Commercial Agent (541)842-2970. Renewals | Williamson County, TN - Official Site - CivicPlus Renew Your License Plate. Williamson County: AAA Office - Cool Springs - Kiosk: 1701 Mallory Lane - Suite 200: Brentwood, TN 37027: M-F 9:00 - 6:00: Franklin DSC Kiosk 1: 3830 Carothers Parkway: Franklin, TN 37067: M-F 8:30 - 5:00: Franklin DSC Kiosk 2: 3830 Carothers Parkway: Franklin, TN 37067: M-F 8:30 - 5:00: Wilson County: City of Mt. If not, call the Better Business Bureau or the AG's Consumer Protection office or seek the advice of a competent attorney who has received training on foreclosures. Then look for any Assignments that show who you have made your mortgage payments to because the note was transferred to that entity. Judges - 3rdcc Franklin, TN 37067. Email . These supersede any conflicting procedures in the main protocol. Patrons are encouraged to bring masks and other protective gear to ensure everyones safety. The Clerks Office offers an online portal for tag renewals and marriage license applications. Spring Hill. Renewals | Williamson County, TN - Official Site Email is designed forJudge's copies of Dispositive motions, Reconsideration Motions,Final Pre-Trial Ordersand Settlement Conference Forms ONLY;, Courtroom Clerk: Korey Pearson;, Judicial Attorney:Lorri Cary;, Coleman A. If you do not see your case name listed, contact the Court to confirm your hearing date at Do not use theGillisCourtroom email as this results in ex-parte communications and the message will not be read by the court. Do not get automatic oral arguments soa notice of hearing is not neededbut the court must receive the following prior to parties receivingaruling: Address Scheduling or Adjournment ofTrial related motions with the. The county clerk shall record each deed, mortgage or other instrument that is required or permitted by law to be recorded. Office Address. We will continue to issue Marriage Licenses to be used within 90 days so get the license after securing your wedding venue. You may label using numbers or letters, A stipulation is allowed to move from Track 1 to Track 2, 2 Woodward Avenue, Room 1507Detroit, MI 48226, Court Clerk: Clara Rector clara.rector@3rdcc.orgJudicial Assistant: Amy Rhoades amy.rhoades@3rdcc.orgCourt Reporter: Athalia CargileDeputy: Corporal Bobby Cook, 2 Woodward AvenueRoom 1421Detroit, MI 48226. Located under Judge Smith's name will be a list of all hearing dates and time. For further details, please scroll down to the bottom of this summary and click on the "Court Protocol" button to accessJudge Snow'sstandard protocol. (a) To be effectively recorded, an instrument relating to real property must be eligible for recording and must be recorded in the county in which a part of the property is located. If the moving party fails to appear for the hearing without notifying the Judicial Law Clerk, the party and/or the party's attorneymaybe subject to assessment of costs and penaltyunder MCR 2.119 (E)(4)((b). Young Municipal Center2 Woodward Ave, Room 1601Detroit, MI 48226, Courtroom Clerk: Latonya SmithLaw Clerk: Casey HumbertCourt reporter: Reba Hooper, Coleman A. You do that by entering your last name first name in the "Grantor" field of the search screen. Judge Gillis does not hold Friday Zoom hearings. Please continue to mail or hand deliver physical Judge's copies of all motions, responses, and replies to the courthouse as usual. Cheatham County Clerk: Abby Short 354 Frey St., Suite F Ashland City, TN 37015 Phone: (615) 792-5179 Fax: (615) 792-2094 Hours of Operation: M-F, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Website: Chester County Clerk: Stacy Smith P.O. Email . See below for a few basic pieces of information. You will not be given ascheduling order until the court receives a hard copy. Conferences shall be conducted remotely via Zoom until further order of the Court. Please email any questions or scheduling concerns to, *MOTIONS/OBJECTIONS/STIPULATED ORDERS* Please do not mail or drop off a physical copy outside of the courtroom. After you have efiled a Motion for Summary Disposition, email a copy of the motion to the Judicial Law Clerk Welcome to County Clerk Anytime, our 24-hour virtual branch office. Texas Property Code Sec. Scroll down to "Hon. Scroll down to Judge Gibsons name then click Join Meeting. Please copy all attorneys of record on your email in order to avoid any ex parte communications. PO Box 647 Plate Search, Personalize, & Order Type: Check Status All | office located at 6135 Heritage Park Drive, or in Room 101 Courthouse located at Vehicle registration renewals can be done online or by mail. Courtroom clerk: Tara HickmanJudicial Attorney: Court reporter: Manuwella JonesDeputy: 2 Woodward AvenueRoom 1007Detroit, MI 48226, Court Clerk:Katrina RossSecretary: Sydney AdamsCourt Reporter: Video, Coleman A. Email addresses:Judicial Attorney, Lisa M., Clerk, JaJuan Williams Young Municipal Center, Room 15012 Woodward AveDetroit, MI 48226, Coleman A. Williamson County Recreation Complex at Nolensville, 7250 Nolensville Road. If you have difficulty connecting or need to call in by phone, please call 313.224.6889 for additional details. No motions for summary dispostion shall be heard on the Trial date. Settlement Conferences will be scheduled in 15 minute increments. Adjournments of Settlement Conferences and Case Management Conferences are subject to court approval: Submit a proposed stipulated order to adjourn via email to Jun 2016 - Mar 20214 years 10 months. If there is ascheduling conflict, the moving party must contact the Judicial Law Clerk within 14 days for a new date and time. Young Municipal Center, Room 16192 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48226, Courtroom email:, Staff:Court Clerk: Callie SmithJudicial Attorney: Julie M. HirschCourt reporter: Sue Kinsey, Coleman A. County Clerks Locations - Tennessee A convenience fee will be charged by a third party vendor for all transactions. All motions for summary disposition shall be heard no later than30 days before Trial. Please email a Judge's Copy of your motion/objection/stipulated orderto Any person with a temperature registering greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or a positive confirmation to any of the health questions will not be allowed in the facility. NW, Roanoke, VA 24012, 540-204-9957, 1138 Rose Hill Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22903/434-972-6260, 5591 Richmond Rd, Po Box 700, Warsaw, VA 22572/804-333-4043, Ex 19, 4452 Corporation Lane, Virginia Beach VA 23462/757-518-2789, 365 Pell Ave, PO Box 2491, Rocky Mount VA 24151/540-484-0292 Ext 212, 135 Hall Ave, Suite A, Suffolk, VA 23434/757-562-6109. Motor vehicle tag/title registrations can be processed at the Bonny Oaks branch Click for details regarding waiver. We will continue to record real estate documents as usual as well as Assumed Names. For inquiries regarding child support or divorce cases, please contact the District Clerk's office at 512-943-1212. Updated: Feb 27, 2023 / 02:52 PM CST. . Sheryl Wirts, CISR. New plates can be renewed in person, online, or by mail. Effective 12/1/22 All motions for summary disposition must be filed no later than18 months after complaint is filed. PLEASE SCROLL DOWNTO ACCESS A MORE DETAILED PROTOCOL ESPECIALLY WITH REGARD TO THE SCHEDULING OF MOTIONS. What to look for: Search our Official Public Records for your Deed of Trust. Welcome to the new Offering online payment and information lookup for your county clerk office. For all other inquiries,please click below on the "Court Protocol" button which will take you to Judge Snow's standard protocol that is always in place regardless of the temporary court closure. Phone: (313) 224-5430. Courtroom Clerk: Kai Boyd This award is presented annually for exemplary work in the area of Vital Registration. (512) 943-1515 Suite 300 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540-322-5934 (office), 540-273-0145 (cell), 330 Hospital Dr., Warrenton, VA 20186/540-316-6324, 400 E. Cary St., Richmond, VA 23219/804-205-3745, 1502 Williamson Rd. Please send an email or try your call later but do not leave a voicemail. You will beprovided witha date and time for oral argument. VTR-73 - Renew Tags Online Instead of In Person at the County Clerk's Juliet Kiosk: 1019 Charlie . 625 Georgia Avenue. You can review that process onJudge Snow'sstandard protocol which is linked below. Williamson County Clerk Effective July 1, 2022, the state vehicle registration fee will be waived on renewals with an expiration date of 7/31/2022 thru 6/30/2023. Kiosk location service hours and availability may vary during this time. To utilize online services, visit: News / Feb 28, 2023 / 10:12 PM CST. If the moving party wishes to dismiss the motion, you must contact the Judicial Law Clerk within 3 days prior to the hearing date. Phone: (313) 224-2120. Williamson Co. Justice Center County Clerk (512) 943-1515 405 Martin Luther King St Georgetown, TX 78626-4901 Driving Directions. | County Clerk Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon CONTACT THE COUNTY'S ELECTIONS OFFICE. Hours: 8 am to 5 pm, Criminal Court Division Entrance will be based on limited occupant capacities and social distancing practices will be required. NEITHER ATTORNEYS, NOR THEIR STAFF, NOR THE PARTIES SHALL EMAIL JUDGE SNOW DIRECTLY UNLESS YOU WERE SPECIFICALLY ASKED TO DO SO BY JUDGE SNOW HERSELF. Magistrate Clerk/Indigent Defense Clerk/Pretrial Officer. Please be patient while wefinalize our protocol. Williamson Source is your personal portal to all things Williamson County. She is a founding member of the Urban Recorders Alliance and co-chairs a Property Records Education Partners forum. Sunday: Closed. Customer threatens South Nashville clerk with gun - WKRN News 2 *The date and time for conferences may change, so parties should check the register of action to confirm the date and time for the conference. 901 Coleman A. Further adjournment of dates require a motion. She was a Board Member of the Georgetown Area United Way from 2000 to 2003. The Court will issue a scheduling order with a firm date and deadlines for responses/replies to be filed. Young Municipal Center, Room 15192 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48226, Staff:Court Clerk: Deborah RoyalLaw Clerk: Eric RatkowskiCourt Reporter: Shelee Beard, Coleman A. 4480 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302/703-746-4921, 1502 Williamson Rd., NW, Roanoke, VA 24012, 540-204-9957, 2100 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22204/703-228-5659, 1414 North Augusta Street, PO Box 2126, Staunton, VA 24402-2126/540-574-5240, cell 540-746-5467, 307 Alleghany Ave, Lynchburg, VA 24501/ 434-477-5932, 748 Battlefield Blvd, North, Chesapeake, VA 23220/757-382-8615, 9501 Lucy Corr Circle, PO Box 100, Chesterfield, VA 23832/ 804-748-1706, 12312 Washington Hwy, Ashland, VA 23005/804-365-4354, Contact: Tamara Bailey, RN BSN, Acting: Dr. Alton Hart, 301 Halifax St., Petersburg, VA 23804/804-609-5809, cell: 804-895-5220,,, 134 Roberts Ave., SW, Wise, VA 24294/276-328-1926, 231 Front St., PO Box 117, Accomack, VA 23301/ 757-302-4254, 10777 Main St., Suite 202, Fairfax, VA 22030/703-246-8634, 3130 Victoria Blvd., Hampton, VA 23661-1588/757-315-3779, 400 E. Cary St Richmond VA 23219/804-205-3745, 134 Roberts Ave., SW, Wise, VA 24293/276-328-1926, 10 Baker St., Winchester, VA 22601/540-535-2891, PO Box 7400, Leesburg, VA 20177-7400/ 703-771-5936, 201 Francis Marion Lane, Marion, VA 24354-4277/276-781-7450 or cell 276-759-8298, 210 South Pepper St., Christiansburg, VA 24073/540-267-8242, 830 Southampton Ave, Suite 200, Norfolk, VA 23510/ 757-683-2788, 416 J. Clyde Morris Blvd, Newport News, VA 23601/757-594-7903, 111 South Street, Farmville, Va 23901/434-392-3984, Ext 133, 969 Madison St., Boydton, VA 23917/434-738-6815 Ext. Tennessee County Clerk - registration renewals Phone: 615-790-5712 Fax: 615-790-5610 Hours of Operation: M-F, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Georgetown, TX 78626-4901, Mailing Address:PO Box 647Jarrell, TX 76537-0647, Records Division Account Executive (541)842-2962. Self-Service Kiosks - Tennessee Copies of Responses/Replies that are to be considered also have to be sent. Hwy 50 E Property Records (Williamsport, TN) You do not have to be a member to use the Renewal Kiosks! left and above will accompany you throughout the site to help zoom in on various (512) 943-1515. Georgetown, TX 78626-4901 Honorable Prentis Edwards, Jr. Judge (313) 224-2120 801 FMHJ. Knoxville , TN 37902 Phone: 865-215-2385 Fax: 865-215-3655 Hours of Operation: M-F, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Other Locations Available Online Services Please select an option below Plate Renewals MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION: Do not get automatic oral arguments soa notice of hearing is not neededbut the court must receive the following prior to parties receivingaruling: Address Scheduling or Adjournment ofTrial related motions with the Law Clerk -- Erin Deschamps. She received her Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Accountancy and Information Systems from the University of Texas of the Permian Basin in Odessa. Courtroom Clerk: Chadan Williamson-Bey Court Reporter: Video Courtroom . Driving Directions, Mailing Address: She has earned the designation through training from the Texas Association of Countiesto become a Certified Investment Officer to help with her duties of investing money held by the court.. She has continued with annual education in this area for the lastsix years. Contact the court if oral arguments are needed to obtain a date & time. Afterward, you will be returned to the Waiting Room until your matter is called. You will be instructed to file a Re-Notice of Hearing that includes the aforementioned Zoom languageas well as yournew time slot. Email . Commercial Lines Account Representative (541)842-2968. County Clerk | Williamson County, TN - Official Site We are now hosted by Tyler Eagle for the Public Search of Official Public Records. The 2022 Five Star Vital Registration Award, Trial Counsel in Death Penalty Cases for 2022, Over 65-Disabled Person-Disabled Veteran-Tax Deferral, Over 65 - Disabled Person - Disabled Veteran, 2019-2023 Consolidated Plan and 2019 Annual Action Plan, FY21 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodation Request, Transparency In Coverage (United Healthcare), Hairy Man Rd/Brushy Creek Rd Safety Improvements, RM 620 Overpass at Railroad/Chisholm Trail Project, CR 258 Extension (US 183 To Sunset Ridge Drive), CR279/Bagdad Road (Loop 332 to CR 281/Leander City Limits), SH 29 At DB Wood Intersection Improvements, Ronald Reagan Boulevard Extension Planning, Southwest Williamson County Regional Park, Certificate of Interested Parties Texas Ethics Commission (Form 1295), How to do Business with Williamson County, Storm Water and the Construction Industry, We will continue to issue Marriage Licenses to be used within 90 days so get the license after securing your wedding venue. Young Municipal Center, Room 19132 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48226, Courtroom Staff:Court Clerk: Dorothy RansburgLaw Clerk: Patricia WoodruffCourt Reporter: Athalia Cargile, Friend of the Court Staff:Referee: Christine RodriguezReferee Support Staff: Teresa Welch - 313-967-6787Friend of the Court Attorney: Carl Meyer, Please note that as staff works remotely, the best way to contact the courtroom is via email. 192.007 To release, transfer, assign or take another action relating to an instrument that is filed, registered or recorded in the office of the county clerk, a person must file, register, or record another instrument relating to the action in the same manner as the original instrument was required to be filed, registered or recorded. During Your notice of hearing shouldindicate it is without oral arguments and not justsay "Before the Judge in his Courtroom.". lease scroll down to the bottom of this summary and click on the "Court Protocol" button to accessJudge Snow'sstandard protocol. You may confirm a hearing date and timeby going to the Court Website at and click on "Zoom Virtual Meeting" in the red box then click on "Civil Division Dockets". Box 624 Franklin, TN 37065 Online - In the event that you no longer need to argue a motion for summary disposition or if youwould like to requestan adjournment, the moving party mustcontact Lisa directly at regarding the same. The convenience fee is in addition to any renewal fee or taxes that may be due. Email. Look for ASSN, SI and DT documents to start your paper trail. The moving party shall file a notice of hearing and praecipe with the date and time provided. topics of interest. If you are having difficulty accessing information on this page or website, please email us at 2 Woodward AvenueRoom 701Detroit, MI 48226. All motions for summary disposition shall be heard no later than30 days before Trial. View property records for 58 addresses located on Clay Place in Spring Hill, Tennessee, including property ownership, deeds, mortgages, titles & sales history, current & historic tax assessments, legal, parcel & structure description, land use, zoning & more. Posted: February 13, 2023. *Hard copies of General Motions are not required. Your Exhibits toSummary Dispostion motionsMUST be tabbed. (512) 943-1154 fax AFTER your motion has been officially accepted and filed by Clerk's Office, send Court a hard copy and File an E-Praecipe. You must email the courtroom ( Currently we have 5 locations throughout Williamson County: Each center is open 7 days a week and has extended hours. The attorneys should initiate a conference call 1st so that all attorneys are already on the call when the courtroom is called to add Jdg Gillis into the call via 313-224-5243. THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IS NOT INVOLVED WITH VOTING or ELECTIONS. The criteria for qualifications of this award normally include timeliness of filing registrations entered into the state database by the clerks office, annual training at conferences, use of the TxEver for all birth and death copies, completing an assessment survey, and use of the State Dept. Jdg Gillis will send out a Praecipe Order with his ruling. Clay Pl Property Records (Spring Hill, TN) - Hamilton County Clerk Bill Knowles The password, if requested is 171900. Young Municipal Center, Room 2 Woodward AveDetroit, MI 48226, Deputy Court Clerk: Judicial Assistant: Court Reporter: Reba Hooper, Coleman A. PLACE OF RECORDING. Do not use theGillisCourtroom email as this results in ex-parte communications and the message will not be read by the court. Please Select a County: OR. Ifthe Court has indicated you motion will be held withoral arguments the notice of hearing should indicate whether the motion will be via ZOOM (Jdg Gillis Zoom meeting number is 336-293-6551) OR IN PERSON in Courtroom 1111, CAYMC. your visit: Gather info about documents needed when visiting one of our offices. Mailing Address: PO Box 647 Jarrell, TX 76537-0647 Motorists can visit to renew online. The County Clerk's office has but one goal in mind -- to serve busy citizens Jdg Gillis will accept stipulated orders to move to TRACK 2 of the scheduling order. Contact the court regarding schedulingfor motions of limine. Otherwise specify the motion is to be heard without oral arguments if scheduled on the Friday docket. 8537, 9301 Lee Ave, Manassas VA 20110/703-792-6320, 1320 Central Park Blvd. NEXT AVAILABLE FRIDAY IS FRIDAYMARCH 24, 2023at 9:00am and according to docket availability. Wind Gusts Reached 79 MPH in Fridays Storm Event, NWS Wind Man Killed After Tree Falls on Car During Storm in McEwen, Pepe Aguilar to Bring Tour to Bridgestone Arena, Williamson Weekend: 5 Happenings This Weekend. ll Notices of Hearing mustindicate that the hearing is being conducted via Zoom at the scheduled date and time. Phone numbers are discouraged. Karol Igou. 103, 1701 High Street, Suite 102, Portsmouth, VA 23704/ 757-393-8585 Ext. Box 624 Franklin, TN 37065 Online - To make an appointment for a non-commercial road skills test, please click Online Driver Services or call 866-849-3548. Available Online Services Please select an option below Plate Renewals Auto Assistant App Renewal Reminders Marriage Application 2023 Business Information Systems Go Green Form If you have questions, we will either know the answer or find the answer. Preacipes are required for all general motions. Franklin Driver Services Center - Tennessee Personalized Plates - Tennessee 405 Martin Luther King St She is also a member of the Judicial Committee on Information Technology as e-filing begins to take off in the courts area starting in 2014. Civil/Probate Division Clay Pl. Young Municipal Center, Room 9132 Woodward AvenueDetroit, MI 48226, Hours: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm; 2:00 pm to 4:15 pm, Staff:Court Clerk: Moira HartwellJudicial Assistant: Robert MolnarCourt reporter: Shelee BeardDeputy: unassigned, Coleman A. (512) 943-1616 fax Eric Solis - Deputy District Clerk - Williamson County | LinkedIn If there are missing links or nothing there at all regarding your current mortgage payee, call the last lender that you paid and see if they will help you by filing an Assignment document which assigns your mortgage to them. The moving party shall file a notice of hearing with the new date and time of the hearing. Williamson County Clerk's Office Promotes Online Services Parties mayfile a stipulated order to adjourn settlement conference to attend facilitation. Please also include the following language in your Notices of Hearing: To join the Zoom hearing, go to Williamson County. Young Municipal Center2 Woodward Avenue, Room 1411Detroit, MI 48226, Hours: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Courtroom Clerk: Linda WoodsSecretary: Joanne GaskinCourt Reporter: Video CourtroomDeputy: Walter Armstrong, 1719 Coleman A.