You can always fully equip all your cargo-slots with goods/items for expeditions. Expeditions | Anno 1800 Wiki | Fandom Welcome in the world of expeditions, first some general linksthat are good to know about; thesewikis will go into the basics of expeditions and how to go about them, this guide hopes to guideyou into more depth decisions of an expedition. Only extra rations have a base morale value, but when they also possess a skill bonus alongside it, additional morale is awarded (double the value of the skill bonus). Originally posted by Tankfriend: Actually, the battle cruiser is better than the ship of the line at expeditions. The reason why different ships award different morale when selected, is because these ships might bring their own skill bonuses, and not because the ship itself is harder to sink. Apart from items, different goods are a good way to provide those traits to your expedition. Mouse over goods and items to see which category they cover. rations = food. The danger involved comes in the form of events. When the expedition encounters an event, players are given a choice on how to surmount it. Skills are granted to the expedition by sending along specific types of cargo and passengers. Skill bonuses are additive and with proper preparation and some luck, most events should offer at least one choice that plays on the expedition's pool of talents. Success may result in a morale boost and possibly a more specific reward (like a new item) while failure will likely (but not always) trigger a morale drop. Any specialist crew members aboard will also add a further boost to morale if combined with the right goods. These represent the skills that are the most likely to come up during your expedition events (N.B, there are more than four skills overall, but the game picks a handful of key skills per expedition). Very important topic as we have to face it all the time. Even the ships themselves might have an innate Navigation or Naval Power bonus depending on their type. IF you have two kinds of rations, the "morale decay offset" wanes slower. There are many different elements that can influence these choices, but ultimately your chosen approach will either succeed or fail. Alongside goods, you can also equip ships with items and specialists which also provide boosts to skills. Again, does type make a difference? The amount of starting morale can be raised by giving the crew a quality ship and loading it with additional passengers and cargo that grant the expedition the appropriate skills. The key word here is potential as there are many different factors that can influence how much Morale your ship leaves port with. The expedition menu, showing the expedition type, rewards and the recommended skills that the expedition should possess. Here you see a +50 Faith item, special guest, who brings +30 medicine too. Archeological expedition Artifacts for museums, Botanical expedition - Plants for botanic gardens, Pirate hunt Items and Maps (if Sunken Treasures is installed), One skull - easy expedition - uncommon and rare items, Two skulls - medium expedition - rare and epic items, Three skulls - hard expedition - epic and legendary items. You can tell if the item is considered a ration by mousing over items in your harbor. 1.04K subscribers I love Anno 1800's expedition! The better you equip your ship with goods and items that reflect these skills, the higher a chance of success you will have when making your event choices. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Under the Expedition-Tab are 2 layouts for expeditions - one with only legendarys, one with epics Im using the epic one on all 3 of my expedition cargo ships and never lost any ship. Failing an event when the expedition is underway might lead to extra morale losses, but even when successfully overcome there is a standard -10 moral decrease after all events, likely because of the crew's homesickness. I want a navigation bonus, but I need space for the equipment and for items I get along the expedition as well. Fortunately, there are ways to even the odds. Every expedition in Anno 1800 requires at least three different traits, like medicine. I have a Doctor (can't remember the name) who has +40 Medicine and +20 Crafting, for example. Ship of the line? Remember that items related to sail ships can be in a steamers hold, and vice versa. A frigate? When loading additional supplies and passengers, the extra morale awarded is flatly proportionate to the amount of base morale and skills they add to the expedition. Equipping a ship with beef will add 20 base morale to a ship. Champagne, on the other hand, is an excellent Diplomacy aid, because what better way to placate a hostile Amazonian tribe than with a nice glass of bubbly? Items that are limited to use in 'military ships', can still be used on your 'cargo ship', while they are located in the cargo hold. You can check out this Anno Wiki for a full breakdown of how rations boost morale, but good ones to fill your ships hold with include Rum, Schnapps, Champagne, and Cigars. These involve making various choices. To mitigate the standard morale loss, the player is given a choice at the end of every event. 4 Reply Euzio06 3 yr. ago Thanks! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Structurally theyre the same, but they offer very different rewards. Anno 1800 campaign walkthrough - Wood and weapons, used mostly in construction and ship building, give bonuses to crafting and naval power when sent along. Successfully preparing a ship for an expedition can be quite tricky, however. And, they're also readily available on your islands. It's important because alcohol and semiproducts like pepper, raw beef or pigs are considered extra rations too. RuneScape player finally pulls off ridiculous ironman challenge he set himself 8 years ago: 'Life? To supply the expedition with these skills, nearly all items and goods come with a skill rating. I love Anno 1800's expedition! Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), If your morale drops too low, the Expedition is failed, and your ship will turn around at head home. The Extravaganza Steamer is an excellent choice. How much firepower? The sword displayed in your museum or the bear in your zoo, might give bonus to force. For a comprehensive list of what items and specialists can bring to an expedition, refer to the items page and its links to various subpages. Especially the Land of Lions expedition from the DLC will provide some bonus items along the way. These can be any of the following; By putting the right resources in the ship, you can give yourself the best chance of success, depending on which challenges you will face. I've read a few guides that are totally vague on how you should outfit expedition ships. You should always keep at least one cargo slot available, just in case you'll find a bonus item on the expedition. Any advice from others is very welcome and appreciated. In Anno 1800 a huge emphasis was placed on the use of special buildings such as the Trade Union or The Harbormaster's Office. The Morale of your ship is vital to the success of an Expedition. Expeditions revolve around a special mechanic called Morale, which has a surprising amount of depth layered it that isnt very well explained by the game. You never know who'll get hit by a mysterious virus on route to the Far East Medicine is a skill in Anno 1800 expeditions for which you can rely on items or goods. These affect the kinds of challenges youll be faced with, the level of reward that you receive if you complete it, and crucially, the starting morale level of your ship. Politics is a shady business and The Anarchist will be either a powerful . Here you see another +45 Medicine item, acquired from Anne Harlow. Here you see a +55 Crafting item, special guest, who brings +25 medicine too. In general, the larger and more technologically advanced a ship is, the higher morale it will have. . Heres how it works. Try to gather experts or items that have a specialist bonus that is at least 40, preferably combined with another trait that is counting towards a good expedition ending. Both Cocoa and Sugar provide a medicine bonus for expeditions. Needs and desires are different for each of the seven population tiers Anno 1800 features. The first of these leads to the crucial discovery of New World and more become available afterwards. Valve Corporation. Each ship can embark on a new adventure with a potential maximum of 100 morale. Or at least: they should be! Thanks a lot! I prefer battle ship or steam trading ship, superior amount of cargo slots help a lot. Here is a list of Anno 1800's DLC to date: Sunken Treasure (Season 1) Botanica (Season 1) The Passage (Season1) Seat of Power (Season 2) Bright Harvest (Season 2) Land of Lions (Season 2). Generally the more slots it has the more u can fill it with to cover the challenges you might face on the expedition. Which goods provide Diplomacy on expeditions in Anno 1800 Some Specialists and Items might even bring special traits to the expedition, like zoologist, pirate, hypnotists or certain cargo unlocking completely new choices with special outcomes. The early expedition Choose a ship for the expedition with a lot of cargo space and a lot of slots to have specialists in. Hey there, I am wondering if there is t h e perfect expedition ship. And as an added bonus: potatoes, schnapps, rum, sugar and spices also provide rations. Expedition hitpoints are separate from the hitpoints of the ship. Try to find traits from items that can be fit in your cargo ship item socket first, and then complete the requirements with items in your hold. NY 10036. Failure on the other hand, can lead to the loss of morale, a ship's cargo and items, and can sometimes even lead to the loss of the entire ship and the expedition with it. Home Guides Anno 1800: How to Increase Ship Morale & What It Does. Anno 1800 tips: production lines, money making and more explained - pcgamer Choose a ship for the expedition with a lot of cargo space and a lot of slots to have specialists in. While playing the game, there will be additions with tips and experiences. I've all but given up on expeditions.