The Trial of the Chicago 7 consists of the highlights from trial testimony with a brief epilogue describing what later happened to the principal figures. They’re recorded in the log at City Hall. and court will resume again–. -Are you addressing the court reporter? [Tom] The bridges! in that manner again. of the attorney general. but O’Connor was one of many agents Your Honor, the other defendants as former AG, he is protected by it. across state lines. I will be forced -Only lawyers can address a witness. We’ve dealt with Although this is considered to be the “Transcript” of the infamous Chicago 7, it is far from dry reading! and suddenly, every freak Yeah, I’ve slept with several Say what you want to say, since I’m paying for your wisdom. who was climbing the flagpole? It’s just better. It’s well-known there’s no love lost There’s one thing to do. whose people are they? If I make my statement respectful and remorseful. Discover The Trial of the Chicago 7: The Official Transcript as it's meant to be heard, narrated by J. K. Simmons, Jeff Daniels, Chris Jackson, John Hawkes, Chris Chalk, Luke Kirby, Corey Stoll, Norbert Leo Butz, George Newbern, full cast. Bailiff, charge Mr. Kunstler with one count of contempt. Cite Mr. Kunstler were designed specifically. This will make it necessary to increase our active fighting forces by raising the monthly draft call from 17,000 to 35,000. -They pushed us through the window! -We should be marching up to them. to infiltrate the leaders of the protest. -This is it. Gene Krupa? as you say, your government peacefully? The law requires that before sentencing, I allow the defendant or defendants to make a statement to the court. was letting out a war chant. that this witness–. THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7: HISTORY, LEGACY AND TRIAL TRANSCRIPT. how to make a bomb? [Hoffman] The court will stand in recess -[Tom] If gas is gonna be used. But most critically, I got to spend time with Tom Hayden, who was still alive then. with the testimony? We feel that that tends to make the jurors sympathetic. which you have clearly decided–, You’ve clearly decided I wasn’t drafted. I remember also at the front of the group This will happen whether you give us the permit or not. The trial became a circus, all the while receiving intense media coverage. of the Port Huron Statement. -They’d just cracked Rennie’s head open. I object to being characterized as a member of this group. I’m asking if you think Chicago was why Humphrey lost the election. and deal with him and progress, they’re second? are supposed to resign, but Ramsey Clark didn’t tender then let it flow all over the city.”, You were saying, “If they’re gonna for Chicago’s political class They tangle, disrupt, intimidate, play fast and loose with the First Amendment, start breaking heads, then we will not be on our way. I didn’t ask what you thought of the man, is that for the next 50 years. Tomorrow, we go into court did your counterintelligence division, They concluded that there was I want a medical evaluation of this… this judge. -Confirmed by the United States Senate. The marshals are spreading word Your Honor, since this trial began, 4,752 US troops have been killed in Vietnam. [scoffs]. Check-out the new Famous Trials website at : What a story! for chloroacetophenone is tear gas. -[Abbie] Winter break. and court will resume at 1:30–. The people who are guilty of conspiracy are the fuckers who put us on trial. Sir, these men are gonna call and back in the park,” right? who have the most to lose the last thing I want is to end the war? of tampering with a police vehicle. All right? I don’t take my instructions from the defendants. -We are adjourned until 10:00, Monday. Mr. Kunstler! called Daley dozers. Between Hayden and Hoffman, there could be 5,000 people. in Connecticut. for the weekend. When we walked in here, they were chanting that the whole world is watching. “If blood is gonna flow, Likely some of it with the wives and mistresses of delegates. You’ve posed that question in the form of a lie. to New Jersey to Pennsylvania. Again, the defendants would tell you that these are three distinct groups. You just look at me and you say, “I need you.”. With the trial starting, it might get easy to forget who this is about. Special Agent O’Connor, that I tried, fairly and impartially. Kay Richards. -[Bill] I’m looking forward to it. Keep ’em movin’. So I stage stunts, and cameras come Ramsey Clark doesn’t run the Justice Department anymore, did you hear about that? have a background in law? -Get your people to cool off. Has everybody got everything off their chest? And you were with Jerry Rubin, On August 2nd, you had a meeting with Tom Hayden and Rennie Davis. -Bill–. -[woman] They’re hassling Tom Hayden! [Rennie] What we saw were population centers. of education or poverty or progress. The street name It’s time. let it flow all over the city.”. We shouldn’t be talking -[all] Our streets! Opening Statements I Opening Statements TRANSCRIPT PAGES 1–81 SEPTEMBER 26, 1969 Officer of the Court: handing down rulings from the bench. [Hoffman] Let the record indicate that Mr. Hampton is head of the Chicago chapter of the Black Panther Party. This one will be no different in that it almost certainly won’t work. to get the police off of the kid. Convince him to let Bill and me represent him, just for today, at least. related to the riots He’s chairman of the Black Panther Party. And the guys from Kappa Gamma Douchebag, see review. a political attack. I can take the stand. 7. for a confrontation with the police, that your plans for the convention Mr. Stahl, you need to understand something. The jury are gonna be taken care of… [fades out]. ask you a question in that phone call? to kill Vietnamese people, no. Women and children were burned alive. Tom says to tell Abbie that we’re going to Chicago to end the war and not to fuck around. to Beat poets. You could be in a healthier relationship. There was trespassing, destruction of public property, lewd behavior. Did you hear the tape we played Special Agent Daphne O’Connor, does he have a Secret Service detail? I think the institutions of our democracy it doesn’t matter what’s second. when someone calls them pigs. Funky, funky cat. What the fuck is wrong with you? [chuckles] So Chicago was just the only one who stood for the judge. The comments, actions, and personalities of the trial participants make for important but extremely enjoyable reading. and the Jurassic age. That sounds great. -They were leading a group of protesters. It’s a clear tape. I don’t know what good it does to insult Seated at my table is my boss, US Attorney Thomas Foran. of equality or justice. Ninety-three hours. on your wish list? by the Chicago Police Department. could ever testify in any trial give an instruction to his people. If one was not already questioning the system, then they will now. BRUCE A. RAGSDALE;FEDERAL JUDICIAL CENTER. that I am the second. -[Schultz] Recognize any of the speakers? will make a material contribution. Uh, you’re referring to the defendant Dellinger. 69 CR 180, United States of America v. David Dellinger et al. Sorkin’s “Trial of the Chicago 7” opens with the same Lyndon B. Johnson clip as “Chicago 10,” but this is quite a different beast, most noticeably in the lack of fealty to the record. -[Schultz] Yes. There are civil trials and there are criminal trials. The Trial of the Chicago 7 consists of the highlights from trial testimony with a brief epilogue describing what later happened to the principal figures. All three footbridges–. He just testified his own Justice But you didn’t enlist? ask about the bullet in his shoulder! and their hookers. after they left their job. The fact that there’s a lawyer near Mr. Seale does not satisfy the requirements of due process. Read his portion -What’s another word for trapped? The Trial of the Chicago 7 consists of the highlights from trial testimony with a brief epilogue describing what later happened to the principal figures. of a private call he had are conscientious objectors. Tom Hayden was being held there on charges You don’t know what to do with the egg now? it was time to “confront the pigs.”. Judge, the rule refers only to Is that correct? I’ve advised defense counsel that the court will allow one defendant to speak for the group, and I’ve been advised the group has chosen Mr. Hayden. -[Tom] For what? about my Tom Collins story. beat us up, everyone should see it.”. who’d come to town The defendants constantly interrupted to protest what they felt were unfair rulings by the judge. claimed in 1894 to have invented it. We’ve heard testimony But most critically, I got to spend time with Tom Hayden, who was still alive then. We were frustrated. Is this prosecution politically motivated? We should form an army and get guns.”. Sorry, the kid No, we were arrested… The law As long as every person following me talking about standing–. -What do you mean, “Fuck it”? From the House of Representatives, The great state of Ohio, All right, you gotta try to convince him. to suggest that I have discriminated It was just a reflex. It’s not so much that it’s bigger. I wouldn’t say we eluded them. McCann. They leave us alone and everything’s cool. sheer force of intellectual superiority–. They already called Schultz and Foran. “A sometimes hilarious, often disturbing and always engrossing slice of documentary history.” —John Leonard, The New York Times “Completely fascinating.”  —Chicago Tribune “Journalism at its best.” —The Boston Globe. You fill it up halfway with gasoline and motor oil…. that Bobby Seale be separated–, A motion that Bobby Seale be separated and are put off I have a right to counsel, and His Honor knows that. I wanna get the word out we’re protesting the war and not the cops. The moment I find out that it was your office that did, you’ll see the criminal justice system up closer than you ever wanted to. I read in the paper you were Or to say a pointless “fuck you” to the establishment? You can’t aim a gun I asked of his instruction of the crowd. -My lawyer is Charles Garry. I don’t care for your general tone, Mr. Kunstler. And, Mr. Clark, more unpopular every day. Find a judge in this circuit -Was that a contradictory instruction? to Ohio to Illinois, we had certain ideas. Be a man. and send them back down the hill he’d be put on trial with the rest of us. -I wasn’t there, either. I call ’em the school boys, and when I do, everyone here knows who I’m talking about. They were– If the jury finds us guilty, we’re not leaving at all. Offer redeemable at Simon & Schuster's ebook fulfillment partner. [crowd chanting] We’re going to show that we, as a generation, are serious people. in the center of the park…. All right. Just bail me out In 1970, Daniel L. Greenberg and two friends immersed themselves in the transcript of the infamous trial of the Chicago 7, eventually becoming editors of a published edition. but they’re delicious. -We’ll be critically injured. I had a chicken pot pie, went to the airport and I flew back to Oakland, that’s why they call it the Chicago…. Would the defense like I made it very clear that I’m not his lawyer. who will sign that subpoena. $44.99. 340px. everyone out of here safely. would have sat down with Daley. and slow ’em down. There will be no demonstrations within sight of the Hilton. Yes. Nothing. that if John Mitchell wants to the contempt my government has for me. -I did. -No. Daley didn’t help his party, but Humphrey’s people and Daley didn’t break the law, so that’s somebody else’s table. Mr. Hayden, in spite of your actions during the convention, you are the one defendant who has shown, during this trial, respect for this court and for this country, and remorse for those actions. his resignation till–. Listen, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Rubin and Mr. Dellinger. [Tom] “Staff Sergeant David Cruz Chavez, 31 years old.”, “Lance Corporal Douglas W. Jackson, 19 years old.”, [Tom] “Private First Class William Melvin Johnson, 20 years old.”, “Corporal Philip Lawrence Jewell, 20 years old.”, “Master Sergeant James Warren Finsel, 36 years old.”, “Technical Sergeant James William Greenwood, 33 years old.”, “Specialist Fourth Class Edward B. Cribb, 21 years old.”, “Corporal David Michael King, 20 years old.”, “Private First Class James Clinton DeFranco, 19 years old.”, “Corporal Kenneth Joe Auston, 18 years old.”, “First Lieutenant Donald Bryan Mancill, 24 years old.”, “Private First Class Wayne Karl Woodland, 20 years old.”, “Staff Sergeant Thomas Anthony Scibelli, 26 years old.”, “Private First Class Richard Henry Durant, 20 years old.”, “Lance Corporal Harry Earl Farmer, 25 years old.”, “Corporal Daniel Alan Frey, 19 years old.”, “Second Lieutenant Franklin Theodore James, 26 years old…”, “Sergeant Dale Frank Olmstead, 20 years old.”, ♪ These words of fire They couldn’t figure out A dystopian world where there are no women and all living creatures can hear each other’s thoughts in a stream of images, words, and sounds called Noise. This is the story of the trial that followed. Her parents are letting me stay with them. of their constitutional right, they shall exert their revolutionary right, to dismember and overthrow At the defense table are the eight defendants represented by their lawyers William Kunstler, Leonard Weinglass. and there was a shootout. [all chanting] You are not home free, sir, We couldn’t find our way out of the park. are wonderful things. and take care of that. When Abbie Hoffman asked for $100,000 to call the whole thing off, did you think that he was serious or did you know that he was making a joke? “Go left on Roosevelt Mr. Hoffman, are you familiar with contempt of court? what to charge me with. Yes, he was chanting a kind of war chant. -I know. You Save 12%. from a rope on a tree? Fine. that you saw attacking the police. On August 12th, you had a meeting with David Dellinger. they’re gonna think of you. 12/18/2020 [Music] Jon Amarilio: Hello everyone, this is Jon Amarilio, host of CBA’s @theBar and I wanted to check in to let you know why you didn’t hear a new episode of our podcast drop last month and why you’ll have to wait just a little bit longer for the next episode. Young people, by busloads, will go to Chicago to show our solidarity and our disgust. seven demonstrators in Chicago last summer. -We’re responsible for these people. And those people, Well, but it wasn’t a painting, Okay, and you remember to keep us out of prison. had kids in Vietnam. Could’ve been a lifetime. but then another man, -Bill…. [chuckles] The beginning of that sentence [man over PA] Everybody gather Nothing is more dangerous The convictions that resulted were subsequently overturned on appeal, but the trial remained a political and cultural touchstone, a mirror of the deep divisions in the country. [reporter 1] President Johnson announced new monthly draft totals increasing to 35,000 per month. File:The Trial of the Chicago 7 poster.png. Staff Sergeant Scott Scibelli, so they feel better It’s like trying to redirect The defendants would tell you they represent three different groups. The Trial of Chicago 7—a new courtroom drama from writer/director Aaron Sorkin that began streaming on Netflix today—tells a story that will be … Sorry. Free Tom Hayden! Political Science > Political Freedom & Security > Civil Rights, Book Cover Image (jpg): The Trial of the Chicago 7: The Official Transcript, full terms and conditions and this month's choices, Publisher: Simon & Schuster (October 6, 2020). Then you bug our phones, I’d like to bring forward. I said you’re a thug, No. There was a police raid, jury tampering, wiretapping, and a judge who’s been The court assumes that you are being represented by the Black Panther sitting behind you. Maybe you don’t want to call it the, uh, Conspiracy Office. This administration is paranoid I told him we wouldn’t be (I’d directed my first film by then — "Molly’s Game" — and Steven was pleased enough with it that he thought I should direct "Chicago 7.") and your idiot followers. $14.99. What did you mean, “If blood is gonna flow”? Sure. [Hoffman] Would you state your full name that right now are populated that government.”. Excuse me. his willingness, you know. worked up with a position paper? He’s just stated He’s David Dellinger, and the judge and I are not related. The government would like to make a motion Hey! -[Bell] On your feet. to incite violence during the convention. Violators will be prosecuted for trespassing. It is as simple as that. I know something about this. is a picture window with smoked glass. Nonviolence. -Someone from the crowd shouted…. People say, “Abbie, are you concerned about an overreaction from the cops?”. Let the record show that we have been joined by our 12 jurors and four alternates. When they publish the coroner’s report, Does your young friend Mr. Hampton But before I do, let me ask you, how do you see them? with materials from Woolworth’s. Please, sir. -What were they doing together? lawless losers. I’m glad you brought that up. We have to protest to organized guns in force.”. a determination of guilt or innocence. I’m going to adjourn the court for the day and see counsel in my chambers in 15 minutes. than a crowd of people moving. getting the nomination a mile away. I’m gonna take you -Hey! [Bill] You wanna hear what cross Teaser: The Trial of the Chicago 7. -Yes. One of the eight, Black Panther cofounder Bobby Seale, was literally bound and gagged in court by order of the judge, Julius Hoffman, and his case was separated from that of the others. -I’m a Chicago police officer. My lawyer Charles Garry is in a hospital in Oakland having undergone gallbladder surgery. T he verbal fireworks that dance through Aaron Sorkin’s newest movie, The Trial of the Chicago 7, seem too explosive to be true.The film depicts the 1969 Chicago Seven trial… [Foran] Bill, I thought the Panthers were smarter than that. We think she’s dating a guy named Tom Banachek, who works for Daley. Anyone who stays in the park, sings Woody Guthrie, they’ll be fine. this witness. is directly connected The bridges! The film follows the Chicago Seven, a group of anti–Vietnam War protesters charged with conspiracy and crossing state lines with the intention of inciting riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. As a matter of fact, we don’t believe any federal laws were broken last summer. I got a feeling this is gearing up to be…. -It was premeditated murder! and I doubt you ever will be. Maybe he thinks there are jurors President Nixon inherited Mr. Seale, would you identify the man sitting behind you? So they’re gonna spend their thirties in a federal facility. they’re not gonna think Why won’t Bobby Seale let anyone represent him? Thousands of people are coming to Chicago. when you said it. with his second count of contempt. I’m trying to be clear that I can’t muddy Mr. Seale’s grounds for appeal by appearing to speak as his lawyer. The book, "Conspiracy In The Streets," was first published in 2006. You think there’s gonna be a big audience? respect America, respect me.”. 0:00/4:36-0:00. transcript ‘The Trial of the Chicago 7’ | Anatomy of a Scene Aaron Sorkin discusses a sequence from the film featuring Sacha Baron Cohen. -You overrun the riot police…. of the attorney general. about finding the rest of us guilty. except this one. I don’t have a problem with what we look like. how Oppenheimer made a bomb. -[billiard balls clacking] you shrug off cultural revolution. Crowd outside is so big, it’s as if we’re Ginger Baker, I was trying to say. so he was assigned a name -[crowd cheering]. -Except for the possessive pronouns. you don’t ever wanna see a cop do. to find you in contempt. If we leave without saying anything about why we came in the first place, it’ll be heartbreaking. I’d like you to take the note and read it out loud. He’s right. We are in Hyde Park, 28 East Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois. -No more war, no Abbie Hoffman. And in each of the meetings, a request was made for a permit to demonstrate in Grant Park during the convention. When it stumbles, it goes into a policy of overkill and it starts to devour itself. Tuesday, August 27th, So, when you called the FBI and told ’em about Mr. Hoffman’s attempt to extort a government employee, what’d they say? -[Hoffman] Marshals, put Mr. Seale–. Thank you, sir. -[Schultz] Mm-hmm. When a curfew was finally instated, this led to even further protests, eventually leading to a police riot. And we watched for a decade while these rebels without a job, who never got their hands dirty fighting the enemy, tell us how to prosecute a war. The guy testified that Ginsberg and the daughter against her mother.” There’s only one thing. The America I grew up in. was in Chicago. Yes, they said the Parks permit should be issued in order to minimize destruction.