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Methyl chloride has high vapor pressure, meaning that it evaporates extremely quickly and turns into gas that can easily be inhaled, especially in a small bathroom that may not be adequately ventilated. Ive asked for a materials data sheet and nothing. I have 3 kids in a tiny apt in Brooklyn. It was not adequately explained and we should have asked more questions. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. Its in our best interest to devise a way to remove these coatings without harming ourselves or the environment. In Europe, the use of paint strippers containing more than 0.1 % methylene chloride is allowed only in industrial installations with adequate controls to reduce exposure. I have learned some incredible information in this report. My question is, am I in danger using the peeling bathtub??? After doing research on reglazing chemicals typically used for bathtubs, we found that it's strongly suggested to (1) not be in the home for at least 48 hours after the reglazing and (2) that leaving windows open is not enough, but you must bring in some kind of ventilation gear such as hurricane fans or powered tubing to clear the area out . We are sorry to hear about your health issues. I dont think I had the right mask on. A 2015 report by the Center for Public Integrity on U.S. deaths connected to methylene chloride noted that researchers have argued for 30 years that regulation of methylene chloride in the U.S. isnt strong enough to protect workers and that warnings on labels for consumers are insufficient. Always wear hand and eye protection. NIOSH analytical method 1001 is typically used to sample for methylene chloride in a workers breathing zone. I wish they warned me and Id have had means to stay out of house for a few days. You may want to contact the Environmental Protection Agency or The Consumer Product Safety Commission. It took me a little bit to get used to, and while it doesn't look super cool, it's clean and an upgrade from the '90s pink tile for sure.. Karma: 3. Use full-face air-supplied respirators, protective gloves, and other appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) that is resistant to methylene chloride during the entire refinishing process. If you are concerned for your pets, it may be a good idea to remove them from the home during the stripping process. The past three days have been the hardest in my entire life. Ive read some incredible information in this article. So, if the concentration were over the PEL, for example at 50 ppm, the workers would exceed the 25 ppm average limit in 4 hours. Thanks! Delivered to your inbox twice weekly - for free. Very helpful and will definitely be one of the things to look out for on my rehabs.. Great article. Wearing a dust mask should not be confused with fitting a respirator with organic cartridges. After a few years, she was diagnosed with lung cancer (she never smoked) and died in 1999. If I do decide to hire a professional, I will make sure they have the ventilation equipment described here. After working in retail for many years, my mother retired, began buying and refinishing furniture. Please take proper safety precautions, as well as warn others of these seriously dangerous situations. Thats why we see it a lot in historic neighborhoods.. It was heart breaking. There were 13 Fatal Exposures to Methylene Chloride Paint Strippers Among Bathtub Refinishers in the last decade. (Centers for Disease Control) Not to mention those who experience unexplained symptoms that go undiagnosed that may also be caused from these dangerous bathtub refinishing and paint stripping chemicals. My building was recently sold and our rent was raised by 100 percent. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. I opened my windows, all four. She enjoyed improving discarded furniture, then selling it it was like art to her. Care must be taken to ensure that workers are not overexposed to particulates being generated during sanding operations. If you just bought a Mercedes, would you put a rubber mat on the roof? White asks. I have no experience in this type of work, my day job is a guidance counselor, but I started thinking about how we might prevent these fatalities from happening going forward, if using MC. During the entire refinishing process, the room should be adequately ventilated to protect workers. With just a day or two of work, reglazing the centerpiece of your bathroom with a durable coating and color is an easy way to give your tub a quick facelift without breaking the bank.
Are Bathtub Refinishing Fumes Dangerous? Bathtub Reglazing Safety Tips: How to Protect Yourself - TopKote We had one bathtub redone in our old house a few years ago but I think they just re-coated it. Its the very first time I call at your blog, however was very impressed. If the room where it was used is flushed with fresh air, perhaps by using a small fan, it is unlikely that any methylene chloride will be present or continue to leech out days after the re-glazing was done. I think this post was very helpful in knowing the bad effects of such dangerous products. Bathtub refinishing is also known as reglazing, or resurfacing.
Are Bathtub Refinishing Fumes Dangerous? ive found a majority of the time the diy kits people use never adhere well. We do not have any information about leaching of polyurethane/acrylic bathtub finishing. Is it safe to bath in especially for my toddler??? What is an escalation clause and what are the risks? I am Gary Goel owner of the Professional Bathtub Refinishers Association. After the surface has dried, it is 100% safe to use the bathroom fixture. The concentration of the exposure is important too. We have had a terrible experience. Sad to hear, but at least proves to me that I was right!
Fatal Exposure to Methylene Chloride Among Bathtub Refinishers United UNTIL RE-GLAZED? Simply not worth the risk. You can review and change the way we collect information below. Tub and tile were original to the 1957 home and were actually not in bad shape. If the vapor smell continues and is persistent you should call a safety and health professional to evaluate the area. I am thankful to those who began to get the word out to the general public, you have certainly saved lives by doing so. The fog was so thick and i could barely take a breath even with fans on. I would like to know. I certainly will be approaching this much differently. If youre nervous, leaving your apartment for the duration of the job is always an option. NIOSH research and prevention efforts focus on worker risk, so we are not able to address this kind of exposure. We are a BBB Certified Resurfacing company located in Houston, Texas. I have stripped hundreds of tubs.
Bathtub Refinishing Fumes - How To Protect Yourself - EzineArticles It is the first time I visit your blog, but I was extremely impressed. Its really awesome and very dangers take care guys My question is about whether it leaches during use.
Everything You Need to Know About Bathtub Refinishing Lowering exposures, even below the PEL, is considered to be good industrial hygiene practice. Your local health department may also be able to provide more assistance or information. Refinishing a tub consists of applying a new chemical coating with a special brush or roller to an acrylic, porcelain, fiberglass, or cultured marble bathtub without removing the old layer first. I am a first time user of the refinishing kit. The use of methylene chloride killed many people in the industry. I smelled that horrible smell for nearly 3 weeks after he was doneeven my cigarette smoke couldnt compete. We are inconsolable. I think this post was very helpful in knowing the bad effects Bathtub refinishing of such dangerous products. Even if you hire a professional to reglaze or refinish your bathtub, you and your family or other residents should leave the property during the entire process, including while the epoxy coat cures after application. As a point of comparison, water boils at 212 F and has a room temperature vapor pressure of 17 mmHg. Its a multi-step process that involves cleaning the tub thoroughly and sanding it to remove any soap scum or other particles, and repairing cracks or worn areasall of these imperfections will affect the quality and durability of the final finishing coat. Exposure to methylene chloride can be lethal. A bathtub replacement can cost around $2,900 on average and may add value to your property. All the tips in the post are great. Himmelstein McConnell Gribben & Joseph LLP. It hurt to know my best friend was no longer alive but his body stayed warm and breathing only by use of machines. These are classified as potential human carcinogens according to the U.S. Department of Labor, and protective gear should be worn when working with them. Vanity of a tub isnt worth it. Works on all types of surfaces. Thank you! I own a home built in 1940 and have been considering getting my cast iron bathtub refinished. We can ask questions and be well-informed. It's a multi-step process that involves cleaning the tub thoroughly and sanding it to remove any soap scum or other particles, and repairing cracks or worn areasall of these imperfections will affect the quality and durability of the final finishing coat. information posted by individuals on this site is correct, and disclaims any liability for any I understand the dangers of the application process, but what about the 2/3 days following the reglazing? Unfortunately, manufacturers tend to play-down the immediate and especially long-term exposure risks from degassing (fumes) that occur perhaps over the next month or more. sprayed with materials that emit fumes which may be hazardous to the tenant's health if inhaled in the working concentration within the first 4-6 hours after completion of the job. My friend was in the bathroom for only 4 minutes until his co workers had discovered him lying head first into the bathtub, still wearing proper mask and gloves both of which in good condition. He did it 6 years ago when we moved in. (before we had kids). Im not familiar with the Australian occupational health and safety system but you might want to start with Safe Work Australia . Is it dangerous to any or all of us? Thanks to those whoever posted this article. I very much agree with you, that safety and health is a very important thing in our lives, Maybe others reading this blog will be able to help point you in the right direction. Methylene chlorides boiling point is just over 100 F, and has a vapor pressure of 350 mmHg. The first method uses a benzyl alcohol-based stripper as an alternative to MC and N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP)-based chemical strippers. What's included in a deal sheet when you buy a NYC apartment? An apartment maintenance man entered the apartment to look for the man and found him behind the closed bathroom door, unresponsive, and slumped over the tub. Dust masks do not protect you from bathtub refinishing vapors. Great amazing blog post I really love such lovely blog posts. Wow, great article on the dangers and Health Effects when methylene chloride is used. Thank you for spreading the word on the importance of this! Methylene chloride is extremely dangerous when not used properly, this is an understatement, but Im glad its finally being brought to peoples attention. As far as we are concerned, 2k urethane systems should not be allowed in residential use. Using methylene chloride products in a bathroom is extremely dangerous as bathrooms are often small, enclosed spaces with little or no ventilation. My cat and I were both really sick afterwards and my cat has now passed one told us to go anywhere else, my cat was unable to be transported anyway and so was I since Im handicapped. Who cares what a bathtub looks like as long as it works? I live in low income housing, a few years ago they said my tub need to be refinished. Step 2: Clean the Tub Thoroughly Step 3: Protect Areas Around the Tub Step 4: Remove the Glaze Step 5: Sand the Surface Step 6: Prep the Surface for Glaze Application The two maintenance men pulled the man off of the tub. HOPING THE SAME FINEST OPERATE IN THE UP COMING DAYS ALSO. After the bathtub has been stripped and resurfaced how long is the danger from the Methylene chloride still in the air? Thanks for telling us now. Thank you. Myown life was almost cut short stripping a bathtub and I was using the best Equipment money can buy but machinery or equipment can fail.
9 Easy Steps to Refinish Your Bathtub | Lowe's Id thought of using a refinishing kit, but after reading this, I guess Ill just live with the chip. What if your bathtub could be transformed in one day from embarrassing to your bathroom's sparkling centerpiece? Pacific Reglazing provides high quality, affordable kitchen and bathroom repair and refinishing services throughout the Greater Los Angeles area, the San Fernando Valley, Ventura, Orange County and Riverside County. 21 people who I worked with at that time have all died,one very recently with cancer. Will these chemicals be leaching out of the surface, presenting a health concern from contact? Not worth it. We slept inside the apartment after the workers did the bathtub glazing, should we go to the clinic to make sure we are fine? Its in our best interest to devise a way to remove these coatings without harming ourselves or the environment. The fumes were in her room not mine, i didnt know until i opened the door, we had put on the fan origionally for the smell, fumes came full blown after. refinish or reglaze it or just replace it altogether. It is a less costly alternative to replacing a bathtub; however, the process often involves the use of hazardous chemicals including methylene chloride, acids, and isocyanates. Its used to strip paint and varnish from furniture which will be refinished. Please let me know where to seek more information, particularly in the Australian climate? MC is not flammable on its own. Here's how to do it, How buying real estate in NYC is unlike anywhere else, A guide to using a no-fee renovation loan from a NYC real estate firm, How to make your NYC renovation more pet-friendly, From Boerum Hill to Prospect Lefferts Gardens: After years of renting, we wanted to buy a condo with amenities, What to know about buying in Briarwood, Queens, where you may score a house with a driveway and garage. Wow! They hold soap scum, body oils, dirt, basically everything that comes off the human body will form a paste of scum. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. Traditional Spray Paint Style Refinishing has certain inherent dangers that you should be aware of. When the project is complete, you can take a relaxing soak in your new tub, knowing it was refinished correctly and safely. Effective ventilation would have to be ensured in order to shield the worker from toxic fumes of the process. There are a few scratches and black marks from a previously installed shower door that was installed on the tub. This is a moderated site and your comments will be reviewed before they are posted. Is that dangerous as well? However, it's not necessary if the bathroom is properly ventilated. Eyes, skin and residual in clothing adsorbption can also be significant and detrimental. We cannot provide individual medical advice on the NIOSH Science Blog, but we suggest that you see a doctor. The following recommendations on respirator use are in the NIOSH/OSHA Alert. What are the governing bodies that oversee these applications? We need to know what all are used while doing refinishing. When working with stripper or using solvents,acid,etcas well as applying your refinishing product.ALWAYS USE A FRESH-AIR SYSTEM..NOT MASKSmasks leak so they dont give the protection you need for long term exposure.I use a mask only when Im outside mixing or gathering my equipment when the job is finished and I should be using the fresh air system while I do that.Also cover your skinsome of these chemical will get into your body through your skin.Good LuckKeep yourself safe..DO YOUR RESEARCH.
How Long Does Reglazing a Tub Last and How Does it Work Stripping products may also contain flammable solvents and flammability may be a concern. We are sorry to hear about the symptoms that you experienced and hope you are doing better. After reading this post I think I can live with those scratches until I can hire a professional. In September 2011, a worker using a product containing methylene chloride to strip the glaze from a bathtub collapsed in the bathtub and later died. Contractors who handle bathtub refinishing or reglazing are well-versed in the health risks and OSHA (the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Association) guidelines for risky jobs like these, making it an easy choice to bring in an expert for the task. I think this blog is very helpful in knowing about the bad effects Bathtub refinishing of such dangerous products.We need to know what all are used while doing refinishing.Thanks a lot for sharing. The fumes are stronger fumes so we do not allow anyone to be in the apartment for 8 hours. Bathtub refinishing is a necessary maintenance step if you wish to improve the appearance and structural integrity of your tub. Your new bathroom's finish won't have any . Great article. I cant tell you how many times Ive told others in the field that are doing this to make sure they have more ventilation and to remove or re-coat the tube out of the bathroom and to at least not to do it without the proper breathing apparatus. Alternative products and processes exist for bathtub refinishing. Thanks for your comment. Hello Im Derrick I used this last night now this morning Im sick as a dog headache stomachache am throwing up I didnt use a mask. The standard also sets a 12.5 ppm action level (AL) which triggers periodic monitoring and medical surveillance provisions. $ 89 00. HomeAdvisors True Cost Guide puts the average cost to refinish a bathtub at about $450, while installing a new one runs about $3,000. We'll put an entirely new finish over the existing tub or tile in your bathroom. Because this process, which involves spraying a new topcoat on your existing tub and/or tile, is significantly cheaper, easier, cleaner, and less time-consuming than actually replacing a tub. Thanks so much for the info! Enter a zip below and get matched to top-rated pros near you. She wont fix it since they are going to remodel in the future. AND DURING CLEANING. Its highly toxic Teri.
Myths About Bathtub Refinishing | Specialized Refinishing Co. I blog often and I really appreciate your content. Another interest in re-glazing is being fueled by informed masses who have shown a continued interest in "greening" their homes, particularly in making them more . Hi I have very sensitive skin, and covered in psoriasis and eczema.