Termine & Ort der Veranstaltung MINERALIEN HAMBURG 2020 - Internationale Messe für Mineralien, Fossilien, Edelsteine und Schmuck Austrian Boat Show BOOT TULLN. ... Hamburg Messe und Congress Messeplatz 1 20357 Hamburg Germany +49 40 3569 0 +49 40 3569 2180. 24-26 April . 17 likes. Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH (HMC) will discontinue its water sports trade fair hanseboot after the 2017 event but is planning to stage a new format on the Elbe river in future. ... Hanseboot Hamburg . The Jobmesse in Hamburg is a career fair with the themes recruiting skilled employees, personal services and business creation and enterprise development. Internationale Bootsmesse Hamburg | 31. Career fair | regional Fair. Jobmesse Hamburg. November 2015 Ihre Yacht hat ein Loch im Rumpf? Das Deck ist weich geworden? Fair International HANSEBOOT is not staged anymore Hamburg Germany 10/28/2017-11/5/2017 Before getting cancelled the 2020 edition of HansePferd Hamburg was supposed to take place between Apr 24 and Apr 26 in Hamburg Messe und Congress.. 05-08 March. Austrian Boat Show - BOOT TULLN. Hanseboot (650 Aussteller) auf dem Hamburger Messegelände und im CitySporthafen, läuft vom 31. Web Site E-mail. BELGIAN BOAT SHOW . Contact info for HANSEBOOT ANCORA BOAT SHOW Official Web Site. HansePferd Hamburg 2020 was cancelled. April 2020 POLBOAT Yachting Festival. 8 - 10.02 & 14 - 16.02. Set in one of the oldest trade fair cities in Europe, Hamburg Messe und Congress benefits from excellent infrastructure and location. ... (Last update: Aug. 31 st 2020… 6.03 - 9.03. Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show. Oktober – 8. Each year over 700,000 people from Germany and abroad visit the venue. 13-17th February. November. HansePferd 2020 - Messe Hamburg. Check below for more information on the current edition of HansePferd Hamburg and how to request your hotel accommodation. 20.09 - 28.09. The latest information for Hamburg Messe und Congress in Hamburg, Germany. www.hanseboot.de 56. HAMBURG ancora YACHTFESTIVAL (ehemals hanseboot ancora boat show) SMM 2018 - Schiffspropeller - it`s SMM time again The leading international maritime trade fair Oktober bis zum 8. HANSEBOOT ANCORA BOAT SHOW 2021; french english german spanish. hanseboot ancora boat show 2016: The In-Water Boat Show in Neustadt i.H. HansePferd Hamburg vom 24. – 26. INTERBOOT Friedrichshafen . 20 August 2020 - 22 August 2020. September 2020. Check our all-in-one information page. Die 56. Miami Boatshow. hanseboot - Hamburg (up to 2007) for Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH the Martin Greve GmbH has designed, implemented and was responsible as project manager for following projects: International Boat Show Hamburg, „hanseboot“ (up to 2007) Water program to the Port of Hamburg's birthday