformat=amp. And Ed and Al know nothing about their culture and this is not gonna fly with Scar, okay? What Does AAVE Mean? | The Word Counter The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. What does Arendelle have to offer? you know what i mean. It has even been known to turn on webcams! This includes but is not limited to: A common misconception is that this is language created by Gen Z because they appear to be the ones that use it the most, but some communities are saying that this is not the case. 14. be-verbs. If you are a mac user you shouldnt worry to much. no.im not going to give that out right now. Even within the castle there are at least servants. According to Urban Dictionary, the language is "recently related to the Appalachian English dialect and Cajun Vernacular English, it also contains West African grammatical structures and pronunciations originating from black African slaves in the American South. Avoid this word unless using it in dialogue (and even then it can get old fast). (These lyrics are not from an official source. Racism is so deeply ingrained in our society that we are taught to believe that AAVE is inferior to Standard American English. Maybe shes orphaned and Pinako raised her. Because when white people only use AAVE to be funny or sound aggressive, they are inadvertently stereotyping African Americans as a joke or violent people. Scar is not letting these kids not know their heritage. i have created a new twitter account dedicated to responding to inboxes for questions regarding the carrd and aave ! !im working on this solo, so pls bare w me ! Why is magic considered frightening/bad? Heres a good list of words and phrases to stay away from. "and that's on what? The Duke of Weselton talks about Arendelle as a trading partner. Using any form of AAVE vocabulary cultural appropriation #ill admit that at least *to me* some of these are more on a tricker slope, #and that I personally dont bave a problem with *some. I was looking through your frozen shade tag and notice the worldbuilding problems in some of the posts. 1. Using AAVE when you are not black is not only insulting, its cultural appropriation. This is standard White protocol in the cycle of cultural appropriation. Acknowledging that the language is not slang, and using it in the right context is what it boils down to. AAVE is a form of speech that evolved within the Black community that distinguishes itself from standard English due to its creative grammatical structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Do people like Anna and Elsa with royal blood simply hold ALL the power in their kingdom? That being said; now you should know, and you should actively work towards fixing your behavior just as you work to unlearn racism. While some features of AAVE are apparently unique to this variety, in its structure it also shows many commonalties with . Like a Chinese POC shouldnt speak for a black POC. See additional information. Salty, lit, turnt, bae, woke all these and many more phrases can be traced back to AAVE words. RELATED: It's Not Black People's Job To Solve Racism. FMA: Hiromu Arakawas gorgeous (cover) art. LIKE HOW DIFFERENT WOULD THE STORY BE IF ED WAS ISHVALAN? !if there are any words that u do not see here, anything that u may think should(n't) be here, or u have any questions/concerns, pls kindly dm me ! AAVE in Marketing Campaigns. :D. Definition : also called Black English, is spoken by most African Americans and Black Canadians. There are lots of other words in the English language to choose . Avoid visiting other users blogs, even ones that have been safe in the past until this virus dies down. It is infantilization and paternalism since many Black adults use these words. ), bip : to describe a good hair ; straight hairline, all blended, no bald spots, or uneveness. After the Homunculi Shenanigans they both help Mustang in his plans to help Ishval. You dont get to use the words of the people you oppress to look cool. Avoid following back until this virus dies down. ": question that prompts the answer, "period", - used to further solidify statement and agreement, asf : term for "as fvck;" used for emphasis, as u should: phrase used in encouragement and show of approval, - to show that u agree w one's actions and/or achievements, ate : to describe ones flawless performance, - usually used to express ones amazement, - ariana ate her my hair vevo performance, (they) ate and left no crumbs: a phrase to describe someone when they serve in something, as in singing, fashion, makeup, and/or other performances, - the "no crumbs" part is to exemplify how well the person presented themselves, - could also be the literal definition of someone eating something and leaving no crumbs, - "ariana ate her grammy's performance and no left crumbs", "back on my bs" : when someone returns to their previous behavior, - used to refer to someone going back to being sad, ignorant, or any other emotions/actions, bae : acronym for before anyone else; also a nickname for babe, bank : making copious amounts of money, similar to being rich, "[the] bar is on the floor" : in reference to an expectation that is considered low, basic : a noun to describe someone/something as mainstream, - "if u own a pair of uggs, you're basic", beef : to have a conflict or disagreement, been : a term used to describe duration of knowledge; like already knowing of something, - considered as aave if been is used without have or used after a pronoun, beat : a description of being glammed up, commonly with makeup, - used to solidify a bet, in challenge to compete with someone, - "i'll beat u in this 1v1." Is there really no criminal punishment for Hans attempting to assassinate the royal family and usurp the throne? Hans is able to pronounce himself king simply by claiming that not only is Anna dead (without anyone else seeing the body), but that supposedly he and Anna said their marriage vows before she died (without anyone else hearing it). down bad: when someone is desperately at their lowest point, either emotionally, financially, mentally.. drag : to call out someone and to critique someone, - "a new record dropped [insert your fav]", dry : to describe someone or something as boring, - usually in the setting of text messaging, "errybody and they mama": used when an audience is larger than normal, - not a literal audience, but those involved in something has a higher than average turnout, extra : to describe someone, or something as over the top, "[that's] facts": used to respond to someone who is telling true statements, or express agreement, feeling some type of way : to describe or emphasis a feeling someone has- "this person makes me feel some type of way", fierce : used to compliment something that looks high quality, or superior, fire : to describe something as very cool, catchy, or nice sounding, - could be used to describe a beat of a song or clothing, fleek : used in the phrase "on fleek," meaning to look on point, or look nice, flex : a verb that is similar to showing off, - for ex. No. If youre looking for an even more detailed list of words and phrases youre not allowed to use anymore including bruh, aint and clapping emojis between words , click here. He was perplexed by what Valkyrae felt the need to apologize for. We usually use AAVE when were trying to sound tough or aggressive as queenconsuelabananahammock states in her reblog of a popular post about the problems with AAVE. Be-verbs (was, is, are, were, etc.) Check your privilege 2.) We can perform traditionally Black expressions, without having to face the societal and institutional oppression Black people often experience because of them.. Maybe her parents were like shits gonna go down and got the hell out of Dodge, or just sent Trisha out of Dodge on her own. However, there is actually a significant change in meaning related to the placement of "been." For example, an article from the online magazine Agorax about AAVE . dress necklines (other guides in caption), make yourself do the things and form good habits, AAVE slang we (non-black people) need to avoid. Why is he a state alchemist? and B) it would be expected for me to follow you back, and I seriously doubt im interested in anything you blog about, and I really have been trying to clean up my dash. Vary your sentence structure to keep your writing interesting and engaging. Some commonly used aave words/phrases that contribute to the appropriation of Black culture in the U.S. Its okay if you didnt know this at first- given how deeply racism is ingrained in our society, its possible you simply -didnt know- what is and isnt for you. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. especially given how much of it is used now, #but others? No one in this movie cares that the trolls basically kidnapped a kid? If you cant tell if something is AAVE or Southern American English, then your best bet would be to -ask- black peers and make sure you specify that youre going specifically for a white southern accent and not AAVE. note :please have prior knowledge of what AAVE is and its origins. they're triffling", trip : to overreact, and/or be overdramatic, - to describe someone/thing as abnormal in regards of movement, vibe : verb to resonate with one's energy, - usually used to describe something as relaxing, - similar to the "jazz music stops" meme (same concept), we been knew: the state of already being knowledgeable something, - used in encouragement when someone is slaying, "what's poppin'" : term for what's up, how's it going, "what we not finna do": term for "what we're not gonna do", wildin: to describe someone's state or being as crazy, or very wild, - accompanied by the word stay ; see stay woke, wypipo: one of many variations of spelling "white people", - can slur together into sounding like yeen, you better than me bc": a starter sentence that will lead to a statement that is, on a scale, much worse, B: "u better than me bc i havent done anything", you got the right idea, but the wrong bxtch: a way to tell someone that they're not the person who can respond, - think of having/talking about ideas for a fun party to your antisocial friend (juxtaposition i suppose). please refer to @aaveglossary to get in touch with me ! Influence on non-AAVE dialects is inevitable with the advent of rap and the internet and even helps to destigmatise the use of these words. Following the drama surrounding Valkyraes use of African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), xQc earlier this week found a list of words and phrases that might fit under that category of speech in an attempt to educate himself and his chat. African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is the variety formerly known as Black English Vernacular or Vernacular Black English among sociolinguists, and commonly called Ebonics outside the academic community. Twerk/Nae Nae: Dances that originated with Black culture. Thirst/thirsty (also contextual) -"going natural" aka not straightening your hair is not the same. How and why do the trolls have memory-altering magic? I gathered most of these from this google doc (i will reblog with links to avoid tumblr hiding this post in tags), if you check it out, it has explanations, alternatives, and everything you need to know about these words. list of aave words to avoid. Plus, youre likely speaking it wrong to begin with, because like other dialects AAVE has its own language rules. 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Im a very blunt person and Im working on that. In this article, she comments on one of Buzzfeeds articles titled 23 Words Teenagers Love To Use And What They Really Mean. Her full comment is as followed; These are not teen words. African American Vernacular English - University of Hawaii keep the same energy", - "they're killing it on the field right now", laid : to describe the state of something being laid flat, like hair edges, "let me put you on" : term for recommending something, - "lemme put u on with this other face wash", - used to describe an exciting event or feeling, lowkey : to describe something as quiet/secretive, and/or describe the depth of feelings for something, make bank: term for making a lot of money, - used to describe someone's earnings before or after they do something that will accumulate large amounts of wealth, "make it make sense" : to respond to nonsense, mans : pretentious way to refer to someone's significant other, mean : a positive term to describe something as cool, - usually used to describe a good beat in music, ".. than a mf": phrase used to describe one's behavior as out of the ordinary, above/below average, miss girl/gurl : to address someone, typically a girl, - could be used in endearment and/or passive aggressiveness, "my [insert noun] said": a way to emphasize someone's idea in conversation that may be seen as absurd, dumb and/or funny, - this is usually used in friendly banter, - "my man said, 'how much is 99 cent bread'", not the/not you: statement, or question prompted when someone does something outta pocket, -used to call someone out, either seriously or among friendly banter, "now [tell me] why .": statement that leads to question about someone/something, - usually used to point out irony, confusion, n other thoughts, "oh you have lost your goddxmn mind " : statement that is similar to "what's wrong with you!??