And that's been shown to people, you know, in clinical studies. And then on top of that, even though it's only 105 degrees, your body is heating up. But there was there was some studies showing that high dose melatonin, you know, more in the like ten milligram range. Some clinical studies with toddlers and some problems got really, really sick and a couple died. It's like what happens when you go into menopause. I'll get you one. I eat the shit out of that stuff. Like some of those numbers. And there's one other that I don't remember sweat. And we're we're honored to be a part of this program and very proud that through this program, we have raised a shitload of money and have built several wells in the process of building several more right now. So, you know, we call the first I call the ambulance. Summary: Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick - Carnivore Style So I think there's. But the common cold, you know, that's that's very common. Corruption in these in Tarzana. And if you need to speak to an attorney there, independent attorney network is there to guide and advise you. I think. But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. I got some other flavors to the the problem with that is you'll fixate on the one person that says the negative. That's probably pretty normal. And bone density. What, what's this headline. The bottom line is on honesty, that's intravenous. What about if you get active, if he exercises. But I've just learned so much, you know, over the past couple of months. It's wintertime. That's going to be coming soon. I wonder if she has that. Back when I was in grad school, I was doing squats and I was using the stuff and then I was doing, I guess, what are they called? And, you know, I think that that itself it's an interesting field. That's been shown it's given them a cardiovascular workout without having to force them to go for a run down a bike. But I think it has huge potential, you know. And I go, do you just have to stop and think, OK, even if just one percent of all of my people that go from Instagram, like if you're reading the Instagram comments, one percent are assholes, just one, which is probably really conservative. First of all, they're not comfortable for me. So people with that have CMB, they're young, have a really robust response to the vaccine, much better. Percent of patients that died with covid-19 were vitamin D deficient. They say it with such authority. Turns out they were using oral vitamin C, which is like comparing apples to oranges, you know, so but now there's been so many studies, a lot, you know, the Mayo Clinic fucked that up. Not like it's not like anything to be hugely concerned about. Low levels are linked to cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It might be coming out. One, there was a study that showed hot baths can have an antidepressant effect, and these people were put in 104 degrees Fahrenheit baths where they were up to their shoulders for like 20 to 30 minutes. And what dose for one. It's changing five percent of the human genome. That's how I felt. Eveillard too much. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But anyways, I had people coming up to me going, I love your podcasts. So many things that you would have normally had to go to a lawyer's office to take care of. And so I took her we went to get the IBC and they did it was ten, ten grams that we did. Quercetin Yeah, the photo bottom photo bio modulation. Like I was hot as fuck, right? We're probably going to one of doing that. It works. Under normal circumstances, this is very important. I got one pill. Please do. But yeah, but zinc seems really important for immune function, like there's been studies where they have like depleted healthy people of their zinc just transiently and like t cell function like is all messed up. Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). Well, it's in our office which is like just come off. What factor do you think, like when we're talking about Centage before one of the things this is a respiratory disease and this is something where you're breathing in these particles. It's CLV sounds like something Godzilla finds. I'm like, bro, I so I did that 200. It's doing all kinds of crazy things. After hot yoga. And it's and I feel for those people. I mean, it mimics cardiovascular exercise. I think that the I don't think the sleep stage is accurate was because like that's like you have to like measure brain wave like it's measuring, it's I'll tell you why, because I've had multiple incidents when I was nursing my son back when I was nursing my son where he was on a nursing pillow. What would that have to do with vitamin D? That the monoclonal antibody you were talking about, the Lomis. It's the only bourbon with balls. So I think. Learn more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick. You don't use this on those occasion. And so as a protective mechanism to not get burned, you have melanin which protects you. And the red light. Yeah, no. Look at this, athletics, badminton, singles, throwing a baseball, softball, BMX riding, canoeing, singles crabbing. There's a couple of things antibody binds to the virus and can basically change its confirmation and allow the virus to get into the cell better. Like someone needs to be naked somewhere. So that was like my my first Finnish sauna experience where it was like people are too open minded. But there's so many people that are just the sky is falling. So what is the benefit of it being that hot, though? I mean, it's crazy. It's just like this. I mean, I'm sure I do lots of announcements there. You fucks gardening. I'll show it to you. So so there are people that have variations in genes that cause them to genetically have lower vitamin D. And so this this is called Mendelian randomisation, where you can take a person that's that has a genetically like it's they're genetically low vitamin D, so you're not categorizing them based on their vitamin D levels. And thank you to Trager Grillz, my favorite way to cook. Yeah. Joe Rogan LASHES OUT at Kevin Folta about Monsanto's glyphosate, gets And the United States published an article this week in the journal Cell that highlights the potential use of Lamba antibodies to prevent covid-19 infections. So I'm like, you know, you know, it calculates heart rate and movement and body temperature. You're increasing plasma volume, heart rate increases, your temperature increases, right. Like I've I've been I've made a career about talking about sonas, you know, and I just got one like last month. Vitamin D3's role in immune function - FoundMyFitness I feel for people that are in that state where they realize that they're not they're not happy, they're not happy with their own performance and aren't happy with their life. And so soon and BDNF plays a role in that. Right. But test people. And then, but then I took a step back. OK, thanks for being here. Vitamin Katou usually stays around the periphery, doesn't really go to the liver. I was like, I was like eating a bunch of GCE and cocoa Kurkova like capsules like the the the catkins in the dark, dark chocolate for mine. They either increase or decrease it a lot of times with like hormones, you know, vitamins, things like that. When this definition is used, the majority of the world is either deficient or inadequate. I'm not saying that vitamin D is going to prevent you from getting covid-19 or it's a treatment, although I am involved in a clinical study where we're going to be testing a very small open arm study we can talk about. They are they're they're like, you know, like I used to never get sick. So, like like I understand what it's like to not have a sauna and to have to use hot bath. It's awful for so many of these people that didn't do anything wrong. Joe Rogan's Supplements List - Strong Healthy Dad Maybe they've like they've definitely like gotten their gotten more on game since then. I'm glad you brought up hot baths, because that's something that I wanted to cover before we got off track. And I'm like, Laird, I'm doing this thing. When it's cold and rainy with short days, I don't feel nearly as happy. PodClips. All I know is that it looking at the statistics, like if you go on a ventilator, I mean, surely it seems like the outcome is not very it doesn't seem like it's going to be very good right now, but it's hard to say. I mean, so far the maximum I've seen measured is like 70 times that your blood can get 70 times 200 say I was like, wow, 18000 or 17000 or something. All right. Oh yeah. What are the what are the methods you can use to help boost your immune system, keep your body healthy? Tons of studies showing that vitamin D levels are much lower in the wintertime. There is some non-human primates studies that that did that and also animal studies as well. But just the statistics that you've already listed about vitamin D and the people that had covid-19, those are insane. I mean, the thing is, like also children, I don't know how to tackle that issue because it's really hard. I was like, I think I'm fucked myself up here. Did it? Yeah. Oh can I get a trampoline. According to this organization, the adequate vitamin D sweet spot is over 30 ng/ml. Seventy percent of the people would get like symptoms ranging from fever, you know, cough and all the influenza, you know, flu symptoms. So great. Kevin Rose tells me I can take my Apple Watch and the hot frickin and do it right. It's 100 percent right. That's what I mean. It's not. So, you know, while I've had some training in immunology, I definitely, you know, didn't know, don't know everything there is to know. Joe Rogan welcomed Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a Ph.D in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health, on his hugely popular podcast Thursday to discuss ways to fortify the immune system against COVID-19. Well, he was in Tarzana. And like I said, I was like trying to impress Rick. And I'm like, well so I had my my level's measured literally. No sunshine=winter, you minimize energy use, put on all extra calories as fat, "hibernate" until summer and food is again available. In addition to her recommendation of vitamin D, Rhonda has an essential supplement list including: Melatonin They both have been shown to increase lymphocyte numbers and also like other milit cells and stuff in people. Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder. I love energy. Yes. And this is why it basically so it it changes your immune system. My kids are having drive by birthday parties where they drive by with fucking bounce. I got ten bottles of water and I just pouring bottles of water because it was just me in there. But, you know, you kind of just take it with a grain of salt where these clots are like, you know, there's clots in people that are healthy and young, certainly people that have severe cases, people like older people, people that are pre-existing conditions and stuff, and the type of blood people have lower levels of this Vaun Gillibrand factor, which basically is involved in clotting. Like that was like, you know, Linus Pauling was like deemed a nut, like, you know, the Nobel Prize winning chemist who basically is the vitamin C guy. So you're basically like you're you're becoming adapted. Top Moments. Watch Here. But I just think the data strong. Rate your immune system and strengthen it is important. There's been small trials showing that people doing a sauna. Monthly didn't work there. You're having your discs or protruding and your disc. Tastes better. You can. Because I would imagine it would be simple for them to do that. I think, you know, that hasn't really been studied. I know she still does. The Russian bomber.