Contact the company for the latest information. If you paid for a COVID-19 test and think you might qualify for reimbursement, read the COVID-19 Testing Member Reimbursement Form (PDF) . ", Adjustments to Medicare Advantage reimbursement. Make choices that are right for you based on the latest information. For tests provided by a health care provider, the original bill or claim for the services that includes: The laboratory or provider's name and address The instructions and form are provided on the COVID-19 home test kit page: In alignment with guidance from the Division of Insurance, we have resumed the normal authorization processes forall servicesfor our commercial and Federal Employee Program members, and will start requiring authorization for Medicare Advantage members on July 1, 2021. There is a limit of . Follow the instructions below to submit your claim online. Quality Care Thats Right for YouWhether you need a routine check-up or a specialty procedure, you want the best care you can find. Independence Blue Cross(Independence) is implementing the Biden administrations over-the-counter (OTC) testing program finalized earlier this month. WASHINGTON The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program (FEP) announced today that it will waive cost-sharing for coronavirus diagnostic testing, waive prior authorization requirements for treatment and take other steps to enhance access to care for those needing treatment for COVID-19 to ensure its members can swiftly access the right care in the right setting during the outbreak. New bivalent boosters from Moderna (ages 6 months and up) and Pfizer (ages 6 months and up) are now available. When you provide telehealth or telephonic services, bill on a facility claim using a professional revenue code with the telehealth services outlined in our COVID-19 Temporary payment policy. DIFS Prohibition Orders for Consumer Finance and Credit Union. * Login to find out what options are available to you. Find out when Blue Shield covers COVID-19 tests and whether or not you'll have a copay. up to $12 per test under the safe harbor (for plans that provide access to the tests . Coverage for Medi-Cal and Cal MediConnect members Blue Cross recommends that members contact and work closely with their health care . Subsequent tests will require the order of an authorized health care professional. If you purchase a test at a retailer or pharmacy that is outside your insurer's preferred provider network, your insurance company will reimburse you up to $12 per test, or the cost of the test if less than $12. Members need to submit a separate claim form for each family member. We take pride in the vastly diverse cultures, backgrounds, interests, and expertise of the people who work here. Over-the-Counter COVID-19 Testing | Producer | Premera Blue Cross Coverage should always be confirmed with your plan prior to purchasing any tests. What if I need treatment for COVID-19? All rights reserved. Health insurance products are offered by Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company. Log in to find out if you have access. Prescription Drug Reimbursement Claim Forms | Help Center - BCBSM Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services FAQ. Visit an in-network testing location, like one of these retail pharmacies: Diagnostic testing performed by out-of-network health care providers is also covered at no cost to members during the. After that time, an authorization extension is required. We do not have any restrictions on the video or voice platform the dentist can use. Similarly, FEP will waive any copays or deductibles for diagnostic tests or treatment that are medically necessary and consistent with CDC guidance if diagnosed with COVID-19. Standard out-of-pocket costs will apply for treatments received. Your frequently asked questions about COVID19 - IBX Newsroom Federal Employee Program (FEP) members Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Or, contact our Clinical Pharmacy Operations area. For Federal Employee Program (FEP) members, member cost is removed for inpatient acute care hospitals, inpatient rehab facilities, long-term acute care hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities for services related to COVID-19. Reimbursement Process Link or Description: Blue Cross also removes all referral and authorization requirements for outpatient care if a member is being evaluated or treated for suspected or confirmed COVID-19. The authorization process will officially resume for all products effective July 1, 2021. Learn more about potential out-of-pocket costs from out-of-network providers. PDF Prescription Drug Claim Form - Home | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode As of February 1, 2022, pleasecontact Medi-Cal Rx to locate an in-network pharmacy. California Physicians' Service DBA Blue Shield of California 1999-2023. COVID-19 Testing Coverage Website: If you are interested in a rewarding position helping Michiganders apply today! For Sparrow Health System inquiries, please call 517-364-8432 or (toll-free) 877-275-0076. Neuropsychological testing services Blood-derived products (such as SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulins, mesenchymal stem cells), Antiviral therapies or immunomodulators without published supporting evidence (such as lopinavir/ritonavir, other HIV protease inhibitors), Other therapies currently under investigation without published supporting evidence. Reimbursement Process Link or Description: For some plans, only emergency and urgent care are covered outside of the United States. California Physicians' Service DBA Blue Shield of California 1999-2023. For COVID-19-related diagnoses, they asked insurers to add quantity limits. How many at-home test kits can I purchase each month? You may have to pay out of pocket at the time of purchase, but keep your receipt to submit a claim online. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) is closely monitoring activity around the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Some restrictions apply. Health plans are offered by Blue Shield of California. You may also submit a digital claim online with a copy of your receipt. PDF Who is eligible for COVID testing - BCBSM Consumers can either purchase the testing kits at no cost or submit receipts for. 800-942-0954 (main). Find out which COVID-19 tests are available to members and where to get tested. COVID-19 Testing Coverage Website: Effective May 1, 2021, for members of our fully-insured employer and individual plans, as well as self-funded plans, Anthem will reimburse for the administration of COVID-19 FDA-approved vaccines at a rate of $40 per administration. Were contacting them to suggest that they take advantage of our early refill policy during this public health emergency, so they can have a supply of their medication. BCBS COVID-19 Info - Benefits, Testing, and More - FEP Blue How our department monitors insurance market practices, Insurance Company Contract and Rate Filings. Network of Preferred Providers: These may include fees for other tests or other services unrelated to the COVID-19 test. Then, complete and submit the online form., COVID-19 Testing Coverage Website: 04:20. To avoid paying any extra fees, please use. Starting Saturday, private insurers must cover the cost of up to eight at-home Covid-19 tests per month, the Biden administration announced on Tuesday. How to Submit Your At-Home COVID Test to Your Insurance - Health In a statement, Blue Cross Blue Shield said, "We are also working on . This policy update applies to all medical providers. For Medicare Advantage plans, you must submit claims for COVID-19 drug and the administration of the drug to the CMS Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for payment. When reporting modifier GT, 95, G0, or GQ, you are attesting that services were rendered to a patient via synchronous/asynchronous telehealth audio and/or video telecommunications systems. Kaiser's California Member Services hotline is (800) 464-4000. They can advise you on how to return the money back into your account. OTC at-home tests must have been purchased on or after January 1, 2022. Over-the-Counter Tests | CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Your standard coverage and out-of-pocket costs apply. Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. We removed all member cost for in-person doctor, urgent care, and emergency room visits related to the testing, counseling, vaccination, and treatment of COVID-19. Or, you can call Dental Provider Services at 1-800-882-1178. This page may have documents that can't be read by screen reader software. Please refer to the COVID-19 Temporary payment policy for telehealth billing guidelines. COVID-19 Vaccine Information | CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield At-Home Rapid Tests Are Now Covered Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests are now covered for qualifying members. Members will receive test kits from network pharmacies at no cost. The company complies with applicable state laws and federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude people, or treat them differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic group identification, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, religion, sex, marital status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, mental disability, or physical disability. Some examples of authorized tests include: See a complete list of authorized tests on the FDA's web page. 2023 Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Verify your contact information. Some plans may also have access to Teladoc or NurseHelp 24/7 as other options for virtual care. Coverage is available when the pharmacy offers OTC COVID-19 tests and has them in stock. 4These can be group plans from employers, associations, trusts, etc. *The CDC has created an interim set of ICD-10 CM official coding guidelines, effective February 20, 2020. Members may now purchase through the preferred network online at using their insurance card. Please also use one of the following applicable place of service codes that describes the location of the drive-through or temporary testing site. We removed the member cost for all telehealth services (COVID-19 and non-COVID-19-related) received through the Teladoc network. For Federal Employee Program and Medicare Advantage members, coverage for these drugs remains the same at this time. In response, Blue Cross will expand telehealth to ease access to appropriate medical services for our customers. Log in and to go Office Resources>Billing & Reimbursement>Fee schedules. Losing your job doesnt have to mean losing your healthcare coverage. Effective March 16, 2020, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama is expanding telehealth coverage. California Physicians Service DBA Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association. Y0118_22_338A1_C 09272022 Be sure to bill using CPT A0426, A0428, A0433, or A0434 (non-emergent transports) and the appropriate modifier shown below to represent the direction of the transfer. 7OTC at-home tests are only covered if used for personal use and not for resale. An attending health care provider may order a test. (Medical and Mental Health) Network Management and Credentialing Services Therefore, Medicare PDP plans do not cover medical testing. Blue Shield of California has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information. Learn more about our Total Care and Blue Distinction Specialty Care designation programs and find a designated doctor or hospital that meets your needs. Members covered through Medicaid plans: 1-800-711-5952. COVID Test Reimbursement: How To Get Refund After Buying At Home What to know about COVID tests | Coverage - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Be sure to seek non-emergency care from in-network providers if you have an HMO plan., Phone Number: If your tests cost more than $12 per test, you will not be reimbursed for the difference. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates | Blue Cross Blue Shield Two COVID-19 updates effective July 1, 2021: Change to telehealth cost share and authorization requirements, Update to bamlanivimab pharmaceutical treatment for COVID-19, Lab claims must include ordering clinician NPI starting July 1, Medicare sequestration suspended through December 31, 2021, Were committed to reducing health care inequities, Revised reimbursement for COVID-19 vaccination administration codes available, Monthly communications aim to reduce vaccine hesitancy, Updated coverage guidelines for COVID-19 testing, Medicare Advantage telehealth cost share & COVID-19 vaccine billing, Updates to vaccine and pharmaceutical treatment codes for COVID-19, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts joins national effort to help vaccinate seniors in underserved communities, Were helping to fund free rides for COVID-19 vaccine access, Provider reimbursement for COVID-19 vaccination administration codes are available, Facts may help patients understand and embrace COVID-19 vaccine, COVID-19 Information page updates: Cognitive rehab, testing coverage, and diagnosis codes, Updated billing guidelines and fees for COVID-19 lab testing codes, Telehealth and telephonic codes billing reminder, Updates to COVID-19 vaccine administration codes and pharmaceutical treatment, COVID-19 - Authorization requirements waived until March 31, Vaccines and pharmaceutical treatment for COVID-19, Updates to Medicare Advantage services effective Jan 1, Claims with COVID diagnoses require positive test in chart, COVID-19: Inpatient acute care auth requirements waived until Dec 31, COVID-19: Use appropriate diagnoses when billing for COVID testing, COVID-19: Coverage guidelines for laboratory tests, COVID-19: Coverage guidelines for pharmaceutical treatments, COVID-19: Auths extended; non-emergent transport modifiers, Dental Blue will offer assistance for PPE costs for dentists, Telehealth & online digital codes for FEP & Medicare Advantage, New supports for our members mental health, COVID-19: Continued coverage for early intervention services, COVID-19: Resuming provider audits and claim reviews, Increased fees for COVID-19 lab & specimen collection codes, COVID-19-We're extending our prior authorization waiver, Dental care strategies in the age of COVID-19, How were helping during COVID-19 emergency, COVID-19 payment policy, lab testing codes, claim reminders, COVID-19: APR-DRG Grouper ICD-10 code update, Patients with asthma can get early refill of their controller med, COVID-19: Extending authorizations for specific services, COVID-19: Expedited credentialing process; provider audits on hold, Non-emergency ground ambulance transports covered temporarily, COVID-19: How to bill for drive-through testing, Medicare Advantage reimbursement will be temporarily adjusted, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Telehealth Claims Skyrocket During Coronavirus Pandemic, Member costs waived for inpatient COVID-19 services, Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine coverage update, Coverage for dental telephone or video consultations, Dentists and oral surgeons: How were helping during COVID-19 emergency, the original hydroxychloroquine policy still applies, Frequently Asked Questions on the Revocation of the Emergency Use Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate and Chloroquine Phosphate (PDF, 125 KB), Massachusetts Standard Form for Medication Prior Authorization Requests, Medical Policy 660: Cognitive Rehabilitation, Notification of Enforcement Discretion for telehealth, use of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or antigen testing to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 for a diagnosis of COVID-19 infection, Serologic testing for the presence of antibodies for known or suspected current or prior COVID-19 infection, Public Health Emergency Credentialing Application, Contact your local plan. Effective January 15, 2022 and thru the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE), OTC tests that are approved under the FDA Emergency Use Authorization In Vitro Diagnostics EUAs - Antigen Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2 | FDA will be covered at $0 cost to the customer, without a health care provider order or individualized clinical assessment. To request reimbursement for a fully self-administered FDA authorized test purchased from a non-preferred pharmacy or other retailer between January 15, 2022 and January 31, 2022, submit this form: Beginning January 15, 2022, and until the end of the Public Health Emergency, Independence will cover up to eight FDA approved OTC COVID-19 tests per calendar month as directed by the Biden administrations program. A direct link to the Ambetter provider search tool is given for members to find a pharmacy from the COVID-19 home test kit page: Doctors within your plans network may have virtual visits available. You will be reimbursed for over-the-counter COVID-19 diagnostic tests purchased on or after January 15, 2022., Reimbursement Process Link or Description: An antibody test determines whether the person has had COVID-19 and therefore may have some level of immunity. If I need to get tested for travel, is that covered? Bill all covered services that you render either by telehealth/video or telephone as if you are performing an in-person service using the codes that are currently on your fee schedule. Providers should document ALL of the following for coverage: Inpatient cognitive rehabilitation for cognitive impairment resulting from COVID-19 is not covered unless the patient otherwise meets criteria for inpatient level of care. Are at-home COVID-19 tests eligible items for reimbursement under an FSA, HSA, or HRA? For Medicare Advantage plans, you must submit claims for COVID-19 vaccine and the administration of the vaccine to the CMS Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for payment. In that case, you may be responsible for paying the difference. Member cost share continues to be waived for COVID-19 related telehealth visits provided by in-network providers. To access your member services, please visit your BCBS company. Blue Shield provides coverage for OTC COVID-19 at-home tests purchased prior to January 1, 2022, with a healthcare provider order. Insurers aren't ready to pay for Americans' home COVID-19 tests BCBS recognizes doctors and hospitals for their expertise and exceptional quality in delivering care. You should follow existing claims reimbursement processes to obtain an at-home test reimbursement. Medicare Advantage members FEP to eliminate restrictions on prescription drug refills, waive pre-authorization, deductibles and copays for diagnostics, treatment, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program Waives Cost Shares and Prior Authorization to Support Members Care for Coronavirus, Site-Neutral Payments Would Save Nearly $500 Billion Over 10 Years, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Statement on Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Validation Rule, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Policy Solutions Could Lower Health Care Costs by $767 Billion, Blue Cross Blue Shield Companies Form Synergie Medication Collective, a New Venture to Radically Improve Affordability and Access to Costly Medications for Millions of Americans, Congress Passes Meaningful Changes to Expand Mental Health Support, Improve Maternal Health, and Lower Costs for Consumers, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Offers Services to Members Affected by Hurricane Ida, Blue Cross Of Idaho And The Blue Cross Of Idaho Foundation For Health Commit To Expanding Health Equity Across Idaho, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming Announces New Board Member, James G. Springfield Named President of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. Please check yourEvidence of Coverageor plan policy documents to find out what is covered when traveling internationally. What virtual care options does my plan cover? Those payments will now go directly to the provider. Some members may also contact you for a prescription for up to a 90-day supply from the Express Scripts Pharmacy'(mail order). Standard office visit copay may apply. Claims for over-the-counter COVID-19 tests submitted for reimbursement will be reimbursed up to $12 per test. rt-pcr diagnostic panel, Effective April 1, 2020 for dates of service on or after February 4, 2020, 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2/2019-nCoV (COVID-19), any technique, multiple types or subtypes (includes all targets),non-CDC.