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Im still baffled by Arpis decision to publicize a plagiarized essay whose validity affected his place at Stanford. If yes, then go ahead and write about it. Starting point: Ghazanchi Before I can say a single word, my RBF broadcasts: Stay away. If I do not maintain a smile, strangers, friends, and even family are afraid to approach, assuming I am in a grumpy mood. Information Center: Paghakn village (+374 245 6 0909) Were Aram & Megan! It also lines up with his arc of being a communicator and how he does it (one his big ECs was speech). Due to differences in gender, race, age, culture, or opinion, we often ignore each others voices, preventing progress. it's not fair to the kids who did everything the right way, who worked just as hard if not harder, and are just as smart and qualified to get rejected while someone who plagiarized got admitted. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Nearly two years after . at the very least, i think we can all agree his spot should be given to someone who didn't plagiarize and has same or better stats. Alternatively, you can do just a day trip to Lake Arpi from Gyumri and stay in the city. Privacy Policy. Posted by 5 minutes ago. He was a consulting project analyst at Wikihow, Microsoft, and Sondors Inc. Arpi Park started his YouTube channel in December 2018 and has 270 million subscribers as of July 2022. The second will end in Zarishat instead of back at Paghakn. It is situated at 1500-3100m above sea level and the lake and wetlands surrounding it are designated as a Ramsar Convention Protection Site (since 1993). When I dropped 10 years of drawing experience to fully pursue photography in high school, I found my real voicebut I also lost a meaningful part of my childhood. I couldnt predict a dead bird. If youd like to see more sites on the way to Lake Arpi, dont miss out on the gorgeous Marmashen Monastery on the way from Gyumri to the park. Length: 21.3km You can bring your own tent, or rent one from the headquarters at Paghakn. To rent a tent, it will cost anywhere from 2000 AMD to 4000 AMD depending on the size. The contents and methods of my presentations have expanded, but the same goals remain. This trail is a long one but has a few different spurs from it that will give you a different route for a couple of kilometers. Lake Arpi National Park is comprised of Western, Eastern, Ardenis, Alva, and Akhuryan Gorge districts and the total area of the park is 21179 hectares. One of the most prolific things to do in Lake Arpi National Park is to go hiking. On the second trail, there are two picnic areas and you will also get to see the pine forests of Berdashen and Shaghik. I find it interesting how he compares his conviction to Homer, MLK, Dali, and Kubrick. Doubt hell get excepted into anything more than a community college after that. I can understand his intentions better, and I can definitely get a sense of how he tries his hardest to rise above RBF and create a more welcoming atmosphere for those around him. More than anything, we get a sense of Arpis sense of humor, but as a bonus, we see how it connects back to his arc. I always rewatch his video if I need inspiration, Wow, thank you for writing this analysis! As my classmates screamed in hysteria, I realized it may have been a mistake. Difficulty: Easy. The trail goes from the headquarters at Paghakn to Ardenis to the wetlands on the old riverbed of Akhuryan back to Paghakn. Im not going to go too in-depth on analyzing this supplement. With Arpis essay, it serves as his origin story and a unique twist that provides comedic relief when most essays suck. You know, a long while ago, I watched one of Arpis videos about his essays, and I thought, hey, I can do that. IELTS, TOEFL, and learning English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXzBHgxCJfU7. Your email address will not be published. Arpi may well never post another video and just continue to live a "normal" life once people forget about his internet fame. Every day, I look for dead birdsideas worth sharing with the world. share. The elevation of this open plateau is relatively high, meaning colder and windier weather . All of this adds to his soft arc of wanting to be a more intentional listener. This essay gives the why behind his extracurriculars, something that the 150 char description in the activities section could not have done, and something the AOs couldnt infer just by taking a glance at his ECs. Answering the why part is what can give your answer nuancenamely substance.). It establishes what the rest of the essay is probably going to be like because it serves as a transition to the next paragraph. You Can See The Remains Of Heritage USA In South Carolina - OnlyInYourState He is best known for being a YouTuber. people who are like its not even that deep abt his plagiarism have a HUGE wake up call coming in college when they realize it is, in fact, that deep in academia. Arpi if you ever see this just know that I still think you're funny asf and I'll keep watching your videos. And all of this stemmed from the age of 4. Vote. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Hard arc: Effective communicator driven to tell meaningful stories, to inspire and to surprise others through multiple mediums of communication, whatever form that may take., Soft arc: Become a better listener by ensuring that he listens carefully and with intention.. Has Stanford said theyre looking into it? 10/10 good work, Best essay Ive seen on youtube imo. I then realized I had a problem. The Arpi Park theorem: don't let competition overrun your life 117. Arpi Park Birthday & Fun Facts | Kidadl There is an information center at Paghakn village right on the lake. Please note that the visitor center in Ghazanchi community is not right on the lake and unless youre coming from Ashotsk, it is not where youll want to stop. We see that his curiosity starts to show more and more as the essay continues (and application), and I think Stanford loved to see that. This guesthouse is located in Ardenis and it provides accommodation for 5 people. Hosts here will provide guests with a warm atmosphere, fresh food, and eco-products. Visitor Center: Ghazanchi community (+374 245 6 0908); Mets Sepasar (+374 948 3 3190) Create Playlist. Suspension + community service would still send a message that plagiarism isnt tolerated, but theres less of a risk of being called overly punitive, and its consistent with their disciplinary policy. You need to put that love back into yourself. There are four popular trails at Lake Arpi National Park. [I initially wrote this in the comments of his post, but then I decided that I wanted to write it here where potentially more people might see it]. Im glad you think its cool! Yet, the response excited me. what ended up happening to arpi park and the stanford ppl. A master orator, he reportedly made audiences weep by merely enunciating the word Mesopotamia and even got the stingy Benjamin Franklin to empty his pockets for the offering. Brother vs. The fact he gets excited is also something to take note of! My first Good Friday servicea annual service to mourn the crucifixion of Christwas the greatest show I had ever seen. Arpis application, in my opinion, had a hard and soft arc. Amasia village: Another fantastic place to visit in Shirak is Amasia village. It is known for its colorful houses and the Amasia Wool Factory. It is truly a beautiful little place and there is also a Lenin statue still there! Length: either 25.4km or 24.7km (depending on which one you take) Arpi is based out of Naperville, Illinois, United States and works in the Higher Education industry. It was finally my turn for Show-and-Tell. I had seen birds before, but he was the first with a broken neck. Thing is, maybe the school will want to be overly harsh to make an example for future applicants. Arpi does it well, and it helps showcase his personality. But, so do beginner ones. so what happened to arpi park cuz of this? Your email address will not be published. 9 "Party Powder" Explosion At Taiwan Water Park. Kate Goodchild, Luke Dorsett, Roozbeh Araghi . idk I just didn't think he would get expelled for that. At art shows, I sneak around, peeking through display panels to catch every double-take, shocked expression, and thoughtful starethe signs of my ideas swaying theirs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I didnt really watch Arpi for his college admissions videos (my attention span is really short when it comes to those types of videos, haha), but I watched his reading of one of his poems and really enjoyed it. was it busting when they ate it? Arpi Park Birth Name: Arpi Park Occupation: YouTuber Born In: United States Birthdate: May 21, 2000 Age: 22 years old (as of 2023) Ethnicity: Unknown Nationality: American Sexuality: N/A Arpi Park was born on the 21st of May, 2000. Category:Lake Arpi National Park - Wikimedia Commons A cold freeze is the most likely scenario to occur. Arpi was involved in speech and heavily involved in art (with various awards). Heck, he's (probably) gonna have a Stanford degree, so he's most likely gonna be successful one way or another and have a higher starting salary than most of us. Difficulty: Easy. The Remnants Of This Abandoned Theme Park In South Carolina Are Hauntingly Beautiful. Here, hes eager to learn to listen and wait. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Reread his app last night and thought I would crank this out for fun this morning lol. Park was the executive board member of the school speech team and became a state champion in informative speaking. With an extra hour, I could return to where it all started: drawing with mom. Lake Arpi National Park is an ideal spot to go picnicking. You can set up wherever youd like once in the part (just be sure you dont leave anything behind) or you can rent a table from the information center. Earlier I mentioned that he had a soft theme. and our Did Arpi Park get expelled from Stanford? Thanks so much! The list of things he is currently unsure about include: His major His religion/philosophy His classes for next quarter His name His next meal Everything Both are insanely affordable (2000 AMD for a dorm bed in one). Prices vary for other places in the guesthouse. Think about it from the schools point of view, You can either ignore it, expel him, or come up with a more moderate punishment. Following suit, my own grotesque photography discomforts audiences but also provokes thought. im a student and the world's most inconsistent youtuber. ), 29 Diverse Things to Do in the Debed Canyon (+ Travel Tips! From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. Lake Arpi National Park - Caucasus Nature Fund wait wait what did arpi park do?? He posts videos about a variety of topics and also features his brother and girlfriend in them. there are more than enough qualified, hardworking, smart, honest kids with better stats who didn't plagiarize and they deserve the spot more. He was also the Scholastic Art Competition National Gold Medalist. How to get into Harvard Master's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvoo9FXoFRQ3. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. it sucks really bad that so many people looked up to him and he took it upon himself to openly advertise the work he plagiarized. Media in category "Lake Arpi National Park" The following 46 files are in this category, out of 46 total. Ill be analyzing each essay and how we learn a lot about him, but Ill also be talking about a bigger part of the application: a hard and soft theme. Literally title. Ideally, you want to add nuance and depth to your arc in each response (and not every prompt needs to hit the arc. It complements what he already has without touching his arc too much. What do you read, listen to, or watch? If youre seeking activities and information, the info center at Paghakn will be of great use to you! arpi_park - Twitch Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. I haven't actually seen anyone worship or support him on A2C after the plagiarism was revealed? In this paragraph, we start to understand his motivations behind his art, photography. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. One of the most prolific things to do in Lake Arpi National Park is to go hiking. The area is an interesting terrain and while it may not appear to be challenging, difficult hikes do exist! But, so do beginner ones. The wildflowers, wild berries, and views make Lake Arpi an excellent place for hikers. Ill talk more about his soft theme in a bit. Why South Park Finally Killed Kenny Off Permanently - ScreenRant Those plagiarism guidelines are for those who have committed plagiarism while at Stanford. Shirak is the coldest region in Armenia and the most comfortable season to visit is definitely summer. While many other places in Armenia are scorching during the summer months, you will definitely see the best of Shirak if you visit in summer. a collective of all the featured songs on his channel. save. Arpi Park - Age, Bio, Personal Life, Family & Stats - CelebsAges The rest of the essay serves as a montage. In other words, his common app and supplements are well-crafted and vibrant, and create a fuller picture of who he is behind the 14AP classes, test scores, gpa and ECs. For the finale, the lights dimmed for Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ: 100+ minutes of incredibly graphic, gut-wrenching scenes of Christs torture and crucifixion. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. It is a Ramsar Convention-protected site, and a national park was established around the lake in 2009.During the winter, it is completely covered by ice. Man was my role model for years; I've watched his IHSA round recordings many times over. Know that the big questions I ask still apply to the supplements. I found it pretty funny, actually, and I think thats why this introduction works so well. For understanding the significance behind themes, see ScholarGrades work here. New images show life inside Prince's Paisley Park | CNN Notice how in his most significant challenge response, historical moment response, and five words to describe himself response, they all are about communication in one way or another. The details of the story have a point, and its to illustrate just how much he really paid attention and was captivated by the peoples responses. Difficulty: Moderate/Difficult. If you dont mind, can you also analyze Chloe Tans essays? Unless you've got a time machine, that content is unavailable. It made me laugh, I felt kind of strange while reading because I was shocked that he brought in a dead bird, and I was curious to learn how his story unfolded. Cookie Notice Last summer, while taking classes in Seoul, I encountered a fascinating street performera drug dealer turned Christian evangelist, he had devoted his life to praising Jesus on the streets. Nothing else can capture the wonderful nuances of vocal expression. Arpi Park said getting into Stanford was easier than most top colleges, yet the admit rate says otherwise. Extra hour in the day Taking my mom's drawing lessons again. Length: 32.1km He admitted in his post that he used the entire paragraph structure. And then I did. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Change volume. it sucks really bad that so many people looked up to him and he took it upon himself to openly advertise the work he plagiarized comraderedditerr 2 yr. ago One of my essays was inspired by Candide. PS: The universe is unlikely to undergo heat death at the rate of its accelerating expansion. AbsoluteArmenia.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Harvard vs Georgia State University ft Harnoor Singh - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spouAjOezBk4. Seriously people. Required fields are marked *. In order to reserve a space at the guesthouse, you will need to call (+374 938 2 4005). When my face is relaxed, I unintentionally look very angry. Lake Arpi - Wikipedia Does anyone know what happened to Arpi Park? : r/ApplyingToCollege - reddit Its like those songs that have the same instrumentals, intentional or not. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Did I actually resonate with this person through this essay? This guesthouse is situated at the headquarters and I had the chance to tour it. There are actually two guesthouses on site- one is inside of the headquarters and the other is in a building right beside it. Gyumri: Well, the chances that youre visiting from Gyumri are high, but if not, head down there for a day or two! Be sure to check out Herbs & Honey teashop as well as Gwoog Gastrohouse, two of our Gyumri favorites. These sights made the trip there so perfect! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hes showing his fascination and curiosity with peoples reactions here, which is good. was it busting? For more information, please see our To make up for my disadvantage, I must be constantly conscious about how people feel. It was relatable, it was funny, and it gave me a deeper understanding of just how much Arpi cares about communicating with other people. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You got this! I must not have heard the photographer say Smile as he took the photo. Others do not. Love this post! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. How to Visit Lake Arpi National Park (and Why You Should!) i think arpi park will probably be expelled as he should because he goes to school in the u.s., plagiarism is a huge deal in the u.s., if it's another country then maybe it's not as big of a deal, for example there are famous people in china who plagiarized entire novels and refused to even admit it or apologize until like ten years later and I am a bit taken aback though. In the second act, the pastor preached the gospel, speaking with so much power and conviction that everyone fell to their knees in prayer. Recognized as a skilled orator, I landed an opportunity to speak at Napervilles Memorial Day Parade.