2022 edition of Tri-State Convention will be held at Alcoholics Anonymous, Shreveport starting on 04th November. While the name only directly reflects gays and . Copyright Alcoholics Anonymous Australia 2017. and from there you can register your interest in upcoming events or service, download flyers to share with your homegroup, contact us, and access details and updates about the convention. One of the most common gmailis that conventions are A.A. meetings. No experience is necessary and basic instruction will be provided. SDSRU Wolgast (German pronunciation: [vlast]) is a town in the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. "News" Learn about events at the General Service Office (G.S.O.) March 10 @ 4:00 pm - March 12 @ 12:00 pm. Summer Round Up - Alcoholics Anonymous Summer Round Up SRI SUMMER ROUND-UP Every year SRI sponsors a three-day A.A. Conference with Al-anon participation The agenda features guest speakers, marathon meetings, social activities, and a banquet. . CONTACT. Phone: 866-928-3434Phone: 952-476-0566Fax: 952-404-7208, Address: 1221 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata MN 55391. One of the most powerful tools for recovery is attending regular AA events. Most recently, in 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia, an estimated 57,000 A.A. members attended. // Get the Recovery HQ email. AA Online Study Exploring the New AA Service Manual, 12 Concepts, and Area 18 Budget Hosted by former Delegates Thad N. and Marti H. Every Wednesday Starting February 1st 7:00pm Zoom Event: Meeting information in link above. 2:15PM Talking Circle. March Roundup 2022 - Alcoholics Anonymous A.A. and Al-Anon friends that the Round-Up is the place to be whether you are new to A.A., been around for a while, or visiting our great state. There are also regularly scheduled AA meetings for group continuity, reliability, and support for those who need it. When Chocolate Doesn't Work Anymore Workshop Hosted By: District 8 Saturday . The Roundup is Labor Day Weekend, September 1 - 4, 2023. We welcome you! AA On the Rocks March Dinner and Speaker Meeting Saturday, March 4th , 2023 Dinner 5:00pm Speaker 6:00pm Speaker . If you have attended in the past, please come again and add to the celebration. Fri 10. Springtime in the Ozarks | Eureka Springs, AR We periodically take extended adventures to canoe, ski, or attend events. Guidelines on Conferences, Conventions and Roundups MG-04 A.A. Since 2017 the Keys for Serenity Roundup has been held annually in Key West, Florida.. Plan to join us in the sunshine for 3 days of amazing fellowship. A.A. Unity and Fellowship are a big part of getting and staying sober in Alcoholics Anonymous. For the special rate be sure to mention that you are attending the SCAAC annual convention on November 3rd. Submit Your Event . Each year, Austin Roundup hosts a recovery conference that brings together different fellowships from around Central Texas. Find a Meeting. NOTICE: Topics for the 2022 Post Confernce Assembly do not require a Log In. June 2023. A NOTE FROM THE COMMITTEE: Any donations that could aid in this wonderful event are gratefully appreciated. Come and join our Al Anon friends for meetings, speakers, and fellowship. OCAAC Home Page We shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit.. This is the official Website of the General Service Office (G.S.O.) AUSLAN Interpreted Meeting for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Online and In Person, Personal Stories A long road to a life of quality, Personal stories Her marriage was disintegrating, Personal stories AA He had to learn the First Step, Personal stories The alcoholic perfectionist, Personal stories She was rescued by a phone call, Frequently asked questions from people new to AA, Information for family and friends of alcoholics, The General Service Office of AA Australia. Business, District Meetings, GSR's. District 15 Monthly Business Meeting June 3 @ 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm District 15 Monthly Business Meeting First Wednesday of Every Month at 6:45p.m [.] *Additional taxes and fees apply. GENERAL DISCLAIMER: RecoveryHQ.com is intended for educational purposes only and does not provide medical treatment or medical advice. Roundups - GaL-AA Roundups Browse our list of upcoming Roundups. Serenity is what we get when we quit hoping for a better past. The Breakfast Club is free to attend and open to the public. If youre looking for news, resources, or content about The Retreat, its programs, community, and life in recovery, you can check the AA events near me calendar for the most up to date information. Should you wish them above all else, and be willing to make use of our experience, we are sure they will come. AALA Roundup - LGBTQ+ AA Convention in Los Angeles - Alcoholics SEPIA's 56th Annual Round-Up "Serenity by the Sea" April 21, 2023 "Serenity by the Sea" View the Flyer . CONTACT SUGARLOAF at 1-800-THE LOAF (843-5623 . Join us for an incredible weekend of celebrations, fellowship, recovery, and unity with AL-ANON participation. Check out our FAQs. 12:00PM AA Speaker Meeting. The same great location at the Riverside Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, NV on the beautiful Colorado River will be filled with meetings, fine fellowship, inspiring and humorous speakers, and more fun than ever. 2022 by Together We Can. Riders follow a predetermined trail with checkpoints at various locations. This years Roundup will be in-person at the Sonesta Hotel in the Redondo Beach Marina. S.E.M.R.U. AA Conventions, AA Conferences, AA Roundups, AA Retreats and other AA Events, Meadowview Conference Resort & Convention Center, Oklahoma State Conference Living Free in 23, Embassy Suites by Hilton Oklahoma City Northwest, Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa, Indian Wells. Add to calendar. Please note, Roundups listed on this page may include the experience, strength, and hope from both AA and other twelve step recovery programs. For questions about this years round-up, please contact us below. Enjoy a weekend of incredible speakers panel, meetings and fellowship as we celebrate recovery Texas-style. The producers of RecoveryHQ.com shall have no liability, obligation, or responsibility to any person or entity for any loss, damage, or adverse consequences alleged to have happened directly or indirectly as a consequence of material on this website. 10am Entertainment Golf Tournament. Step 1 enter your email address and select "Find Me" to proceed with the registration process. The rate is dependent on room availability and only available if you reserve before 1/14/22. August 3, 2022 - August 7, 2022. 8am Morning Yoga & Meditation. is a non-profit organization of LGBTs who join together to organize an annual convention. sea, sun, fun and sobriety. This is not a discussion podcast, simply speaker meetings and workshops in a podcast format. Sobriety Under The Sun | AA Convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results. This number will connect you with your local AA office or phone service. Tri-State Convention (Nov 2022), Shreveport USA - Conference - 10times 2022 Las Vegas Roundup - Las Vegas Central Office for Alcoholics Anonymous The Las Vegas Roundup is an annual gathering of alcoholics from across the country and around the world. One of the most powerful tools for recovery is attending regular AA events. EVENTS - District 15 AA The age of miracles is still with us. Gay & Sober 2023 - Common Questions Upcoming Events - AA Sacramento Wolgast, Vorpommern-Greifswald, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany Calendar. Concerned about travel barriers to Canada or Want to know the theme of the Convention? MBAR conference 2022 archives . Visit the Lodging Page for more details. Contact the Hyatt Regency, 125 East Main St . All rights reserved |Privacy Policy|Advertising Policy EVENTS. Book your hotel room for the event at special rates. Appalachian Regional RoundUp. 865-522-9667. Look below to see what's coming up around the world. Our own recovery proves that! Alcoholics Anonymous pg. Get Involved. GaL-AA (Gays and Lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous) was established to serve and have the involvement of lesbians, gay men, and others in Alcoholics Anonymous, regardless of how they choose to identify themselves. // 6, 82491 Grainau, Tagungssttte Schloss Schwanberg 3 97348 Rdelsee, Tagungssttte Schloss, Schwanberg 3, Rdelsee, Notice: We use cookies to provide and improve our services. The practical answer is that since these things have happened among us, they can happen with you. Want to sit with your friends at the banquet? 2022 Convention Information Rochester Area Intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous - Idaho Area 18 You won't want to miss these meetings! Six really terrific speakers! Come for a weekend of speakers, meetings, workshops, food, dancing, and fellowship with AA's from all around the state. CONVENTION TREASURER P.O. Click here for a printable Flyer. Our own recovery proves that!" " It may seem incredible that these men are to become happy, respected, and useful once more. Copyright 2023. As part of our commitment to offering continual support for those in need, were dedicated to providing helpful resources and unique opportunities to experience and connect during your recovery. Register for Events - Convention 83RD Anniversary of AA. Meetings run all day and evening. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and we send our deepest condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one to this virus. Daily posts on recovery, sobriety, mental health, and everything in-between. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider. As soon as I walked into the registration hall, I knew this weekend would be like no other in A.A. At each checkpoint, they receive a card. Need some help registering? SENY Convention (Southeastern New York Convention) | AA Grapevine SENY Convention (Southeastern New York Convention) Home Get Involved SENY Convention (Southeastern New York Convention) Date April 1, 2022 - April 3, 2022 Location Tarrytown, New York SENY Convention. 2023 Dates Announced! 2022 The Retreat. It was great to be in person again! And the Palm Springs Round Up, that was started in 1960. . The Retreat Calendar of Events includes AA meetings, weekend retreats, family work, and more. Register for LVRU and add a banquet ticket today! Join us for the 76th Annual Texas State Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous. Area 03 Login. Want to sit with your friends at the Banquet? We have amazing speakers. Even a five dollar donation helps to keep our organization operating year after year. Mardi Gras 2023 Event Sat, Feb 25th 7-10 pm Big Cottonwood Room at Holladay City Hall 4580 S 2300 E Events Chair 2023 Utah Rally For Recovery A walk to honor the lives lost to substance abuse. We would be happy to help spread the word! Click outside the box to close it. 17 March 2023. . It is the place where locals gather, where you can greet friends from other cities throughout the states. A.A. members and their families and friends from around the globe attend the event. Events Calendar - sobercast.com Each month the AA events will change giving you the option for variety that will help keep you motivated and satisfied throughout recovery. Home: Welcome. In addition to a changing calendar of events, The Retreat holds a few regular programs to help people in the community connect and grow. Come and be a part of the 70th annual Southern California AA Convention. Rates only available here - exclusive basis! 190 05, Makri, Nr Athens, Seminarhaus Grainau e.V., Alpspitzstr. Our website is LIVE, www.aanatcon2022.com and from there you can register your interest in upcoming events or service, download flyers to share with your homegroup, contact us, and access details and updates about the convention. The environment, speakers and workshops provide an opportunity for sobriety, recovery, fellowship and fun under the sun in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Some of our residents favorite AA events include community dodgeball, community hockey, softball games, and more. Wed 8. We have three days of Fellowship, A.A. meetings. ALL SINGERS & DANCERS WELCOME. A.A. and Al-Anon conference 2022 | MONTEREY BAY AREA ROUNDUP | MEETINGS | ZOOM MTGS | CALENDAR | AREA COMMITTEE; menu. Sobriety Count Down. Tropicana Hotel & Casino, 3801 S. Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA. Home; Meetings. Here is some of what you can expect. hotline 833.800.8553 AREA 40 M O NTANA. "Rogue Round-Up" . Events listing is a courtesy and does not imply endorsement of nor affiliation with events. Springtime in the Ozarks Eureka Springs, Arkansas District 1 AA Convention Next conference: 46th Annual Conference April 20-23, 2023 Preregistration closes April 1, 2023 Thank you to everyone who attended 2022! Flower City Fellowship Convention2022February 18th-20th, 2022. 72 per night single, 78 per night double, breakfast included. Bob., gathered in Cleveland, Ohio. International Conventions, steadily growing in size, have been held since 1950. March 8 @ 6:30 am - 7:30 am. APRIL 28, 29, 30 . Conference. Passing of the Big Book Special Room Rate: $149.00 per night for this event. A.A. Spring English Speaking International Convention in Greece will be held at the Marathon Beach Resort, Near Makri, Athens. This is the official Website of the General Service Office (G.S.O.) Summer Round Up - Alcoholics Anonymous - aaphoenix.org Until that day, I hadnt realized just how big A.A. really is. Printing a single copy of this item is permitted, in accordance with A.A. World Services, Inc. November 24th - November 27th. Aloha Roundup 2022 When Friday, February 25, 2022 at 3:00 PM HST -to- Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM HST Add to Calendar Where Ala Wai Golf Club 404 Kapahulu Ave., HI 96815 Driving Directions Contact Registrar Aloha Roundup 2022 8087257795 aloharoundup.hon@gmail.com Aloha Roundup 2022