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As the Librarian, turn the two valves that create the color that the Explorer relayed to you. The symbols below indicate the types of pipes and their location in the slots. Three of the usable settings will play music when lined up correctly, but the 4th one will let you hear a man calling for help, and that is the one you want. Both players unlock for completing chapter 1. Head around the back and pick up blue plant with mushroom tentacles seeds next to a small cart on the floor. Move the Black Knight (back row of pieces, 2nd from the left) to the right of the black pawn in front of it (down two spaces, right one space). And finally pick up the amber and nothing fuse and place it on the second coil to the right of the fuses. Player 1 use the turnstile go forward and right to the next turnstile. Next, the player on the right steps onto the elevator with the dynamite mark. It's pretty simple. Both players together must create a third stone. The point you need to interact with first is the gauge on the right. The second playthrough should start with the person who did not receive the "Everything is Better With Friends" achievement. The order in which the books must be found does not matter! The second player must explain where they are located. There are only 2 times that the Librarian is required to interact with something for a puzzle. To solve the puzzle you need to perform the following sequence of actions: After the previous knights, the next riddle will be around the other four knights along the royal throne. You can play the game in co-op mode with a friend of yours, who can take on the role of either a Lord or a Peasant. A player with a picture of a bearded man looking to the left should make up the word ESPIAN. Player 1 walk forward and take the blue gemstone from the door. Refilled the colored tanks Unlocked by both players in Chapter 7 for filling the three tanks with coloured gases. Relay what color you see to the Librarian, note that the answer is the color that is SPELLED OUT, not the color of the letters. The player in the hall presses the button once. Both Players head into the caves until they reach a gate with a blue gem. Turn left, walk across the compass and down a set of stairs. We Were Here merch store is live! Time stamps: - 0:00 - Game information- 1:30 - Chapter 1- 11:56 - Chapter 2- 16:59 - Chapter 3- 20:52 - Chapter 4- 26:13 - Chapter 5- 32:13 - Chapter 6- 36:18 - Chapter 7- 1:03:42 - Chapter 8- 1:17:40 - Chapter 9- 1:26:14 - Chapter 10Buy the game here - Game Pass Ultimate -\ SUBSCRIBE - Outro Designed by Grabster: Social Media Lower Thirds Designed By: Follow AchievementSquad Email - Instagram - Twitter - Xbox Community - iBrennan6238 \u0026 Drastic Ed xo------------------------------------------------------------- Spreadshirt Shop! Two players need to match only 4 waves. You see now an old, broken mine with a lot of wodden elevators.
We Were Here Together Review - GameSpew A straightforward guide to solving the puzzles of We Were Here Too with images. This walkthrough is the property of Completing this puzzle. If you save it for the third run and beat the game without mistakes or dying on Run 2, Run 3 will only have to be up until the Dungeon. OBJECTIVE 1: On the chessboard, Peasant must slay the soldiers using the knight with the blue cape using Lord's chessboard placed on the left of his room of the glass paintings. Player 1 Pick up the Soulstone head downstairs and place the Soulstone in the machine with the other two stones. The stone must be taken. Unlocked by Player 1 at the end of Chapter 7. Another two pipes are on the bookcase at the back. When it touches the water, the player in this room will die and the riddle will have to be started new. Before standing on the centerpiece though, cross the room and ascend the stairs. Head to the rack and pick up the purple bottle with the purple plants (PE) and grab the green three layered mushroom (FR), Head right to the mixer place the purple bottle with the purple plants (PE) and the green three layered mushroom (FR) and press the button. The last lever can be found behind the door on the left. Here are the recipes from another player's room: In the other room can you find all the equipment. Player 1 leave the lift and head down the stairs, get in the mine cart lift and press go up four times. Escape from the Frozen Courtyard ..and didnt lose your cool, Assisted in escaping the Frozen Courtyard ..and learned some new tricks. Player 2 head right and pull the red switch. Once there the players must use the two levers to input the coordinates onto the map. Eventually we want to create the Soulstone. The bottom of the clock opens in both rooms both players need to pick this book up. On Player 2s wall an electrical grid shows which fuses work next to each other, Player 1 must tell Player 2 which fuses are already placed onto the Tesla coils and Player 2 must tell Player 1 which fuses can work with the previous coil. OX = OIxymurexoris (carrot) If done correctly a pin will pop out in Player 1s room however operating the wrong crystal will reset the puzzle. Hit the switch to the left. If you enjoy We Were Here Together, don't forget to check out the earlier entries in the series: We Were Here and We Were Here Too. There is also a small garden where you need to grow fruits, seed bags and scoops are scattered throughout the garden. Place the t-junction in the first space rotate to connect up, down and right. Both players by this point will unlock The Curse of Castle Rock, The Curse of Castle RockObtained all We Were Here Together trophies, Minor IllusionSolve the puzzles of the Grand Alchemist. Player 1 get into the diamond lift on the left hand side and go up one floor also, go up the stairs until you reach the dynamite lift and press down two times.
We Were Here Together__bilibili Equivalent ExchangeCreate the Soulstone through the power of alchemy. You need to brew the following poisons to create one, deadly poison to defeat the carnivorous plant. Once done click on the door of the vehicle to get in, player 1 head back to the garage and also click on the door to get in. In addition to 6 strange animal paintings, there are also 3 paintings with floral ornaments. Room #1 Puzzle #1 Objective: Solve the cylinder puzzle on Peasant's side, twice. E1 already has a grass pin and we know that Fire beats grass so Player must place a fire pin into B3 and player 2 must connect the two pins and blue line will appear if done correctly.
We Were Here Together Trophy Guide - Knoef Trophy Guides All rights reserved.
Families of slain reporter, 9-year-old girl come together at heart We Were Here Together - 100% Achievement Walkthrough We Were Here Together is a first-person cooperative puzzle adventure set in and aroun Show more Show more We Were Here. Please refer to Shock Therapy for more information. Place all 4 at the same position as in the other room. Can we make it back - together? Read more about it in the, There are no more reviews that match the filters set above, Adjust the filters above to see other reviews. Help us fix it by posting in its. We can now complete the bridge. These elevators are needed to introduce players to the rule of the puzzle. We are heading back the way we came. When you find yourself trapped in different parts of the sinister Castle Rock, you will only have your walkie-talkies and your wits to figure out how to escape. First, the player in the cave must line up the signs so that a line can be drawn through them. Behind the candles in Player 1s room is an object with a crystal ball on top. you can choose between: Mistover How to Defeat Orbis Brain (Boss 4), where in the world in chapter 7 poisons is the weird mushroom with the holes, there is no seed packet or recipe i could find. Player 2 can stop it rotating by using a red cog or taking away one of the moving cogs. Keep in mind that after the part with the Stars, the bridge is divided into two parts. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. From the compass (looking north), turn right and take your first right. Make sure you two switch roles from playthrough 1 (in the lobby, press on the grey box with the role in it to swap) and proceed this time with the intent to complete every puzzle without dying or making mistakes. ReStore e Kettydo+ insieme per il lancio della soluzione Smart Loyalty Use it and go to your left and in a tunnel is a blue switch, pull it.
We Were Here Together Review - The Gamer There will be chalk drawings of symbols between these pillars. We Were Here Together is a co-op indie puzzle game about two people stuck in the arctic who come across a suspicious looking castle and need to figure out puzzles together in order to escape~ I play the role of The Alchemist Spire and Kita plays as The Fallen Sanctuary role :3Here's part 9 (Chapter 9) of our playthrough where we get to where we can make The Soul Stone and sort through a bunch of long words and potions in order to make the last crystal to create the final stone! One device with two slots and the other with three. There are 5 of it in the room and you need to light them all. First space t-junction rotate left connecting left, right and up. Below is a map of the maze: Here is the outline of what we are accomplishing in the dungeon: Here are in-depth instructions for completing the dungeon for people who would like them (if not, then skip to the end of the puzzle explanation): It is recommended you read ahead, as your vision becomes obscured the longer it takes you to complete this next puzzle, followed by death after a few minutes. If you activate the wrong crystal, then all others will be canceled. Plant these seeds and then pick up another set of these seeds and plant these also. We Were Here Too - Puzzle Solutions A straightforward guide to solving the puzzles of We Were Here Too with images. P1 goes back along the same path, asking P2 to pull the blue lever. In the third space place the t-junction and rotate right twice to connect left, right and down. To complete this puzzle we have to match the knights in both Player 1 and Player 2s room, As player 1 mover the blue curtain to expose some light in player 2s room.
That can help for a short time. PA = pristaxiofilexorate (yellow fruits) Now go on top of the house and you can find a signal transmitter. Player 2 head through the now open blue gate and wait on the turnstile. Posted at 12:56 PM, Feb 28, 2023. and last updated 5:40 AM, Mar 01, 2023. PEASANT: You must direct Lord to move the knight towards the other soldiers on the board protecting the castle.
we were here together - AM = aliomigna (unhappy radish) Based on recipes, combine the ingredients here. While in one of the rooms there is a lever for supplying a red flame, and in the other two levers for yellow and blue. You wake up in a small house in the middle of nowhere. of the art on my channel is done by me :DSubscribe and Win!If you enjoyed yourself, like the video! These are necessary to the installation because it will be necessary to transmit flames of a certain color. When put in correctly, you will both earn your respective role's achievements. Go all the way up the stairs then around the middle and up the stairs again going right and go through the door. However if you play as the librarian and you pull the lever on the second floor it brings the chandelier which you can then jump onto and it will slowly . Turn right and walk to the end of this hallway, passing underneath another open blue gate on the way.