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Theyll defecate all over the board and fly away, satisfied of their victory. The government message is not as interesting to many people. 9 hr ago. But, I also point out that it wont win, because the prizes arent real Steve has previously changed the rules of his contests so that they cant be won. This is why we don't allow false claims about how to cure or prevent COVID-19," the policy reads. They're Called Vaccines. You can download the data I used from here, if you want to check these calculations. Other than that, Im happy to go back and forth with written responses about the data. - He regularly exaggerates scientific findings and twists them to support his narrative that the COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and that off-patent drugs like ivermectin and fluvoxamine are highly effective against COVID-19. He built some other cool startups, but he never became a household name. Kirsch also says that the online open publication platform Medium has deleted the last six years' worth of his content. People would be lining up to complain about their loved ones mysteriously dying. These days, he sees about 30 patients per day, 7 days per week. Thumbnail of a Dark Horse YouTube video. Guest Post by Margaret Anna Alice. To get the word out about fluvoxamine, Kirsch has hired the PR firm G.F. Bunting. ATAGI disappears incriminating Coronavirus advice page. New treatments aim to treat COVID-19 early, before it gets serious Neither Medium, SendGrid, nor Facebook returned requests for comment from MedPage Today. Regarding the Pfizer vaccine, he claimed that a six-month study showed the Pfizer vaccine "killed five. If the lockdowns had caused despair, then suicides would have gone up too. Because that is how science works in America today: its unethical to design a study that might expose that the COVID vaccines that they forced us to take cause harm. No one should be promoting drug treatments for COVID until there is rigorous clinical trial evidence of their effectiveness. Even prominent antivaxxer Steve Kirsch is healthy and well, despite being fully-vaccinated against COVID-19! Ive already praised his early treatment project. Does COVID-19 Mess with the Immune System? tried to take Steve up on his million dollar debate offer, nominated 2 judges that already agreed with him, 350,000 of these deaths were logged as covid deaths, went down when we pulled kids out of school for covid, Crawford divides up countries of the world, its easier to make discoveries in a false belief system than in reality, die younger than gold medalists or bronze medalists, video were Yuri Deigin talked to Steve and all his friends, she would debate if Steve donated one million dollars to a charity of her choice. Steve would ignore any data I brought, change the subject a lot, and no one would learn anything from watching. Since January it's gotten very busy, and I've been almost 100% COVID prevention and treatment," Haider said. Steve also asked Dr Angela Rasmussen if she would debate him for a million dollars. That indicated heart damage in over 20% of pilots screened (. But these very small amounts make their way to the liver, where they get chewed up. Steve admitted he was wrong, and promised to look into it more and fix his statements. Thats not possible. That covers almost 150,000 of them, which happened before vaccinations began. There is no prize. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein Discuss: Spike Protein From Vaccine Is Dangerous Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date June 22, 2021 Video unavailable This video is unavailable Watch on. He points to two blog posts by Mathew Crawford. Reviews of articles by: Steve Kirsch CLAIM REVIEWS The film "Died Suddenly" rehashes debunked claims and conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 vaccines CLAIM COVID-19 vaccines are linked to abnormal blood clotting, sudden deaths, world depopulation SOURCE: Richard Hirschman, Theresa Long, Steve Kirsch, Stew Peters Network Published: 29 Nov 2022 Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era | NEJM They held the debate and Steve got owned. Were just identifying where the best work is to fund, looking for the best opportunities that can make the difference on lowering the hospitalization rates and lowering the fatality rates. More likely, hes a grifter, pandering to a gullible audience. Kirsch says that the scientific advisory board has reviewed 110 grant applications so far, and has funded 14 of them. Andrew Talbot ( ) - LinkedIn Basically, the vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who get the shot. A few people have died from blood clots. Instead of recommending masks (which do nothing), every health authority who wants to reduce their COVID cases should be recommending this. Funny how that correlates with massive infrastructure poured on top of all of us in warp speed time. A lot of pilots and a lot of damage. "People have accused me of doing it out of my own self-interest. And when I started seeing my friends die and be injured and I. If it was due to COVID, it would have happened well before now. Study Finds Increased Heart Disease, Stroke Risk After - Forbes We look at countries and states where the pandemic is under control. Kirsch adds that he has offered to pay for an emergency use authorization application for fluvoxamine on behalf of Upsher Smith, the maker of fluvoxamine, and that the company "will look at it." Imran Ahmed, chief. Instead, he called Avis job and tried to get the guy fired. On Jan 6, my first class medical was deferred, due to 2nd AV block, Mobitz type 2 (see picture of EKG with diagnosis). If you did a cardiac MRI on all those kids, you are going to find stuff that you will not find using the cheap and easy tests. In the US, we are not allowed to do lab tests on people before and after the vaccine. He publicly distorted and exaggerated tiny signals in the scientific literature and conjured up an epic story of good versus evil: Pfizers COVID vaccine was killing more people than it saved, he said, while the usefulness of safe and cheap drugs was being denied by an apparatus that favoured newer, more profitable treatments. Overdose deaths went up a lot, thats mostly fentanyl. But, for some reason, those countries cant all just come together and hide 100% of the evidence. Steve got banned by Medium. In his three-minute presentation, Kirsch based his claim that heart attacks occur 71 times more often following COVID-19 . This would all be the greatest data conspiracy the world has ever seen, with at least 40 countries manipulating their hospital records, covid data, newspaper obituaries, and more to hide the evidence. Steve Kirsch - IEEE Spectrum Professor Morris wrote an article that has two tables showing that the death rate after vaccination is not flat. on 301 kids. After I had passed everything but the actual physical exam in the exam room, the physician asked me the usual questions -- and I took the opportunity to mention the new (Oct 2022) relaxed FAA PR parameters on the EKG. It was just an artifact of how deaths get categorized at any given time, about 25,000 are waiting for classification. We should already know this is false. Over the course of his career, hehas founded more than seven companies, including Propel Software, Mouse Systems Corporation, Frame Technology Corporation, and Infoseek all dedicated to improving computer software and tech. But you cant hide these things for long. When asked about the change, the FAA couldnt justify it. Kirsch told MedPage Today that his efforts are purely humanitarian -- almost no one was supporting this kind of research, so he stepped up to the plate. There are 23 studies that have been done from hundreds of researchers all over the world. Kirsch's COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund seemed tailor-made for the research Lenze and Reiersen were conducting, and when Lenze heard about it, he quickly fired off a grant proposal. Kirsch said no racetrack workers who took fluvoxamine had lingering symptoms at 14 days of follow-up, compared with 60% of workers who did not take the drug. In 2020, about 500,000 more people died in the US than in an average year. Time on them did not come cheaply and . Commonly used to treat depression, it has been proposed that fluvoxamine might also quell the out-of-control inflammatory reaction seen in severe COVID cases. We currently have almost 8,000 deaths reported. The FDA doesnt approve drugs because theyre popular on social media. So far, thats perfectly reasonable. Can you guess what it is? Apparently this was about Gates hoping that Epstein could pull some strings and help win him a Nobel prize. What Is The Potential Of Generative AI In Healthcare? Deaths in August 2020 - Wikipedia But dont worry; you cant sue them. His openness and creativity paid off when, to Steves surprise and delight, one such treatment worked. Conspiracy theorists and grifters fill that void. The following is a list of notable deaths in August 2020 . He founded the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, whose advisors include Byram Bridle, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, and Stephanie Seneff. Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch went from covid trial funder to QAnon wasnt just crazy because it theorized that Trump was fighting a global cabal of wealthy elites that terrorize children and drink their blood. An off-patent drug that anyone can manufacture? Steve Kirsch @stkirsch Truth-teller, critical thinker, founder COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). He seemed surprised. Crawford thinks the vaccine deaths were smuggled into the data as covid deaths. There are two particular drugs you suggest should be used for early treatment ivermectin and fluvoxamine. I am asymptomatic. Next up in 5. Explanation: The FDA explains that its statements are not based on science. The fact that the Thailand study was published in a peer-reviewed journal, that they only did the easy-to-do assessments (which only found a portion of the damage), and the FAA quietly changed their EKG guidance should at least open your mind to the possibility that I might be right. For more information about the change, see Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common. We didnt come up with better mouse technology than Microsoft did. But while this effort was praiseworthy, Kirschs predilection for oversimplifying and exaggerating led him to mislead. That would be extremely problematic; commercial aviation in the US would be severely disrupted. And they dont have to play by the rules. I started looking for opportunities to apply my expertise in a field where it was needed, where other people werent covering it, he explained. Since the early days of the pandemic, researchers have been trying to use old drugs for new tricks, raising hopes and spurring controversy. More confirmation that the vaccines are causing huge numbers of excess deaths. Facebook has a "Combating COVID-19 Misinformation" policy, which includes removing posts that make false claims about cures and treatments for COVID-19. Why? Dr David Ho (known for key research on HIV and AIDS) wrote a famous editorial years ago on how to treat HIV. Europe would have to be mislabeling vaccine deaths as covid deaths, as well, so its more like 40 countries in on the plot. Media coverage of Kirschs descent into anti-vaccine rhetoric portrays an iconoclastic man who shouts at reporters and sends them emails in all caps. Bill Gates spends his money on charity work, curing diseases around the world. In 2020, teenage suicide went down when we pulled kids out of school for covid. The fact that the FAA *quietly* changed the EKG parameters for pilots suggests that the vaccine is causing a huge number of pilots to fail their screening. How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in PolitiFact | No evidence that the Pfizer vaccine causes deaths Angela replied, saying that she would debate if Steve donated one million dollars to a charity of her choice. I started working on some data analysis to come up with an argument. And, unless the government steps up, Steve could still be that guy. I received both Moderna injections (March&April 2021). Ill take an educated guess as to why they did that. The article, written by tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, received more than 4,700 engagements on Facebook, including more than 2,600 shares. This can cause deafness, blindness, inability As well see later, there are many countries like this. 219 episodes. He just needs to drop any false anti-vax arguments. I just received this note from John Lamb: Steve, I am a 66 yr old commercialaviator with no previous heart problems. The premise made sense: Most experts were predicting vaccines would take years, while finding helpful drugs with known safety profiles could shortcut the approval process. This study raises more questions than it answers. ", Veronica Hackethal reports for MedPage Today's Enterprise and Investigative journalism team. I think this means that Musk likes to watch dicks while Bezos likes to ride them. Theres some experimental evidence that it should help with both covid and the flu. I have written before about the ivermectin delusion. And to spend more on drug trials to prove which drugs work. The brashness that may have served Kirsch well in the business world, where a word like game-changer attracts investments, clashes with the subtleties of scientific research. I didn't have to get an EKG this time, but I do have to once a year (everyone 45 and over, I think). When trials came back with poor results for hydroxychloroquine, Kirsch blamed the researchers for doing the trial wrong. We Already Have Them. But hes too cheap to even pay out a $10,000 prize, let alone a million. Steve says the difference of 171,000 deaths hides the vaccine deaths. On Substack, COVID misinformation is allowed to flourish Many states and countries didnt see any such spike. However, the study relied upon patient self-report and self-measurement of symptoms. That leaves a hunger for better information. Similar off-patent drugs are explored in this way by other labs, but this important research requires investments. We know theres a pandemic going on, because more people are dying than in a normal year. He just needs to make honest claims and build his credibility back. A guy like Mathew Crawford probably cant hack it in terms of discovering new covid drugs or treatments, but he can compete at being one of the best guys to lie about covid vaccines. At first, you had to prove that there were less than 500 vaccine deaths. I tried summing up the excess deaths in the 3 months before vaccination started and the 3 months after it started. The reason for that is simple: it would make it crystal clear that the vaccines are unsafe. McCullough said that Steve Kirsch will give 2 million dollars to anyone who tries to make the case that vaccines are safe and effective. The CETF website boldly claims that ivermectin and fluvoxamine have been known since October 2020 to be two of the most effective drugs that can be used against COVID, but that the NIH and WHO ignore this evidence. Overall, those who had recovered from Covid-19 coronavirus infections were 63% more likely to have had some kind of cardiovascular problem in the ensuing year than those in the control groups . And they didnt widen the range by a little. If it was due to COVID, it would have happened well before now. Opens in a new tab or window, Visit us on Facebook. There never will be. As it turns out, a lot of bad things can happen after receiving a vaccine for no other reason than bad things happen regularly. He does not accept private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. . Stev Kirsch Takes On The Academics And Demonstrates The Covid Vaccine And this happened before in sepsis, where a doctor, Paul Merrick, discovered that if you get vitamin C within four hours, every single person can be saved. In applying the language and posturing he knew as an entrepreneur to the culture of COVID research, Kirsch ended up radicalizing himself into becoming a COVID-19 anti-vaxxer. He left the board of his own company and resigned as CEO. It is now: .12 to .3 and potentially even higher. In the 3 months prior to vaccines, excess deaths were running at 5.3%. The study included 113 workers at a California racetrack who tested positive for COVID-19 and were offered fluvoxamine. Before becoming a full-time telemedicine doctor, Haider worked as a hospitalist for about 10 years. I did the research when I got Waldenstrms and, even with treatment, the mortality rate was about five years, he said. But, it would happen in a shorter period of time. To stop undermining the credibility of his own movement. Something is causing those deaths. Yes, these were successes, but the successes could have been bigger if we had really paid attention to marketing. The vaccine creates far more injury to the heart than COVID (which creates NO added risk per this large-scale Israeli study of 196,992 unvaccinated adults after Covid infection). Steve Kirschs angle on this is harder to parse. In April 2020, Kirsch founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund research into off-label treatments for COVID-19 among drugs already having FDA approval for other diseases, donating $1 million himself and also fundraising from others. Im not interested in doing that. There are actually lots of other reasons why case fatality rates change, over time. If they work, he could prove it and save thousands, maybe millions of lives. Its true on every island that avoided covid. Its funny, Steve didnt respond to anything I wrote and Crawford said hes too busy to respond. "Pure charity, there really isn't a way to profit from this.". All rights reserved. It was the start of a new outbreak, and deaths ramped up faster than tested case numbers: CFR can also go up when a big outbreak happens. Steve Kirsch - News, Articles etc. - European Pharmaceutical Review The post provides a type of treatment algorithm that lists 19 different drugs. We need someone to fund trials on cheap drugs to figure out which one, or which combination, actually works. Any guesses?? Like all members of its class, fluvoxamine has a long list of potential drug-drug interactions, and carries a black box warning for suicidal ideation in children, adolescents, and young adults. So I think you can probably use their data to double check Crawfords analysis if youd like to run the numbers for yourself: In general, CFR graphs are noisy enough that its hard to see anything but the largest effects in them. FALSE: Steve Kirsch, the FDA advisor, said that Covid-19 vaccines Please, I was tipped off about this story by Josh Yoder at, Steve, I am a 66 yr old commercialaviator. Australia got through the pandemic without any excess deaths: Deaths went down in 2020, went above the average trend a bit in November, then stayed roughly flat through 2021. According to its founder, serial tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, CETF was started in April 2020 in order to fund drug repurposing research to find the fastest and most cost-effective early outpatient treatments for COVID-19. And his answer to his opponents is straight out of the quack handbook: debate me, bro! Whats going on there? None of them were hospitalised versus 12.5% of the patients who chose not to. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, had a good idea. Kirsch says that earlier stage studies of fluvoxamine as a possible anti-inflammatory were convincing enough for the CETF scientific advisory board to fund Lenze's preliminary study.