Loveland High School unveils Red Wolves logo The Newtown School District partners with BramJam Web Services, LLCfor our web services. After hearing her board members vote, Chair Michelle Embree Ku said, The motion passes unanimously. The percentage of Reed Intermediate School students on free and reduced lunch assistance (7.4%) is significantly lower than the state average of 41.1%.This may indicate that the area has a lower level of poverty than the state average.. Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. PTA Executive Board . Staff Directory - Kenston Local Growing up in a military community, she grew up as a cultured teenager and valued the diversity of her peers. Staff - Avon Community School Corp Start with your recent work, and then follow that with the one before it. Percent Employed: 100% Months of Employment: 10,11,12 Position Type: Continuing Level of Benefits: Full benefits Pay Range: State Principal Salary Schedule + [8.5% - 16% local supplement] Minimum Degree Level: Master's Degree Position Purpose: Assistant Principals in Buncombe County Schools provide authentic and relevant learning experiences for a changing world. They ensure their products are in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA and the Section 508 standards in the United States. Contact Information & Staff Directory - Reed Intermediate School 972-708-3500. . Gina Rietfors Cross Timbers Intermediate Contact. During that time, the BOE unanimously voted to hire Dr Matthew Correia of Middlebury as principal of Reed Intermediate School, effective August 9, 2019. I will miss them. Amy Klotz Administrative Assistant Middle School Email Mrs. Klotz. Assistant principal dies by suicide at California middle school: officials Assistant Principal Secretary : Suzanne Zimmerman : 203-426-7641: Office Secretary : Mary Pat Frobey : 203-426-7638: C-Wing Para/Cafe : Georgiana Manfredonia : It has 582 students in grades 5-6 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1. General Posting 2023-2024: Principal Middle School. Choir, theater, band, Science Olympiad, athletics, or any of our other clubs would be a great way to get involved with school and meet people. Day B/2. e Newtown Public School District is committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all qualified persons. Stamford, CT 06901 (Downtown area) +2 locations. Also, it cannot be guaranteed that subsequent links are of equal validity nor that they do not contain objectionable information. Located on the shores of Lake Michigan just north of Milwaukee, the Shorewood School District serves over 2,100 students and has been nationally recognized for its tradition of excellence in education. Delonda Robinson moves to a new role within Duncanville ISD as the new principal at Hastings Elementary School. Middle Gate Elementary School - Newtown Public Schools As the provider of content for the Newtown District website, the District makes every attempt to ensure all content is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Mr. Reed became Assistant Principal of LaVergne Middle school in 2015. Carolyn Eddings. Nondiscrimination Policy - Newtown Middle School 2022-2023. John Kleiber, who has spent the past seven years as principal at Garfield Elementary School, which feeds into Bill Reed Middle School, will take over the top job at the middle school on July 1. Its principal is John Dicosmo. . Ephrata Middle School Assistant Principal Ephrata Middle School Ephrata Area School District Administrators. Assistant School Principal Jobs, Employment | Email: For the last 11 years, Dr. Holman has served as the proud principal of LaVergne Middle School. An assistant principal at Kraemer Middle School in Placentia died by suicide on campus Monday morning, officials said. As the provider of content for the Newtown District website, the District makes every attempt to ensure all content is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. We continually review our site. Coye Elliott Principal. EverWonder wanted to pay $1 per year rent and get additional property for outdoors activities. Principals typically need a master's degree in education administration or leadership. Stamford Public Schools 4.0. Dr. . Amanda Thomas Della Icenhower Intermediate Contact. Bee Photo, Hallabeck, Pretty Jazzy: Dance Squad Wins State Title, Sanchez Nets First Varsity Goal For Hockey Team, Girls' Basketball Team Wins State Playoff Opener, Newly Promoted Director Sibley Says Land Use Is About The Journey. . The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Inquiries regarding the Newtown Public School Districts nondiscrimination policies and practices should be directed to: The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Years in Public Education: 10. Pea Ridge board OKs adding assistant principal position to be shared School Sort descending Asst. Have you ever donated to The Newtown Flagpole Fund? Assistant Principal, Ms. Gibson- Marshall - Oxford High School I know she has done an outstanding job at Hawley, and I know Mr Moretti will miss her greatly. Her new role as Reed assistant principal will start on July 1 and her salary will be determined by the districts administrators contract. Mr. Carruth has presented at the National Youth-At-Risk Conference as well as AMLE Conference. Ms. Robinson went through the Inspiring Leadership Academy (ILA), Duncanville ISDs program created to develop strong leaders among current district employees, and has returned as an ambassador for other ILA cohorts. Swift. RFIS PTO Krapf Bus Driver Referrals 3/1/23 RFIS PTO March . As the provider of content for the Newtown District website, the District makes every attempt to ensure all content is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. You don't always have to agree, but respect other thoughts and perspectives. Be RESPONSIBLE by doing your work and taking care of your business. Use strong resume words (e.g., facilitated, administered, etc.) Staff - Maui Waena As one of the finest middle schools in the state, NMS will continue to focus on providing challenging, rigorous experiences for students in a safe and supportive environment. Mr. Reed was later hired as an eighth-grade literature teacher at Cedar Grove Elementary. We continually review our site. The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. These sites have not been excluded but in no way represent an endorsement by the Newtown Public Schools for products advertised. Welcome to Reed Intermediate School! Administrative Assistant Middle School Email Mrs. Assistant principals, also called vice-principals, wear more hats in a day than they take off students. Website Accessibility Statement - As the online world has become so essential to obtaining information and communicating with others, the accessibility of web content for individuals, whether students, parents/guardians and community members with disabilities is critical. Angie Woods House 5 Assistant Principal. Administrators - Middletown Area School District As the provider of content for the Newtown District website, the District makes every attempt to ensure all content is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This marks the beginning of my 29th year in education, and my ninth year as the principal at Auburn Junior High School. When talking with him, people quickly recognize his love for students and the community. Fax (814) 874-6607 . Assistant Principal Message School Based Health Center Principal's Pen Dear NMS Students and Families, Welcome to Newtown Middle School! Sandy Hook Elementary School - Newtown Public Schools You are just minutes from Greenwood & Myers Mortuary is the first choice for many families when they are seeking funeral services in Boulder. The IHP program rocks. As the provider of content for the Newtown District website, the District makes every attempt to ensure all content is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Eileen Sypen Educational Aide Intermediate School Google Classroom Email Mrs. Sypen. Assistant Middle School Principal. Website Accessibility Statement - As the online world has become so essential to obtaining information and communicating with others, the accessibility of web content for individuals, whether students, parents/guardians and community members with disabilities is critical. An assistant principal at a California middle school fatally shot himself in an apparent suicide on campus, officials said. Share on Facebook . They ensure their products are in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA and the Section 508 standards in the United States. Staff Directory | Shorewood School District I look forward to working with your child and you to make this the best year yet! Mercer County Community College Middle School Assistant Principal Pool Dr. Holman has earned the following degrees: Associates of Science (A.S.) degree from Motlow State Community College in 1993, Bachelors of Science (B.S.) They ensure their products are in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA and the Section 508 standards in the United States. Assistant Principals Appreciation Week. Elementary/Intermediate School Assistant Principal *Programs run through a partnership with Sarah A. Reed Children's Center (Ms. Lori Eaton and Mr. Ron Rodney) Website Accessibility Statement - As the online world has become so essential to obtaining information and communicating with others, the accessibility of web content for individuals, whether students, parents/guardians and community members with disabilities is critical. Indianapolis, IN 46259; Phone: 317-803-5900; FAX: 317-803-5970 If there is any concerns about the accessibility of our content, please report it by email to: Web Accessibility NTBOE. var encodedEmail = swrot13(''); I am so excited, though, that I am just down the road and I get to receive all these kids that I have worked with over the past several years now and see them continue in fifth and sixth grade., Connors also shared a special thank you to mentor and friend Moretti for taking her under his wing., He has exposed me to all aspects of school leadership and I know that is what has prepared me for this next step, said Connors, who added she is excited to get to know the Reed staff, families, and especially students.. While working with the CCSS, Dr. Holman taught 1st grade. It is a privilege to join the mission of Bill Reed and its incredible staff, who are fiercely committed to students each and every day. In 2006, my family and I moved here where I taught US History and Economics as well as coached football and wrestling at Auburn High School. Mr. Richard Reed is a native of Franklin County, Tennessee. 1007. In 2016, Mr. Carruth transition to LaVergne Middle School serving as a Title I Instructional Coach then later an administrator. Ms. Robinson received a bachelors degree from Southern University, masters degrees from the University of Phoenix and Texas A&M University - Commerce and a principal certification from the University of Texas at Arlington. Schools and Offices closed - Reed Intermediate School The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. The Role of Assistant Principals in Schools - ThoughtCo If there is any concerns about the accessibility of our content, please report it by email to: Web Accessibility NTBOE, Free & Reduced Application and Food Service Free Meal Program, Board of Education Agenda, March 7, 2023 (PDF). Mansfield Independent School District is a premiere school district located in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Very soon you will make the transition to the high school. Middle School Assistant Principal (2023-24 School Year) Dr. Holman believes There are no such things as problems, rather he views them as Opportunities. Through his 26 years of service in public education, Dr. Holman has impacted the lives of many students, families, and educators. Be aware of things you need to do on a daily basis to be successful. Website Accessibility Statement - As the online world has become so essential to obtaining information and communicating with others, the accessibility of web content for individuals, whether students, parents/guardians and community members with disabilities is critical. Assistant Principal Career: Duties, Salary, Employment Outlook degree from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 1995, Masters in Education (M.Ed) degree from Tennessee State University 2000, Education Specialist (Ed.S) degree from Middle Tennessee State University 2005, Doctorate of Education (Ed.D) degree from American College of Education 2020. I know that when we work together as a team of dedicated educators and caring families, we can make this school year the best one yet for our fifth and sixth graders. I look forward to serving alongside staff, parents, students and administrators to continue this schools legacy of excellence in arts and academics.. Superintendent: Evette Avila 944 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549 Phone: (845) 457-2400 Kate Motsinger Assistant Principal - Creekside Middle. Please never hesitate to contact me regarding any concerns that you may have. My hope for our students is that when they leave AJHS they are respectful, responsible, and ready. Principal; Abbett Elementary School: Annette Medina . 1 of 6 Anne Uberti talks about her new position as principal at Reed Intermediate School in Newtown, Conn. Friday, July 18, 2013. If there is any concerns about the accessibility of our content, please report it by email to: Web Accessibility NTBOE. Job Outlook In 2012, Dr. Bellamy became the Director of Instruction at Cypress Ranch High School. In the middle of his third year, Dr. Holman was assigned as Assistant Principal at Siegel Middle School in February 2006. Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals We look forward to partnering with you and making sure that the year ahead is memorable and successful for all. Reed Elementary School; Rennell Elementary School; Rowe Middle School . Mrs. Pope earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Public Management with a focus on Business Technology in 2010. Susan Koch Bus Driver Transportation Department . My office door is always open. Inquiries regarding the Newtown Public School Districts nondiscrimination policies and practices should be directed to: The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Del Mar Middle School. What Does a Middle School Principal Do? - Zippia Website Accessibility Statement - As the online world has become so essential to obtaining information and communicating with others, the accessibility of web content for individuals, whether students, parents/guardians and community members with disabilities is critical. The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Jenna Connors, right, will soon be working as Reed Intermediate Schools assistant principal alongside Reed Principal Dr Matt Correia, left. According to the superintendent's plan, NMS's 2023-24 proposed budget is $5,413,664, or a $217,258 or 4.18 percent increase from the current year's spending package. Mr. Byrd Template - Reed Middle School - Duncanville ISD Assistant principal dies by suicide at middle school in Placentia In 2021, Mrs. Pope entered the Diverse Leaders Program and earned her masters degree in Educational Leadership from Austin Peay State University. They ensure their products are in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA and the Section 508 standards in the United States. e Newtown Public School District is committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all qualified persons. This group also holds general monthly meetings. Dr. Holman and his wife (Rolanda) have two sons (Colin and Yuri) and are raising their nephew (Corban). 5th grade: Ms. McDonald. Ryan Hough Science Teacher John Kleiber named principal of Bill Reed Middle School Board Of Education Hires New Reed Intermediate School Principal B.A. Reed Intermediate School in Newtown, CT - Elementary Schools .org In 2018, Mrs. Pope began serving as a Title I Instructional Coach and later as a school administrator. Ms. Rachel Moye, 8th Grade Assistant Principal [email protected] Jackie Giles, Assistant Principal's Administrative Assistant [email protected] 832.249.5276 Ms. Robinson was previously an assistant principal at Reed Middle School and has been part of the Duncanville ISD family for 17 years. Misinterpreting 'intent', trying to determine what is 'productive' and how the message 'is received' are specious arguments for censorship. Our faculty is here to help make you successful. This will enhance your junior high experience. Assistant Principal: Jeff Yonkers. For Mr. Reed, developing and maintaining constructive relationships with his former and current students, student-athletes, youth group members, and family are his Why.. Mr. Carruth earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on 4th-8th grade math from Middle Tennessee State University in 2009. It is recommended that adult supervision be provided to elementary age children on the Internet. Percent Employed: 100%. Eugene School District 4J is accepting applications for middle school assistant principals for the purpose of establishing an on-going pool of candidates. Erin Reed General Cafeteria Worker Ephrata Middle School Ephrata Area School District Staff. If there is any concerns about the accessibility of our content, please report it by email to: Web Accessibility NTBOE. The role of assistant principal at an elementary school can be different from that of a middle school or high school assistant principal. I am proud to share that I taught in Oxford for years, spending three years at Oxford's Intermediate School and seven years at Oxford High School as a Health/Physical . They ensure their products are in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA and the Section 508 standards in the United States. Sandy Hook Elementary Reed Intermediate Hawley Elementary Head O'Meadow Elementary Middle Gate Elementary High School Middle School We continually review our site. We have designed this section of our website to help our 1,500 employees do three things: Scroll down for quick access to some of the websites and applications you use most. Day A/1. Assistant Principal Resume Template & Guide (20+ Examples) - zety e Newtown Public School District is committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all qualified persons. Reed Intermediate School (2023 Ranking) - Newtown, CT Kleiber earned a bachelors degree in elementary education from Colorado State University-Pueblo and a masters degree in educational leadership from the University of Northern Colorado. How to Become an Elementary, Middle, or High School Principal. Since, 2008, Mrs. Burton has . He began his teaching career in 2000 at Teen Learning Center, Stones River Academy. Sandy Hook School; Reed Intermediate School; Newtown Middle School; Newtown High School; Pre-school ; STUDENTS. They must have a book of word salad excuses for picking our pockets. The Assistant Principal - High School is responsible to the school principal. Assistant Principal's Message Reed Intermediate School Mission Statement ReedPrideFullValues Ms. Jenna Connors Assistant Principal Message Dear Reed Students and Families, Welcome to Reed Intermediate School! This group also holds general monthly meetings. View our Art Enrichment Program Video at NMS! Prior to his position at Garfield, where he was responsible for all aspects of management, Kleiber was assistant principal at Franklin Middle School and Ann K. Heiman Elementary School in Greeley, and also held multiple previous teaching and administrative roles. Motto is: Safe-Kind-Fair Its grades are 3-5. Mrs. Pope enjoys serving in the LaVergne community, traveling, and learning. I am humbled and honored to have the opportunity to partner with each of you to ensure that our students are provided with a safe learning environment. Compare Reed Intermediate School to Other Schools. We calculated that 6 % of Middle School Principals are proficient in Professional Growth, Instructional Program, and Student Achievement. Administrative Assistant Athletics. The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Connors has served as Hawleys lead teacher since 2017, and prior to that she was the schools math/science specialist. Vetter also served as assistant principal at Heather Ridge. Intermediate School Principals. . Scroll down more to access safety resources and quick tech help instructions. They may plan schedules for teachers or for testing. The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Earning credits and establishing a strong grade point average will impact you greatly in the very near future. Linden is an unincorporated community located on Highway 26 about 10 miles east of Stockton. A.I.T.E. Lone Oak Middle School. California middle school assistant principal dies by suicide on campus Perform related work as required. We continually review our site. 11 Top Assistant Principal Interview Questions, Answers, and Tips Reed Intermediate School is a dynamic learning environment comprised of grades five and six. Newtown's School Counseling Vision Vision of a Successful Student Transitioning From Our School Counseling Program at Each Level Click each school link below to see the Vision of a Successful Student at each level. Applications are for vacancies for the 2023/2024 school year. Leadership Team - McCracken County Public Schools One major difference for elementary assistant principals is a better ongoing focus on instructional leadership. August 2006, Dr. Holman was named principal of Central Middle School, where he served until 2010. Julie Muething Language Arts for English Learners - Senior High School. Inquiries regarding the Newtown Public School Districts nondiscrimination policies and practices should be directed to: The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Inquiries regarding the Newtown Public School Districts nondiscrimination policies and practices should be directed to: The Newtown School District partners with SchoolDesk for our web services. Congratulations, to resounding applause from audience members. Duncanville Independent School District - Duncanville Independent This period of time marks the start of a gray period in students' lives. To purchase photos visit Grade levels are divided into elementary, serving students in Pre-K through four; intermediate, serving grades five and six; middle school for students in grades seven and eight; and high school for students in ninth through twelfth grades. Foundation for Reed Schools Volunteer/Parent Meeting 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM. If there is any concerns about the accessibility of our content, please report it by email to: ADA Title IX, Title VI Title VII and Section 504, NICE Newtown International Center for Education, Adult & Continuing Education/Summer Programs, Pre-School Play Partner Letter 2023-2024 (PDF), Newtown International Center For Education (NICE). Discovery Block Teacher The Newtown Public School District does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,age, national origin, ancestry, alienage, marital status, sexual orientation,gender identity or expression,disability, pregnancy, genetic information, veteran status, status as a domestic violence victim, or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut state and/or federal nondiscrimination laws, except in the case of a bona fide occupational qualification. Athletic Director. In addition, they need teaching experience. The district encompasses more than 94 square miles serving over 35,000 students. The Thompson School District has named a new principal for Bill Reed Middle School, following the announcement that longtime principal Arnold Jahnke would retire.