7 chapters | Scrooge must face his past choices and experiences and assess what he has become. Just as the storys title and structure mimics a traditional hymn, this music hides a serious message. Continue to start your free trial. Scrooge learns to see the balance between money and family. Scrooge awakens in his bed, fully expecting the next messenger sent to him through Jacob Marley. All of the generous characters in the story are financially downtrodden but succeed in being good and happy despite their lot, whereas Scrooge needs to go through a traumatic awakening in order to find happiness. People merrily shovel snow, tote bags of presents, and greet one another with a cheery "Merry Christmas!". Scrooge's nephew, Fred, the only child of his dearly departed younger sister, invites him to his house for Christmas, but Scrooge nastily refuses. She has classroom experience working with grades pre-k through 12 and has taught Composition, Literature, and Public Speaking courses at Southwest Baptist University and Bolivar Technical College since 2019. Stave Three The Cratchit Family 'There was never such a goose' Having such a goose of 'universal admiration' is a very rare event in the Cratchit family- such food is considered a luxury worth sharing to the whole family for Christmas- this is juxtaposed to Scrooge's 'melancholy', solitary dinner. 'Ghost of the Future!' SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Scrooge was the Ogre of the family. Scrooge is portrayed as a monster, and his family dont like him but feel obligated to toast him. The Ghost of Christmas present is a symbol of peace and abundance. Even as he stares, the face disappears and the knocker looks as it always has before. a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! But the virtue that really ensures Scrooges transformation is forgiveness it is this key of Christian morality that saves him when the characters that he has always put downFred, Bob Cratchitwelcome him into their homes when he undergoes his transformation, giving Dickens tale the shape of a true religious redemption. 'Mankind was my business. Dickens stresses the coldness of Scrooges bearing. The echoes of the church bell fade, however, and no ghost appears. But the ghosts do not follow a protocol, and when things don't go as planned Scrooge becomes nervous. The spirit disappears as the clock strikes midnight and Scrooge eyes a hooded phantom coming toward him. Summary. The oldest son, Peter, wears a stiff-collared shirt, a hand-me-down from his father. Christmas should stimulate within people a concern for the wants and needs of others and a euphoric joy in fulfilling these desires. To-night, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it. His behavior changes due to a mixture of shock, fear and guilty conscience. It would have been flat heresy to do so. In Stave 1, Marley tells Scrooge that three spirits will visit him. Other sets by this creator. 17 terms. The third ghost shows Scrooge all the non-blessings his choices have allotted him upon his death. In Stave 1, Marley's Ghost, the setting is Christmas Eve in 19th century London. "Scrooge was the Ogre of the family." Scrooge is portrayed as a monster, and his family don't like him but feel obligated to toast him. Readers view the scene through Scrooge's eyes, his choice of words conveying a sense of wonder at Bob's behavior. Personification in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens | Examples & Analysis, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens | Background & Facts, Mrs. Cratchit in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens | Character & Analysis, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens | Genres & Analysis, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 9-10: Standards, 9th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, American Literature Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare: Study Guide, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide, Hamlet by William Shakespeare Study Guide, Create an account to start this course today. As the people pass. Scrooge inquires if nothing can be done to help them. Fred refuses to let Scrooges miserly attitude dampen his sprits. At first, Scrooge reluctantly follows the spirit on the journey of his past Christmases. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is a well-known novella that has been remade into many versions, including movies, television episodes, and plays. Through the attentions of Marleys ghost and the journey Scrooge takes through the past present and future Scrooge changes and becomes likable. Even though it is by no means a feast, they all marvel at the sight of the goose and pudding, and congratulate Mrs. Cratchit as if it were the biggest theyd ever seen. Scrooge begins to care about other people in Stave Three. ', 'If he wanted to keep them after he was dead, a wicked old screw,' pursued the woman, 'why wasn't he natural in his lifetime? He is joyous, gives generously, and commanding. Ignorance and Want are described as not having graceful youth, instead they have been touched with the stale and shrivelled hand of age, which has pinched and twisted them. The use of personification here emphasises how poverty is spiteful; robbing children of their innocence. Scrooge is shown, via the ghosts who visit him, that throughout his entire life he has chosen his own misery, and has often caused others to be miserable. What is the ghost of Christmas present sitting on? 6 How is Scrooge starting to change in the story? In Stave 1, the main character Ebenezer Scrooge appears along with the ghost of his former business partner, Jacob Marley, who has died seven years earlier on Christmas Eve. In Stave 2, Scrooge is visited by the first spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Past. His definition of profit is beginning to change. Perhaps that is why he is given the chance of redemption. He tells Scrooge that he has more than 1800 brothers and his lifespan is a mere single day. Ignorance and Want, who appear in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol, represent the failings of a society that seeks to be progressive but fails to meet the most basic needs of its . If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. She holds a Mississippi AA Educator License. What did Scrooge say about giving his clerk a day off to celebrate Christmas in Charles Dickens'sA Christmas Carol? In A Christmas Carol, Dickens also indicts those, Christian or not, who place money above people. While Scrooge's encounter with the first spirit causes regret for his past choices, his experience with the second spirit opens his heart to empathy and joy. Scrooge was the Ogre of the family. Scrooge is portrayed as a monster, and his family dont like him but feel obligated to toast him. Despite his repeated pleas, Scrooge rudely refuses with his standard reply of "Bah, humbug!" He sits amid a festive scene like a Christmas card, full of plenty. His wealth is of no use to him. God save you!' https://www.patreon.com/dystopiajunkie ~~~My 'A Christmas Carol' Revision Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjazfmiZg9ya4htm9eu_gsKOEh-_q0_zMy 'An Inspector Calls' Revision Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjazfmiZg9z9pxxPHJ3expGQ2DXJzMjUMy 'BrumVlog - PhD Journey' Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjazfmiZg9yWI3Aa4SuVnwSrUpPqbAXTMy 'WJEC Eduqas Poetry Anthology' Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjazfmiZg9xvH88lXaxsNlFDdy23Fx4SBook Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjazfmiZg9yZ5ezunS0-bdhxAbh7kn0jMy 'English Skills' Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjazfmiZg9woMYtyB9JiFQuPijT88CHy My 'DystopiaJunkie's Guide to Dystopias' Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjazfmiZg9xz_FVRSWSmw090Xl5wZt-S~~~ Follow me on my socials for more updates!Twitter: https://twitter.com/DystopiaJunkieInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/dystopiajunkie/~~~Thanks to my amazingly talented friend Charlie for creating my channel icon, banner, and watermark! "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die. (Stave 3). In this sense, the Ghost of Christmas Present also represents empathy enabling Scrooge to not only see the Cratchits but to feel the sorrow and hardships of their daily toil. Dickens makes Tiny Tim smaller and more fragile than the typical child to emphasize the disparity between his small means and his tremendous spirit. The room that the spirit occupies is lushly decorated with gifts from nature, such as berries and the "crisp leaves of holly, mistletoe, and ivy." But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! However, Scrooge is informed by the second spirit that Tiny Tim's future can be changed. These people are brought together by singing Christmas songson Christmas people always come together, even in the loneliest placesmaking Scrooge stand out as someone who has chosen to be alone. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The Ghost of Christmas Present appears in Stave 3. Why Did Charles Dickens Write A Christmas Carol? Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. He actually cares about Tiny Tim and the children. Even though he is poor, he shows courage and huge generosity of spirit he asks God to bless. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Discover characters and quotes from Stave 1. In What Stave is the Ghost of Christmas Present? 1 How is Scrooge presented in Stave 3 quotes? Refine any search. -Graham S. They travel on, toward the outskirts of the city. He cautiously explores his rooms, but sees that all is as it should be. In Stave 1, Ebenezer Scrooge is introduced as a cantankerous old money-lender. Before this, Scrooge never paid any attention to Cratchits family and didnt care about their health or anyone elses. Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Study.com ACT® Reading Test Section: Prep & Practice, AP English Language: Homeschool Curriculum, College Composition for Teachers: Professional Development, CLEP Analyzing & Interpreting Literature: Study Guide & Test Prep, Study.com ACT® English Test Section: Prep & Practice, English 103: Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, Technical Writing Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, College Composition Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, 11th Grade English: Homeschool Curriculum. It also reminded him of the people who used to be in his life, and the pain that he has experienced in the past. This image is probably the most symbolic and dramatic of the whole story. Those who worked for themthe middle and lower classesoften worked long hours for little pay. In Stave 4, Scrooge learns the truth about the value of his life as it applies to other people. The ghost then took Scrooge to a warehouse. flashcard sets. Scrooge is interrupted in his vision by a hearty laugh. By the end of the novel we can see that Scrooge has changed a great deal. The walls and ceiling were so hung with living green, that it looked a perfect grove; from every part of which bright gleaming berries glistened. Scrooge: I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. When the third ghost appears, Scrooge tells him he is ready to learn whatever lessons the ghost has to teach. Stave 3 - The Ghost of Christmas Present - Scrooge is taken to the home of Bob Cratchit, then to a few other Christmas gatherings including a community of miners and a party aboard a . How does Scrooge change throughout the play? A fire roars vigorously in the fireplace, warming the room. Appearing on a throne made of food, the spirit evokes thoughts of prosperity, satiety, and merriment. Dickens uses two wretched children, called Ignorance and Want, to represent the poor. In addition to the transporting effect of the music, the game-playing creates an atmosphere of childhood, transporting Scrooge back to better times. When he sees the very large spirit, the narrator says that Scrooge looked at it reverently, which is quite a contrast from the way he initially treated the Ghost of Christmas Past. The ghost of his long-dead partner, Jacob Marley, appears and tells him that he will be haunted by three ghosts. Scrooge learns that if he does not change he will be the miserable man in the casket who no one loves or cares about. There is nothing in him but self-interest and greed. He is polite and apologetic to the spirit and tells him that the previous spirits lesson is working now, which suggests that he is finding some value to these visions, even though they are painful. Create your account. 'I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!' Scrooge repeated, as he scrambled out . Bob Cratchit said, and calmly too, that he regarded it as the greatest success achieved by Mrs Cratchit since their marriage. Welcome to the ninth video in my \"'A Christmas Carol' GCSE English Literature Revision\" series! As a result of witnessing the poor people, Scrooge learns that people can be happy even if they are without money. Marley is wrapped in a long, heavy chain made up of the tools of the money-lending trade, and tells Scrooge that he has been doomed to an eternity of helplessly witnessing human sufferingand that Scrooge will be, too, if he doesn't change his ways. "I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come roundapart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from thatas a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. All of a sudden they are transported to his nephews house. Right after that visit he began to share his fortune with those in his life. He has become the kind of man, that most people want to stay away from. How is Scrooge presented in Stave 3 quotes? Feeling like he is right on time, Scrooge waits expectantly for the next spirit to open his bed curtains, but nothing happens at first. He formerly ran his business with his partner, Jacob Marley, who died seven years before "A Christmas Carol" begins. When Scrooge inquiries about them, the ghost throws his words back at him. Explain Ignorance and Want, who appear in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol. Pulp Fiction. 'Now, I'll tell you what, my friend,' said Scrooge, 'I am not going to stand this sort of thing any longer. erb337. When he gets home to his meager rooms, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his partner, Jacob Marley, who has been dead for seven years. The church clock strikes one, startling Scrooge, who awakes in mid-snore. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster." A happy New Year to all the world. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The Ogre of the family. This is a foreign sound to Scrooge it jars and surprises him. At the beginning of Stave Three, Scrooge has already begun to change. But all is not lost. What lesson does Scrooge learn from each spirit in A Christmas Carol? They drink to Scrooges health, and with that, the ghost pulls Scrooge away from the scene. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? He both literally and figuratively possesses a cornucopia, a horn of plenty. What Ghost has the most effect on Scrooge? You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes.