Side effects may include: Having fun, Getting along with other squad leads, Actual teamwork If you experience a round of squad lasting longer than 30 mins please contact Hawks and thank him for this wonderful rework. Fixed the RUS MTLB VMK not spawning on Jensens Range v2. We have added a mod versioning system to prevent this, however it will mean that servers are not able to host mods until their authors update them for v2.12. Fixed LODs before imposter on Beech/Oak trees. Fixed a minor visual issue with the texture on an Afghan rock wall endcap looking washed out, which was missing albedo. proportions on the CAF and MEA static flags. This crash is currently not reproducible. Updated the Standard Lighting so FX emissive bloom can be adjusted by material instance brightness where needed. RAAS v03. Currently, this primarily affects the complexity of the Landscape. RAAS v06. We hope that this increases the teamwork necessary to use these vehicles effectively, especially during the beginning stages of an Invasion round. Fixed ambient reflections failing to save properly, which resulted in some maps missing pre-rendered reflections. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. Attention Squaddies, Squad v2.15 continues Squad's new release cadence, with our team working to provide more frequent updates as we move forward. !vote restart - Restarts voting with 6 random maps and modes. The fix attempt. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. Fixed floating rocks at grid G6-8-8, F8-8-9. This also helps reduce the perceived smudgyness of anti-aliasing. RAAS is a corroborative exam of the American education system mixed with the lack of self responsibility, touched with a little bit of social media rage syndrome. Updated Mestia Invasion v1 to now use Mid Day Lighting. Adjusted MEA SL 01 pistol to have 2+1 mags, instead of 1+1 mags. Updated Fireteam HUD notification icons to now match the colour associated with the relevant Fireteam (Note Fireteam colors are as follows: Fireteam A = Light Green, Fireteam B = Purple, Fireteam C = Cyan). Now many of these faction setups will be displayed on individual lines, except for when a team has many of several vehicle types: IE Invasion layers with many Minsk bikes or Logis. Updated the sewer entrances with blocking volumes for vehicles only, to prevent motor bikes from glitching into sewers. Updated the render distance of muzzle flashes, this was previously only 50m now muzzle flashes render out to 1000m. Both locations will now use the IFV icon. Added a new deployable rickety wooden watchtower with camo nets for Militia. Optimization: Blur shader no longer costs performance when not in ADS. This is intended to make deployable fortifications more resilient. This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. If you encounter any map layers with this issue after this fix, we appreciate detailed player reports thru discord, forums, etc. Fixed an issue with a tree growing in train tracks at grid G9-4-8. RAAS v04. This map layer also has experimental camo netting attached to the static defenses at the Bridge Outpost CP. Fixed an issue with ragdoll momentum, where previously the ragdoll would not maintain its forward momentum, this momentum should now be maintained. Fixed an issue with the RUS/MEA Kord HMG emplacements stadiametric rangefinder not having accurate markings. Don't bother loading up Squadlanes, because it won't work, it's the RAAS experience we always wanted. Overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures. I present to you the Great Book of Lanes, a comprehensive catalogue of the possibilities in every RAAS and Invasion variant, current as of Squad's 1.0 release. Also adjusted the volume of 50cal hit sounds against a Minsk. Some of the changes since you last saw me on the wrench: This experimental camo netting may eventually get added to many of the deployable fortifications/emplacements, in an effort to increase the survivability of soldiers using these assets, as we want to see an increase in their use and more practicality of deploying these assets. Updated Character footstep SFX with new unique sounds for moving over various surfaces: rock, loose rock, gritty concrete, forest, gravel, dirt. Fixed an issue on Logar AAS v1 & Logar Skirmish v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. Design Intention: Give GB team better odds to and take and hold the first objective. All infantry inside the restriction zone can take damage from projectiles and anything else that causes damage. Chora RAAS v3 features old school F88 Rifles. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. This will be addressed in a future update. RAAS v07. Others can still hear them when they talk. Gorodok Fixed various floating grass: grids F6-1-2, H4-1-4, F7-7-8, C12-8-3. Ticket loss from losing the flag is still the same (-10 tickets). Complete rework of Squads approach to dynamic shadows. Fixed a minor issue with a floating ammo crate at US main on Tallil Invasion v3. Fixed a gameplay issue with the ACOG Scope stadia line widths not corresponding to the soldiers shoulder widths at range. Vehicle Reset Feature can freeze a vehicle in the air if used too close to a tree. Fixed a minor issue with the camo netting frame extending through the floor, at grid G8-5-7. Complete overhaul of the technical and artistic approach to lighting. Fixed some minor visual issues with the Scots Pine bush LODs and normals. Sumari Seed v1 has been updated, and we have added 5 new additional seeding layers to help server staff seed their servers in a more hands-off manner: Special modifications to seeding layers include: Round start delay decreased to 30 seconds, Capturing an enemy-held flag requires having at least 2 more soldiers on the flag than the enemy (instead of 3). Capturing generally takes longer and the neutral flag capture rate variability is more obvious with 3 or fewer soldiers in the capture zone. Various Kit icon issues Occasionally the kit and weapon in the deploy screen squad list will show up as a white square instead of the kit. Harju. No change in all vanilla settings. Fixed an issue with a shed that players can enter but cannot exit at grid D4-8-8. The quality and performance cost of this effect are controlled by Post Process Quality. RAAS v12. Fixed an issue with a static shovel floating at grid D7-8-5. RAAS v01. This will be addressed in a future update. Improved Ambient Lighting: Converted the Skylight to work with HDRI skyboxes, and removed the old Ambient Cubemaps. Adjusted the text to be scrollable along with images for aspect ratios which require scrolling. Here the intention is to encourage more strategic options, especially during the early stages in a round and during Double Neutral scenarios. The recommended solution, for now, is to run Squad in the Borderless mode. Adjusted Combat Engineer Kit Role inventory razorwire to have the half built state with a single row of knee-high wire (Same as FOB razorwire). Fixed a minor visual issue with the Militia Heavy Machine gunner having a broken lip that stretched out the back of his neck. Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. This issue is a high priority to fix and. AAS v1. Updated and replaced most particle VFX with improved visual fidelity and major performance optimizations. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay with a hole in the rock face that could be shot through at Fishing Village grid D9-1-1. SFX bug while Firing in full auto. Some layers will continue to receive tweaks and improvements in the future. Added new explosive splash damage against infantry upon vehicle destruction. Fixed a minor issue with flowers clipping through stone walls at grid F6-5-4. All tank rounds are using the existing sounds that youve heard. Allowing a soldier to climb on top of another soldier to boost over a wall, we removed the force which previously prevented players from standing on each others heads. Added new map layer: Goose Bay Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, dim twilight lighting scenario with very large capture zones. No ticket gain from capturing flags (normally +60). Added a new map layer: Logar Seed v1 created a new map layer for server seeding. Our design intent is to allow for camouflage and cautious movement to be effective, but without excessively inhibiting other players situational awareness once a firefight begins. All armor piercing projectiles use another set of piercing more destructive sounds. Tessellation itself has also been significantly optimized. Textures do not become excessively blobby at lower settings. Admin Commands. To halt their advance, a NATO carrier group has been . Fixed issue with shiny roads on several maps. This increases to 1.2x with 5 and 1.3x with 6, up to a maximum of 1.5x. Fallujah RAAS v1 Adjusted vehicle layout, removing MEA Simir Kornet, replaced with BMP2 IFV. Updated CAF Commander CAS to now use CF-18 rocket strike. Overall this change should discourage rushing flags by increasing the chances of encountering a full squad on the point, rather than a lone enemy on back-cap duty. Fixed an issue with a rock having collision problems at grid F4-7-4. Fixed a minor visual issue with the GB FV107 Tracked Recon wreck mesh LOD. Overhauled thousands of materials, textures, and 3D models to react to light in a more physically accurate way. Added a new map layer: Fallujah Seed v1 (USA vs MEA) New map layer for server seeding, which includes a single capture point in the Market with restriction zones. This new revised landscape should appear more natural, with a minor increase in micro terrain. Updated Terrain shadows to now render out to 8km. Fixed a visual issue with the vehicle HUD, where a vehicles, destroyed turret component indicator would incorrectly display that the turret stabilisation was still active, even though the. Updated the MIL/INS AK74 with 1P29 to once again have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 400m, in increments of 100m. Fixed a minor UI issue with the INS/MIL Modern Transport Pickup Truck being called Technical. Fixed thousands of legacy assets that exhibited visual artifacts in the new lighting and fog. We have overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows and Ambient Occlusion. Squadlanes Interactive Squad Maps to help with RAAS capture point prediction Capture Points and RAAS lanes are automatically extracted from Squad maps. Adjusted Sumari Seed v1 map layer increased tickets to 300/300 (was 100/100), increased round timer to 4 hours (was 2 hours), decreased startup timer to 30sec (was 60sec), increased forward spawn expiration to 15min (was 10min), removed ticket gain from capturing a flag (was +20 tickets), increased the mercy bleed rate. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. It is the third update of the year (not counting Hotfixes). With improved shadows and lighting also comes updates to the Graphics Settings Menu. Overhauled the vehicle armour mesh system to now use a new simplified process for assigning VFX and SFX. For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post ( LINK URL ). Create Infographic with the information below: Added a Depth of Field (DoF) effect. Fixed an exploit where players were able to manipulate their speed during games to gain an unfair advantage. Australian Defence Force; British Army; Canadian Army; Civilians; Insurgent Forces As always please provide your feedback after playing Squads v2.12 Update on our forums (Link URL). Players playing Squad on systems that are below our minimum specifications may find that this update does not run as well as previous versions of the game. Fixed an issue with terrain clipping into a building at grid D3-3-6. Local/Offline Bug with Scoped Emplacements: When playing offline on Jensens Range, if a player exits an Emplacement while looking through the scope, the Scope remains on the Players HUD until they get back in the Emplacement and then Scope out. Added a new road connection between the Bunker and Train Bridge OP. Fixed a minor issue where ticket values would sometimes appear in the negative at the end of a round. Fixed a vehicle spawner issue on Narva AAS v2, where at RUS Main a BRDM2/BTR82A spawns incorrectly, interacting with the Staging Phase bounding box. New layers: Yehorivka RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), Yehorivka RAAS v7 (GB vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v3 (CAF vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v4 (CAF vs RU). BTRs, MBTs)- the sole exception being the Spandrel, to prevent it becoming too arduous to deal with in engagements. Design Intention: Encourage squads to capture together, and make players aware of the benefits of having more people together on the point. Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Fixed floating shovel and no water sfx sound on inlet. Tunnels are now darker in general, to better represent these CQB areas. Adjusted several CPs capture areas to better match the POI layouts. Please note that the quality/performance tradeoffs for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures at any given setting have changed substantially. If you experience any issues with the latest update please contact our Support Team (Link URL). Updated the MEA G3 Rifle series firing sounds. This gives the ambient lighting much better colour and contrast, which ensures that it fits the sky colour, and greatly improves the quality of the sky. RAAS v10. We also added a Shaders Graphics Settings section which currently will primarily affect the complexity of the Landscape allowing lower-end hardware more performance options. In Vanilla Squad, RAAS have predefined lanes, and within these lanes there are clusters of points for each capture point (ie, 1st point will have xyz capture zones, 2nd point will have abc, etc. !vote end - Gently ends the current vote and announces the winner layer. Improved and optimized texture quality scaling. Design Intention: This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. This is intended to make using these deployables more effective for defence, as well as offsetting the impact of the new muzzle flashes. Updated Fortification POI by removing a Ural truck inside a barn to allow for potential HAB placement. More map layers will be upgraded with the HDRI sky spheres gradually in future updates. The intention is to give the Defenders a larger range of choices that they must make in the opening moments of an invasion battle, which includes a deeper risk/reward assessment. Skirmish v1. Fixed vehicle spawners on Skorpo Invasion v1 and added 2 Minsk bikes that respawn at Main for MIL. Fixed an issue on Gorodok RAAS v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. Now with well over 100 distinct layer configurations, Hawks RAAS Rework is the perfect supplement to any server, giving you a classic Squad experience with a new twist. Adjusted the USA Protection Zone on Kohat RAAS v2 so it no longer extends so far east of the USA main. Optimized foliage by reducing the maximum number of non-visible foliage triangles allowed to be drawn at once. Fixed an issue on Jensens Range v2 with a Minsk spawning for the RUS team. Updated Seed Map layers to now show the game mode in the server browser, as well as adding the game modes description to the team select menu. Most noticeable when aiming down weapon sights, bipoded, using emplacements, or looking through a vehicle viewport. You may want to raise or lower your graphics settings from what you used before this update. Fixed an issue with decorative river rock collisions which could be entered/exploited, river rocks with no player collision have been reduced in size to prevent exploitation. Random Advance and Secure (in short, RAAS) is one of the primary game modes in Squad and very similar to Advance and Secure (AAS). Some of the new Seed layers have experimental features added to try out various scenarios to see how they play out, Tallil Seed v1 is focused on light vehicle combat, the rest of the seeding layers dont have offensive vehicles, On Tallil Seed v1, Logar Seed v1, and Sumari Seed v1 the Mercy Bleed rate for losing your last flag has been increased to -300 tickets per second (essentially instantly ending the round), Al Basrah Seed v1, Fallujah Seed v1, and Tallil Seed v2 have Restriction zones limiting the fighting to middle flag(s), At the moment, these restriction zones stay in place until the end of the round. Fixed a gameplay issue related to static map object UAZ van, the bullet collision was not working as intended. Potential Fix for the critical issue of players occasionally not seeing Logistic Vehicles construction supplies (Logi Bug). USA now has 2x M939. Updated flag capture rate scaling values. This was a semi-rare issue where a two-step teleport sometimes occurred, seemingly out of nowhere. Fixed an issue for outside metal hit SFX on vehicles being too loud and sounded too far out from projectiles. This is also intended to increase chances of Attacker success on first Capture Points. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. Updated the infantry Buddy Boost feature to be easier to use, which allows a soldier to climb on top of another soldier to boost over a wall. Hawks RAAS Rework is an overhaul of the RAAS Gamemode, set out with express purpose of making Squad Lanes obsolete. AAS . Exit Indicators will change colour from green to red to indicate when an obstacle obstructs the arrows position, which is an indication that the doorway may be partially or completely blocked to players. RAAS v10. Updated open-top / RWS vehicle turrets (those mounted on a pivot) to no longer pass damage to the vehicles hull. Fixed the Scots Pine tree texture so it is less bright. Usage See Captain's video to find out how to work with our official deployment at Fixed an issue with conflicting ambient tree SFX cutting out around grid E9-6-6. Fixed a sidewalk using an incorrect material. Updated autocannon projectiles ( 23mm HE and 30mm HE) to no longer have a so-called kill zone radius this radius differs from other damage radii by ignoring mesh collisions, thus causing these projectiles to penetrate armour and still damage soldiers inside vehicles. Added a Tessellation graphics toggle. Fixed a minor issue with CAF SL Pilot & CAF SL Crewman not having tracers for their rifles. Updated the backend of FOB Radio deployment, to reduce the possibility of clipping/glitching the FOB Radio into buildings, to prevent glitchy/exploitive FOB Radio placements. Reply Added a new map layer: Tallil Seed v2 (CAF vs RUS) a variant of Tallil Seed v1 with only two middle flags, that does not have any offensive vehicles, and also includes restriction zones. Removed most artificial colour-grading. Designers Note: The intention with this change is to reduce marker spam and the overreliance on this system for fast spotting versus other forms of communication. Fixed a minor issue on Logar Valley Insurgency v1 where the RUS Main Repair Station is crooked. Fixed an issue with see thru Rocks at grids C4-1-3 & G6-8-7. Adjusted the CAF C9A2 LMG front sight to a more accurate model. Added Atmospheric Scattering to all maps, which improves ambient lighting and the shading of distant objects such as mountains. A lock icon will appear over a capture zone when a team cannot currently affect the flag state anymore (in a double-neutral situation). This. Added a small amount of new mini POIs throughout the map. Adjusted the layout and tooltips of the Graphics Settings menu to improve clarity and user experience. Updated Mestia AAS v2 this map layer now has an experimental darker than normal lighting/shadows. Fixed some floating grass at grid F5-5-8. Designers Note: The intention with this change is to incur a more noticeable effect on soldier stamina when navigating obstacles, to bring more nuance to stamina management and navigating terrain. Added a Material Quality graphics setting. Adjusted the Goose Bay map camera location. Fixed an issue with tall buildings culling inapporpriately. Fixed a minor UI issue with inconsistent vehicle icons between the vehicle card menu and the map icon for the following vehicles: Simir MG3, Simir Kord, Modern Technical UB32, MEA BRDM2 UB32. Adjusted the MEA BRDM-2, MEA BMP-2, MEA BMP-1, MEA Ural-4320 & RUS Woodland BMP-2 hull textures to improve the resolution on small details like the lamp, turret cloth and track wheels. We plan to push a full localization pass in a future release as we lock down the text that needs to be translated for the game. Updated HABs, Sandbags, HASCOs and several other deployables to use biome-specific camouflage. Design Intention: This is intended to make deployables blend into the environment better, making them slightly harder to spot, especially from longer ranges and from the air. RAAS v04. The collision should now better match the visual mesh. Adjusted GB teams Squad Leader to now display as Section Leader for GB SL 01, SL 02, SL 03. Fixed an issue with some fences culling at too short-range at grid H10-3-5. Updated landscapes are currently found on Manic-5, Mestia, Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Anvil. Increased intensity of peripheral vision blur when using zoom optics. The random aspect is that it will randomly decide which direction it wants to trend in, then maintain that trend. This was a legacy issue that has been tough to isolate. Updated ragdoll ankles to be stiffer, to create a more realistic death but also to prevent soldier feet from twisting up in weird unrealistic ways. Fixed a player collision issue on the two warehouse wall pieces due to incorrect orientation resulting in incorrect scaling. Most RAAS layers are just not very random, it is more that they have fog of war over the exact position of the objective but that is of little consequence if all options are basically within 200 meters of each other. Corrected the helicopter pilots penalty to now only be counted as a single suicide penalty when crashing a helicopter, regardless of the amount of passengers involved. All vehicles will now deal damage to infantry who are within close proximity to a vehicle when it explodes (~10m or less). This, The deploy screen squad list will sometimes display incorrect players that are not actually in the squad. These new effects should be more visible at distances and will linger with the wind for ~12 seconds. WoodenQuality5099 25 days ago However it's not truly random. Most night layers are now brighter in general. Added Dynamic Mesh Quality setting: Scales the quality of distant skeletal meshes, including soldiers, vehicles, and weapons. Fixed a minor audio issue where the INS faction was missing the Commander and Adjutant voiceover lines. MEA now has 2x Ural Logi instead of Simir Logi. For example lets take Mutaha. Fixed an issue where players occasionally would have very thick fog after switching to a new map layer. Adjusted the rotation speed of open turrets and emplacements using keyboard and mouse input. garding exported NetGUIDs and Seamless Travel. Hawks layer pack, the next generation of squad gameplay. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Updated the vehicle explosion impact interior sound sets, adding 2 new sounds. Updated textures of most infantry weapons and HMGs, to bring them in line with a more realistic metallic look. Fixed an issue with decorative stones causing issues with players crawling into the collisionless mesh by reducing the overall scale/size of these objects. Fixed incorrect shading on several landscapes. This means, for example, that the gunner on the Simir will now take damage if a grenade lands close to the vehicle. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. Fixed an issue with the corn crops so that their LOD transition is not as obvious. Added subtle Volumetric Fog to all maps, which reacts to light more realistically. Updated a few maps to use new grass. While the ultimate solution will include changes to those offensive assets, buffing deployables should lead to more enjoyable defensive gameplay in the meantime. Squad Lanes makes sense as an invaluable tool in RAAS layers that follow lanes such as Yehorivka RAAS V1. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay AAS v1 with tilted helipads at the RUS main. Updated minimap with the intent to make height more readable, minimap now also features trees. Their weakness is the lack of armor and the exposure of the driver/gunner to all forms of attack. Adjusted the volume of the tire sliding sound for all wheeled vehicles to reduce annoying skidding audio. Players may want to try adjusting their Shadows and Ambient Occlusion Graphics settings for this update. Adjusted all Tallil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Fallujah Fixed a few locations in sewers that still allowed. involved removing some problematic systems that attempted to move a player before they became trapped within a deployable, which is suspected to be the cause of this issue. . (APFSDS rounds etc.). So the 1st flag could connect to any 2nd flag, then that one could connect to any 3rd flag, etc. help us fix things faster, and we truly appreciate those that have filled out and sent in crash reports. Fixed an issue with various foliage clipping through buildings. #5. RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period.