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Rev. Gabriel Olutola(born 4 April 1933 in Ilesa, Osun State) is a Nigerianpastorand president of The Apostolic Church Nigeria Emmanuel Omaleis a Nigerian charismatic pastor and televangelist. In this article, the researchers have tried to describe the early history of the Apostolic Church in Cross River State of Nigeria, West Africa, through a brief biographical stetch of Pastor Eyo . CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH PROGRAMME/EVENT CALENDAR Church anniversary Sunday service Annual Pastors Conference Akinyele (the traditional ruler of Ibadan town). The Nigerian government shows a preference for the CAC because of its Christological orientation, emphasis on the Bible, educated leadership, and its educational outreach. Prophet Orimolade prayed for him and said he would be a great servant of God. As a result of the disagreement over the issue of Divine Healing, two groups had emerged. 26:21-29; Acts 20:7, The divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures. Apostolic Church (Czechoslovakia), a Pentecostal denomination now divided into: This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 18:39. Majority of the members of the first group of Diamond Society were worshipers at St. Saviors Anglican Church, Ijebu-Ode, where they began meeting regularly for prayers and spiritual guidance in 1918. He passed the Senior Cambridge in 1946 and London University Matriculation in 1949. At the expiration of the prophesied forty-five days and epidemic of small pox broke out and within 3 weeks about 300 persons had died. The African churches broke from the British Pentecostals by 1939 in response to their own use of anti-malarial medicine and their objection to the use of blessed water in healing rituals. It is said that a big python coiled around the pot on which the god was placed. For a time, the religious activities of the white brothers complemented the religious exploits of Joseph Ayo Babalola. Who is the founder of the Apostolic Church of Nigeria? This god was situated on a bushy hill and no one dares goes there for fear of being harmed by the god or the python guarding it. Living Faith Church Worldwide aka Winners Chapel was founded in 1981 after Dr. David Oyedepo received a vision in which he said God told him it is time to liberate the world through the preaching of the word of faith. Another fact is the power in the Ikeji Arakeji water in Osun state, the water over the years have heal many people. Malachi 3:10, Matthew 23:23, Hebrews 7:1-4; Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35. A whiteman medical officer in the Colonial office witnessed this miracle because he used his stethoscope to check and confirmed that the young man was dead when the parents brought the corpse to the revival ground. Read on. Hippolytus (c.160-235 AD) occupies a unique place in Christian history as a schismatic bishop who is now honoured by the Roman Catholic Church as a saint and martyr. +234 8023 032138 1. Sadela is passionate about the ministry committed unto him. The angel told him that he was the one who had been talking to him on the road when he was driving and that he would have died if he had refused to hearken to his instructions. Gospel literature printed at headquarters and shipped to Nigeria is unloaded by volunteers in 1999. The Church . The Apostolic Church Nigeria, Michael Abraham Assembly (TAC . Several epileptic were healed including a man who was healed at Oloruntoyin Street Bariga, Lagos in 1977. The Aladura churches rapidly expanded throughout Yorubaland during a revival movement in the 1930s, becoming an important feature of western Nigerian society. 147 of May 4, 1943, under the Lands Perpetual Succession Ordinance. He has an uncommon passion for the Lord Jesus Christ. The church is categorized into sections called fields with a view of bonding members in a spiritual and healthy fellowship. Also in 1990 he went on speaking engagement to Emmanuel Bible College (formerly Armenian Bible College) in Pasedena, Carlifornia, USA. He was to arrive in the town on a market day, cover his body with palm fronds and disfigure himself with charcoal paints. When the Apostle got to this town he requested to visit the hill of this god. Iroko), Traditional Games In Ondo Ekimogun Kingdom, Our People Should Re-think About The Neglect of Our Culture, Why We Must Come Together As Ondo Ekimogun Citizen, Role of Women In Socio-Economic Development of Ondo Kingdom, Transmission Of Article Of Events In Ondo Kingdom And Its Environs, 26th January 2021: 15th Years Memorial Anniversary Of His Imperial Majesty, Late Oba (Dr.) Festus Ibidapo Adedinsewo Adesanoye, CFR, OSUNGBEDELOLA II, 43rd Osemawe And Paramount Ruler Of Ondo Kingdom, 1991 2006, Brief Summary Of The Supreme Court Of Nigeria Judgement That Validated The Appointment Of His Imperial Majesty, Late Oba (Dr.) Festus Ibidapo Adedinsewo Adesanoye, CFR, OSUNGBEDELOLA II, As 43rd Osemawe And Paramount Ruler Of Ondo Kingdom 1991 -2006, RE: 2009 Ekimogun Day Festival Celebration In United Kingdom & Northern Ireland, Ten Years Plan Projection: Ondo Connects New Era Apprenticeship And Empowerment Sponsorship Programme For Self Employment And Financial Stability. Apostle Babalola predicted that a time would come that Rev. Meanwhile the Church leaders were subjected to avoidable intimidations, harassment and humiliation at different levels of the society. The highest governing body of the Mission is the Supreme Council. Sadela had been preaching, clouds of witnesses had confirmed his call. Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 12:28, The possibility of falling from Grace. Isaiah 65:22; I King 3:14. In the year 2001 he lost his very dear wife Madam Julianah Anike Ajisomo Sadela at 62 years of age. He is oneprophetthat believes in power of prayer, it was said that, he made African to believe that they can pray directly to God and get answers without any sacrifice or worshipping idols. The church currently has branches in all the states and major cities in the country. After some weeks that apostle went back to the truck, of the three leafs was Dry, the second was rust while the third one was very fresh. He emphasized using water of life, blessed water, in healing rituals. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thus on 23rd September, 1931 three missionaries, viz. He suffered the loss of seven children to infant mortality in his first marriage consummated in 1934. It is currently being led by Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Nigerias most respected preacher. In 1992 he prayed for a woman barren for 10 years and whose husband was said to have low sperm count, she became pregnant and she was delivered of the baby exactly on the day predicted by Rev. After prayers, Joseph Babalola announced that God had directed that since the group was manifesting deeds reminiscent of the days of the first Apostles, it should be named after the Apostles. 1) The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), 2) Living Faith Church Worldwide (Winners chapel), 4) Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministry (MFM), 7) The Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, 10) The Commonwealth Of Zion Assembly (COZA), What Is The First Capital Of Nigeria? Copyright 2018 - 2023 TheNigerianInfo. In 1902 as a toddler little Akinbode was taught how to read the Holy Bible by the angels of God. You have entered an incorrect email address! The fields include: The National Convention is a biannual gathering of all The Apostolic Church members at the National Temple, Lagos State, Nigeria. Many relics of that past history can still be found in the town. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Igwe with His Wife Deaconess Rose Igwe Notify me of follow-up comments by email. John 8:46; 14:30; Col. 1:15; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Romans 3:25; Acts 2:36; Phil. It is similar to the fasting of Moses, Elijah and Jesus Christ in the Bible. Thus, Babalola became aprophetand a man with extraordinary powers. seeking solutions to their social, religious, existential and psychological problems. By name idongacity akpan. Join the Old Catholic Apostolic Church Nigeria and become part of a church that's rooted in history and dedicated to offering spiritual and material support to people. Christ Apostolic Church is a distinctly indigenous African Church with headquarters in Nigeria, but with members spread across the world. The Aladura churches reflect the indigenization of Christianity through its use of African symbols, traditional healing modalities . However, the event that served as the catalyst for formation of the Church was the great revival of 1930 at Oke Ooye, Ilesa. Sadela. Bishop Oyedopo who is is the founder of this church is one of the richest pastors in Africa and the world at large. The Nigerian group, led by Pastor D. O. Odubanjo and Pastor (Oba) I. The church headquarters which is located in Lagos State is among the largest church auditoriums in Nigeria, Africa, and the entire world. Ever since it was founded by Pa Josiah Akindayomi in 1952, the church has continued to wax stronger and stronger. Allan H. Anderson, Aladura Churches, Religions of the World, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, eds. The Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement was rated one of the fastest-growing churches in Nigeria in 2006. B. Sadare, D. O. Odubanjo and Oba I. In the same year the founders parted, and further divisions produced more than 10 major and many minor sections, which spread widely in Nigeria and to Benin (formerly Dahomey), Togo, and Ghana. CURRENT LEADER: Pastor Samuel Olusegun Oladele was inaugurated as the 8th president of Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide in March 20, 2021. For instance in 1944 (during the 2nd World War) he trekked from Odo Owa to Ilorin and back a distance (round trip) of 112 miles (180 Km) in company of Elder Balogun (Baba Ijo) and one Victor on a missionary journey. Its theological beliefs are summarised in its confession of faith, known as the Tenets, which read as follows: The Constitution of the Apostolic Church in the United Kingdom states that These Tenets shall forever be the doctrinal standard of the Apostolic Church and shall not be subject to change in any way whatsoever.. Immediately he cited this god and its python he started ringing his bell as he moved towards it. Gabriel is an important and famous Nigerian Pastor who leds "The Apostolic Church Nigeria". As an Apostle of the New Testament he believes in the pre eminence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our history is traceable directly to the definite outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria, Africa, in the great revival which began in 1930 through the ministry of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola. Mark 12:29-31. 2:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Rev. A CAC retreat center was built at Ikeji-Arakeji, Osun State where Babalola was first called in 1928. Apostolic members strive to promote first-century . Chris Okotie(born 16 June 1958) is a Nigerian pastor, televangelist and founder and the General Overseer of the Household of God Church. Apostle Babalola's call subsequently led to the great revival of 1930. The Nigerian group, led by Pastor D. O. Odubanjo and Pastor (Oba) I. For example, the Deeper Life Bible Churchone of Nigerias largest Pentecostal churcheshas roots in Joseph Babalolas revival movement, and numerous founders of Pentecostal churches have Aladura backgrounds. However, when you talk about the biggest Pentecostal church in Nigeria, Redeemed Christian Church of God headed by Pastor E.A. Armenians foster many beliefs and customs which do not fit in the official religiosity "as prescribed" by the Church. "Every leader should make a conscious decision on every occasion and in every circumstance to make sure there is an . His grand -father Adidi was a warrior of repute, but Reverend Samuel Akinbode Sadela is a warrior of Christ Jesus. Oyo State, Nigeria Dental technologist Officer Hospital Service Management Board Katsina State Mar 2020 - Feb 2021 1 year. Pastor G.O Olutola, who himself succeeded Pastor Eyo Okon in 2011, retired at the age of 80 and handed over the mantle of leadership to Apostle E.S Igwe. The Lagos and Western/Northern Areas Territory (LAWNA), The Federal Capital Territory Field (FCT Field). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Minus the tents and overflows, the church can comfortably seat about 10,000 persons. This week, we are focusing on The Apostolic Church Nigeria, its beliefs and a little history. He was the firstprophetof God that was send to prison as at then. Ogbu Kalu, African Pentecostalism: An Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). 4:11-13). They separated from the Anglican and other churches in 1928. [1][2] In 1922, the church left the Anglican Church. His first encounter with God after hearing his voice, was when the angel of the Lord told him to enter his house the voice called to him again telling him to fast for six days and pray 120 times which he faithfully did as he slept that night, an angel entered into his room like lightning and began to talk to him. The C.A.C believes that the spiritiual power bestowed on Babalola placed him on an equal level with Biblical apostles like Peter, Paul and others who were sent out with the authority and in the name of Jesus. Allan H. Anderson, An Introduction to Pentecostalism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004). Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 12:28, The possibility of falling from Grace. As numerous as the churches in Nigeria are, a few of them have managed to stand out in terms of popularity, branches, and the number of members worshipping there every week. The Catholic church remains the largest church in the country. On that same day I entered the town with a bell in my hand. Our focus for this episode is the collection of second-century Christian literature known as the Apostolic Fathers. When one looks at the Apostolic African American Pentecostal History, we like to think that there is the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ not having an emphas. The Voice told me to ring the bell in my hand round the town and I obeyed. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. That is how he received the call and he went into fasting and prayer. A hand prayer bell was given to Babalola as a symbol. Olutola in February 2017. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). They have branches in several other African nations and even outside the continent as well. It was remarked by Elder Abraham Owoyemi of Odo-Owa that theprophetregularly saw angels who delivered divine messages to him. . To avoid bloodshed he was compelled to leave. Sadela married a 31 year old damsel. The Apostolic Church Nigeria : A New century on a thankful note Vice Chairman, LAWNA Territory Pastor S.G. O Uyeh, pointing to a facility while taking journalist round the LAWNA premises A few weeks ago, The Apostolic Church Nigeria held its yearly convention. Eventually, the leaders of the Church decided to chart their own course., Story Of Late CAC Founder, Apostle Ayo Babalola From The Book That Reveals His Life! witchcraft). A lunatic of twenty-five years called Jegede was healed at Akure in 1947. Our foundation is the historic Christian faith as presented in Old and New Testaments of Holy Scripture, which lead us back to Jesus. Then the angel told him to put off the light inside the room which he immediately did. The Aladura churches are independent African churches (or African Instituted ChurchesAICs), that emphasize prayer and healing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Recommended: Life and Biography Of Pastor Gabriel Olutola, Former President of TAC. Among them were Owo, Ikare and Oka. The first apostolic vicar was Cornelius Sim, who was created a cardinal in 2020 and died in May 2021. Pastor G.O Olutola succeeded Pastor Eyo Okon in 2011 and retired at the age of 80 in 2017. He became aprophetand a man with extraordinary powers. Leave this job you are doing; if not, this year you are going to be cut off from the earth. Again On 11 October 1928, while trying to repair his machine, he heard an audible voice from the Lord to abandon the job and start preaching. Acts 2:38; Luke 15:7; Romans 4:25; 5:16; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 1 Thessalonians 4:30, The baptism of the Holy Ghost for believers with signs following. 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, Church government by Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Elders and Deacons. +44 7950 254 190 A fruitful relationship also developed between the group and Pastor Clark, so much so that they were referred to at some point as members of the Faith Tabernacle in Nigeria. This also resulted in the desolation of Churches in Ilesa because their members transferred their allegiance to the revivalist and that all the patients in Wesley Hospital, Ilesa, abandoned their beds to seek healing from Babalola. The Church has over 4.5 million members and a National Temple which serves as the Convention ground of the Church Nigeria. The partnership, however, staggered for a decade before it crumbled during 1939/40 crisis. One of the palm tree was dry (Ogbe), the other palm tree was rusted ( Oro) while the last one was fresh (O tutu), the dry palm tree are for those who refuse to accepted him as there God will dry of fat the end. 1 Corinthians 10:12, 1 John 5:11, John 15:4, 1 John 5:12, Romans 5:1-2, John 8:51, 1 Timothy 4:1, 16; 2 Timothy 3:13-15, 1 Corinthians 15:1, Colossians 1:21-23, The obligatory nature of Tithes and Offerings. 1978. The liturgy of the Church consists in choruses, anthems, praises and worship (often with hand clapping and dancing), spiced in African rhythm; extempore praying, preaching and the teaching of the Bible. Grammar Schools at Ibadan, Efon Alaaye and Iperu (all in 1960), Ilesa (1962), Akure (1964) and Odo-Owa (1970), Press and Publications department (1966-67), Sunday School Department (1977), Theological Seminary at Ile-Ife (1979) by merging the Bible Training College and Pastoral Training College, and the formation of Societies, Associations and Fellowship groups. Babalola was genuinely dissatisfied with the increasing materialistic and sinful existence of his time because of the western civilization influence on society grew.Joseph Ayo Babalola slept in the Lord in 1959. Babalolas evangelistic success in Efon-Alaaye was a remarkable one. The history of the Church is traceable directly to Oba/Pastor Isaac Babalola Akinyele, Pastor David Ogunleye Odubanjo, Joseph Sadare, Miss Sophia Odunlami and Evangelist (late Apostle) Joseph Ayodele Babalola who was called to the ministry by the Lord on 11th, October, 1928. Genesis 1:1; Matt 3:16-17; 1 John 5:7, The utter depravity of human nature, the necessity for repentance and regeneration and the eternal doom of the finally impenitent (i.e. Though he died several decades ago many CAC members still pray with his name. Dental technologist intern University College Hospital, Ibadan . The District Coordinating Council is headed by a Chairman, the District Council by a District Superintendent and the Board of the Assembly by an Assembly Pastor. The church headquarters which is located in Lagos State is among the largest church auditoriums in Nigeria, Africa, and the entire world. The National Temple which is located in Olorunda-Ketu, a suburb of Ikorodu in Lagos State, seats over 100,000 worshippers in a service. He narrowly missed an opportunity to travel toEnglandin1925as part of theNigerian Contingent of the Boys Scout. Most of them were members of the St. Saviors Anglican Church, Ijebu-Ode. His parents were Chief Olomonehin SADELA of Imoru (Second in command to the Olumoru of Imoru) and Princess Adetiye SADELA. 1 Corinthians 12:8-11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:4; and Galatians 5:22, The nine gifts of the Holy Ghost for the edification, exhortation and comfort of the Church, which is the body of Christ. According to some of his disciple that said, on several occasion as the God Apostle prayer to God on broken glass. We pray that the eyes of your understanding (mind) may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of Christ's calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints. He was arrested for preachingagainst witches, a practice which had caused some trouble in Otuo in present Edo State. Malachi 3:10, Matthew 23:23, Hebrews 7:1-4; Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35. The churchs annual event of the year Shiloh, is one of the most popular church events in the country with millions of Christians in Nigeria attending anytime it holds. Franklin Graham Preaches To 68k On Rio De Janiero Beach 48 Years After Fathers Brazil Outreach, Meet Peter Claver, The Apostle Of Cartagena: Ministered To Slaves On Slave Ships, Baptized 300,000, German Cardinal Says Catholic Priests Should Be Allowed To Marry: it Would Be Better For Their Life, List Of Nigerian Praise And Worship Songs, List Of Bible Characters In Chronological Order, List Of Names In The Bible & Meaning From A To Z, List Of Bible Stories In Chronological Order, List Of All Books Of The Bible And Their Authors, List Of Books In The Bible From Shortest To Longest, Fading Away Like The Stars of The Morning Hymn Lyrics. A. Babatope as well as Babalolas followers such as J. But those who repented and those who came to the man of god after contracting the disease were spared. He also learn Roller Driver under P W D (Public Works Department), he became a Steamroller Operator then under the control of the whites, learning to become a Steamroller Driver. B. Akinyele. The church now has several branches in Nigeria and some overseas countries. Babalola, Joseph Ayodele 1904 to 1959 Christ Apostolic Church (Aladura) Nigeria It was Prof. Saburi Biobaku who said, (from (Dictionary of African christian Biography) Great men appear now and again to help shape the course of human history. The teaching of the Church had grown out of many sources, namely the Bible, the remarkable soul-searching sermons of the founding fathers; borrowing from Europeans and American literatures especially tracts and magazines; the lessons produced by the various tensions within the Group over the prophylactic use of medicine and other issues of administration. Learn more. The man in a dazzling robe spoke at length about the mission he was to embark upon. He was 83. (Dr.) Bola Are, who is today known all over the world. The church has its branches in nearly all the major cities in the country. Omissions? He served from 1985 to 1987. Joseph Ayo Babalola (d. 1959), a Yoruba Anglican and public works employee, had a series of visions that brought him to the Precious Stone Society. THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH as a denominational name was adopted in 1916 in the United Kingdom by the body of believers who had been led by God, subsequent to the Welsh Revival of 1904 - 05, into the truth of the Principles and Practices of the early Apostolic Church as contained in the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament. Williams (International Prophet). John 8:46; 14:30; Col. 1:15; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Romans 3:25; Acts 2:36; Phil. Are you searching for the biggest churches in Nigeria? Missionaries arrived in 1932, and the Aladura movement spread and consolidated as the Apostolic Church. The current National President of the Church is Apostle Samson E. Igwe. The Church has its origins in the founding of a prayer group called the "Precious Stones" of Ijebu Audo by Anglican leader Joseph Shadare in 1918; in 1922, the Church left the Anglican Church; in 1923, the Church was founded by the Anglican Church's first president, Rev. Prior to their coming, a great revival started in the churches in fellowship with Faith Tabernacle Congregation of Nigeria which resulted to much persecutions in 1930. While the water is said to be used for healing of all illness and disease and it opening the womb of any barren women. The Church of the Lord (Aladura) was started by Josiah Olunowo Oshitelu, an Anglican catechist and schoolteacher, whose unusual visions, fastings, and devotions led to his dismissal in 1926. The angel told him that the yam was the tuber with which God fed the whole world. . [6], In 2011, the denomination inaugurated a 10,000-seat temple called National Temple in Lagos. Igwe succeeded Pastor G.O. Babalola retreated to his home town in Odo-Owa for a personal prayer retreat. Nigeria 285.000+ members in 1.100 congregations NAC Worldwide 9.000.000+ It is made of all Principal Officers, all Assistant General Superintendents and other senior officers. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, The sacraments of baptism by immersion and of the Lord's Supper. He further revealed that God had granted unto him the power to deliver those who were possessed of evil spirits in the world. We have put together here a list of the top 10 Christian worship centers you will find in the country and their locations. When he informed Apostle Babalola he was advised not to go and he sacrificed the legal profession for the work of God. Though, his father came from the Olisa Chieftaincy House of Imoru, he was living at Ifon at the time of his birth. These are the biggest churches in Nigeria today. The headquarters of this church is located at Ota, Ogun State, and facts have it that the building is one of the largest church auditoriums in the country. Pastor D. P. Williams, A. Turnbull and W. J. Williams arrived in Nigeria as guests of the Church. [7], In 2018, the church had 4.5 million members in Nigeria. He studied Law for 3 years and he was qualified to go to the Law School in London for 9 months after which he would have been called to Bar. We are the pioneer Pentecostal Church in Africa, with a membership base of presently over five million, made up of men and women, families from diverse sectors of the social strata. . 1 Corinthians 10:12, 1 John 5:11, John 15:4, 1 John 5:12, Romans 5:1-2, John 8:51, 1 Timothy 4:1, 16; 2 Timothy 3:13-15, 1 Corinthians 15:1, Colossians 1:21-23, The obligatory nature of Tithes and Offerings. Those who assisted him during the Revival included D. O. Odubanjo, Oba I. Historically, the Aladura churches have offered opportunities for poor and marginalized Nigerianswho played little to no role in the mission churchesto become active and leading members of their religious communities. By 1929 he was preaching judgment on idolatry and native charms and medicines, uttering prophecies, and healing through prayer, fasting, and holy water. In 1981, The Apostolic Church in Nigeria was given autonomy by the international headquarters of the church in Great Britain. unrepentant). Things came to a head in 1940 when there arose a disagreement over the practice of the doctrine of divine healing, particularly in relation to the use of medicine. The headquarters of the church which is located in Cannanland, Ota, Ogun State can sit about 250,000 persons. History. The water Babalola use to bath Mama Bola Are then was taking from Ile-Oluji, the present place where they cited Christ Apostolic Church, Oke Isegun, DCC headquarters. Soon, tension rose between the group and the Anglican Church over such practices as divine healings, opposition to infant baptism, reliance on dreams and visions, abstention from dancing, drumming, debt-owing, drinking of alcohol, gambling and mixing with non-Christians. This article reveals the top 10 of them. Rom 6:4, 6:11, 6:13-14, Luke 3:21; Mark 16:16, Luke 2:22-24, 34; Mark 10:16, Luke 22:19-20; Matt. Retired Apostle Charles Johannes Ohemeng Passes On Transmission Festive Divine Service with Chief Apostle Flooding in Nigeria Thanksgiving 2022 in Nigeria - A Success Music Camp 2022 More news Who We Are We are a christian church, active in more than 200 countries worldwide. Ultimate power rest with the Authority of the Church; but it involves elders/deacons, women leaders (deaconess) and leaders of recognized organizations as found appropriate in the process of administration (Eph. According to him The Spirit told me to go to my hometown, where I was born.