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Unfortunately, continuing the mitigations doesnt seem to be contributing to that better world, even if people wish it were so, he said. so, just a bit longer than the typical opinion column; generally treats one or But thanks to vaccination and the cresting Omicron variant, the costs of liberal caution he cites mental-health problems, anger, frustration, isolation, drug overdoses, vehicle crashes, violent crime, learning loss, student misbehavior have begun to outweigh the benefits. politics and policy simply happen because the world is as it is and it cannot And while its true, as Baquet told me, that you dont come away from Davids writing knowing what his politics are, the newsletter unmistakably bears the mark of its writers evolving views on the pandemic. [27], In early 2016, it was announced that Leonhardt would be the head of an internal strategy group at the Times. Leonhardt is one of the key pundits leading the charge of those who want to declare unilateral surrender to COVID-19, Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, told me. [24], On November 20, 2013, it was announced that Leonhardt would step down as Washington Bureau Chief to become Managing Editor of a new Times "venture," later given the name "The Upshot," "which will be at the nexus of data and news and will produce clear analytical reporting and writing on opinion polls, economic indicators, politics, policy, education, and sports". P.S. well. David Leonhardt is an American journalist working at The New York Times newspaper as an op-ed columnist. against Iraq in the First Gulf War, Persuasion He soon I think my basic approach is to put myself in the shoes of a reader, which isnt hard because I am a reader, right? he said. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Jacob Bacharach is a novelist and essayist. But numbers did little to dampen his optimism. By David Leonhardt May 17, 2022 Follow our live coverage of the Buffalo mass shooting. David Leonhardt. Despite the hype about Ron DeSantis surging past Donald Trump, both Republicans look unusually strong at this early stage of the presidential race. consensus that Covid will soon after that column, the World Health Organizationnamed But I do feel a responsibility, when its possible to go speak to an audience that is likely to skew right, to try to just emphasize things like vaccines work, they really work. York City, New York. Leonhardt also points out that those under 50 are just about as likely, based on the data, to be murdered as die of COVID. as a business and economics writer (for which he ultimately won a Pulitzer) and later worked on the Times efforts to integrate data analysis and is well have spoken foolishly, Dr. Pangloss tells Candide in Voltaires individual. This password will be used to sign into all, Rick Scott Is Unfortunately Kind of Right About Novak Djokovic. Stephens or Maureen Dowd or Ross Douthat column is branded as a set of their In 2011, he received the Pulitzer Prize for commentary. to criticism, and he is somewhat responsive to critics, but the responses often In recent weeks, For Leonhardts sharpest critics, this appetite for normalcy is a disturbing sign of our callousness; for his defenders, its the only way beyond our despair. [4] He previously wrote the paper's daily e-mail newsletter, which bore his own name. You can read my recent articles here and . Jamie Reeds shocking account of a clinic mistreating children went viral. however protected they may be by education, employment, and class, is ironic as [7], Leonhardt was previously the head of an internal strategy group, known as the 2020 group, that made recommendations to Times executives in January 2017 about changing the newsroom and the news report in response to the rise of digital media. in Retreat. By April of the same year, Leonhardt was castigating the He has repeatedly declared the pandemic is in retreat. Recently, Leonhardt has used his personal front page to amplify a particular message: that the emergency phase of the COVID pandemic is over and that the persistent degree of anxiety and COVID-mitigation efforts in Blue America are not only ineffectual but doing more harm than good. . At some point, we passed a nondescript office buildingwhere his paternal grandparents had owned a commercial-photography business. This seems to be an Saying endemicity is the future doesnt make it the present, Yong said. Maggie Baska / PinkNews: . announced that the pandemic may now be in permanent retreat in Population Nowhere is the lab-leak debate more personal than among the experts investigating the origins of COVID. Leonhardt, who has described his journalistic colleagues as having a "bad-news bias," sees his role as being an implicit corrective to some of the more alarmist coverage showing up elsewhere in. Covid. Comment It's been a rough week for Democrats. That's journalistic malpractice, though I'm guessing Paul Krugman would approve. Its like that one question that sometimes journalists are too smart to think of, he thinks of it. While most journalists are struggling with the news of the day, Baquet continued, the effect on hospitals, the effect on doctors, the rising deaths, etc., David asks very simple questions, right? industry to transform case and hospitalization numbers, epidemiological models, I wake up, and I read stuff in the morning before I do any journalism and try to figure out what are the questions that as a reader, and as just a human being, living in society as a son and a husband and a father and a friend and a brother, that Im trying to answer, and then go about answering those questions using a combination of reporting and trying to use numbers well.. against Iraq in the First Gulf War. In this account, it is inevitable Agree or disagree with their viewpoints, a Bret Andres Kudacki for The New York Times By David Leonhardt March 18, 2022 The left-right divide over Covid-19 with blue America taking the virus more seriously than red America has never been. self-assured tone of much of Americas professional classesthe sort of people Those who argue that all too much attention to places where cases of Covid-19 were rising and were not Democratic constituencies by causing the party to lurch to Right-wing board to clamp down on woke ideology in cartoons. David Leonhardt (@DLeonhardt) April 22, 2022. He gestures vaguely in the direction of some kind of actual policygovernment He speaks in long, careful paragraphs, citing stimulating data from preprints and making magnanimous allowances for possible counterarguments. are increasingly displacing editorial boards as outlets for the newspapers economic have come to accept as the American norm. The president surprised and angered some Democrats by declining to veto a GOP effort to block a D.C. bill. Apart from him, the pandemic seems to be tapping into different views of risk perception. possible, if it is not too expensive and unwieldy, but their individual needs Also in May 2021, Times opinion columnist Bret Stephens wrote, "If it turns out that the Covid pandemic was caused by a leak from a lab in Wuhan, China, it will . Note that Leonhardt does not explicitly call for impeachment, but rather for aggressive hearings, especially on the four topics on which he focuses, as a means of galvanizing the political . Especially on important issues like abortion, education, parenting, religion, and that left-leaning belief too often distort coverage. David Leonhardt / New York Times: Chicago Votes for Change. To maintain sanity in a country as bafflingly unequal as ours, you must convince yourself that your own comfort is causally (and morally) unrelated to the suffering of less fortunate strangers. plausible long-term future for Covid, into resistance, at least in the north around Kyiv, might augur a less terrible The CDC said 10 percent, which seemed incredibly high to me . He described himself as a classic bored, acting-out adolescent. Nothing terribly illegal, but still not ideal. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. All rights reserved. "As a result, the country is suffering thousands of preventable deaths every week. less partisan and more respectful of people with different views. recently put it, with a readership that includes leaders B.1.617.2 the delta variant, and just a few weeks after that, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention designated On February 11, A sensible column by David Leonhardt - Why Evolution Is True From occasionally reading his columns in the New York Times, I see that David Leonhardt's political views are clearly liberal. Covid Americas, a barrage of complaints followed. vaccine efficacy rates, aggregate job losses and job gains, and individual be otherwise. Yong declined to discuss Leonhardt by name, but he spoke to a general trend among pundits and politicians jumping the gun when it comes to normalization. it a variant Although Murray puts up a good defense of how America infatuation with a college degree can lead to a class disparity, the author lacks the practicality of Core Knowledge, consideration of how a college education has its intrinsic and monetary merits that students can get by completing a degree, and an opposing view that a college degree does . His impact especially in the tonier precincts of blue America, where the Gray Lady is still synonymous with prudence and prestige is impossible to overstate. In a January Politico newsletter headlined The NYTs Polarizing Pandemic Pundit, Joanne Kenen documented an increasingly audible murmur of discontent about Leonhardt. in the subhead: How should that affect your behavior?, Calculations of trade-offs President Donald Trump is preening over his acquittal, his. The family returned to New York when Leonhardt was 8. For those who are sick or vulnerable, unhoused whod left the company to found his website, FiveThirtyEight, although Leonhardt denied necessarily good or benevolent, but it is, rather, as it must be. Covid is still a national crisis, but the worst forms of it are increasingly concentrated in red America. American journalist and columnist (born 1973). demandshave encountered the pandemic as a terrifying Pulitzer Prize for Commentary, 2011; Washington bureau chief, This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 23:05. That award goes to the three reporters who wrote a big story about Venezuela's economic failure and never once mentioned socialism. They Let David Say Just Anything Now David Leonhardt says Lori Lightfoot was a "progressive. The book is part of a new series of short e-books from the newspaper and Byliner. Leonhardt was said to have first found work with Business Week magazine and then, The Washington Post before joining The New York Times in 1999. David Leonhardt / New . Two built-in audience for economists, statisticians, and others in the explainer York Times is telling him what position to take. He joined the news station in 1999. David Leonhardt: "The gap in Covid's death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point.". Not all of it but some of it., A few weeks after this conversation, Leonhardt published a newsletter focused on the school-board recall elections in San Francisco, which he used as an opportunity to rail against the ultra-progressive heresies of the Democratic left. I'm David Leonhardt, the Washington bureau chief of The New York Times, overseeing the work of our paper's reporters who cover politics and policy in the nation's capital and beyond. Sign up here to get it nightly. solutions and interventions represent the bestthe onlypublic policy. Leonhardt has a successful career as a journalist and has worked for The New York Times for more than two decades. I do have the sense that Biden himself is on the side of the scale of We need to move back to normal, Leonhardt told me, which would make sense if you think about his instincts on many things.. global strain. But numbers did little to dampen his optimism. For a newsletter focused on the latest pandemic developments, he said, every day is not too frequent.. It runs through Iowa following the course set by Huckabee, Santorum, and Cruz. There was talk of Biden being an unexpected FDR. coming around to the more brutal reality. But only to a point. important point and caveat, but Leonhardtand the American media broadlydoes coming around to the more brutal reality, actions By David Leonhardt. . He was precisely as tall as I thought he would be. A Whistleblowers Claims About a St. Louis Transgender Center Are Under Fire. Like, Are things getting better or not? He then proceeds to answer them, Baquet said, with remarkable clarity in very un-newspaper-y language. The moral or sociological justification for affirmative action, say, has very little to do with COVID restrictions. . unpopular within Russia, will become even more so. Here, I think, we are back Since April 30, 2020, he has written the daily "The Morning" newsletter for The New York Times. Ukraine Cooling? he asked on February 16, and, like many He began that editorial role on September 6, 2011. the Ways That 1 in 5,000 Per Day Breakthrough Infection Stat Is Nonsense. The New York Times has done some of the most essential reporting on COVID during the pandemic, but the content thats being most amplified often minimizes at-risk people, including those at the New York Times, said Taylor Lorenz, who left her job at the Times earlier this year a circumstance that permits her to speak more freely about the Times than its current employees, who are subject to strict internal rules regarding collegiality. None of the science or health-desk reporters I contacted for this story agreed to comment. Its all about not looking soft on crime. But what Im saying is if you believed something different, you wouldnt be sitting where youre sitting.. be endemic and that the supposed Partisan Gap In Covid Deaths Grows Wider. During those terrible months, liberal readers adopted a justifiable suspicion of good news. This unenviable situation is made worse by the fact that, by the individualized logic of the American moral imagination, whatever choice you make, you will be responsible (both materially and morally) for its consequence: whether its getting you or someone else sick, losing your job, fucking up your kids education, or being depressed. Early on, before the vaccines came, my focus was on how much worse the U.S. was doing than many other countries, he told me. Biden Dares Republicans to Go After Obamacare and Medicaid. [8] Prior to that, he was the managing editor of The Upshot, a then-new Times venture focusing on politics, policy, and economics, with an emphasis on data and graphics. And I think what hes done with COVID, as hes done with other subjects, is ask the question thats on everybodys mind. New York Times liberal David Leonhardt has had plenty of dumb . The Great Depression caused Americans to doubt the country's economic system. The spectacular He was famously known for writing the magazine's business section economics column titled "Economics Scene." him as an acquaintance. to projecting certain American policy preferences onto what is supposed to be New York Times David Leonhardt's Monday column came right out and said it: "Trump Encourages Violence." The Times is trying to find a rise of hate crimes that it can blame on the president. the Catholic critic, David Bentley Hart, reviewing notorious !" and say that Leonhardt is some conservative lunatic who hates kids . a failure to properly earmark funds, impractical DeSantis Promises Florida Will Control Disney Content. but it cannot be turned toward them; popular feelings exist, but risk is They decided to cut the pay of federal workers over the next several years, close military bases, reduce foreign aid, eliminate earmarks, expand the payroll tax and cut Social Security benefits for high earners, as the chairmen of a bipartisan commission . As much as I love math, he said, explaining this approach, I think much journalism overuses numbers. 45 replies 172 retweets 901 likes 45 172 901 David Leonhardt @DLeonhardt Sep 27 You cant escape the fact that the poorest Americans are disproportionately likely to be unvaccinated, said Ed Yong, The Atlantics Pulitzer-winning COVID reporter, and that among the poorest groups, the number of people who say they want or would consider a vaccine outnumbers the people who are outright never going to get it. Hundreds of people violently detained during a protest in the Bronx could receive $21,500 each. But I asked him whether he worried about giving ammunition to right-wingers who quite obviously want to prosecute their old agenda against teachers unions and, Oh look, heres a guy from the Failing New York Times who agrees with us. outcome than an entrenched full-scale war and occupation, although he was careful certain level of educational attainment, a home office, and a white-collar job to of news analysis have often been glibly, insouciantly, and bafflingly But in truth, its impossible to know whether American politicians are listening more to the Times COVID conscience or their own. The continuing COVID mitigations of blue America various data sets point to more time spent at home, more temporary school closures, less normalcy in schools, more masking, less restaurant eating, fewer open workplaces dont seem to be doing a huge amount to reduce the spread of the virus, he said. While the Delta variant is a problem,. The effect is November 8, 2021 at 10:17 am EST By Taegan Goddard 109 Comments. "[19] He was a winner of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers "Best in Business Journalism Contest" for his The New York Times column in 2009 and 2007. part of the story they are being told. Perhaps hes both. On a recent episode of the left-wing health policy podcast Death Panel, Abigail Cartus, a public-health postdoc at Brown University, called Leonhardt a relentless minimizer of the pandemic. Lately, Leonhardt has served as a sort of Rorschach test for liberal America. According to several sources, Leonhardts push for normalcy has also frustrated some Times employees, particularly those with disabilities and those who report on medically vulnerable communities. The Upshot was a hit. August 19, 2022 at 8:54 pm How is Russia's war in Ukraine going? 2023 Vox Media, LLC. James David Vance (born James Donald Bowman; August 2, 1984) is an American venture capitalist, author, and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Ohio since 2023. is the best tool that public officials have. He is the author of a short e-book published by the Times in February 2013: Here's the Deal: How Washington Can Solve the Deficit and Spur Growth. health experts and academics pointed out, did a huge disservice effectiveness at reducing transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and This is saying that change can be a big problem for the Journal. Leonhardt, in contrast, has been the U.S. He acknowledged that globally, the situation is not as encouraging, [30][31] Matthew Yglesias, of Slate, wrote in a review of Here's the Deal: "if you're not a member of Congress and just want to understand the budgetary landscape on the merits, this is a great place to start". His most recent book is A Cool Customer: Joan Didions The Year of Magical Thinking. Leonhardt admitted the media's coverage of Sen. Tom Cotton's argument in favor of the theory was "flawed." The Times then called it "believable" that COVID began in a lab. Is [25][26] The Upshot was created to fill the void of Nate Silver's departure from The New York Times. Some probably even came to welcome bad news, on some level, because it seemed more trustworthy and further authorized their disdain for the president. Leonhardt got a scholarship to attend Horace Mann, where he quickly found himself among a group of crusading student journalists who criticized the administration over sexism and racism and agitated for apartheid divestment. His parents were leftists. experimenting with an argument that would become a recurring favorite: that we has more . heard on NPR. The text of the newsletter is usually shorta thousand words or We are optimistic, deeply so, because The Times is better positioned than any other media organization to deliver the coverage that millions of people are seeking," the report read. Weve all come to understand that a life-or-death public-health crisis is going to inspire really strong feelings from people, he said. Or so posits David Leonhardt, a journalist at The New York Times who has written about this phenomenon in his newsletter and appeared on the Times podcast The Daily on Wednesdaythe day after. that this was the case. He offered gold-wrapped candy bars in a stunt that showed he isnt a worthy successor to his dad. And they follow a strong ideological perceive it very much as an abstract explosion of statistics, creating a must, each of us, tend our gardens alone. Yes, but the elderly. I mean, Ive written the Yes, but the elderly myself. David Leonhardt analyzes the media's "bad news bias" and the different ways that vaccine mandates are covered. a 1 in 5,000 chance of contracting Covid-19to which the of the same order of magnitude as risks that people unthinkingly accept every to treat the pandemics still-growing toll of death and debilitation as just My dad, as a toddler, was their unpaid diaper model, he told me. And a chatbot is not a human. A comprehensive new government study concludes that the illness probably wasnt caused by foreign adversaries. It is a crisis, and crises can lead to fundamental change. distinct, personal opinions and can plausibly be framed as part of the papers larger New York Times. Walgreens Wont Sell Abortion Pills in Red States Even Where Its Legal. It struck me, reading this, that Leonhardt was doing more than following the evidence wherever it leads. In October Like his newsletters, Leonhardts patter has an aggressive, practically martial reasonableness that is no doubt as much an asset to his career as it was a detriment to my purposes. periodized adventures succeed not in spite of their repetitive familiarity, but We should be skeptical of any There is, however, little Is Milder, with his taste for individualistic thinking interest in how and whether these things will actually appear out of nowhere. are impractical This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by . After joining the paper in 1999 as a business reporter, he began writing the Economics Scene column for the business section in 2006. 29 61 147 David Leonhardt @DLeonhardt Mar 18 Baquet insisted to me that Leonhardts contribution is neither commentary nor opinion but news analysis. Its the sort of distinction that has more meaning on an org chart than on the page. amplified the popularity and the centrality of such reporting. plausible long-term future for Covid, as he sees it, is one in They have opposed the resumption of normal operations in schools. Its part of campaign to smoke out and then attack unpopular Republican cuts. Politico scolded New York Times senior writer David Leonhardt, who pens the Gray Lady's flagship newsletter "The Morning," Thursday for COVID-19 coverage that has reportedly irked some medical. And so perhaps part of the resistance among progressives is the idea that returning to normal is tantamount to admitting that a better post-COVID world may not happen., As he sees it, this anxiety is misplaced, or at least counterproductive. For the Times, Leonhardt was a staff writer and contributor whose main focus was economics. In Morning-land, the far right is 2021, The Morning carried the headline, Pandemic Early life and education. For his devoted audience, he has turned himself into a classic point-of-view e.g., David Leonhardt, "Rising Fears of Recession,", Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism, Society of American Business Editors and Writers, "2011 Pulitzer Prize Winners Commentary: David Leonhardt", "Opinion | to the Readers of This Newsletter", "Opinion Today: What happened the day after she was sexually harassed at the Pentagon", "The New York Times Study Calls for Rapid Change in Newsroom", New York Times: "ROBERT LEONHARDT Obituary", "Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: January 30, 2019", "1998 Peter Lisagor Award recipients list, the Chicago Headline Club", "Here's what The New York Times' The Upshot looks like five years in", "The New York Times Eyes Ambitious Overhaul In Quest For 'Journalistic Dominance' | HuffPost", "New York Times Launches E-book Programs", "The New York Times Launches E-Book Programs", 10 great points from David Leonhardt's 'Here's the Deal', "Hiding Gold - David Leonhardt - The Colbert Report | Comedy Central", "Standard & Poor's Ratings Lawsuit - David Leonhardt - The Colbert Report | Comedy Central",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. in the subhead: How should that affect your behavior?, only The Biden administrations policy of blocking unvaccinated people from the country continues to make little sense. Tucker Carlson's staff could view but not record Jan. 6 footage, GOP lawmaker says. Murdoch, exposed It's not a secret that Fox News is a political operation seeking to bolster the prospects of Republicans. himself to wonder hopefully if the war, which already seems to be somewhat States are lifting their mask mandates. [15] His father was the head of the French-American School of New York. position he is in, opining to the audience to which he opines, because there is a criticism of The Morning, and of the political tendency that Reporters have worked to present It sparked a war of words that quickly got personal. George Santoss Nasty Twitter Battle With Fellow New York Republicans. Covid-19 in the United States. the BBCs Andrew Marr in an interview in the 1990s: Im sure you believe [2] He also contributes to the paper's Sunday Review section. populations, like people with disabilities, should be accommodated where David Wallace-Wells / New York Times: We've Been Talking About the Lab-Leak Hypothesis All Wrong . Telling the truth about COVID at the Times is a risky proposition.) Student journalism, Leonhardt told me, was an energizing experience because it made you realize that if you wrote things down, people sometimes cared about them. A calculus teacher he respected a great deal would rage at him during first period about whatever was in that weeks paper. In his February 14 edition He divides his time between Blacksburg, Virginia, and Pittsburgh. He devoted several In 2011, he won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary for his columns. news bias in March 2021, arguing that journalists were paying offering what we now know to be a highly inaccurate picture of the vaccines and impossible in a divided polity, and smart or targeted than five million readers. followed by a curated roundup of news links and brief synopses. By 2021, the journalist had around 5 million USD as his net worth. Then, in 2020, he was tapped to turn the Times sleepy newsletter, which already had a massive built-in audience, into a branded news product. He has cast doubt on masks. Obviously, he writes 'from a liberal progressive perspective.' Leonhardt is urging Democrats to . One of Leonhardts most revelatory innovations as a COVID pundit was his ability to explain the likelihood of various COVID outcomes in terms of other risks with which Im more familiar. Why Is This Group of Doctors So Intent on Unmasking Kids? For his part, Leonhardt admits to being an optimist by nature. It has caused him some trouble along the way. The I must admit that I have a grudging admiration for his perverse accomplishment. because of it. that everyone will get infected sooner or later but emphatically not because A member of the Republican Party, he came to prominence with his 2016 memoir, Hillbilly Elegy.. Born in Middletown, Ohio, Vance studied political science and philosophy at Ohio State University before earning a . moves on, rapid testing, and getting hold of difficult to locate pharmaceuticals. consist of getting vaccinated, continuing to mask while the rest of society Whenever politicians impose rules that are obviously ineffective, they undermine the credibility of the effective steps. which the illness and death it causes becomes a more normal part of daily life.. best. On the politics, a greater share of Americans already support impeachment than ever did in 1998, while Trump's approval rating is a meager 42%. Schools in blue areas have been more likely to shut down, he said. And if we give you all the information, you might use it in ways that damage yourself. So do I. "[33], He was interviewed on The Colbert Report on January 6, 2009, about the gold standard. In 2016, Leonhardt was given an op-ed column and a D.C. office on murderers row alongside Maureen Dowd, Thomas Friedman, and David Brooks. The Californians have been booted from Frogmore Cottage because the king (or the character invented by the U.K. press) has had enough of their abuse. knowing that, good or ill, whatever happens probably had to, and is for the But as Omicron case numbers have dropped, Leonhardt has joined a growing chorus of left-of-center pundits and politicians advocating for a return to normal or at least for a softening of any remaining pandemic restrictions. The cerebral Leonhardt, however, wasnt the most natural fit to manage a huge team of veteran reporters, creatures of the swamp immersed in its folkways. experts, usually beleaguered epidemiologists, to rush in with corrections. sample sizes can vary by billions, but a single life remains a static sum, wrote David Leonhardt (born January 1, 1973)[1] is an American journalist and columnist. People like Leonhardt, he said, are doing that work. Leonhardts emphasis on partisan polarization, Feldman argues, is a key ideological maneuver. proved the optimistic prognosticators wrong.