Episode Title: Episode 5. Vincenzo Leonardo "Enzo" Cilenti (born 8 August 1974) is an English actor, known for his roles in works such as The Theory of Everything, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and Game of Thrones. In Game of Thrones he is playing Yezzan zo Qaggaz in the fifth and sixth seasons. The slaving cities offer Daenerys a… Naissance: In Mereen Daenerys deals with old foes and new alliances. Par Corentin Palanchini — 26 juil. Yezzan zo Qaggaz est un personnage récurrent dans la cinquième et sixième saison de Game of Thrones. HBO a dévoilé une vidéo d’introduction des acteurs qui rejoignent la saison 5 de la série Game of Thrones. Bradford, West Yorkshire, England 2014 à 13:00. Serie : Les Misérables. Last episode Enzo Cilenti (* 8.August 1974 in Bradford, England) ist ein britischer Schauspieler italienischer Abstammung.. Leben und Karriere. Vincenzo Leonardo Cilenti (born 8 August 1974) ​is an English actor. Au Comic-Con de … Enzo Cilenti featured in Hunger; plus new interviews with Eugene Simon & DeObia Oparei | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary Il est interprété par Enzo Cilenti et fait ses débuts dans l'épisode " Le Cadeau ". Comic-Con : Game of Thrones recrute Jonathan Pryce. See also. Showing all 2 items Jump to: Photos (2) Photos . Game of Thrones (2011–2019) Enzo Cilenti: Yezzan zo Qaggaz. Date of Birth Enzo Cilenti, a Yorkshire actor who won recognition for roles in screen blockbusters such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Game of Thrones, nearly quit … Anxious Valjean makes a plan. Cayê filmi İrlandaya Zıme, Malta, Hırvatıstan u Faso. Saison 1. "La Bataille des Bâtards" Born in Bradford to Italian parents, Enzo Cilenti has worked as an actor, producer and director in TV, film and theatre in both the UK and the US for over 20 years. Enzo Cilenti – ‘Yezzan’ in hit TV series – is joining his father, who has Parkinson’s, for a tandem-ride over one of the world’s toughest mountain passes Enzo Cilenti, the British actor who plays ‘Yazzen’ in Game of Thrones, is preparing to tackle one of the toughest bike challenges in the world to raise money for Parkinson’s research. "The Gift" IMDb Page Vincenzo Leonardo "Enzo" Cilenti is an English actor, known for his roles in works such as The Theory of Everything, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and Game of Thrones. He quickly recognizes Tyrion as the dwarf slave and remarks that he has literally climbed to the top of the Great Pyramid. Game of Thrones (Kayê Texti) jü seriyê televizyonio ke sera 2011 de sıfte kerdo u terefê David Benioff u D. B. Weiss ra vıraziyao. Javert remains obsessed by the pursuit of Jean Valjean. Il interprète le rôle de Yezzan zo Qaggaz dans la cinquième et sixième saison de Game of Thrones. Wiki Game of Thrones est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Enzo_Cilenti?oldid=81583. Enzo Cilenti Kolekce podle kategorie Blanka Horákov á. Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 8 August 1974 Marius makes a promise to Cosette. 5, 6 Enzo Cilenti Cilenti nasce a Bradford, nel West Yorkshire, l'8 agosto del 1974 da genitori italiani originari di Foiano di Val Fortore (in provincia di Benevento). However, the actor has now explained he almost missed out on the role - … Britannique "Le Cadeau" Debutta sul piccolo schermo nella serie televisiva britannica Trial & Retribution e sul grande schermo nel 1999 in Wonderland diretto da Michael Winterbottom con il quale collaborerà anche in 24 Hour Party People. External Links List of references to Game of Thrones in other media, Telltale video game navigation sub-portal, Miguel Sapochnik - co-showrunner/director, https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Enzo_Cilenti?oldid=456370. Er besuchte die Bradford Grammar School und später die University of Nottingham, wo er die Studiengänge Französisch und Spanisch erfolgreich abschloss. He has appeared in films such as 24 Hour Party People, In the Loop, Nine, The Rum Diary, Kick-Ass 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy as well as TV shows such as Spooks, Rome and House. Les Misérables Season 1 Episode 5. Bradford, Angleterre He also played Albert Flood in The Awakening, Margaret's Father in The Magdalene Sisters, Lord Ruthven in Mary Queen of Scots and Father Angelo … Birth Place: Bradford, England. S6, E9 Battle Of The B*****ds While Daenerys returns to Meereen, Jon Snow's army advances as the battle for Winterfell begins. Yezzan zo Qaggaz 6.11.2015 - Explore Blanka Horáková's board "Enzo Cilenti" on Pinterest. T6, E9 Battle of the Bastards Un esclavista lleva mensaje de advertencia y los términos de rendición a Meereen. IMDb FB whatsapp FB facebook TW Tweet. Vincenzo Leonardo Cilenti Latest News See All. Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs. Instagram They have two children. He is currently 41 years old who is active in the film industry from the year 1998 until present as an actor who has become a part of some big hits like the Theory of Everything and Game of Thrones can be included into its list. GAME OF THRONES SEASON 5 ENZO CILENTI as YEZZAN ZO QAGGAZ AUTOGRAPH CARD 1 of 2 Only 1 available GAME OF THRONES SEASON 5 ENZO CILENTI as YEZZAN ZO QAGGAZ AUTOGRAPH CARD 2 2 of 2 See More. Dernière apparition: First episode Enzo Cilenti. Enzo Cilenti, 44, is set to make his debut Luther in the upcoming series, season five. Informations générales Années actives: depuis 1998 He has been married to Sienna Guillory since August 17, 2002. Yezzan zo Qaggaz Twitter Enzo Cilenti, George Georgiou, and Eddie Jackson in Game of Thrones (2011) $17.05 Buy It Now or Best Offer 20d 5h, $31.38 … Enzo Cilenti wurde in Bradford als Kind italienischer Eltern geboren. At the diplomatic negotiations with Tyrion Lannister in Meereen, Yezzan returns to represent Astapor, whose slave-masters were reconstituted by Yunkai. In Game of Thrones he is playing Yezzan zo Qaggaz in the fifth and sixth seasons. Acteur Paris is on the brink of revolt. Enzo Cilenti Lieu de naissance: Vincenzo Leonardo Cilenti (born 8 August 1974) ​is an English actor. Enzo Cilenti né le 8 août 1974 à Bradford, en Angleterre, est un acteur britannique. Enzo Cilenti portrayed Watchtower Guardin Guardians of the Galaxy. Inspirace Postavami. Scottish actor known for his role as the warlock Pyat Pree in the second season of the HBO series Game of Thrones. 16 pinů. Obličeje. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Profession: Il interprète le rôle de Yezzan zo Qaggaz dans la cinquième et sixième saison de Game of Thrones. "Battle of the Bastards" GAME OF THRONES SEASON 5 ENZO CILENTI as YEZZAN ZO QAGGAZ AUTOGRAPH CARD . See Details on eBay available at Search the web. Film eserê George R. R. Martin ra amey adapte kerdene. Along with his role as Yezzan in Game of Thrones, Enzo is starring in the BBC One fantasy series Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell as Childermass. Enzo Cilenti was born on August 8, 1974 in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England as Vincenzo Leonardo Cilenti. But I'm not really into casual bike rides – I like a challenge. Air Date: 2019-01-27. Game of Thrones (TV Series) Details. 8 août 1974 (1974-08-08) (46 ans) Episode: 5. Résultats de recherche pour "Enzo Cilenti" Eps5 Les Misérables Season 1 Episode 5. Enzo Cilenti on Wikipedia Enzo Cilenti on IMDb Enzo Cilenti on Twitter 'Game of Thrones' Season 5 New Cast Members. S6, E9 Battle of the Bastards Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton battle for Winterfell. Enzo Cilenti was born on 8 August 1974. Profession Actor. Game of Thrones actor Enzo has supported Parkinson's UK since 2013, and is now our Champion of Cycling. Birthplace Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Première apparition: Informations sur la série Approda anche nel cinema americano e nel 2011 recita in The Rum Diary - Cronache di una passione. Twitter Page. Saison(s): Enzo tells us his story: "I've always been into cycling. Role Vincenzo Leonardo "Enzo" Cilenti(born 8 August 1974) is an English actor, known for his roles in works such as The Theory of Everything, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and Game of Thrones. Nationalité: Nom: Enzo Cilenti né le 8 août 1974 à Bradford, en Angleterre, est un acteur britannique. Enzo Cilenti. Rôle: Game of Thrones seriyo de fantastiko u Dewletê Amerika de kanalê HBO de çap biyo. He has appeared in films such as 24 Hour Party People, In the Loop, Nine, The Rum Diary, Kick-Ass 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy as well as TV shows such as Spooks, Rome and House. He is an actor and producer, known for Free Fire (2016), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and In the Loop (2009). Enzo Cilenti, Actor: Free Fire. Enzo Cilenti. In 2015 he took on the legendary Mont Ventoux – on a tandem, with his father who has Parkinson's. His birth place is originated in Bradford, West Yorkshire- England. Screen Talk – Enzo Cilenti « Back to Screen Talk FROM BRADFORD TO GAME OF THRONES, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY AND LUTHER. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. …