will remain open. Dolfijn breekt reis af vanwege corona – Nieuwsbericht – Defensie.nl, Bemanning onderzeeboot Dolfijn na corona-besmetting weer uit isolatie, coronavirus information et recommandations, Solomon Islands: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, BREAKING: Four More Positive COVID-19 Case, Marshall Islands: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, Marshall Islands repatriation group has three Covid cases, Contamination au coronavirus : le Leopold I reste à quais, Wallis and Futuna: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, Covid info n°6 du 15 mars 2021 à 13h00 / Actualités / Accueil - Les services de l'État à Wallis et Futuna, Covid-19: Tanzania updates will resume after improvements at national laboratory, Zanzibar confirms 29 new cases, plus 11 recoveries, COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Il coronavirus circolava in Cina già da agosto, le immagini dai satelliti. Symptoms of COVID-19 are variable, but often include fever, cough, fatigue, breathing difficulties, and loss of smell and taste. [30][31] Twenty-seven COVID-19 cases were traced back to him. [163], During the lockdown, many religious institutions started live-streaming to help devotees worship from home. [235], On 28 March, the Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund) was set up to provide relief to the affected people. [46] A cluster-containment strategy is mainly being adopted, similar to how India contained previous epidemics, as well as "breaking the chain of transmission". [9] By mid-May 2020, eight cities accounted for around half of all reported cases in the country: Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, and Kolkata. On 8 August 2020, Indian Medical Association announced that 198 doctors have died due to COVID. ), wonach sich die Quote der Befragten, die ihre Situation als belastend empfinden, von 33 Prozent im September 2020 auf 64 Prozent im Februar 2021 fast verdoppelt habe. and that Ylva sent 306.68 pesos, thanks! [252], On 25 March 2020, Vivo said that they would be donating 100,000 surgical and 5,000 N95 masks to Maharashtra government. [citation needed], On 2 January 2021, BBV152 (marketed as Covaxin), developed by Bharat Biotech in association with the Indian Council of Medical Research and National Institute of Virology received approval from the Drug Controller General of India for emergency or conditional usage. [77], On 16 April, 650,000 Rapid antibody test and RNA extraction kits were dispatched from China, and over 2 million kits were to be sent in next 15 days. The site does not make representations or warranties of any kind of accuracy, completeness, reliability with respect to the site or the information. „ About 40% of the identified patients did not have travel history or any history of contact with a positive patient. Brasil ultrapassa 350 mil mortes por Covid; média de mortes volta a passar 3 mil depois de 8 dias, COVID-19 : bilan et chiffres clés en France, La pandemia del coronavirus, en datos, mapas y gráficos, Corona-Karte Deutschland: COVID-19 live in allen Landkreisen und Bundesländern, Wie sich das Coronavirus in Ihrer Region ausbreitet, Minsa: Casos confirmados por coronavirus COVID-19 ascienden a 1 639 767 en el Perú (Comunicado N°485), Iran reports 21,063 COVID-19 cases, 2,070,141 in total, Actuele informatie over het nieuwe coronavirus (COVID-19), Statistieken over het Coronavirus en COVID-19, Tracking every case of COVID-19 in Canada, Le Portail Officiel du Coronavirus au Maroco, Antal fall av covid-19 i Sverige – data uppdateras 11:30 och siffrorna är tillgängliga 14:00, Já se encontra disponível o relatório de situação de hoje, Bundesministerium für Inneres: Aktuelle Zahlen zum Corona-Virus, COVID-19 în Republica Moldova: situaţia la zi, Tájékoztató oldal a koronavírusról Aktualis, COVID-19 Situation Report [Summary of Confirmed Cases by Status in the Past 14 Days], Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Slovak Republic in numbers, Latest Information about COVID-19 in the Republic of Serbia, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Surveillance Dashboard (Myanmar), Coronavirus (COVID-19) current situation and case numbers, Coronavirus Disease-19, Republic of Korea, Ministère de la Santé et de l'Hygiène Publique, Statens Serum Institut – COVID-19 – Danmark, Covid-19 en Cifras en Puerto Rico [Estadísticas], Madagascar: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, Real-time Coronavirus condition in North Macedonia, Coronavirus : Riposte à l'épidémie : Tableau Récapitulatif des dons", Live: Corona-viruset sprer seg i Norge og verden, Tajikistan: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, Situation update on coronavirus [Finland's situation in brief], Varmistetut koronatapaukset Suomessa (COVID-19), Visualisez en temps réel l'évolution du Coronavirus en Haïti, Haiti: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, Djibouti: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, Nota informativa sobre la COVID-19 en Cuba. The Chinese manufactures of the rapid testing kits said that the testing kits were approved by ICMR and the problem is not with the kits but with the way they were being used. He also laid down various measures for injecting ₹3.74 lakh crore (US$52 billion) liquidity into the system. [165], The Government announced the opening of religious places beginning 8 June under "Unlock 1" and also released detailed guidelines for subsequent operations on 4 June. [70] On 24 March, Pune-based molecular diagnostic company Mylab Discovery Solutions became the first Indian company to have received validation for its RT-PCR tests from National Institute of Virology and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Fights a Pandemic Besides Coronavirus: an 'Infodemic', As coronavirus misinformation spreads on social media, Facebook removes posts, Coronavirus: UN health agency moves fast to tackle 'infodemic'; Guterres warns against stigmatization, Scientists 'strongly condemn' rumors and conspiracy theories about origin of coronavirus outbreak, Coronavirus, quando la paura del contagio serve solo a mascherare il razzismo, Coronavirus, scritta choc su un bus Cotral: «Cinesi infetti tornate a casa», Il razzismo verso i cinesi va combattuto. [78] While Rajasthan stopped using rapid testing kits as they were giving low accuracy of 5.4% in compared to expected 90% accuracy. [53] On 16 April, China sent 650,000 testing kits to India[54] but their use was discontinued in view of a very low accuracy (of just 5.4%). [5] India currently has the largest number of confirmed cases in Asia,[6] and, as of March 2021, has the third-highest number of confirmed cases in the world after the United States and Brazil with more than 13.3 million reported cases of COVID-19 infection and more than 169,000 deaths as of April 11, 2021. [182] Two of the survivors tested positive for COVID-19. April 2021)  00,0 >100,0 Infektionen je 1000 Einwohner  30,0 –100,0 Infektionen je 1000 Einwohner  10,0 – 0 30,0 Infektionen je 1000 Einwohner  0 3,0 – 0 10,0 Infektionen je 1000 Einwohner  0 1,0 – 00 3,0 Infektionen je 1000 Einwohner  0 0,3– 00 1,0 Infektionen je 1000 Einwohner [229] RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das permitted all banks to provide a moratorium on all loans for three months without having to worry about NPAs and keeping their books healthy. [150], On 12 March, Indian stock markets suffered their worst crash since June 2017 after WHO's declaration of the outbreak as a pandemic. [283], This article is about the epidemiology of, It has been suggested that this article be, Map of confirmed total cumulative number of cases, On 17 June, 1,672 backlogged deaths from Maharashtra and Delhi were added taking reported daily deaths to 2,003, On 23 July, Tamil nadu reported 528 deaths including backlogged deaths, taking reported daily deaths to 1,129, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in India (January–May 2020), Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in India (June–December 2020), Indian government response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Indian state government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in India, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cinema, List of events affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on religion, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports, ODI matches between India and South Africa, Indian migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, National Institute of Technology Warangal, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers, 2020 Tablighi Jamaat coronavirus hotspot in Delhi, Shortages related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic by governments § India, Xenophobia and racism related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Statistics of the COVID-19 pandemic in India, Maharashtra official COVID dashboard - cases, maps, and charts, "The Coronavirus: What Scientists Have Learned So Far", "Kerala confirmed first novel coronavirus case in India", "India confirms its first coronavirus case", "Home | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare | GOI", "India's first coronavirus infection confirmed in Kerala", "India most infected by Covid-19 among Asian countries, leaves Turkey behind", "One of the highest globally, India's Recovery Rate now nearly 97%", "Infections over 1 lakh, five cities with half the cases: India's coronavirus story so far", "Nearly a year after Covid-19 outbreak in India, Lakshadweep reports its first-ever case", "Covid-19: Number of recoveries exceed active cases for first time", "With very high COVID-19 testing, India's positivity rate fallen below 8%: MoHFW", "Covid-19 peak over; pandemic can be controlled by February 2021: Govt-appointed panel", "India Suspends All Tourist Visas Till April 15 Over Coronavirus: 10 Facts", "Indian Supermodel for Covid-19 Pandemic", "National Supermodel of COVID-19 with Projections", "DST initiates COVID-19 India National Supermodel for monitoring infection transmission & aid decision-making by policymakers", "National Supermodel for Covid-19 Homepage", "SUTRA: An Approach to Modelling Pandemics with Asymptomatic Patients, and Applications to COVID-19", "World's largest vaccination programme begins in India on January 16", "India's death toll soars past 10K, backlog deaths raise count by 437 in Delhi, 1,409 in Maharashtra", "45,720 new cases in 24 hrs, 13% positivity, single-day toll 1,129 after Tamil Nadu update", "What is coronavirus and how close is it to becoming a pandemic? Rana Daggubati starrer Haathi Mere Saathi’s Hindi version postponed due to Covid-19 situation. Mappa in diretta dell'espansione, con numeri dei contagi, delle morti e delle guarigioni divisi per paese e regione. [195], On 8 May, the Aurangabad railway accident occurred due to confusion related to the pandemic. [106] From nil in near past, India was producing around 200,000 PPE kits and 250,000 N95 masks per day in May 2020. [141] Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education postponed board exams for class 10 and 12 and asked school principals to promote or detain students of class 5 to 8 based on their performance in previous terms. [234] Karnataka chief minister B. S. Yeddyurappa announced ₹16.1 billion (US$230 million) relief for unorganized sectors including flower growers, washermen and women, barbers, construction workers, auto and cab drivers, MSMEs, and weavers. 65 laboratories of the Department of Health Research and the Indian Council of Medical Research (DHR-ICMR) have started testing random samples of people who exhibit flu-like symptoms and samples from patients without any travel history or contact with infected persons. Numero complessivo di casi confermati e sospetti. ICMR-NICED admitted that there was problem in the kits and said that they are addressing the issue. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 6 apr 2021 alle 18:56. [160] The Statue of Unity was to be closed to visitors till 25 March. [263] This number was increased to 515 by October 2020. [196][197], On 19 March, bus services between the cities of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh have been postponed from 21 to 31 March 2020. [127], On 20 March, Delhi government announced that all malls in Delhi will close with only vegetable, grocery and medicine shops remaining open. [32] Over 40,000 people in 20 villages in Punjab were quarantined on 27 March to contain the spread. [276][277] Retailers and consumer goods firms saw their average daily sales more than double on 19 March as consumers rushed to buy essentials ahead of PM Narendra Modi's address to the nation. [16] State governments took various measures to contain the spread of the virus. [232][233] In Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal announced that if a doctor, nurse or hygiene worker dies during treatment, their family will be provided ₹10 million (US$140,000). [202] They thus decided to walk hundreds of kilometres to go back to their native villages, accompanied by their families in many cases. Film bodies decided to stop the production of films, TV shows and web series till 31 March. [68], On 19 March, Ramanan Laxminarayan, director of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy stated that India could be facing a "tsunami of cases within a few weeks" as testing increases and the reason for the low number of confirmed cases currently is due to under-testing. Volano le chat, In Cina le misure contro l’epidemia fanno calare l’inquinamento: foto, FDA anticipates disruptions, shortages as China outbreak plays out, COVID-19 And Global Supply Chains: Watch Out For Bullwhip Effects, Virus Outbreak Drives Italians to Panic-Buying of Masks and Food, Viral hysteria: Hong Kong panic buying sparks run on toilet paper, Household basics are scarce in Hong Kong under coronavirus lockdown, Tech Sector Fears Supply Delays as Effects of Virus Ripple Through China, Il coronavirus e il crollo dell'ordinatore occidentale, Le conseguenze economiche del coronavirus, Collapsed Flybe: 'Do not travel to the airport', Coronavirus scare: Complete list of airlines suspending flights, Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia suspends entry for pilgrims visiting holy sites, Crollo ad aprile per il mercato dell'auto. [245], On 21 March, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal increased free ration from 5 kilograms to 7.5 kilograms for the 7.2 million people who are dependent on the ration scheme. Non tutte le autorità statali della Germania comunicano i guariti, Esclusi i casi confermati sul territorio dichiarato delle, I decessi includono solo casi con test PCR positivi e catalogati come "Decesso correlato a, Il numero dei decessi comprende anche casi non testati e casi in case di riposo che presumibilmente sono morti a causa del, Sono esclusi 413 casi asintomatici sotto osservazione medica, I casi asintomatici non sono stati segnalati prima del 31 marzo 2020, Esclusi i casi dello stato de facto della, I casi vengono conteggiati nel totale degli. Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation reports, Covid-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE, COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS DISSEASE 2019 PANDEMIC, La continua minaccia epidemica di nuovi coronavirus per la salute globale: l'ultimo nuovo focolaio di coronavirus a gita, in Cina, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Undiagnosed pneumonia – China (HU) (01): wildlife sales, market closed, RFI Archive Number: 20200102.6866757, New SARS-like virus in China triggers alarm, China coronavirus: cases surge as official admits human to human transmission, Focolaio di infezione da un nuovo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), WHO Director-General's remarks at the media briefing on 2019-nCoV on 11 febbraio 2020, Pneumonia of unknown cause – China. On 14 April, ICMR and DGCI approved 18 new suppliers of test kits that included three Indian firms, bringing the total suppliers to 51. [278] Modi assured the citizens that there was enough food and ration supplies and advised them against panic buying. [60] On 9 April, ICMR further revised the testing strategy and allowed testing of the people showing symptoms for a week in the hotspot areas of the country, regardless of travel history or local contact to a patient. [176], IndiGo cancelled its Delhi-Istanbul and Chennai – Kuala Lumpur flights starting 18 March to prevent international travel from Turkey and Malaysia. [117], In late July, Cipla and Indian Institute of Chemical Technology launched jointly developed anti-viral drug favipiravir at cost of 10% of existing alternative in the market, followed by Jenburkt pharmaceuticals and Lupin Limited launching same at even lower cost. This led to the creation of some of the world's smallest and cheapest ventilators. [116] However, the ICMR later stated that there is no robust evidence to support convalescent plasma therapy as a routine therapy, describing it is as an emerging and experimental therapy.