The X-Carve is less so. The more complex the design, the longer that machine is going to be running. But even I had to see it to believe it. The great thing about the Shapeoko is that the cheapest option the Shapeoko 3 is compact, meaning you can fit it into a smaller workshop, and it has a great price point of $1,170. What about metric units? A python script controlled it all. This makes a difference if youre using it for hours at a time. I may end up between 1000 and 2000$, and ill have a 600*600mm work area. Sod woodworking, what about using it for fibreglass complex cutouts on boats, kitcars etc, or thin metal instant front panels and the like. Believe it or not there is a substantial number of people that actually ENJOY getting covered in sawdust and working with their hands. Ill hang onto my money until after I read reviews of the shipping units, and possibility til the overhype crash drives the price down to a more rational level. My other option is an entry level gantry cnc for a similar price - around 3100. The most striking feature of the X-Carve is that it is designed firmly with small business owners in mind. It has a Z axis, but it is not 3-dimensional. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Maybe my imagination is just stale, but I dont see the void that the supposedly Origin fills. Most of the things I could think of a use for are multiples or intricate things where I wouldn't want to be hunched over a table for an hour. The Easel app is browser-based, and you can get to it via Inventables website so no lengthy installation process there. The Shaper Origin CNC Router Bit Set Shaper offers three reliable and versatile styles of solid carbide Shaper router bits, all for use with their Shaper Origin: 1. (Comment Policy). The Sideboard, a small MDF board, secures the X-Controller to the X-Carve and helps to organise the wires properly (another major complaint that people had about the previous model). One tool, one design file, three extremely different materials, and the operator does not need to be extremely skilled and precise, while the tool does not allow oopsies. When cutting, the bit location is shown with a circle centered on the screen. Cut a guide on the X-carve, use the guide on the wall with a flush-trim bit? Available in 2 sizes. Also, the tool has to memorize the fiducial tape pattern, and there is surely a limit to that. Youre completely allowed to like a product, be enthusiastic about it. However, it is quite expensive, around $3K. +1 for the X-Carve requiring a human to run it. Shaper Origin, is it worth it? I bet the hand saw really changed some things. Italian brand Strange, cant remember the brand name Gosh, this was 15 to 20 years ago. Awesome! Quality tools only needs to be bought once. 2y This has been incredibly helpful. How long you going to hold up before your back starts screaming at you and you develop eyestrain? perhaps even simply printing the patterns on paper, and using clear duct tape to tape it in position. The world of tools is seeing a new change, and I think this is the first of many tools that will change the way we build. Demos of a ???????????????????????????? FOSDEM 2023: An Open-Source Conference, Literally, Repurposing Old Smartphones: When Reusing Makes More Sense Than Recycling. The Shaper Origin has no theoretical limits on work area. Ill bet dollars to donuts that isnt true. To get the maximum accuracy, you have to make sure everything is calibrated exactly right, which includes adjusting belt tension (which, as we mentioned, has been an issue for some people), adjusting the V-Wheels, and making sure any modifications youve made to the machine arent impacting the accuracy. Heres the basic good and bad points you need to know: The Shapeoko, by Carbide 3D, advertises itself as The Best CNC Router for Your Shop. Meaning the bit you have to carry is hand-portable. Your use of any material contained on this website is entirely at your own risk. In addition, new updated and diffuse lighting provides better scanning performance across a range of different lighting conditions. It is unfortunately too much for me. Coming in at under $2,000, theyre a good choice for those wanting to dip their toes into CNC machining. My biggest problem with the Shaper Origin is that Im desperately wanting to work on bigger projects than the X-Carve can handle. Certainly a tool worth looking at. Messages 3,098 Location Methow Valley. Pretty cool. Project plans and hardware installation templates, all Origin-ready. If you want to clamp a fence across a sheet of plywood to run it along, youd only have to be within about 1/2 or so of straight. On top of the changes to Origin itself, we've also updated the custom Systainer that Origin ships with to the latest Systainer3 design. Not customizable when ordering, shipping announced for July 2015 so its at least 2 months from now. You can buy Shaper Origin and try it out risk-free for 30 days. However, what i see is a cleverly designed tool, proper scientific testing of elements, a lot of work in incremental improving the prototypes, etc. My poetic rasping aside, the Shaper Origin is the future of making things. Im so excited about it Ive been considering building my own to get it sooner. The problem is going to be the price tag, I am thinking $900 at max before I would even look at it. It has a 12-foot power cord, which works well with the Shapeoko 3, XL, and XXL. A mouse is a lot closer to its mat than this is. The tape seems like how machine vision was handled in 1980s, mark up the thing you want to see with reference points. Shaper had ordered their first run of professionally manufactured tapes. Interesting discussion. If it was in the $1000 to $1500 range, I might buy one. I dont believe that its possible for anyone (except maybe Superman) to follow a line even remotely accurately by hand. The Shaper Origin is portable. No more circle jigs! It would handily replace my router (that im bad at using), my jigsaw, circular saw, my electric coping saw (i dont know the English name of this tool, scie chantourner) that takes a lot of room, and whose precision in my hands are much lower. It would bring the ability to design items with complex connecting shapes and be able to do so the same every time. Ridgid r4514 vs r4518 | Which Table Saw to Buy? Oh! Experienced Origin users achieve cut quality and precision comparable to a gantry-based CNC. JavaScript is disabled. I sure hope that the next version does not require tape or other reference other then the work piece itself. No, X86 Single-Board Computer! Decrease your plunge speed and make sure Origins base is on a single surface and try again. Or simply want to carve nice patterns on the foot of this massive, but uggly table that you scavenged? generate them directly from the tools touchscreen interface. It was primarily aimed at businesses that wanted that extra speed and productivity compared to Shapeoko. It works better if you have a table or if you make one. Thanks Leo! With a router you can set the cutting tool feed rate precisely, rails and motors guide the tool, here your hand movement sets the feed rate, and a low resolution positioning system guides the cutting tool. yeah I wrestle with some days too sometimes. But its 2K AND I have to move it around by hand? It handles inlays by cutting pockets and the inlay pieces.var cid='6624338276';var pid='ca-pub-1530986261198845';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-thewhittlingguide_com-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=2;var alS=2021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} as a hobby. As of now, i have NO tool that i can use to make perfectly straight and positioned pocket cuts in thin metal sheet (really thin, its for frontplates). What if you want to work on the surface of a really thick material, that wont fit your gantry? I appreciate you genuinely loved it, and the company are one of us. I have always believed in the right tool for the job. But it could be an interesting solution! One notable feature the X-Controller: the 3D carving motion controller kit. In the photo above we can get a really good look at Origins display. BR10, MFK 700, OS 400, ETS EC 150/3, KA 65-plus,TS55R, CT22E, CTLmini, CTL MIDI, CTM 36 AC HD, Kapex KS120, ETS125, ETS150/5, RO150, RO90, CXS-set, T-15+3 set, DTS400, OF900, OF1010, OF2200 set, Carvex PS420 EBQ set, EHL 65, SSU 200, Centrotec installer set, LR32-sys, FS-800, FS-LR-1400x2, domino 500+domino sys, domino 700 XL, Surfix-sys, Sys-box 1, Syslite, LEV-350, Sys-box,MFTB/1-2-4 MFTC, MFSC. The great thing about the X-Carve is that it is customizable, so if youre more of a pro when it comes to a benchtop CNC machine, youll be able to tinker with it to your hearts content. I don't have the Shaper Origin but my understanding is that it is strictly a 2D device which means that it can cut things out and it can handle some joinery with the right setup. Seemed to work well on thin aluminium. Yup! This was something I thought I needed a larger CNC for. Every time I see this tool, it gets better. lobster boat deckhand maine. Origin can store a wide array of paths on its internal memory. Shapeoko comes with the Carbide Compact Router. If you're a Festool and Systainer fanatic, this is for you! Shaper Origin is the first handheld CNC router. One of the most complained about issues with the old X-Carve is the lack of dust collection. Overly positive articles triggers the gloomy naysayers which in turn brings out the best of the witty commenters. From what we understand, a few hours into the project perhaps even a few tears of frustration later, the founder became aware that woodworking was absolutely not his thing. September 2017, is a long, long time away, and there could be a lot of developments before them. But as always, Ill wait till the pre-order phase is over and see if the actual product lives up to the hype. Thats right Gen2 will be assembled in Weilheim, Germany, at Festools newest and most advanced production facility. Another post was really enthusiastic about the new prusa, and i dont see the problem. Arduino is CHEAP and OPEN-SOURCE It's intuitive, doesn't require dedicated space, and can provide lots of shortcuts to complete projects quicker and with less stress. Weve done 48 without any problem. The unit is indeed a hand-held CNC machine, with a spindle that is made by Festool. Wheres the more??? They go into it in some detail on their behind the scenes blog, but another reason for their success is their excellent system for tracking bugs and testing results. Why Go With Shapeoko? As were not keeping our 1k bike in a safe. Like Richard, I ended up ordering the Shaper Origin on the last day of September to lock in the discounted price. The company wouldnt even have to manufacture them, just provide data files to have it cut out its own accessory bases. If you decide that Origin is not for you, return the tool. Not that big of a deal; maybe the Internet has a way to convert units? Then what? The tape just does not work in real industrial environment. Thanks. Shapeoko uses Carbide Create, which is very simple to download and install. Vibration would make the projector impracticalthe accuracy would be terrible. I am still practicing. Yes, if you know how to use tape. I could see the company licensing their domino pattern to a drywall manufacturer, and making a smaller version of the router like a RotoZip. Most likely a connection to the explosive bolts to disconnect the fuel tank came loose on launch. Crikey, get over it! The lessons from the previous were all combined into one.