Head over to gurushots.com; click VOTE on your desired challenge. Since you can't predict that optimal time, it gives a huge advantage to people who have enough photos (or duplicates of one a frequently broken rule that's hardly ever enforced) and spare swaps to be able to seek out the hot times during the final day. In one case, the All-star level is set to 2000 points while in another it is set to 2300. A semi-decent picture can take the lead if it happens to be entered during the short window when the average voter has the highest rank during the challenge. You see, people get bored pretty easily, the turnover must be high to keep the interest high. This is the second article on GuruShots, the photography game. Speaking of running challenges: I still have seven challenges waiting in the review queue after more than a year (read my article about how challenges are created here). https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/gurushots. Another addition to the game: events. On one challenge, Combine a Swap (change a picture with less votes) with a Fill (maximum views). In a 4 photo Challenge you have the choice to choose one photo per Challenge and give it a boost.. For this you will use a key. There are not only important for you to progress in the game, but they are also an indication of the Gurus taste. How To Use Gurushots Auto Vote and Boost This script uses Nodemon to restart if it crashes. GuruShots is built with Angular JS and the way it's made had to do with this issue. 5) Once Loaded Vote until the counter reaches 100%. Appreciate you stopping by! Now, challenges for a specific member level are now possible where only Newbies are allowed in, or for Masters only. Paste the script and then watch it work. I declined because I got the vibe that they were recruiting players. De trs belles photos, ce sera un plaisir de vous suivre , We have some points in common it seems! I ran a challenge and gave out 700 Guru picks and as a result had my privileges of running challenges taken away. It is a legit website that allows participants to compete and win big prizes. I would have preferred different names instead. Once you use a Fill the exposure meter . I am going to stop playing this game. When you swap in a new image to replace an existing one, the new image gets an exposure bonus to make sure it gets as much exposure as your other photos already have. It is very annoying. There is one or more team leader who decides which challenge the team enters as a whole. This script also runs on a Cron Schedule, by default it runs every half hour. Not only it is a scam, it has nothing to do with photography. Each player has a voting score, Gurus have 9 votes per photo they select while Newbies get 1 vote per selection. Just visit this page: https://numericcitizen.me/newsletter/. In just a few minutes you can create a free poll for any occasion and then share it amongst your colleagues or friends. Lastly, if one of your photos is not receiving enough exposure, you can use swap. Other features like fill can assist in filling up your exposure level. Check out this mini review of GuruShots by Michael Ronin, and how he thinks this platform could use some improvements: In the video above Why GuruShots Sucks by Michael Ronin, he mentioned the flaw with the voting system where your voting meter will increase if you vote POSITIVELY on images. Don't use the daily free boosts. Im currently at GURU level with less than 500K points. First things first, check out the video below to understand what is GuruShots.com about: Suppose you are a photographer looking forward to gaining exposure and validation for your work and determining your skill set against other artists while enjoying a game. I get the most of the votes during 3 time slots: 7-8 am, 7 pm and around midnight. My advice would be to go through the top 100 photos in a challenge you like, then try to work out how to do something similar. Use them in the last hours of the challenge. I observed that the final issue of a challenge always flip in the last few minutes. One per day. By this I mean: overly processed, too much sharpness applied, high contrast, highly saturated images. The privilege of running themed challenges comes with great responsibility for the community. Thanks dor confirming the game is still shit and still has nothing to do with photography. Yes. I am not able to log in to the game on my laptop. Make sure you take photos that are worth submitting to a photo challenge. The Top Images From GuruShots' 'Nightfall' Challenge Gurushots has a consumer rating of 1.66 stars from 68 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Also, you are a guiding light of inspiration that ensures all members earn the same amount of exposure and experience. And has also nothing to do with time in challenge. GuruShots Photo Challenge | What is GuruShots? | Full Review - PCI The best time to swap an image into a challenge is when there is less than a day (24 hours) left before the challenge ends. 5 Best Photo Contests Apps For Android & Ios 2023 The one that you want to find and try first, is the Newbie of the Month. and I am the founder of Digital World Beauty. Whereas in another currently running challenge (500 guru picks) The photo had stopped receiving exposure but the boost window was open as soon as I joined, so I used the free boost and that photo received over 550 votes extra. Get 5 Guru Picks Some tips to get there: 1. Winning the public vote requires you to have impeccable timing and knowledge about how the current implementation of the Gurushots system works. Initial vote phase and tips : r/gurushots - reddit How it works. Your email address will not be published. more_vert. Take advantage of swaps: Swapping at a specific time is the key to gaming and gaining the highest ranking. We covered the monetary aspect of playing on Gurushots, but there is also the time aspect. You may be ranking high at 10 minutes before the end and go downhill in the last few minutes. You only receive these after a challenge guru votes for your photo. It features millions of participants globally. If you want to create your profile, follow this link. After a participant uploads a photo or photos in the challenge, the voting system ensures that all photos receive the same number of views. If you are raising your exposure meter in the wee hours of the morning when fewer Gurushots users are looking at and voting on images, you won't get very many votes by the time your exposure meter starts dropping back down. Voting is surely the most expensive (time-wise) activity, but other things cost time as well. Id be most interested at seeing your ptf. Here is what I found out5,6. My goal here is to help other players benefit from my experience in a way that let them better understand the implications that come with playing and being successful at GuruShots. Best photos never win. GuruShots is free to download the app. Its actually kind of disappointing, been playing for a while now, by no means a great photographer but its been fun but definitely a bit odd how I accumulated so many votes, wish I knew about this sooner! Dont remove anything except the location. Youre clearly in the second camp. After uploading the photos, they end up in ones gallery. Thus, the best time to use the boost is to join during the stated period and swap a lot. GuruShots Auto Voter Script - miloslukic.com Youll need a key for this. For the script to properly work, your active tab in a browser should be GuruShots page. These events can last more than 60 hours. It would be nice having, in the next release, also the information about the time remaining for playing the free boost, as well as an option for auto-saving the table . If you think this game is all about photography, think again. The competitor with the most votes gets to win. If a photo doesnt perform well, youll be able to swap for another one. The depletion of exposure bonus is faster than it used to be to maximize users engagement with the platform. Some people love it for the challenges and opportunity to win prizes/make money with photography they take; others dont really like the voting system, or the fact that you cant get a constructive feedback. GuruShots is like speed dating; it has nothing to do with photography as an art form but to consume images. Thats quite an audience for your artwork. Suppose the photo gets to the top, swap 12 hours and 6 hours before the four photo challenges and six a single photo challenge, respectively. July 9, 2021. However, in a 4 photo challenge, do not fill the exposure after the swap; instead, swap back 8 minutes before the challenge ends and fill the exposure only after the votes have stopped. Gurushots Auto Voter. This is necessary to prevent a last-minute participant to climb the top of the ranking at the last minute. Enjoy playing! There is a teams leaderboard. Im sure itll be useful to a lot of people who are thinking of joining GuruShots or are a part of it, but wonder how honest/legit it is. Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road (A Final Farewell to Hard RockPark), discussion page that explains the exposure. GuruShots - a french toolbox Occasionally you may not have time to vote but still, want to receive maximum exposure boost. A few, more competitive contests do require users to spend money on a key to enter, however. Would you like us to create an actual GuruShots review or does this FAQ page suffice? This is important, since you get more exposure for your photos 3. This game is so twisted in its conception; it is mind-blowing. How to look at past contests to see how I faired. What's Next? Hi NC, just found your blog, most interesting reading material! I will be gratefull for the answer. The question is: why would anyone want to do all that? Gurushots Photo Contest Winners MOSTLY Gurus????!!!! But a lot of folks actually DO enjoy this game-like social platform, and its a great way for beginners and enthusiasts to improve their photography skills. Some people seem to think they have the perfect system for gaming the system, while others seem to be flailing away in the dark and either getting lucky (and getting good results) or failing miserably. Pick a competition, upload your photo and share your entry to grow your votes. You should see your exposure meter fill to max high! LA MIA TATTICA PER GURUSHOTS My tactics for Gurushots This time, I want to give you the best tips and tricks on playing the game. I havent spent a nickel in at least 6 monthsonce you enter a lot of challenges you can coast by on the fills, keys and swaps you earn from them. You will also want to make sure that you swap in when your exposure meter is maxed out, and as with voting or using auto-fill at the most opportune times make sure you perform your swaps when your images are most likely to be seen by the biggest audience. Interesting math: for any given challenge youre in, dividing the current number of points by the number of voters (use the notifications drop-down menu on the website to see how many voters youve got), you get the average voting power of the voters15. Choosing when you vote (or use auto-fill) is the key to maximizing your exposure level to get more votes.