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Afterward, Jackie claims to their friends that she and Steven are "in love". Jackie Burkhart & Steven Hyde First met As kids Together 1st - about 6 months - Going To California to Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 2nd - two months - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You to Nobody's Fault But Mine 3rd - over a year - Join Together to Don't Lie to Me 4th around 8 months - Down The Road Apiece to Bohemian Rhapsody Status Broken Up Reason (s) ", Jackie asks then begs Hyde to be her roller-disco partner in a competition. He fabricated the whole mess. Privacy Policy. Shes looking out what she believes are Hydes best interests. There were no fairy tale elements in their storyline, and yet it was non-toxic and rewarding. Hyde doesnt dispute the we Jackie used. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I never felt this way about a girl before, okay? Im just doing it from the inside where I get a pension and dental and stuff. Jackie says, "Look, why didn't you tell me sooner you wanted to get married?" It's gonna melt. Summary: As punishment for Donna going away to California, Bob transfers her to a Catholic School, which means that Donna won't get to see Eric as much. He even goes to far as to teach her an emotional-distancing technique of his, something he calls "Zen," so that she won't succumb to Laurie's taunts. Ultimately, Hyde's lack of trust gets the better of him, and he believes Jackie is cheating on him with Kelso ("You Shook Me (1)"). [Kelso is talking with Hyde, trying to make him reconcile with Jackie]. 2000 Light Years From Home is Jackie and Hydes last episode as a non-conflicted couple. She also becomes hungry for his attention, something he does not want to give her; but he in spite of himself, he develops romantic feelings for her ("Jackie Bags Hyde"). Jackie brings a girl who she deems not to be pretty (. Red says, Thanks for standing around saying, Ew, grease! Jackie is covered head-to-to in motor oil all day in Career Day, and she learned how to fix a car quickly. Hyde offers Jackie a low-five for her burn of Eric. Do Hyde and Jackie get back together? This episode demonstrates Jackie and Hydes connection, one that definitely goes beyond enjoying a dirty, secret, disgusting relationship. He tries more than once to do so verbally and asks others for advice (e.g., the Formans, Eric and Donna). 7. Like that time that you told me to eat that stuff, and I didn't know what it was, and then you licked your lips and you rubbed you stomach, and you were like, "Mmm, it's really good, Kelso". Hyde broods in misery, even going so far as to listen to country music. She greets him with a kiss at the basement door when he comes home from work. And that pretty much beats our third grade pact. Hyde says, "Yeah well, I can see why you thought that." Until the episode "Winter" its clear that Jackie and Hyde are still very much in sync and in love, In "Let's Spend the Night Together," we witness how truly supportive Jackie is of Hyde and that she has a significant influence on his behavior. Hyde: Jackie, I dont know whats going on with me. She both bought and brings him a new suit and packed a lunch for him. Jackie & Hyde is a relationship on the FOX comedy That '70s Show, portrayed by Mila Kunis and Danny Masterson. -kitty knows eric and Donna are having sex since season 2, but dont think Jackie and Hyde are having sex to the point she thinks Hyde needs to meet his real father so he can teach him about the birds and the bees. The one pop culture couple who made us question the opposites attract theory is definitely Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson) from That '70s Show. The only other young couple on the show was Eric and Donna, and fans unanimously agree that they were pretty boring and had uninventive storylines. Wow, you look beautiful.". I'm not this guy. This is also one of the most significant things about their relationship as they both had made peace with each others differences, which was really mature, considering they were both sophomores. The dialogue that follows characterizes both Jackie and Hyde well. She hugs him forcefully and doesn't let him go. Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin') is an excellent, in-character episode for Jackie and Hyde, perhaps the best of the season. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Crap!". Why don't you just give her a break? Hyde and Jackie were eventually found out by Eric and Donna, who told a surprised Fez about them. Steven, you cant act like this forever. Pam told the kyle jackie burkhart and ashton kutcher in jackie and kutcher and jackie's story of his real life. After Cat Fight Club, Jackie becomes infatuated with Hyde and hero-worships him. I cant go. Michael Kelso: Jackie wants you to know that there was a mess 'cause she was wearing the wrong fabric.
That 70's show | Jackie and Hyde get caught! - YouTube But the fact that they kept finding their way back to each other was a huge clue that they could have made it work. Kitty Forman asks Hyde if his "girlfriend" is okay. implies Hyde is after his money and Hyde storms out, Jackie is very protective of him. Jackie is claiming Hyde as her possession, but her last bit dialogue is (mostly) a joke. Alas, it turns out that Jackie and Fez didn't last, with the former instead ending back up with Michael Kelso post- That '70s Show, an even more amusing pairing these days given that Mila . Steven Hyde: Kelso, would you get outta here? ", Jackie isn't deterred by Hyde's rejection. He protests, saying his ice cream is going to melt, but he abandons it and, to Jackie's delight, does as she asks. Characterization was sacrificed for technical necessity. This episode does, however, give an in-character substantiation for why Hyde, in this specific case, doesnt do what Jackie wants him to. He "let the razor say the words [he] couldn't speak. Good. Later in the episode, Jackie fantasizes about getting Hyde back and swears she'll do it. Hyde, wanting to find out the truth of his feelings, invites Jackie on a "freakin' date". Jackie and Kelso's son is at least 15 years old. In "Do You Think It's Alright?" After W.B. 2. Who does Jackie end up with in the end? When Jackie and Donna try to play-fight, the playing grows violent and Hyde pulls Jackie from the fray. Hyde probably felt like he and Jackie could go far but that frightens him because his difficult past makes him believe he will fail. That '90s Show. He tries to say something sympathetic about her breakup with Kelso and has trouble. Jackie rushes to the hospital, however, thinking Hyde was hurt. Outside of Jackie and Kelso being an iconic TV couple, it would be an appropriate fan service to see Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, who are now married with kids in real life, play their famous roles again as a couple. ", Jackie brings a date (Chip) to the Formans' barbecue to make Hyde jealous. A new day in the episode, and Hyde still hasnt called W.B. This is how season 5 ends. Hyde throws the basketball at his back]. Steven Hyde: [confused] That can't be what she said. Shes being as supportive as she can be. Jackie: Yeah, six months ago. Mrs. Forman gives Jackie the advice to "pick her battles". Jackie and Hyde start a romantic relationship in season 5. 3 They didn't: They didn't have anything in common. Hyde echoes this sentiment, but his body language and previous dialogue reveal the truth. I just go paired up with this book-keeping guy who told me a story about accounts receivable. She helped him to spruce up his wardrobe and helped him find a steady job. Hyde doesnt accept her help at first. that hes wrong about Steven and that Steven is perfect. Kelso says he'll be going after Jackie while Hyde sulks in the basement and says "Whatever." Michael Kelso: Hyde says that he was sort of infectious and he has a rash. He also reassures her that she'll "find someone great". I actually missed you calling me 'Puddin' Pop.'". Hyde especially admitted many times that he despised Jackie and obviously believed himself to be a lot more evolved intellectually. Hyde still demonstrates a protectiveness over her and celebrates her burns of other people, and he tries to make Jackie and Kelso fight (to win a bet). -red convinces hyde to stay at their house even after his 18th birthday. I think you're one of the coolest, sweetest guys I've ever met." Hyde appreciates the gesture, despite the inedible nature of the cookies. He shoves her away and says, "No! This spurs Hyde into action, and Hyde goes to the Pinciottis. This is what the fans found so twisted - they both clearlydidn't approve of each others philosophies, so how would a long-term relationship even work? I am the bitch, and you love me! Yet she tells Hyde shes alone a lot like him, she wants to be friends with the rest of them even though theyre not popular, she hangs out with them at school but her cheerleader friends dont know Hyde is her boyfriend till the Xmas dance? Hyde says, [I knew being with her would piss off] all my friends, but he wasnt happy they wanted him and Jackie to break up. Hyde says, "You could have been a man and forgiven her. Jackie and Hydes physical affection is back in fine form. ", Jackie: "Look at who decided to finally show up [at the party].".
He refuses, saying, "Hey, how about instead you hit me in the face with a wrench, and I black out?". But then two seasons later, when hes supposed to be the same age, always complains about him and Eric still being at home. The first episode of the 8th and final season Bohemian Rhapsody teases the audience into thinking Jackie and Hyde might stay together. Something more important came up." They continue to make out and are interrupted by Eric and Donna. Jackie is again protective of Hyde against Angie when Angie gets promoted out of Grooves to the corporate office. Jackie says, I like the way his scruffy beard felt on my soft, creamy, porcelain skin, but Black Dog is an episode all about how she hates his beard and wants him to shave it. Jackie wants Hyde to be "on the streets" so he'll have to rely on her and his "love for [her] will grow].
He finally and truly "released" Jackie in the previous episode, having realized she'd grown beyond him thanks to Hyde. Ive been doing just fine since my dad disappeared into the jungle to bring freedom to the grateful natives. Yes, she created a fantasy story rather than stating the truth, that her fathers in prison. Hydes face shows discomfort but he takes Jackies hand and leads her into the kitchen. Hyde breaks up with her over this, but Jackie wins him back by finally telling him she loves him -- and without expecting to hear it in return ("Babe I'm Gonna Leave You".). That '90s Show will likely bring back many of the main characters from the original, and can undo a missed relationship opportunity from its finale.
What happens to Jackie at the end of that 70s show? Hyde returns home after spending two weeks in Las Vegas. Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in "Join Together" with Kelso's help. In "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," in order to catch the viewer up on what happened, Jackie asks Hyde, So, Steven, did you have a good time when you went out with your new dad? Its at least the next day from the previous episode, but Hyde would have shared his experience with Jackie first and alone. 170: 17 "Down the Road Apiece" David Trainer Several episodes of season 6 re-confirmed this effect they had on each other. Toward the end of their date, Jackie asks Hyde what he thought of it. He also took the blame when she almost got arrested for possession. This episode serves as a continuation of "Love, Wisconsin Style". Jackie proves herself to be the braver person, however, and risks confessing she wants to be with Hyde. She pits Hyde and Kelso against each other to prove who loves her the most. They have a hot make-out session in the basement that's interrupted by Hyde's leather-clad date (Raquel). Ashton Kutcher left That 70s Showafter season 7, so its possible the writers had intended a reconciliation but decided they couldnt do it justice without both characters on the show to underscore why they would get back together. During seasons 1-5, compassion was shown to be mixed into her egocentricity. Who's Been Sleeping Here? is another good episode for Jackie and Hyde. Hyde: No, were not Jackie. Hyde answers uncomfortably. Once Jackie catches Kelso cheating on her with Laurie, Jackie seeks comfort and companionship in Hyde. jackie and hyde get back together 47.7M views Discover short videos related to jackie and hyde get back together on TikTok. Hyde: Yeah, and you know what?
List of That '70s and '90s Show characters - Wikipedia Then she says, "Well, you are, Steve. When Jackie says that last line, she kisses Hyde then hugs him, and he doesnt push her away. Jackie: Well, things are changing, Steven. I don't love you" and leaves. She doesn't absorb the rejection, however, or the one following. tells them they have a dress code. She runs on coffee and classic movies, taking pride in having watched every film on AFI's 100 Greatest Films list and every Best Picture Oscar winner. Without demonstration of this growth to balance her lust at Hydes corporate-speak, it becomes a character-reversion instead of a simple of-the-moment response. Jackie keeps both hands on his knee. In "Hot Dog," we learn that Hydes been trying to teach her to value deeper things about people and life, and in "Whole Lotta Love," we see that hes gotten through to her. Hyde takes it upon himself to question Chip. Look, Michael, Steven's the one who messed up the relationship.
Who does Jackie end up with season 8? (2023) - This is not something weve seen Hyde do for Jackie before. Hyde and Kelso make a pact at the hospital to put their friendship first and not go after Jackie. New Jackie and Hyde fan fiction continue to be posted on, and the pairing has over 2,000 stories and counting on the site. Jackie variously asks and orders Hyde to lie to her and say he doesn't think Brooke is hot, and he refuses to do it. Comedy Drama Romance Although everyone keeps meanly abusing Kelso, he proves himself a true friend by realizing Hyde and Jackie may play cool and aloof, they're obviously still in love, so Michael starts shuttle diplomacy, albeit without rendering any sentence correctly, and makes each believe the ot. She tries to keep Donna from telling the Formans the truth about the pot. Sometimes, when Jackie gets sad, she remembers that night . Jackie pulls out all the stops, doing her best to ruin Angies reputation at work. I need to know the guy Im in love with isnt gonna blow me off for a roomful of toys. Jackie and Hyde get caught making out in the basement; Eric and Donna try to convince As punishment for Donna going away to California . What age is Jackie in That 70s Show? In fact, we were explicitly shown and told in The Acid Queen that he doesnt know how to lie to spare her feelings. She shows up later at The Hub's back alley and gives Hyde the pot she bought off her housekeeper. Jackie and Hyde seem to have a physical closeness none of their friends (except maybe Fez) notice. She says the kiss was hot then asks him if he felt anything. I hate the man, Im still dedicated to kicking his ass. Yet an episode later, when Jackie moves in with Donna, she has to listen to very loud abba music to fall asleep. So, fans were always glad to see Jackie and Hyde together because their storylines had an element of unpredictability around them, and even their arguments made for some of the most intriguing moments in the show. Hyde is shocked to see her come down. Hyde often urges his friend Michael Kelso to break up with Jackie, but he also doesn't approve of Kelso's bad behavior toward her (e.g., abandoning Jackie to danger in Halloween and cheating on her with Eric Forman's sister, Laurie). Hyde invites Jackie into his "Dojo of Coolness" and teaches her the art of "Zen," of being aloof and unresponsive to Laurie's taunts. And that pretty much beats our third grade pact. It veers off canon in that Jackie and Kelso don't get back together in 'The Trials of Michael Kelso'. Lets just do what we want, okay? So being with her wasnt about pissing off his friends but about being with her in spite of their friends. We made a point-by-point analysis to see if they really belonged together. She graduated from the University of Oregon with a B.A. So that would mean that Jackie and Fez broke up the same year she and Kelso got back together and had their child. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #jackieandhyde, #getbacktogether, #jandlgetbacktogether, #jackandgabgetbacktogether, #jacobandjoeygetbscktogether, #getjandkbacktogether, #meandjaydenbacktogether, #annieandhaydenbacktogether, # . You like me in a wedding dress, which means that -- someday -- were gonna get married.. You can find her work if you want to, you know, 5 Reasons Why Jackie And Hyde From That 70s Show Belonged Together (& 5 Reasons They Didn't), That '70s Show: 5 Reasons Why The Show Was Better Without Eric (& 5 Why It Was Worse), That '70s Show: 19 Things Wrong With Hyde We All Choose To Ignore, That 70s Show: 10 Hidden Details About Eric's Basement That You Missed, That '70s Shows Characters: 9 Types of Intelligence. He says, "Nothing?" Fans were always anxious about what Jackie and Hyde would do even if they did manage to end up with each other. Jackie also says, And I knew being with him would piss of my mom, but her mom was absent until halfway through season 6. Before W.B. 9. Who married Fez? It was awkward at first but ultimately led to them making out. Jackie and Hyde start a romantic relationship in season 5. Moreover, it was one of the most refreshing on-screen couples of the lastfew decades and fans loved the added drama. Jackie says to Hyde that "This hatred thing you have for me is just you protecting yourself." This, she understands and becomes dejected. He must have learned how, and hes not doing it to protect himself. In the first episode of season 6 ("The Kids are Alright"). Which would make her 15-16 years old, she celebrates her birthday in a Season 5 episode at least two months before Thanksgiving of 1978. Jackie and Hyde go to the hills of Mt. and starting a true career has freaked Hyde out.
TV Couple Moments That Were So Bad People Actually Gave Up - BuzzFeed With Topher Grace, Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson. The truth comes out, however, that Jackie was merely comforting Kelso over Fez's sex dream about him (Nobody's Fault But Mine"). She says, "I just wanted you to know that I'm not a square cheerleader.
Do hyde and jackie end up together? Explained by Sharing Culture You kiddin me? Down the Road Apiece continues with Jackie and Hyde claiming their connection was based on mutual secrecy and disgust, and this utterly contradicts and dismisses the truth of their relationship, as depicted throughout the earlier seasons.
Do jackie and hyde stay together? - She tells W.B. Hyde keeps telling Jackie that he and she arent getting married. [Kelso leaves.
when do jackie and hyde get back together Though they didnt end up with each other, many fans to this day, still root for the couple. But her motive was to make Hyde feel better. Hes very busy at Grooves, and hes only half paying attention to what shes saying. "Beast of Burden" epitomizes season 7's inconsistent writing of Jackie and Hyde especially where Jackie is concerned. Jackie and Hyde's reconciliation doesn't come easily.
you're the one that i want - ymnfilter - That '70s Show [Archive of Our He reacts Zen, which Jackie sees through, thanks to her lessons in "Cat Fight Club". Jackie's reaction to Hyde's revelation about her name is to scream that she hates him and to physically attack him. Youre so complicated. We all know about the major notorious plot and character inconsistencies like the timeline that never makes sense and all of season 8, but Ive noticed a lot more inconsistencies. Hyde is annoyed by Jackie staring at him. Though this could've just been the actor's body language. Jackie inadvertently lets slip her pet name for Hyde, and Hyde's teased relentlessly for it. Hyde is still giving Jackie the cold shoulder, so Kelso decides to help get them back together. Jackie Burkhart ( Mila Kunis) and Michael Kelso ( Ashton Kutcher) didn't get their happily ever after on That '70s Show. Did Jackie end up with Hyde? . 6 They belonged together: Jackie never tried to 'fix' Hyde. At the end of the episode, Hyde laments the fact that he and Jackie used to kind of just hang out before they were in a romantic relationship. Hyde teases Jackie at her new job, saying, "The floor is shiny and I can see your heiny.". RELATED: That '70s Show: 19 Things Wrong With Hyde We All Choose To Ignore. Fez and Jackie were still together on new years '80. Subtextually, though, their behavior tells another story.
"That '70s Show" Jackie Bags Hyde (TV Episode 2000) - IMDb Granted, its for her own interest, too. Hyde says to Jackie, Screw it. Hyde reads Jackie's permanent record.
"That '70s Show" Join Together (TV Episode 2003) - IMDb She also says to him, "Youre afraid to reach the peaks of love, for fear of being dropped off a cliff. Jackie tries to comfort Hyde by bringing her relationship to her own father into the discussion. Hyde says, "Jackie, I think youre overreacting and, yes. Hyde sees how miserable Jackie and Kelso are without each other. Hyde decides he cant stoop to [Angies] level but allows Jackie to. Their fans also point out undeniable physical chemistry. Still, the show clearly has the opportunity to improve upon where it went wrong with its season 8 character endings. runs a music business, its still a business, and Jackie tries to help Hyde as best she can. Hyde responds to Jackie's sentiment by blowing a raspberry at her.