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Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, ) Translation: SPREAD (V) KJV Translations: spread, make, comfort Strong's Hebrew #: h.7502, ( masc., / re-phid ) ( fem., ) Translation: PILLAR.BASE Definition: The lowest or deepest part of anything. [citation needed] In Hebrew, it literally means 'life', 'alive' or 'living' and it symbolizes the value of it. ( ) Definition: An infection of the skin, usually leprosy, that causes welts. Jehovah our Healer Rapha (raw-faw') ApR Rapha is often used as a compound name with 'Jehovah' ( hvhy seen here ). The Tarot, the ten Sephirot, the twenty-two Hebrew letters and paths on the Tree of Life The picture of a Tree of Life has to be an archetype in the human mind because from ancient times it appears in myths, legends and paintings from all around the world. ( masc., ) Translation: SECRET Relationship to Root: As hidden and therefore thin. KJV Translations: possession, inheritance, heritage Strong's Hebrew #: h.4180, h.4181, ( fem., ) Translation: HERITAGE KJV Translations: possession, heritage, inheritance Strong's Hebrew #: h.3425, ( masc., / ti-rosh ) Translation: FRESH.WINE Definition: Newly pressed wine as a desired possession. KJV Translations: tremble, move, rage, shake, disquiet, trouble, quake, afraid Strong's Hebrew #: h.7264 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7265, ( masc., ) Translation: SHAKING Definition: A shaking anger. KJV Translations: slander, talebearer, tales Strong's Hebrew #: h.7400, ( fem., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.4819, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as from the wind, ( common, ) Translation: WHISTLE (V) KJV Translations: hiss Strong's Hebrew #: h.8292, h.8319, ( fem., ) Translation: WHISTLING KJV Translations: hissing Strong's Hebrew #: h.8322, ( fem., ) Translation: FLUTE Definition: [To be verified] A musical instrument that whistles. HAW suggests that the more ancient form of this letter looked like an X, a shape which lends itself easily as a general mark. The translators of the Septuagint knew of the pronunciation of the Resh with a Dagesh - the evidence is that they wrote the name Sarah with a double R. This top stone always followed the same path on top of the other. Besides these two symbols, another extremely popular one is chai. [note 1] The letter represents a voiced pharyngeal fricative ( / /) or a similarly articulated consonant. KJV Translations: haughtily Strong's Hebrew #: h.7317, ( masc., ) Translation: HEIGHTS Definition: A place of considerable or great elevation. 5 of them have special end forms (e.g., Kaph); together with the final characters there are 27 signs, but still 22 letters. ( masc., / rav ) ( fem., / ra-bah ) Translation: ABUNDANT Definition: Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). ( ) Action: Scour Object: Trough, Rafter, Bright Abstract: Fear Definition: The digging out of something for making a basin or trough. A woven rug as something tread upon. Also, meaning "to shoot" from the abundant arrows of the archer. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek agree that the sound for this letter is an "r." It reveals the science behind this ancient mystical art. ( ) Definition: One who hangs down the head and is in need. Explore Our Shop ( ) Action: Shout, Murmur Object: Rattle Definition: Any loud noise. 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent. 01: "You are gods": What did Jesus mean? ( common, / r.ah.ah ) Translation: BE.DYSFUNCTIONAL (V) Definition: Impaired or abnormal filling of purpose; to act wrongly by injuring or doing an evil action. As is usual in early alphabets, Early . ( masc., ) Translation: TENDERNESS KJV Translations: tender Strong's Hebrew #: h.7391, ( fem., / ya-rey-akh ) Translation: MIDSECTION Definition: The lower abdomen and back. KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.5506, ( fem., ) Translation: SHIELD Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: buckler Strong's Hebrew #: h.5507, ( fem., ) Translation: BLACK Definition: [To be verified] From the black goat hair tents of the traders. As it turns out, it is what it sounds like: Hei represents the expressions "Hey" or "Behold." The form of the letter has been compared to a person standing up with outstretched arms, as though trying to signal something very important. KJV Translations: offering, oblation, sacrifice Strong's Hebrew #: h.7133, ( ) Definition: Spread out as a bed covering. KJV Translations: green, herb Strong's Hebrew #: h.3418, h.3419, ( masc., ) Translation: GREEN.PASTURE Definition: [To be verified] As filled with grasses. KJV Translations: merchandise, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.7404, ( masc., ) Translation: TALEBEARER Definition: A traveler selling stories and songs. In the sense of drops as pieces of water. This letter has the meanings of "head" and "man" as well as "chief," "top," "beginning" and "first," each of which are the "head" of something. KJV Translations: famine, hunger, dearth, famished, hungry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7457, h.7458, ( masc., / ra-a-von ) Translation: FAMINE Definition: An extreme scarcity of food. KJV Translations: many, great, much, captain, more, long, enough, multitude, mighty, greater, greatly, archer Strong's Hebrew #: h.7227, h.7228 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7229, ( fem., ) Translation: GREAT.NUMBER KJV Translations: increase, greatest, multitude Strong's Hebrew #: h.4768, ( fem., ) Translation: MUCH Definition: [To be verified] As an increase. The top, beginning or first of something. ( ) Definition: The Hebrew nomads were very familiar with the wind patterns as they would follow a prescribed path indicating the coming season. ( masc., / rov ) Translation: ABUNDANCE Definition: An ample quantity of number (many) or plentiful supply of strength (great). KJV Translations: high, haughtiness, height Strong's Hebrew #: h.7312, h.7315 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7314, ( fem., ) Translation: PROUDLY Definition: [To be verified] In the sense lifting oneself up. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: burn, kindle, made Strong's Hebrew #: h.5635, h.8313, ( masc., ) Translation: SERAPH Definition: A supernatural creature, possibly a winged serpent or a dragon. The horn-shaped protrusions of the altar or a musical instrument. 04: Psalm 121 - Who is He who helps? 05: The mountains of Jerusalem 06: Psalm 122 - What He wants 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent 08: Psalm 123 - Look up, not down 09: Psalm 124 - Kept by the LORD 10: More watermarks of God Zayin Hebrew Meaning - 7th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet The Zayin is shaped like a sword and is the symbol of spirit, sustenance, and struggle. Alternate Translations: lazy (when written in the niphil [passive] form) KJV Translations: feeble, fail, weaken, go, alone, idle, stay, slack, faint, forsake, abate, cease Strong's Hebrew #: h.7503, ( masc., ) Translation: FRAIL KJV Translations: weak Strong's Hebrew #: h.7504, ( common, ) Translation: PULVERIZE (V) KJV Translations: tremble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7322, ( fem., ) Translation: MEDICINE KJV Translations: medicine Strong's Hebrew #: h.8644, ( fem., ) Translation: WHEAT Definition: [To be verified] A grain pulverized with a mortar and pestle for making a flour. KJV Translations: increase, gain Strong's Hebrew #: h.8636, ( masc., ) Translation: EXTRAVAGANT Definition: [To be verified] Abundant in size, beauty, strength or other character. 1 The letter " " represents any Hebrew consonant. The ancient Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters (from Alef to Tav). To go about as a merchant trading goods. ( ) Action: Whine, Soak Object: Lion, Drink Abstract: Fear Relationships: Related to to . KJV Translations: famine Strong's Hebrew #: h.7459. ( common, ) Translation: SPREAD (V) KJV Translations: subdue, spent, spread Strong's Hebrew #: h.7286, ( masc., ) Translation: MANTLE Definition: [To be verified] A wide piece of clothing. ( fem., / ri-ahh ) Translation: AROMA Definition: A distinctive pervasive and usually pleasant or savory smell or odor. KJV Translations: ride, rider, horseback, put, set, carry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7393, h.7395, ( masc., ) Translation: CHARIOT KJV Translations: chariot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7398, ( fem., ) Translation: CHARIOT KJV Translations: chariot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7396, ( masc., ) Translation: SADDLE KJV Translations: chariot, saddle, covering Strong's Hebrew #: h.4817, ( fem., / mer-ka-vah ) Translation: CHARIOT Definition: A light, two-wheeled battle vehicle for one or two persons, usually drawn by two horses and driven from a standing position. Relationship to Parent: stoning, ( common, / r.g.m ) Translation: THROW.STONES (V) Definition: To throw stones for execution. However, with understanding, there are thousands of individual entities alone. The Secret Science of Numerology is the first book to present a thorough explanation of the numbers and letters, starting with their origins-the how and why of their design, and exploring . Img source: KJV Translations: footman, foot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7273, ( ) Definition: The stone is used in a sling or thrown to kill. KJV Translations: temple Strong's Hebrew #: h.7541. All rights are . ( masc., / rav ) ( fem., / ra-bah ) Translation: ABUNDANT Definition: Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). The history and evolution of the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the letter (resh). ( common, / ) Translation: ACCUMULATE (V) Definition: To gather or pile up, especially little by little. Also, a month by counting its cycles. KJV Translations: betroth, espouse Strong's Hebrew #: h.0781, ( fem., ) Translation: REQUEST KJV Translations: request Strong's Hebrew #: h.0782, ( masc., / rosh ) Translation: HEAD Definition: The top of the body. Alternate Translations: spy (when written in the piel [intensive] form) KJV Translations: spy, view, backbite, espy, slander Strong's Hebrew #: h.7270, h.8637, ( fem., / re-gel ) Translation: FOOT Definition: The terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or object stands. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of wall that separates the inside from the outside. ( common, ) Translation: WRAP (V) Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: wreath, wrap Strong's Hebrew #: h.8276, ( masc., / sa-rig ) Translation: TWIG Definition: A secondary shoot or stem arising from a main trunk or axis.. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: branch Strong's Hebrew #: h.8299, ( ) Definition: A hard breathing out of thirst, work or a desire. Strong's Number: 7218 AHLB rey-sheet Summit The head, top or beginning of a place, such as a river or mountain, or a time, such as an event. After 900 B.C. KJV Translations: beam, shuttle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0708, ( masc., ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. The character. The pronunciation of Resh in Hebrew is "fricative," and a plosive pronunciation for Resh is not known. A feared animal. When specifying years of the Hebrew calendar in the present millennium, we omit the thousands (which is presently 5, ).For example, the Hebrew year 5782 is written as 782 () rather than 5782 ( common, ) Translation: SOAK (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be satisfied, filled or drenched with water. ( fem., / e-rets ) Translation: LAND Definition: The solid part of the earth's surface. Ani lo mitgaresh (Ah-nee Low Meet-gah-resh): I'm not asking 39. ( common, / y.r.t ) Translation: HAND.OVER (V) KJV Translations: perverse, turn over Strong's Hebrew #: h.3399, ( masc., ) Translation: BRIGHT Definition: [To be verified] A metal that is scoured to make it shine. To be "refreshed", as when taking in a deep breath.