YT-2400 Freighter Expansion Pack - X-Wing Miniatures Wiki [3], The Class four transport was piloted by two pilots seated in a tandem cockpit station, Every Imperial cargo ship required the presence of an inventory droid to track and monitor all the goods to ensure it was organized and safely arrived at its destination on time. (unnamed) Delta-7 Aethersprite. Maximum atmospheric speed Craft: Kazellis Corp: Light Freighter Aliation:Various,Empire Era: Rise of the Empire & New Republic Scale:Transport Length: 28 meters Skill: Starship piloting Crew: 1+3 Can Coordinate, Gunners:2 Passengers: 6 (expanded passenger space) Crew Skill: Varies Cargo Capacity 140); 119.95 Mt available Consumables: 56Days (6.7K credit refuel) Rearm with the extra ammo. [6] During the Clone Wars, Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk piloted a YV-666 light freighter christened the Hound's Tooth. south glens falls school tax bills mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis imperial light freighter Imperial Light Cruiser | 8 20mm xaser cannons with double-bounce gravity mirrors in independent casemate mounts. We also believe in life long learning, therefore, all of our employees have potential to enhance their skills and develop their potential at full. MasterBon17 4 mo. YT-2400 Light Freighter - X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki Its modular storage compartments made it ideal for housing and deploying starfighters. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! The combined merchant fleets compose almost 90% of all the interstellar spacecraft in the Imperium. Affiliation [15] Several Gozanti-class cruisers were present at Count Vidian's Calcoraan Depot, and were ordered to protect a Baradium-357 convoy at Gorse. [1a], The civil fleets contain privately-owned interstellar craft operating along routes licensed by the fleet authorities. Equipped It was also armed, boasting one top-mounted double-barrelled turbolaser battery and two side-mounted laser turrets. It was designed to carry cargo, weapons, and extra power packs For troops. After crossing paths with Rebel Sabine Wren (who, like Ketsu Onyo, had been a cadet at the Imperial Academy), Ketsu Onyo helped the fledging Rebel Alliance on two . Personalized import and export solutions provide peace of mind and a seamless flow between customs clearance, warehousing, and last-mile distribution. We produce lighting fittings for use within all kinds of public spaces such as office, banks, shops, shopping centres, etc., and outdoor fittings designed to illuminate buildings, car parks, petrol stations and parks. You can help Lexicanum by fixing it. Most of Hondo's Ugnaught crew with the exception of Melch were lost while boarding the ship. XS Stock light freighter - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki [29], Captain Kosh of the Empire stockpiled several cruisers which had been listed as destroyed to use them in his black-market operation, although they were discovered by the Rebel Alliance on Tatooine and destroyed by Saponza's partner. Each Segmentum has its own merchant, civil and war fleets - for example, the Warfleet Solar is the warfleet of the Segmentum Solar, the Merchant Pacificus is the merchant fleet of the Segmentum Pacificus and so on.[2a]. [7] The ships had a hyperdrive and three engines. Cargo capacity Though it was slower, smaller, and less durable than the Light Corvette or the Guardian-class light cruiser from Sienar Fleet Systems, it required a smaller crew, and its six heavy laser cannons had significantly greater firepower at short range. The Imperial Customs Frigate was manufactured by Rendili StarDrive, the builders of the larger Light corvette also used by the Customs Office. Class four container transports, also called a class four freighter, Imperial Class 4 Cargo Ship or more simply as an Imperial cargo ship, were tetrahedral, hyperspace-capable, bulk freighters built by Kuat Drive Yards and used by the Galactic Empire to haul large numbers of crates and containers across the galaxy. Production information Hyperdrive system On a mission to Corellia, the rogue clones of the Bad Batch got past the planet's sensors undetected by attaching their shuttle, the Marauder, to the underside of the freight assembly of a transport approaching the planet, detaching when the ship was close enough to the planetary surface. Comments made about this Article! - Length Our business also requires an effective line of communication with U.S. Customs and IFB has been instrumental in assisting us with the development of product entry forms, allowing our information to be presented accurately and in the manner required by U.S. Customs.. The Warfleets of the Imperial Navy are based around the five Segmentum Fortress planets. [2], In addition to its sublight drives,[2] the Imperial class 4 cargo ship[7] was equipped with a hyperdrive, which allowed it to travel through hyperspace. V-19 Torrent Starfighter. It was destroyed by the Imperial fleet as the Empire retook it's sacred training and burial world. During the Imperial Era, this model of freighter was used by both the. 10[1] Chopper then rendezvoused the cargo transport with the rebels above Atollon. This ship is one of the larger options that players can receive out of the bunch, able to hold up to 15 crewmen. At 30,000 tons, the Wayfarer-class would be built to carry 2,000 TEUs in two large primary cargo bays, wrapped around the core hull of the ship. [24], In 0 BBY,[25] at least two Gozanti cruisers were among a detachment of the Seventh Fleet blockading Lothal. In order to do so, Chopper managed to trap the stormtroopers serving aboard the ship in the freight assembly, before jettisoning the soldiers along with the containers. The design was built so that in less than eight hours (barring orbital mechanics), the ship could unload the full supply of containers with the six attached heavy cargo shuttles and leave for reloading at a full-fledged port. The simplicity of the design meant that a large number of modifications in the base hull configuration were made. [6] imperial light freighter; imperial light freighter. We emphasize the human factor at every part of our organization. Naval/Maritime History - 2nd of March - Today in Naval History - Naval Navigation computer [2] Later these stats were given to the Guardian-class light cruiser and the frigate got new ones.[1]. HHG-42 Bulkstar. [14], During the reign of the Empire, the cruisers were also known as the Imperial freighters and were more common in the Outer Rim despite its use by the Empire. 12[1] During the Imperial Era, the Spectres operated a VCX-100 light freighter known as the Ghost, which served as their mobile headquarters and home. Manufacturer Imperial UVC is not only a solution for disinfection. They required the presence of an inventory droid to track and monitor all cargo. Imperial Customs Frigate Star Wars Rebels Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Up to 210 large containers[2] This mod offers Three variants to fit your budget and needs. Light cruiser[3] Page 1 of 2. Mass: 30,000 tons (fully loaded, Flight I-IV un-retrofitted), 31,100 tons (Flight V-IX, Flight I-IV retrofitted), 2x Yoyodine Type 33 Gravity Fusion Reactors (Mid Imperial Era), 2x Yoyodine Type 33-A Gravity Fusion Reactors (Late Imperial Era), 2x Yoyodine Type 34-A Gravity Fusion Reactors (Hegemony Era), 8x Q-Coils (180 G acceleration Mid/Late Imperial Era, 200 G acceleration Hegemony era, all flights), 6x Slipspace rings (3 LY/day Mid/Late Imperial Era, 4LY/day Hegemony era, all flights), 180 days on stored supplies, hydrogen scoops (All Eras), One Class III AI, 10 Officers, 64 Able Spacers, backup bioshells and cybershells (Mid/Late Imperial Era)One Class III AI, three Class II AIs, mixture of uploads and biological crew equaling 70 crew members, backup bioshells and cybershells (Hegemony Era). [2] These freighters continued to be in use, in both transport and combat roles, well into the Galactic Civil War. Affiliation Our experience and problem-solving capabilities can make a difference. He led a small rebel cell known as Iron Squadron, which conducted a low-intensity guerrilla campaign against the Imperial presence on Mykapo. Trailers For Sale In Lynchburg, Ohio - See how the Corellian Engineering Corporation creation the. This means that if a trooper wanted to, they could enter the ship-if there was any room-and travel with it. 3 months[1] 9 Worst: B-Wing. They range from anything as small as a starfighter or personal transport of similar size. Only around a hundred of these were produced due to their high cost and skill needed to pilot such a ship. It was made by Sienar Fleet Systems and Aratech Repulsor Company. The YT-2400 light freighter was a YT series light freighter. Sometimes during Roark Garnet's captaincy, the Dorion Discus freighter caught the attention of the Customs Frigate Assessor. [16] In 5 BBY,[17] a group of rebels known as the Spectres raided Transport 651 in order to rescue a group of Wookiee slaves, but it was a trap set by ISB Agent Kallus. [1a] From these worlds the fleets are organised and sent to guard the various sectors and subsectors of that region. It was also coveted by pirates, who captured the vessel or bought illegal copies of the design built in criminal shipyards. Production Information Its a complex air treatment solution. This collection is everything I create and upload, from ship designs, race factions and concept designs such as mine fields, space debris , beasts, space stations etc. Hauler | Elite Dangerous Wiki | Fandom Its basic design was similar to the YT-1930 with its centrally-placed cockpit and symmetrical design, while the rest of the ship returned . This mod contains three versions of the light freighter frame. Bulk freighter[2] Imperial Freighter | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom Escape craft It was then later destroyed, when Commander Sato rammed it into Admiral Konstantine's Interdictor. 100 metric tons[1] Elite Dangerous: Best Ships For Trading - TheGamer - The Leading Source The stats of the Imperial Customs Frigate first appeared in the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Starships. Sign up for our newsletter to receive important information about our offer. That is why all people at Imperial are well selected, trained and prepared. These vessels rarely lack a hyperdrive, as in these cases they are better suited as airspeeders. Engine unit(s) [Source]. Despite her humble origins and shabby exterior, the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs has played a role in some of the greatest . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On The Sides, It had Dual Proton Torpedo Launchers, which could hold 4 torpedos each. While smaller freighters did exist and the Imperial Courier Service maintained fast mail packets to ensure a minimum of twice-a-month contact between Tier I to III colony worlds, the expense of any large-scale shipping increased the difficulty of colonies to establish themselves. It includes submarines, battleships, oilers, minelayersand other types of Japanese sea vessels of war and naval ships used during wartime. The YT-2000 Light Freighter is an evolutionary development of the popular YT series of light freighters from the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Category:Freighter classes | Wookieepedia | Fandom The Astral Claw/Red Vulture (YT-2000 Light Freighter) Features a portable bacta tank. Off the assembly line, a YT-1300 is a fairly standard vessel, with rudimentary engine, communications, and life-support systems. This ship is used by the Smuggler class. The Quasar Fire-class Cruiser-Carrier, also known as the Imperial Light Carrier, was a bulk freighter used by the Galactic Empire. Then you have to travel to 4 or 5 different systems and on your 5th system, one will spawn. Affiliation But it's something like you have to have done the quest where you see the freighter for the first time. [6] The cargo of the transport could be accessed from the inside through at least one entry and exit point between the cargo and the vessel. With five decades of industry experience, you can count on a better customer experience and exceptional outcome. Role(s) Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Rotate the gun turret into position and fire! Imperial cargo ships were used to haul large quantities of containers and crates from spaceport to spaceport. [26], A Gozanti-class Assault Carrier in orbit over Coruscant, During the Galactic Civil War, smugglers also used the cruisers. Width They deployed starfighters against Phoenix Cell ships attempting to break the blockade. Personal Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular starship No reason has been supplied, please provide a reason on the template or talkpage, Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser A squadron of B-Wings was a match for Imperial capital ships, heavily armed and armored enough to take the fight directly to them. Kuat Drive Yards[1] Each TIE Fighter measures over 1" (4cm) high, 1 . Flown by Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla, the ship and its crew took part in dozens of missions aimed at undermining Imperial rule. June 10, 2022 . Complement Cost Defensive weapons consisted of six 350mm missile tubes, basic electronic warfare systems and detection systems, and point-defense rated for handling Alpha Rani-class raider destroyers with eight 20mm xaser mounts and six 40mm xaser mounts. Often living upon the a freighter that they have made their home, they work where they live and can sometimes have very pleasant lives. Check out our light freighter selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. TOR Decorating | XS Stock Light Freighter (SWTOR) The Imperial Freighter (also known as a Gozanti-class Cruiser) was a heavily armored starship that appeared in the Disney XD animated seires Star Wars Rebels, used by the Galactic Empire . Star Wars: 5 Best Starfighters In The Galaxy (& 5 Worst) - CBR Role(s) supply chain remain stable and therefore we will be able to fulfill all of your orders. 41. -and a number of additional configurations based upon customer and mission needs. XS Freighter - SWTOR Wiki Guide - IGN [9] When the Sith Empire, destroyed at the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War, returned to Republic space, at least one of these Defender-class corvette was patrolling the planet. 2023 Imperial Freight Brokers, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Class Type: The offer of Imperial includes over three thousand products, which enjoy recognition and renown all over the world. The Gozanti also had a loading elevator on the bottom near the nose and docking ports to the side near the cockpit section. The Fury is an Imperial interceptor class starship made for the cold war. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic utilized the YT-2400 as a troop transport. This was to help Ezra Bridger to escape and gain reinforcements from Sabine Wren and Clan Wren. Description Price (BP): n/a Price (Token): 5,000,000 Atmo Speed: 1051km/h Space Thrust: 1.53 g Cargo Space: 44kL Cargo Capacity: 130t Alioth Orbit without rockets The YT-2000 is a light freighter admirable for its cargo capacity, amazing maneuverability, and several opportunities for modification. The B-Wing is a great ship but a lousy starfighter. Usage Turbolaser turrets (6) Freighter catalog with locations. Venator/imperial/resurgent Crew Nimbus-class V-wing. HT-2200 medium freighter. We focus on superior quality that can be delivered through every department. An additional concern of the Imperial Moot was that such massive hulls were highly efficient in large-scale civilian logistics, but smaller colony worlds would have one of these large ships in orbit twice a year-at best-and this was incredibly risky. Production information | Imperial Light Freighter Eventually, the astromech joined forces with the ship's inventory droid, an RA-7 protocol droid called AP-5, to steal the vessel from the Empire. The Imperial Freighters are the mainstay of small shipping throughout humanity. ECM: AN/SL(Q)-52 Electronic Warfare Array, with spike and strobe jammer options (Mid/Late Imperial Era), AL/SN(Q)-58 Electronic Warfare Array, with spike and strobe jammer options (Hegemony Era). Aircraft carrier[edit] Heavy/Fleet carriers[edit] However, the Imperial Navy and Imperial Courier Service have begun to phase out the TUFT contracts for older Wayfarers, replacing them with the newer Wanderer-class TUFT Light Freighter. HCT-2001 Dragonboat-class Reugeot 905 freighter. Remember to always thank your D1-3C, for being there for you. The starship Ghost arrived and launched its shuttle, piloted by former Jedi Kanan Jarrus, to distract the convoy's TIE escorts. However, the recovery team was forced to flee when it accidentally activated the sentry droids. Field reloading of the ship would take longer (within 24 hours in theory, usually 48-72 hours), with the ship having internal tractor-presser arrays in the cargo bays for loading and unloading. [3] The Millennium Falcon, a smuggling ship owned by Han Solo that later became part of the Rebel Alliance, was a YT-1300 light freighter. actions to prevent any harm on our business and keep our employees safe. [6], In 4 BBY,[17] Transport Ship 63378 was stolen by the same rebel cell on Lothal. Through their dedication, we have efficiently grown. STAR WARS X-WING YT-2400 Light Freighter Fantasy Flight Games-1st The same Lothal rebel cell captured an Imperial decoder and discovered the convoy's location. Tailored lighting solutions We produce standard and bespoke lighting. The Kraken heavy freighter. YT-1300f Light Freighter [Millennium Falcon] (Vanilla) It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. The Wayfarer-class would be built to handle these issues, based around several engineering factors such as an easily adaptable hull, minimum 160G acceleration and 3LY/day slipspace speeds, point-defense and light missiles for defense against raiders and pirates, and the ability to rapidly unload 2,000 TEU cargo loads on rough landing areas. Class four container transport | Wookieepedia | Fandom Helix-class light interceptor. Armament The Empire bought these models cheap, but they proved to be sturdy and reliable in both transporting resources and in light combat as well, being able to take down Rebel scouts and break blockades with relative ease. It is estimated that there are over 100,000 Wayfarer-class hulls currently in service and the hulls are still being built to this day. "Thank you, Imperial Freight Brokers, for assisting in implementing an effective logistics chain for our business. Hernon-class light freighter. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Category:Smuggler | Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki | Fandom These fleets are often dispatched to seek out lost archeotech and follow rumours of STC technology.[4]. You, Me and a Starlight Class Light Freighter- Dark Rey and Smuggler [2], While primarily used by the Empire, the Customs Frigate was also sold to local governments for their own small navies, and at least one vessel, Battle of Yavin, was captured and used by the New Republic. One freighter, the Blood Crow, was the first ship to which Thrawn was assigned after joining the . The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 1, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure, Star Wars Adventures Free Comic Book Day 2018, The Secret Jedi: The Adventures of Kanan Jarrus: Rebel Leader, Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, Star Wars Adventures Free Comic Book Day 2019, Chewie vs. Holochess - Let the Wookiee Win, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, Tales from Wild Space: The Flat Mountain of Yavin, Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure. Equipped[4] Imperial Customs Frigate | Wookieepedia | Fandom Manufacturer The content you were about to view is not suitable for minors. This ship class is often used for smuggling and moving . Armament Usage r/Star_Wars_Maps Kestrel-class Light Cruiser [26x36] r/XWingTMG . 35 meters[1] The YT-2400 light freighter, also known as the YT-2400 transport, was a class of YT-series light freighter. Class Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The Quasar Fire-class Cruiser-Carrier, also known as the Imperial Light Carrier, was a bulk freighter used by the Galactic Empire. Category:Starships | Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki | Fandom Top manufacturers include FRUEHAUF. Our component warehouse and The First Order employed sympathizers that piloted these older Imperial-era ships in patrol and surveillance operations. Been awhile since I did it. Corellian Engineering Corporation[1]Gallofree Yards, Inc.[1] Model As featured in the Star Wars Rebels animated TV series! This page is about the Imperial Gozanti-class Cruiser. Contents 1 Characteristics 2 History 2.1 Imperial cruisers [7] The same year, several Gozanti freighters took part in the Imperial blockade of Ibaar. Millennium Falcon - | The Official Star Wars Website Three Class four transports including Transport Three were involved in a massive transport operation based on the palace and guarded by stormtrooper Clone Captain "Wilco;" Wrecker, Tech, Echo and Omega successfully infiltrated Transport Three while Hunter was providing cover, but the first team was trapped inside the ship when Captain Wilco ordered it to take off and detach its pods after noticing Hunter. . Category page. Usage [7] Lux Bonteri used XS stock light freighters to deploy Onderonian rebels into battle. [5] An assembly of up to 210 large containers was attached to the rear triangular side of the ship, encased between the sublight engines positioned at each of the three angles. How to Get a Ship in Star Wars: The Old Republic - ScreenRant 2 pilots[3] [8], Three Class four transports were utilized by the Galactic Empire to extract Dooku's war chest from his Castle on Serenno, Some time later, the Bad Batch again encountered Imperial cargo ships, this time in Count Dooku's former palace on Serenno when they were tasked by Cid to steal part of the Count's war chest before it was taken over by the Empire. As a Class four freighter, Imperial cargo ships were required to have sublight re-entry thrusters equipped in all of their cargo containers in case of an emergency jettison; these engines were meant for last-ditch efforts and could only be fired when inside a planetary atmosphere. Imperial Light Carrier | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom Consumables A Bunch of Savages: [Future Perfect] Imperial Light Freighter This List of Japanese Naval ships and war vessels in World War IIis a list of seafaring vessels of the Imperial Japanese Navy of World War II. They managed to restart the ship and steal a cargo of proton bombs and treasures. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Container-mounted sublight engines[3] imperial light freighter Carrier Vader ordered the two officers into the cargo bay, and piloted the ship himself back to the Imperial fleet. Imperial Lighting Factory | LED lighting Through their dedication, we have efficiently grown. [8], During the Imperial Era, the Spectres operated a VCX-100 light freighter known as the Ghost, which served as their mobile headquarters and home. Light freighter | Wookieepedia | Fandom Light Freighter Variants at Empyrion - Galactic Survival Nexus - Mods Weapons: Hauling cargo crates and containers[4] Publisher's Description "A fast and resilient light freighter, the YT-2400 features thirteen weapon emplacement points, making it an attractive vessel for smugglers like Dash Rendar who favor a heavily armed "transport." Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Cargo capacity Manufacturer Navigation system Defender-class light corvette - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki The XS Stock light freighter is the Starship available to players of the Smuggler class. you, that despite international concern, we continue our business as normal. Customs patrol vessel Endangered, Part 1, Endangered, Part 2, Star Wars: The Bad Batch "Spoils of War", Star Wars: The Bad Batch "Ruins of War"class. [4], The Adeptus Mechanicus have at their disposal a large fleet of starships. The classic Freighter has advanced by leaps and bounds since the Dynamic class Freighters from the days of the Jedi Civil War . Nimbus-class V-wing. Light Freighter - Etsy read more Content approaching. The Light Imperial Freighter or ISF For short is a small Freighter Around 15 meters In length, 10 meters in height, and 20 meters in width. Standard Products view more Intelligent lighting view more New products view more Bespoke lighting view more ARC-170 Starfighter. LEGO Star Wars Imperial Assault Carrier 75106 Building Kit Designed in the Second Imperium period, built at the start of the Time of the Five Emperors, the Wayfarer was built to be a part of the Imperial Taken Up From Trade (TUFT) program. However, the Ghost Crew stole the carrier for the Rebellion with the help of Cham Syndulla and the Free Ryloth Movement. Required fields are marked *. Crew (6)[1]Gunners (6)[1] Thank you, Imperial Freight Brokers, for assisting in implementing an effective logistics chain for our business. Technical specifications Quasar Fire-class Cruiser-Carrier at which time the YT-1300 known as the Millennium Falcon was manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. . Class Sublight engines (3)[2] Light freighter Cost 200,000 Technical specifications Length 31 meters Width 29 meters Height/depth 7 meters Maximum speed (atmosphere) 800 km/h Hyperdrive rating Class 1 Backup Class 4 Shielding 248 SBD Hull 102 RU Navigation system Equipped Armament Laser cannon turrets (2) Crew Pilot (1) Co-pilot ( Minimum crew 1 Passengers 6 Cargo capacity Galactic Empire[4]Imperial Navy[4] [4] The ships could fit in the main hangar of a Separatist supply ship. Located on 3.4 acres, our state-of-the-art distribution center boasts over 50,000 square feet, which fully allows us to handle your trucking, warehousing and distribution needs for both dry and refrigerated cargo. One of these carriers was positioned over Ryloth to deploy TIE Bombers to attack the Twi'lek resistance on the planet. Lightly armed for self-defense, the Wayfarer class would remain in operation during both the Imperium and Hegemony eras, steadily upgraded as technology improved. Edit. A single Class 1 hardpoint is located at the bottom of the nose while 2 utility slots are situated atop the rear of the ship..