You can also set up your own free Prayer Line on this site or find a list of Prayers to meet your need. Intercession takes individuals who live prayerful life, a life of submission and obedience to the Lord, one who understands and knows how to take direction and orders without getting offended. Christian Television Network prayer hotline: Call 727-535-7729. In John Chapter 15, Jesus talked to his disciples about the challenges of persecution that they were about to face for being his followers. When not quilting or writing, youll find her knee-deep in home improvement projects. Monday . Use these Intercessory prayer points to guide you. May the God of love bring comfort, strength, and healing to the situation that you have shared. Whatever the reason, prayer can be a powerful tool to help you find peace and strength. Prayer Request (600 characters . Most conference call systems have a mute all feature that lets users listen but not talk. Also, whatever you share in a prayer line is strictly confidential. By coming together in prayer, prayer warriors can share our burdens and joys and know that we are not alone, whether facing a daunting challenge or simply seeking a moment of peace. God is able to change your life today! Prayer Requests are usually reviewed and posted within 24 hours. Whether you need daily prayers for healing, finances, breakthrough, or anything in between, I have a prayer just for you. 12:00pm. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing Gods vision and heart for you His beloved people! Life Line Prayer. May it be someone to speak to or a special need, our Father desires to give us comfort. For Him to fill my property with power, Himself and all He desires. May God be with you and bring you strength and joy for the living of this day. There are some breakthroughs that you will never receive until you pray the prayer of agreement! (Romans 3:23), 3. Global Destiny Prayer Center hotline: Call 1-888-935-8100. EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF GOD RELEASED THROUGH THE PRAYER OF AGREEMENT! SAVING SOULS, Part 3 MISSIONS ACCOMPLISHED SAVING SOULS, DEATH SEEMS SO FINALTHIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF, The Lust of the Flesh , The Lust of the Eyes, and The Pride of Life, REVELATIONS FROM GOD: From Short Snippets placed in my heart by The Holy Spirit, 12 Things God Wants You to Know plus a little more. We need volunteers. . Request Prayer Meet our pastors We have a team that is dedicated to listen, pray, and encourage you in your prayer journey. Please fill out the form below (submissions are kept private). Get Prayer right now Call 866-987-7729 or text 866-987-7729 to connect with someone who will pray with you. God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! Someone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to pray for you. God and Me (Steps To Everyday Faith) that talks about having a personal relationship with Jesus and making him Lord of your Life. because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Contact Us The intercessors were very loving and prayed with me any hour.The support and prayers of Pray Live's founder and intercessory team has lifted me to a place where I was not only able to stand but also find the courage to . The HIS Radio prayer line is available to you 24hrs a day, 7 days a week! This 24-hour connection allows us to receive guidance and strength when we need it most or have a particular need. But your iniquities have separated you from your God. Jesus would pull away from the crowd, or in the morning before he went about his day. Phone +91 480 2708098 Fax +91 480 2708097 Email You can submit your prayer request below:Prayer Request Form Your Full Name Email Address Life outreach International: Call 800-947-5433. Sign up to receive an email with prayer requests from the prayer wall. TBN Prayer line: Call: 714-731-1000 or click here to submit a request on their website. You may also submit your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you as quickly as possible! I hope these Christian prayer lines will make it easy for you to have that important conversation with God as many times as possible every day. Welcome to The Upper Room Prayer Wall Take the Tour, Bear one anothers burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Maybe youre feeling lost and alone or dealing with a difficult situation and need some guidance. Jesus said, Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 18:19). Pray for Others And He can use people to bring this comfort to our lives. Praying God works mightily in my younger granddaughter's endeavors. Please complete the form below. I really hope I dont have that same illness again. Andrew Wommack 2012 - Grace and Faith Conference. The Upper Room Prayer Wall is a place for people to connect with each other and with God. Billy Graham Ministry prayer line: Call 1-877-247-2426. The concept is simple: by praying around the clock, we create a constant flow of communication with Jesus Christ in our lives. Amen, actice my instrument before work today. The Jesus Calls telephone prayer line is open 24/7. New Hauts-de-France, France jobs added daily. Be specific or keep your prayers to Him brief. Hour of Power Join us during your lunch hour on the the first Wednesday of each month from 12 noon until 1:00 p.m. Intecessory Prayer Empowerment . I've just called him but there's no answer please lord Jesus alert Vipin that I'm online and waiting for him and concerned about him and his wellbeing. Our warriors will go to work lifting you up to the Lord. - Sensing evil around you Are you constantly looking over your shoulder or you have trust issues? When everyone prays alone, its a very different feeling than when you hear people talking to each other and God simultaneously. In addition, it also provides a sense of community and support. When you pray and miracles happen, your faith in God is strengthened. PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of Victory Christian Center, please note that if you or your family member is in need of prayer, you should call our VCC Church Office at 704-602-6010 or email us at If you would like to talk with someone personally, please call us at 1-817-852-6000. The prayer line can be transferred to your designated phone or cell phone for the hours you have signed up to answer it. Youre feeling overwhelmed by your day and lifes challenges and need to talk to someone. 24 Hour Prayer Tower Holiness Church Outreach International Homeless Ministry Start Now MAking an impact How we make an impact? But first, lets understand what a Christian Prayer line is. Through a group Christian prayer, you are able to invite the holy spirit and power into your lives. Call HIS Radio Prayer Line at 866-987-7729. You can submit your prayer requests by calling the church at (703) 683-2222, or via email to Prayer Wall There is a prayer wall allowing for your request to be prayed for and responded to. Phone Number. Come to Jesus Delivery Prayer Matt 18:18, Isa 11:2, I Cor 4:4, 6:19, 20, I John 4:1 "In thenameoftheLord JesusChrist, I command Satan and all hisdemonsto loosemy mind. YOKE BREAKERS' MONDAY CONFERENCE CALL @ 9PM. Yes No Click here to download the free e-booklet. With over 165+ million views and 2000+ prayer videos, youre sure to be blessed and encouraged in the Lord. Faith Prayers hotline: Call 1-866-515-9406. God, thank you for taking the initiative to save me. Pray for each other: James 5:16. If you dont have one, I suggest you continue reading. Decide which one works best for you and your team and can give you long-term results. You must be . 14. 9. So if youre ever in need of some support or encouragement, dont hesitate to give a 24-hour prayer line a call. Please pray fervently that Diane's ankle is not injured at all and does not hurt. Dear Jesus, I patiently wait with faith for my sons salvation. 20 Reliable 24-Hour Christian Prayer Line Numbers You Should Call, Dragonfly Meaning and Symbolism: Facts, Myths and Messages, Things To Keep In Mind When Updating Your Wardrobe, Legal Considerations to Have In Mind When Faced with Overtime Hours, The Importance of Insurance: Protecting Your Future and Your Loved Ones, Improve Your Kids Vocabulary With These Tips. His Radio prayer line: Call or text 866-987-7729, or visit their website to submit your prayer requests. (e.g., Mary suffered from a stroke and her speech is impaired). National Prayer Center Assemblies of God prayer line: Call 1-800-477-2937. We promise your call will be confidential. Whether youre feeling happy, sad, angry, or anything in between, they can pray for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am having hope and fear at the same time. Amen. God is good and I love Him. Praying Read MoreGod's will in her life. People over the air, radio, or prayer hotlines would love to connect with us. One hour of prayer is a very good starting point. It's good to seek God's pathway. Your submission will receive my teams immediate attention. We would be happy to pray for you and your loved ones in need of prayer support. Please fill out the form below to send your prayer request to Breakthrough. In other words, we must learn to battle the enemy instead of a human being. Talking to someone on the hotline and after being prayed for, they can direct us to a church or community where we can connect face to face to grow more mature in our faith. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow. That's why we must go into "battle" armed for spiritual conflict (see 2 Cor. As you look for the right Christian prayer line, the best place to start is at home. We care about everyone who asks that we pray for them. Do not dismiss them or neglect them. Please read the following before leaving your prayer request: - Submit FIRST NAME only. Founded in 1988, the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of First Baptist Church is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by Christian volunteers with the theme from Acts 6:4 which states: . Use the form below to submit your prayer requests and elevate your faith and expectation for God to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works within us! Click to Call the 24/7 Miracle Prayer Line at 1-877-The-Glory (877-843-4567). Pray for those in authority and positions of leadership: 1 Timothy 2:2. Click here Prayer Request | Kenneth Copeland Ministries Give Prayer Request Follow KCM We're here for you! PRAYER LINE. When you connect to someone through prayer, you are never left unchanged. His ears are open to those who are praying in faith.