She then moved to Villa St. Joseph in 2012. Gertrude left home on Sept. 3, 1945 for St. Rose Convent in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Sister Rita entered the FSPA community in September 1952. When reflecting on her choice of vocation, she said, Upon visiting Maria Angelorum Chapel, I knew that I could never leave this.. She was very social and loved visiting with people. For 25 years Sister Pat taught music in elementary and secondary schools in Iowa (Carroll, West Point, Bellevue) and Wisconsin (La Crosse, Prairie du Chien, Durand, Jefferson, Ashland, Jefferson). In high school she was engaged in one-act plays and glee club. In the summer of 1954 she visited St. Rose Convent on a Sunday, returned home, packed and again returned to St. Rose as an aspirant the following Monday. When she was five, her family moved to another farm between Early and Schaller, Iowa. She was very appreciative of FSPA for enabling her to minister to those often forgotten or ignored by society. Her commitment to those less fortunate has been immeasurable. She completed her bachelors degree at Viterbo College (University) with a major in education and a minor in music. Returning to her home in 1973 in Guttenberg to care for her father, Sister Clara Mae also ministered as an activities director and home care aid. In 1982, she moved to Waterloo, Iowa, to resume her ministry of occupational therapy, serving mainly children with severe disabilities at River Hills School. Sister Agnes learned about the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration from her aunt, Sister Anna (Bernadita) Gehling. With a sense of humility and pride, she enjoyed many years of service to families through the Salvation Army. Sister Agnes was received into the novitiate on August 12, 1951 and was given the name Sister Ella. She boarded with the sisters Monday through Friday and it was customary to make a retreat between the two semesters. She then became Vice-President of Student Development from 1997 to 2005. Sister Margaret Ann was involved in school consolidations, both in Ashland and Eau Claire. More. Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA) During that time, she completed a Master of Arts in Music Education from DePaul University, Chicago. We remember Sister Therese Francis Waldowski, January 25, 1928 - March 2, 2022. For four years she was a housekeeper and hospitality person at the FSPA Central Region Home in Hiawatha, Iowa. Community members, family and friends will remember Sister Margaret Ann as gentle, kind and always with a smile. Her grandparents in California came to help her father, who by that time had three children below the age of four. Entrance: August 1966 First profession: August 1969 Final profession: August 1972 Education: Bachelor's in American studies, Marillac College, 1972 One of her students from David School said, She was always willing to help students make their projects perfect. Florence Catherine was born on September 26, 1923, to Frank and Dorothy (Tritz) Goetz in Bellevue, Iowa. During World War II her parents moved to Seattle. Obituaries Bernardine Franciscan Sister Laetitia Okoniewski, a graduate of St. Hedwig School. Sister Jean has been selected to be honored with the Viterbo University Pope St. John XXIII Award, the highest non-academic award bestowed by the university, in May 2020. My high school experience has been better having had her as a teacher. When a new school was being built at David, the community took the opportunity to recognize Sister Mary Myrons significant contribution to the area by establishing a Sister Mary Myron Remedial Reading Room. In 2016 she moved to St. Rose Convent and she became a regular volunteer at the Franciscan Hospitality House. She continued her education with the Franciscan Sisters at St. Marys High School, graduating in 1953. Whenever anyone suggested that she would end up at the convent, she objected. Community members, family and friends remember Sister Patricia as someone with a heart for the disadvantaged. After recovering, she participated in a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program in Rochester, Minnesotaand then served as assistant coordinator at St. Rose Convent. Sister Evelyn Schlosser, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, 88, died on October 7, 2022 at Villa St. Joseph in La Crosse, Wisconsin. She passed to her eternal reward on September 7, 2020. St. Francis and St. Clare saw the good and holy possibility in the culture of everyday life. When the FSPA congregation opened its spirituality centers, the facilities benefited from her excellent furniture upholstery work a hobby she continuedfor years. She made her first profession of vows on August 12, 1945, and her final profession on August 5, 1951. Our dear Sister Jovita went to her rest in the arms of our loving God on February 16. In 2000, she moved to La Crosse where she was the assistant development director for FSPA until 2007. She served as a primary school teacher for eight years in Iowa (Mallard and Dedham) and Wisconsin (St. Joseph Ridge, Eau Galle, Ashland and Edgar). She was in her fifty-second year of religious profession. High school years at St. Marys were filled with the usual high school activities including babysitting and working on crafts. Her older brother, Father Joel, OFM, and her sibling, Sister Thomasine, OSF, were great influences in her choice. She loved her family and visited them in Washington state as often as possible. Sr. Marcy Romine, 67, a sister for 47 years, died February 14, 2017 at her apartment in New Orleans, Louisiana. She went on to teach for eight years in Calmar, Iowa, and then in Wisconsin in Genoa, St. Marys Ridge and La Crosse (St. Michaels Orphanage) before earning a Bachelor of Arts in Occupational Therapy from St. Catherine University in St. Paul. Celebrating the Life of Sr. Gerarda Augustyniak, The Franciscan Sisters join other Women Religious in grieving the shooting in Colorado Springs, LSAP Resource Guide Community Engagement & Participatory Action. She taught high school and was assistant principal in West Point (1958 1966) and Lansing (1966 1973), Iowa. She continued these activities until her health began to fail. But for one week, March 8-14, we shine the spotlight on . Whether the need is for short- or long-term, our caring, trained personnel are here to help. She was received into the novitiate of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration on August 12, 1952 and given the name Sister Ida. As one parishioner said, We have been blessed to have Sister Geralyn in our parish. Sister Geralyn had a great devotion to Capuchin Father Solanus Casey from Prescott, whose cause is in consideration for canonization. She was an excellent teacher who encouraged and inspired her students. She was in the seventy-first year of her religious profession. In 2010, Sister Margaret Ann retired to Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse where she continued to volunteer until her health weakened. Community members, family and friends will remember the long and rich life of Sister Lydia, for her deep love of God and her faith, her loyal dedication to her work with little children and the elderly and her positive approach to life. Community members, family, colleagues and friends will remember Sister Cecilienne as an excellent music teacher and a master organist. She continued her education earning a Ph.D. in Second Language and Culture Education from the University of Minnesota in St. Paul and a Masters in Franciscan Studies from the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University in St. Bonaventure, New York. She made first profession of vows on August 12, 1944, and final profession on August 9, 1950. Sister Gertrude made first profession of vows on August 12, 1948 and final vows on August 9, 1954. She enteredFranciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration inLa Crosse before graduating high school. She lived very simply and felt relationships were more important than material things. Her teaching ministry continued at St. Paul School in Mosinee, Wisconsin (1969-1977) and St. John the Baptist School in Plum City, Wisconsin (1977-1982). It was a happy home filled with conversation and joyous laughter. She served on numerous boards, including St. Marys Hospital (Mayo Clinic Health System-Franciscan Healthcare, Sparta, Wisconsin), St. Anthonys Foundation in Carroll, Iowa, St. Francis Hospital (Mayo Clinic Health System-Franciscan Healthcare, La Crosse) and Viterbo University in La Crosse. Growing up she would often work with her father in his woodshop in the basement--thus her love and skill at woodworking. She managed to turn every business trip into an adventure. Her family hosted foreign exchange students from Iceland and Italy. By then it was evident to her parents that her desire to be a sister had not diminished, but had grown stronger and they allowed her to enter St. Rose Convent in La Crosse, Wisconsinon August 15, 1940. SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS - Home "We, the Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, Oldenburg, are women of prayer, committed to the Gospel values as lived by St. Francis and Mother Theresa Hackelmeier. Mike Lang, Dialog Reporter - 16 September 2020, 12:29 0 READING, Pa. Sister Laetitia Okoniewski, 101, a member of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Third Order Regular of St. Francis, died Sept. 15 at. Gerald Walker, OFM, Cap. A private burial took place in Resurrection Cemetery on May 1, 2020. In her later years, she found comfort and gratitude in coloring and more importantly gifting her friends with her finished pictures. In 1974, she returned to Fort Wright College and earned a bachelors degree in sociology. During part of that time, she was also Director of Resident Life at the college. Jeremiah Collins Obituary (2022) - Syracuse Post Standard Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Cemetery - Find a Grave Sister Rosile taught eight years in middle schools in Wisconsin (Wausau, Plum City and Ashland) and Iowa (Luxemburg and Festina) and one year at DePadua High School in Ashland, Wisconsin. She was in the eighty-first year of her religious profession. The Franciscans are celebrating their 150th anniversary. She learned to play the organ, violin and clarinet, but the organ was her favorite. The former Dorothy. She ministered at Sacred Heart School in Spencer, Iowa from 1973 to 1997 as music teacher and organist for the parish. Daniel Piasecki, OFM, 82, a member of Sacred Heart Province, died on Jan. 14 in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Sister Lois Lobdell, FSPA, 97, died Thursday, August 27, 2020, of natural causes at Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse. From 1990 until 2008, she was pastoral associate at Sacred Heart Parish, Wauzeka, Wisconsin. She always had a funny story to tell. During high school, Florence participated in orchestra, pep band and choir, several clubs and was editor of the school paper for two years. FelicianSisters. She traveled across the country with Sister Thea, until Sister Thea eventually succumbed to cancer in 1990. For the next 11 years, she ministered as a volunteer and driver at Villa St. Joseph. Sister Mary Myron started teaching in grades one through three and ended up teaching high school. From 1964 to1967, she served as Marian Hall housekeeper at Viterbo College (University). In December of that year, she was brutally attacked and burned in an assault that occurred while she was at home in the convent. Franciscan Sister Elaine Urbanek passes away December 27, 2022, at the age of 99 years. She loved her family and especially enjoyed visiting them and receiving visits from them. She had a quick wit and always had a come back for everything. Impressive! She attended Glenrose Public Grade School, just a half mile from her home, until her graduation from eighth grade. From daycare for loved ones who suffer from dementia, to rehabilitation centers for recovery from surgery . Her older sister Eileen joined the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in 1943. Every place she taught she loved her little children, especially teaching them to read. Born in Chicago Heights, Illinois in 1917, she entered the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1930 and by Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help | Feb 16, 2017 | Franciscan Sisters News, Obituaries. Twin Nuns Who Are Franciscan Sisters Thankful for - Catholic New York Her life of prayer, service and love for others has absolutely represented the Spirit of St. Francis. In 2005, she retired to St. Rose Convent and later moved to Villa St. Joseph. Our History - FSLF In eighth grade she shared her call with her parents, who were very supportive. She was in the sixty-seventh year of her religious profession. Your gifts connect you to our ongoing ministries and honor Sisters who are your former teachers, friends or family . Sister Betty learned all the skills she needed to be mothers helper: cooking, sewing, baking. She made her first profession of vows on August 12, 1954. After profession in 1943, Sister went to St. Veronica's in Greenwich Village for three months, then taught at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School in New . She later went back to her baptismal name. After graduating from the eighth grade, Sister Jean attended Pilgrim Park Junior High for one year before moving to Brookfield Central High School. She worked in the dietary department at St. Francis Hospital (MCHS-FH) 1977 to 1981. She was a retired nun who joined the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi as a teenager and went on to a career as. Sister Ellen Joseph (Elizabeth) Drury, 99, a Franciscan Sister of the Atonement from Graymoor, died Oct. 9, 2016. After Vatican II, Sister Frances felt the call to change her ministry. After her father died, her mother remarried, expanding her sibling count from seven to 16. RUTH JASINSKI OBITUARY Sister Ruth Jasinski, 94, of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Third Order Regular of St Francis, died on Monday morning, August 23, 2021, at Reading Hospital-Tower. 9 Sep 1876 - 28 Mar 1944. In 2022, with her health failing, she moved to Villa St. Joseph. Born on November 26, 1925, in Buckman, Minnesota, Sister Margaret was the seventh of 12 children of John and Pauline (Beka) Schmolke. By her junior year, she had decided to enter religious life. Our dear Sister Loraine went to her rest in the arms of our loving God on August 19. That is when she started to deeply listen to the many messages in life God had been giving her, ultimately calling her to religious life. Celebrating Felician Jubilarians in Chicago - Felician Sisters Her parents moved to Chile five months after they were married. She taught for 33 years in elementary schools in Iowa, Washington, Oregon and Wisconsin. The Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamburg, Ny AUBURN Starting in the 2021-22 academic year, two Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist will join the staff at Saint Dominic Academy as teachers while also overseeing and enhancing campus . Helping to connect people to faith. Sr. Maureen Kelly F.S.P. Obituary - Yonkers, NY - Dignity Memorial When the weather was favorable, they walked three miles home, but always rode to school with their father or one of their neighbors. As boarders, Sister Margaret and Helen got home one weekend a month. Two years later on Christmas Eve again, a change took place in the Beskar family when her father announced that he was marrying Leona Buberl. She thrived on helping people and especially loved her adoration hours. February 19 Discerning Young Women: St. Clare and Eucharist Zoom February 17 Novice Experiences Michigan Mission Site February 27 Lois Lorraine was born to Aubrey and Georgia (Carlisle) Lobdell on April 14, 1923, in Durand, Wisconsin. Learn About Us. Sister Kathleen taught at the high school level for the next 11 years in Cathedral (Superior, Wisconsin), Kuemper (Carroll, Iowa), Aquinas (La Crosse), Marquette (West Point, Iowa) and Marquette (Bellevue, Iowa). While at Marquette, sheplayed the organ at Gesu Parish and after retiring from teaching English, she ministered as receptionist at the parish until she moved to St. Rose Convent in December of 2016. Marie never knew two of her brothers: Raymond died of jaundice shortly after birth and Vernon was kicked by a horse when he was seven. She could usually be found volunteering some place at Villa St. Joseph helping other sisters. Sister Evelyn entered St. Rose Convent in the fall of 1958. Her life will be celebrated with a Mass of Resurrection Friday, September 23. by Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help | Jul 21, 2022 | Franciscan Sisters News, LCWR, Obituaries, SISTER CAROLYN MRUZ, OSF Her father taught her the importance of community involvement and environmental stewardship. Saint of the Day. Her favorite subject was American history. Mangaluru, Oct 18: The provincial Ursuline Franciscan Sisters had their VIII Province Chapter in Shanthi Dham Provincialate, Derlakatte from October 17 to 21 on the theme 'Ursuline Franciscan Sisters: Commissioned to Launch into the Deep'. Her favorite teacher (a Sister of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa) had a deep devotion to Mary. Ellen Mary MacDonell was born Feb. 7, 1932, in Judique North, Nova Scotia, Canada, to Archibald and Mary Fitzgerald MacDonell. She designed the altar, chalice, tabernacle and credence table using the theme You fill us with the best of wheat. Creativity marked her life; even into her late 80s, she could be seen on a ladder in the dining room putting the final touches on Christmas decorations. Sister Ceciliennes ministry was in the area of music. She loved her years teaching. Sister Donna shared vivid memories of growing up in their beautiful farm home surrounded by rolling hills. Focus on reducing and eliminating single-use plastic drink bottles (water, soda, tea, coffee, etc.). The Bernardine Center Times Summer 2018. Community members, family, colleagues and friends remember Sister Helen as an exceptional nurse and instructor. It was a combination church and school. This gave Sister Evelyn time to think if God might be calling her. Before them was a newly-unveiled 7-foot bronze statue of Sister Mary Virgilius Reidy, one of their own. Their honeymoon was to travel west to bring Sister Anita back home and reunite the family. Sister Betty taught high school chemistry and mathematics for 26 years in Wisconsin (Prairie du Chien and Stevens Point), Oregon (Salem), Iowa (Bellevue, Carroll, and West Point) and Texas (El Paso). In the eighth grade, Sister Pat started playing trumpet in the high school band and later moved on to playing the trombone and baritone. For almost 30 years she ministered in junior and senior high schools as a teacher and principal in Wisconsin, Washington, Guam and Montana. Born in Bellevue, Iowa on Nov. 7, 1927, Gertrude Florence was the daughter of Cornelius Vincent and Teresa Mary (Keuter) Daugherty. As a child she enjoyed ice skating, hiking, bicycling and roller skating. Her elementary school years were spent at St. Marys School in Guttenberg. She taught in Wisconsin at Platteville (1962-65), Blessed Sacrament School in La Crosse (1966-70 and 1977-79) and Dodgeville (1973-77) also serving as principal. She specifically enjoyed cat sitting while family and friends would go on vacation. The Bernardine Center Times. Growing up on a farm she was exposed to a variety of experiences and learned responsibility early. In 1992, she retired to St. Rose Convent and moved to Villa St. Joseph in 2012. After receiving a bachelors degree in English from Viterbo College (University), La Crosse, she went on for a masters degree in English from Marquette University, Milwaukee. Remembering Sr. Mary Elizabeth Glueckstein Wheaton Franciscans October 3, 2022 Sister Donna served as an elementary teacher for 14 years in schools in Washington (St. Augustines, Spokane [1952-1955 and 1963-1964]) and Wisconsin (Sacred Heart, Ashland [1950-1952]), La Crosse (St. Wenceslaus [1956-1963] and Blessed Sacrament [1964-1965]). Jubilarians: Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OSF) Submitted October 4, 2019 | 3:46 PM 50th First Profession Sister Renita Brummer Birth name: Jeanette Birthplace: Effingham, Ill. After five years in Chile, Sister Jeans family moved to Wauwatosa, Wisconsin in order to ensure proper schooling near their home.. Felician Sisters of North America Home Page His grip weakened and she later spoke of this as her second baptism. Separate from the happy memories of growing up on the farm, there was the time a cyclone picked up the barn and flattened it. Sister Betty Shakal, FSPA, 87, died May 3, 2021 at Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Sewing was one of her hidden talents. will officiate and burial will be in the convent cemetery. Sister Kathy, as she was lovingly called, was small in stature but large in spirit and generosity. In 1991, her fathers need again took her to Guttenberg where she worked for the North Eastern Iowa Rehabilitation Association, providing therapy to individuals and institutions in Clayton County. In 1953 she was received into the FSPA novitiate and given the name Sister Geralyn. Obituaries Archive She once commented that she thought she learned how to rip the same afternoon she learned how to sew. Donna Jean Weber was born on April 25, 1930, to Reynold and Laura (Asher) Weber in Eau Galle, Wisconsin. Sister Geralyn Misura, 88, died Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, at Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse, Wisconsin. She made her profession of vows on August 12, 1946 and final vows on August 9, 1952. Upon entering the FSPA community, she shared a religious vocation with an aunt and uncle who were both Benedictines. The last seven years, before her retirement to Villa St. Joseph in 2005, were spent in Hiawatha, Iowa, volunteering at Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center and at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, where she worked with senior citizens. After a two year renewal program at Little Falls, Minn., Sister Joan began her ministry as receptionist, gardener and decorator at Villa St. Joseph. Her first profession of vows was made on August 12, 1955. Born on March 18, 1926, near St. Lucas, Iowa, Sister Joselda was the oldest daughter of Joseph and Catherine (Schmitt) Hageman. Sister Patricia Keating, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, 91, died of natural causes on July 24, 2020 at Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse, Wisconsin. She always felt sorry for the city kids who didnt have the freedom and natural beauty available to the farm kids. Sister Agnes began her education at Providence County Consolidated School near her home, then transferred to St. Marys Catholic School in Storm Lake, Iowa, where she completed both grade and high school. As most little girls are inclined to feel when first coming in contact with a real, honest-to-goodness Sister, I felt that I wanted to become a Sister, too, she wrote in her autobiography. Sister Helen made profession of vows on August 12, 1947, and final profession on August 9, 1953. Bernardine Franciscan Sisters At her baptism she was given the name Catherine Cecilia. After a years sabbatical, Sister Jean was appointed the Director of Mission Integration for the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, a position she held until 2016. She could name everyone in her family down to the third and fourth generations. The sixth died on Oct. 29 and the most recent two died on Nov. 6. Every congregational visit became an opportunity to learn about her Sisters and the area in which they ministered. Upon her graduation from the eighth grade, she announced to her parents that she would like to go to the convent. She retired to St. Rose Convent in 2016where she continued her organ ministry and began volunteering as receptionist at Catholic Charities. Sister Joan was received into the FSPA novitiate on August 12, 1957, and was given the name Sister Vernamae. One evening as the family gathered on the porch, next to a very full rain barrel, her father teasingly picked her up and saying he was going to put her headfirst into the barrel. On Oct. 18, 1926, natural gas was discovered on the property which was used to heat the buildings. Later, she taught elementary school and parish music in Tomah, Wisconsin for five years. She completed high school at St. Marys Academy in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Sister Mary Myrons entire active ministry of 70 years was in the field of education. During this time, the call to religious life was reawakened in her. In 1996, Sister Sandra started the process of transferring to Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in La Crosse, Wisconsin. She made profession of vows in 1950. With a twinkle in her eye, she was always involved in any mischief that took place. Her life will be celebrated with a Mass of Resurrection Friday, September 23. Community members, friends and family remember her for her gentle presence, soft voice and joyful laughter. The FSPA community is grateful for her leadership, especially in leading the congregation into the world of social security and investment. She professed first vows on August 6, 1935. In addition to teaching, Sister served as principal at St. Marys, St. Wenceslaus, Cathedral and St. James. She was quite an artist; doing beautiful rosemaling and also oil paintings and water colors which can be found around the Villa. During her third year in college, she was offered a position at the Spokesman-Review newspaper as a reporter. Felician Sisters of North America Home Page. There she met the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA). She then earned a bachelors degree in elementary education from Viterbo College in La Crosse. In 1998, Sister Margaret Ann officially retired from teaching, but continued to volunteer at the parish and school at Our Lady of the Lake in Ashland. When funding ended, she was invited to join the staff at the Salvation Army in Spokane as Family Welfare Director. Community members, family, colleagues and friends remember Sister Joan as a happy, joy-filled person, always ready for any invitation to explore something new. She later returned to her baptismal name.