Don't know if I just sucked at the game, but playing as Zato vs Axl was a fucking nightmare. Sol matchup chart. The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. Best Match. Combos into 5H as far as near max range or 2H at close range. If he values his life at least. The opponent can also opt to use Faultless Defense to push themselves further away on block, making it harder for Sol to continue pressure safely. Zato players like to sneak in his command throw but learn to recognize the situations they do it and be ready to beat him up for 90%. This technique transfers the initial forward movement of 6S into the special move, giving it more range (useful for making Clean Hit Volcanic Viper more consistent). Combos into Aerial Volcanic Viper or Aerial Bandit Revolver for more damage and a swift knockdown. With its stylish visuals, unique characters, and complex mechanics, Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 is a game that rewards dedication and skill. Ram gets strong punishes on both block and startup due to its generally risky nature, being -17 on block. Its Guard Crush effect also leads to true 50/50 mixups when combined with Blue Roman Cancel, forcing the opponent to guess between either 2K (which will lead to a full combo due to the slowdown) or Wild Throw, as Guard Crush lacks the extra frames of throw protection that regular blockstun has. Anyways, its really cool and interesting data, and I hope to see more analyses like this in the future! That whole Ram thing is a fluke. If you play Axl for a bit you start to notice how little people understand the recovery on his moves. Overall much harder than your usual Ram matchup, but not unwinnable by any means. Business as usual but just make sure you stay aware of Testament being able to use. This is a primary way to escape Baiken's H Kabari RPS situation due to its range and speed, but will lose to the followup. Axl just doesn't get as much leeway in neutral because the range she can start threatening him is much larger than most other characters. Sol Badguy - 4.9. Search Results - Showing 0 - 34 Of 129. This attack is Sol's best point to use Roman Cancels in most combos. Sol does an uppercut followed by a fiery straight punch. Test 6P is juiced so if Ram gets 6P happy just slap them. They are still quite awful on whiff however, and proper baiting of moves like Nago's, Keep an eye on his blood! The safest option is attempting to jump out, but it can be predicted and punished. If it hits a grounded opponent, they will be put into a floating crumple that causes immediate follow-ups to behave as though the opponent was airborne, but delaying them will result in a forced stand. Guilty Gear Strive Crossword Quiz - By matthewafilippel 24. You don't like having to work your way in against characters that outrange you. Matchup guides, advice, and analysis for Zato-1 in GGST. The recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before he may perform another action, even blocking. Sol grips the opponent with his fist, detonating it with flames. Sol releases a pillar of flame that slowly crawls along the ground. Sol Nascente also serves as a risky poke thats usefulness is often matchup-dependent, but in the right scenarios is able to beat out many high/air options with its frame 1 low profile and large vertical . If the first hit of a combo, applies an additional +20. He is an aloof and brash bounty hunter of immense skill on a quest to find and eliminate all Gears and their creator, That Man.For a short time, Sol was also a member of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights during the Crusades, known as "Order-Sol".. Sol has an Awakened form, who is an unlockable boss character in Guilty . Jack-O: Guilty Gear -Strive- | DashFight Ideal combo ender and potential extender. Ramlethal's tier match-ups in Guilty Gear Strive - EventHubs Combos into 2D for a hard knockdown. Purple Roman Canceling the throw on hit before damage is dealt also results in better proration, leading to stronger combos than a Red Roman Cancel conversion in or near the corner. Nagoriyuki is a playable character in the Guilty Gear series who makes his first appearance on Guilty Gear -Strive-. Indicates an entity that exists seperately from the character was spawned. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Arc System Works or any other developers whose games are featured on this site. The opposite of hoping your main will be buffed, ________ thinking. She is dressed in business casual attire, a loosely worn white shirt with bright green pulled . However, thanks to its slow start-up and lack of combo utility, this Overdrive is rarely used at all. Jack-O is a woman with green eyes and red hair. ), but it's probably time to finally make an exception here. This can be exploited by air-dashing and immediately cancelling into Faultless Defense, to trick the Axl into spending his meter while keeping Baiken safe. Either way, the opponent will be pushed away. Outside of Bomber loops, youve also got a harder time making the most of his low health. * Proration: Forced 75%. The amount of Tension gained when the move is input. 5[D] is also Sol's most damaging normal and launches the opponent if combo'd into, granting it some situational use as a combo extender in certain routes. Includes first active frame. Published on 3 Mar 2023. In the case of 2H, this is faster than letting the move recover by itself. Due to the meter changes, he can get positive bonus and force you to take unavoidable chip damage if you don't use FD. On top of that, Ram has a much easier time dealing with dolphin RPS, meaning May has to work harder to actually get her hits. Delaying and slightly changing your buttons and timing can throw off the other ram and can lead to whiff punishes. Only 100 matches per match-up. This move and the 236K it canceled from are considered one multi-hit attack. Happy Chaos and Ramlethal both share a deep connection, that being that you simply have to endure the rest on the match suffering in a corner as you hold this mix. Has no additional combo delay on initial hit, unlike other overheads (usually adding +5 on initial hit). 6H is very helpful in particular match-ups where Sol can punish moves which are normally safe due to pushback, such as Ky's uncanceled 2DGuard:LowStartup:10Recovery:18Advantage:-10 and even Stun EdgeGuard:AllStartup:13Recovery:Total 46Advantage:-15 at some spacings. Ram plays in about the same ranges and spaces Ky plays, but she does it better. Its +3 frame advantage, wealth of frame trap cancel options, low pushback and especially its significant R.I.S.C. Hits twice. He further explained that Ramlethal is a hard matchup . A very well-timed jump attack on a character who is rising from a knockdown. Follow-up knocks the opponent away on hit. Your neutral is better than his but like other MUs, it's a tough ride when he finally gets in with backturn. Opponent cannot use Blue Psyche Burst on hit or the resulting knockdown. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own. How much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. They have some good and bad matchups, but can be very effective in the right hands. This move travels very far very quickly, ultimately giving it a niche as a full screen whiff punishing tool. Try to preemptively hit where you think Chipp will be so you can try keeping him locked down. Due to it being a projectile, you can't do anything about it. 26. Do try to be careful when going for the second or third hit of, Since Testament has low damage relative to Ram, this makes winning neutral more often pretty vital which can be difficult because it's Ramlethal. On hit, it knocks opponents back in a bizarre-looking ground bounce that can combo directly into Night Raid Vortex. Dragon Ball FighterZ Brawlhalla Guilty Gear -Strive-Soulcalibur VI Skullgirls 2nd Encore Killer Instinct Multiversus The King of Fighters . After the super freeze, Sol has constant full guardpoint for as long as the move remains active, and if an opponent hits Sol during this time, Sol will experience pushback, but then continue to move and remain active during hitstop. High reward on air hit or Counter Hit, leading into Gun Flame (or Gun Flame (Feint) on Counter Hit) followed by Night Raid Vortex for good damage and corner carry. Created by Daisuke Ishiwatari and developed by Arc System Works, "Guilty Gear -Strive-" upholds the series' reputation for a high octane soundtrack, groundbreaking hybrid 2D/3D cell-shaded graphics and intense . Note that non-meaty timings for okizeme will render it vulnerable to throws at close range, and later timings will render them vulnerable to a 6P. Sol: Guilty Gear -Strive- | DashFight Here's how you can play Anji Mito in Guilty Gear Strive. During a Homing Jump, canceling any normal into the same normal during hitstop will activate a Finish Blow. Damage changes with each set of 8 active frames. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own. Guilty Gear Xrd Tier List [October] 2022 ; S Tier. Here's how you can play Anji Mito in Guilty Gear Strive. WanderingWlf on Twitter: ".@tattieuwu is too awesome. He doodled me and His best poke is 5P/2P at 31/34 frames. Just be mindful that Chipp has. She wears black shoes with red soles, black gloves, a black mask with glowing green eyes and mouth, an ankh necklace, and a ball and chain attached to her leg. She does have, Ram on offense is usually business as usual. However, Testament can get positive bonus easier in theory due to high conversion ability due to stain state and, Testament has two strong ways to stop Ram from jumping out of the corner with. For me it's one of the worst matchups. The hard knockdown leads into strong okizeme, including OTG c.S into pressure in the corner, though it can be sacrificed in exchange for even more damage with an OTG 6H (useful for closing out rounds). Combos into 6S against crouching opponents for both better damage and a knockdown. Walk back Far Slash and jumping away can work well. Guard crushes on block, leaving Sol at a significant frame advantage and greatly increasing the opponent's R.I.S.C. Avoid using the follow-up if the initial attack Wall Sticks so that the wall can be broken by a stronger ender like 5H, 6H, Fafnir, or Tyrant Rave. Very close to being an even matchup but it's spoiled by Ram simply being more consistent and having an easier time getting her win condition. Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 Tier List (2023) - Best Characters Ranked Anji has a strong footsies game with his large normals and the Autoguard property on his specials. Aerial approaches are risky, as Axl's normals have even more dominance against aerial opponents. Toggle search. Vote for tiers. Slow but high reward anti-air that mainly sees use as combo filler. If you get knocked down and she sets up a Yo-Yo, you'll have to hold the mix. Nagoriyuki is the opposite of this. Gatling Options: 6P, f.S, 2S, 6S, 5H, 2H, 6H, 5D, 2D. Standard strike throw stuff needs to be thought of here. 8th overall. The Ram with more swords equipped in neutral is favoured, Ram struggles to deal with her own corner pressure without meter, This is a very momentum based matchup, first to break the wall usually wins, Ram has access to a few safe jumps making her Mortobato super easier to bait, Ram can always use her Mortobato super between rekka (, Jumping in Neutral can heavily change the R.P.S (Rock, Paper, Scissors). H KabariGuard:AllStartup:18Recovery:19Advantage:-3. Vote for tiers. Testament pressure is now something to worry about in this new patch, do not let them lock you down. Day diff. If Sol needs to keep his opponent blocking after c.S, an immediate f.S will usually reach even against Instant Faultless Defense. Ramlethal's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. Usually improves frame data against blocked moves or gives more meter than a normal block or these moves are a risky strategy but negates the pushback of these moves and allows Baiken to continue to claim screen space. May's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. Ramlethal does have really high reward off successful hits, more so than Millia, though she will struggle to get those hits more than any other matchup, except possibly Chipp. Important tool for landing Clean Hit Volcanic Viper in the corner. If you let Baiken grab you, she can start to run pressure like. This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. As a rule of thumb, it's more reliable to dash cancel the move when anti-airing with it, as additional landing recovery from air blocking will give Sol follow-up pressure while still allowing for a combo should it actually hit. A decent option on defense, it can force the enemy to get closer, which opens them up to 2P and 2K. GUILTY GEAR STRIVE v1.05 MULTi9-ElAmigos [FileCrypt] Links into 5K on normal hit, while on Counter Hit it links into itself, Night Raid Vortex or a Tiger KneeAn input method to perform a special move in the air as fast as possible after you leave the ground. Floating crumple on ground hit: Total 28F (airborne 1~11F, standing 12~28F, can block 19~28F). The M&M&C will kick out Axls and Goldlewis can have a better route to top. Guilty Gear Strive Anji Mito Guide: Beginners Tips, Move List & Best Combo Occurs after Startup. A projectile which usually travels slowly across the screen in a horizontal path above the ground. Ram can always use her Mortobato super between rekka ( 214P) 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd hits. That being said, f.S's pushback means that there are ranges where 5H will whiff. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Useful for stagger pressure and for mashing out of large gaps in the opponent's pressure. Guilty Gear Strive originally released in June 2021 . Guilty Gear Strive llegar el 7 de marzo a Xbox, PC y Game Pass Most things Leo does round start loses to Ram's. Overall, Gold has to work a lot harder than Ram does but Ram still needs to know that he's not THAT far off from being able to take her down. Basic air jab that's fairly safe on whiff. Dustloop focuses on the competitive elements of these games, and provides instructional content aimed at helping players improve. . Try to use it as a round ender or to punish an opponent's throw or Throw Clash attempt. Keep in mind that Fafnir's slow start-up means that using it in neutral presents a certain amount of risk of being counter poked, especially by the opponent's 6P. "Guilty Gear -Strive-" es la ltima entrada de la aclamada franquicia de juegos de lucha de Guilty Gear. 8.5K 30.5K 2.7K . I-No - 19. Primary Frame TrapAn offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. Testie has a deceptively good j.H jump in that Ram needs to keep an eye out for. this move builds when normal or instant blocked. Your goal is to attack extremely close to when you land so that, if the character performs an invincible reversal attack, you will land and be able to block. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. GGST - Giovanna Strategy - Dustloop Wiki Gun Flame is plus on block if it hits meaty or at a range, making it a strong pressure and okizeme tool. Will lose to any attack before the super freeze but will not waste any Tension in doing so. Usually improves frame data against blocked moves or gives more meter than a normal block or both. If she comes in with a deep j.S jump in, she can decide to Yosanzen to hit you with another overhead or she can simply not do it and go for a low via 2K. Lyrics, Song Meanings, Videos, Full Albums & Bios: I See U (Abstract Drumz Vocal Remix), I See U (Made In Russia Remix), I See U (Abstract Drumz Instrumental Remix), I See U (Pete Rann Remix), I See U (Audapta Remix), Never See Me Again - Kanye West (Piano If Chaos uses Concentration or Reload, you can attack with 623P, 214P, or j.214S at short to mid range. This is a very momentum based matchup, first to break the wall usually wins. Fighting game Guilty Gear Strive will join Game Pass next week, and will be playable on console and PC. Above her head floats a cracked yellow halo. This makes pressure that isnt the primary mixup incredibly risky as not only does parry punish these strings, but attempting to counter it leaves her vulnerable to her 4 frame 5P as an AbareAn attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it.. Every knockdown is a Strike Throw situation due to parry and Tatami Gaeshi safejumps are the safest way to start the primary mixup. You can run pressure like usual but be careful mid screen as Baiken can do wakeup Hiragi and it's frame 1, meaning it can be a good wakeup option. The Gear Hunters Saga), ambientada en Washington, y que presenta su confrontacin final con That Man, Asuka R. Kreutz. Testament - 4.9. Combos directly into c.S, though 5K should be used instead if the forward movement doesn't bring Sol close enough for c.S or the gravity is too severe. Usually something like to a. Tiers for Guilty Gear Strive - EventHubs Strategy. Matchups | RATING UPDATE Universal Sweep. An attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it. 2S is also still useful. . The time before an attack is active including the first active frame. Guilty Gear -Strive-. Using the data that OP collected, I attempted to put it through a "metagame analysis" that Alex Jaffe went over in his GDC talk from 2015, as seen in the following video. Score - Sum of match-up values for this character. Overview. Roman Canceling this move retains Sol's upward momentum unless the Roman Cancel is shifted in any direction. Second hit can Clean Hit at close range. Axl. A particularly strong setup is OTG c.S > f.S followed by quickly tapping back into another c.S, which will put Sol out of throw range and catch the opponent using fuzzy timings for their defensive options. As this is Sol's fastest grounded overhead, 5D is needed to threaten the opponent with high/low mix-ups. Loss, similar to regular strikes. In the corner, look out for his tick throws when he utilizes, There is something unique Faust can do on defense, to deal with Ram pressure, he can crawl under. While its range is shorter than f.S, it functions as a good counter poke at the same speed, as it does not move Sol's hurtbox very far forward while sporting a significantly disjointed hitbox. She goes up and down real quick so if you're a reactionary Axl you might have a hard time. May has very strong tools against Axl like after his 2H or 214H are blocked he is minus so she can go for dolphin to punish or close the distance easily. Most miserable matchups in Strive? : r/Guiltygear - reddit Floating crumple on ground hit: Total 33F (airborne 1~19F, standing 20~33F, can block 28~33F). You don't like characters with highly interactive pressure. An offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. Can gatling from 5K, 2K, or c.S for a mix-up. It can also be kara canceled from 6S for another range increase. Sol Badguy - 4.8. Axl's fastest Abare option is his 2K, which also has a generous low profile that can duck under Baiken's f.S, so keep a close eye on that move and pay attention to when and where they use that button. Baiken presents threatening abilities to counteract her own playstyle. For example, although May has the highest average win chance, she isn't number one in this chart. Ram gets to play neutral as usual due to Faust not having a strong answer to, This all being said, Faust gets a bit more quirky once he has meter. Due to her pressure utilizing projectiles, this disallows Baiken from using parry as freely.