The master’s programme in Banking and Finance provides students with the necessary skills for ambitious careers in theoretical and applied research as well as for specialised and executive positions in both private enterprises and the public sector. It prepares you for a successful career working for banks, FinTechs, funds, wealth managers, consulting companies, or in the finance departments of many industries. Schon während des Studiums können aufgrund der engen Vernetzung zwischen Forschung und Praxis durch das Hannover Center of Finance (HCF) sowie das House of Insurance Kontakte geknüpft werden. The master's programme in Banking and Finance offers a solid, well-grounded education in the key areas of finance. Datenschutz - Impressum. Highlights. The programme provides a solid background for students pursuing a professional career in the financial industry as financial analysts, chief financial officers and portfolio managers. 12/12/19. and Computer Science, There is no content for this configuration, Management, Organization Studies and Cultural Theory, Admission to Additional Qualification Programmes, Leadership Programm for Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Deans, Organization Studies and Cultural Theory (DOK), Graduate Programme in Economics and Finance (GPEF), International Affairs and Political Economy (DIA), Consultancy for Empirical Economic- and Social Research, Benefactors of the University of St.Gallen, Initial requirements for foreign languages, Model World Trade Organization (Model WTO), Philosophy of the Program and Requirements, Certificate in Managing Climate Solutions, Ph.D. in International Affairs and Political Economy, Ph.D. in Organisation Studies and Cultural Theory, Partner university exchange Bachelor and Master, ESKAS - Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, GSERM - Global School in Empirical Research Methods, Guest auditors and individual course participation, Learn how to communicate professionally in the media, Global School in Empirical Research Methods, Reflect on your decision to pursue a Doctoral Thesis, Actively focus on defining your career goals, Inform yourself early eough about funding opportunities, Academic integrity: Learn what that means, «Global Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation», Policy Statement on Responsibility & Sustainability 2016, Vice-President's Board (Institutes & Executive Education), Vice-President's Board (Studies & Academic Affairs), Vice-President's Board (External Relations), Vice-President's Board (Research & Faculty), Decisions of the Appeal Committee (in German), CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Education, PIM - Partnership in International Management, APSIA - Association of Professional Schools of Int. Abschluss: Master of Science (MSc) in Banking and Finance Arbeitsaufwand: 90 ECTS-Credits (entspricht rund 2 700 Stunden Arbeitsaufwand) Organisationsform: Teilzeit (Vollzeit als Program in English) Dauer: 4 Semester (eine studienbegleitende Tätigkeit oder Familienarbeit von bis zu 40 Prozent ist möglich) / 6 Semester (Tätigkeit bis 70% möglich) Economics, Banking and Finance - MSc at University of Glasgow, listed on - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland The course provides an in-depth study of the theory and practice of modern banking and finance. An erster Stelle benötigst du das Abitur, bzw. Tuition Fees pre-Master’s programme. Der Master in Finance der Cass Business School oder der schon erwähnte Master in Finance der London Business School sind gute Beispiele. Master in Finance and Banking graduates can analyze market behavior on a micro- or macro-scale, finding their expertise needed in a wide variety of organization types, from international corporations to small businesses, from public offices to academic or research posts. You should have a strong background in a related discipline and your first degree should have a substantial mathematics and statistics content in … Mai stattfinden, UG-Novelle bringt Mindestleistung für Studienanfänger, Studienrecht - Einigung auf Mindeststudienleistung, Coronavirus - ÖH und Rektoren warnen vor Lockdown an Unis, Uni-Ranking: Österreich in sieben Fächergruppen in den Top 100, curiosity and a generic interest for financial markets and institutions, ability to think in economic as well as entrepreneurial terms, solid background in quantitative and analytical tool, in financial departments of industrial firms, in banks, insurance companies and related financial institutions, in supervisory institutions, such as central banks or regulatory bodies. This comprehensive master's degree will provide you with a thorough understanding of the banking and finance industry. im Studienplan: Das Masterstudium Banking and Finance soll den Studierenden die Fähigkeiten vermitteln, anspruchsvolle Aufgaben insbesondere in Unternehmen des Finanzsektors übernehmen zu können. Dann ist der konsekutive Master-Studiengang Banking & Finance das passende Studienangebot für Sie. Die Inhalte des Masterstudiums richten sich dabei sowohl auf die theoretischen Grundlagen, die hierfür notwendig sind, als auch auf die Bedingungen der Umsetzung und Anwendbarkeit wissenschaftlicher … Der Master-Studiengang "Banking & Finance" wird jährlich zum Sommersemester angeboten. Career prospects and further degree programs Graduates are ideally qualified to assume specialized or management roles of significant responsibility in the banking, insurance and consulting industries and in the public sector. Das berufsbegleitende Master-Studienkonzept bietet Ihnen eine fachliche Spezialisierung in einem der folgenden vier Geschäftsfeldern: Banksteuerung und Bankenaufsicht, Firmenkundengeschäft, Private Banking oder; Prüfungs- und Treuhandwesen. Finance program in Vilnius University is strong, both theoretical and practical study program, which includes actual knowledge base, practical skills, international experience and practice. Our Banking and Finance MSc provides you with the skills and expertise to pursue a career in the banking and financial market industries. Your course during COVID-19 Please rest assured we make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the programmes, services and facilities described. Absolvent*innen des Masterstudiums Banking und Finance besitzen ein methodisch-wissenschaftliches Profil, welches für die Übernahme von Spezial- und Führungsaufgaben im Finanzsektor, in der öffentlichen Verwaltung und bei Regulierungsbehörden erforderlich ist. (In)Effizienz auf Finanzmärkten, Banking and Finance, Finanz(markt)forschung, Finanzanalyse, Finanzierungstheorie, Finanzintermediation, Gender/ Arbeit und Organisation, Governance in Organisationen, Management von Banken und Finanzinstitutionen, Management von Kredit- und Liquiditätsrisiken sowie operationellen Risiken, Organisation und Ethik, Rechtsformplanung und Umwandlungen, Risikomanagement, Spieltheorie, Unternehmensbesteuerung und betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungen, Unternehmensfinanzierung, Unternehmenskommunikation und Stakeholder Management, Verantwortliche Entscheidungen und ethische Formgebung in Organisationen, Vertriebssteuerung, Ökonometrie, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Management and Economics, ÖH-Wahlen sollen vom 18. bis 20. Prospective employers include commercial banks, central banks, investment banking firms and other international financial inst… Social Sciences, International Affairs in Banking and Finance is a 2 year post graduate banking course. Auf einen Blick. Students will acquire a rigorous theoretical basis and the competence to transform it into practical management guidance. The MBF-programme should enable them to apply state-of-the-art techniques to problems in banks or other financial intermediaries and to formulate and implement innovative solutions. Aber auch in Unternehmen außerhalb des Finanzsektors werden die spezifischen Kompetenzen der AbsolventInnen in den entsprechenden Finanzabteilungen größerer Betriebe benötigt. Insgesamt werden dabei 180 ECTS-Punkte (Credit Points) erbracht. The study programme, which is taught in English, is an innovative combination of the subjects of money and macroeconomics on the one hand and finance on the other, and therefore links economic policy with the financial sector. The master's programme in Banking and Finance offers high-quality education and training designed to successfully cope with the challenges of modern financial markets. The good databases, the facilities, the technical and administrative support, and support for international students such as myself significantly contributed to the accomplishment of my doctoral degree. Affairs, GRLI – Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, Course "Search & Find in Business and Political Sciences", Global Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Permanent Lecturers and Associate Professors. Ziel des Masterstudiums Banking und Finance ist eine solide und fundierte Ausbildung in finanzwirtschaftlichen Kernbereichen. Zürich als international bedeutender Wirtschaftsstandort und Finanzplatz bietet ein hervorragendes Umfeld für das Studium in Banking and Finance. After completing my Master's degree in International Business Administration with a specialisation in Finance and International Management at the University of Vienna, I decided to enroll in Banking & Finance to further deepen my knowledge of Finance. The Institute of Banking and Finance offers two different Masters: A Master of Arts in Banking and Finance and a Joint Master of Science in Quantitative Finance together with ETH Zurich. Research expertise. MASTER di II livello in BANKING AND FINANCE (BA.FI) - Brochure a.a. 2020/2021 18 dicembre 2020 dalle ore 14 alle 16 - Presentazione della XX edizione del Master Webinar "La figura del Risk Manager 2.0 in epoca Codiv tra pandemia e urgenze regolamentari"Locandina The Centre for Responsible Banking and Finance (CRBF) exposes students to the research and work of eminent academics and business executives. Students also acquire knowledge in other disciplines of the economic sciences, in related areas, and in research methods. It prepares for challenging careers in the banking and insurance sector as well as with financial service providers. Master Bank-, Finanz-, Rechnungs- und Steuerwesen (Fachrichtung) | Das Rechnungswesen, Bankwesen, Finanzwesen und Steuerwesen befasst sich mit den in erster Linie finanziellen und steuerlichen Angelegenheiten von Unternehmen, Organisationen und Privatpersonen. You’ll explore topics through group discussions and role play. The MSc in Banking and Finance is a high-quality master’s course with both a strong practical and academic orientation. Studieren im Schwerpunkt Finance, Banking & Insurance. Alternative Investments) as well as FinTech, Data Analytics and Blockchain.