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Thai tea is also made from black tea, but it contains additional ingredients like star anise and tamarind paste. It contains different spices and is made with different flavors like vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, star anise, and tamarind. Masala chai, India's take on tea with milk, was next. With its creamy texture and rich flavor, it is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth! Monster energy drinks are a go-to for countless people around the world as a delicious, thirst-quenching way to shake off fatigue and boost energy. Thai iced tea has been a hit with American taste buds; a beverage made from strong black tea, milk, and sugar served over ice. This meansboth teas contain caffeine. Chai tea is brewed with different spices, milk, and black tea leaves. These spices can be ground, brewed with the tea, or added as a masala spice blend. Dont let tea share the same container with strong-smelling foods like coffee and spices. Although it is commonly believed that different ingredients can create orange tea, in fact, the ingredients add food color to it. Youll also find some of my personal favorite foods, ones Ive eaten in restaurants. (Source). Once opened, tea can be kept fresh for up to six months. This way you can brew the tea as you want, and create a mixture that works for you. TraditionallyChaicontains about26 mgof caffeine in an8oz serving. Thai tea is sweet with a slight hint of spice, while chai tea is bold and spicy. 20 fl oz. The wide range is affected by your choice of chai preparation and steeping time. For instance, if you use whole milk, the tea will be a richer color than if you use skim milk. Then what is Thai tea? Both are made with black tea and spices, but some key differences exist. Aside from Cha-yen, Thai tea has other variants that offer different textures and tastes. This mix can be found online or in Asian markets. It is among the most unique drinks India has to offer. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Bigelow Vanilla Chai Tea Bags - Best Overall. You could say that Masala Chai is more delicate in its taste. Looking at the label of an energy drink is overwhelming, with dozens of ingredients listed. We are really appreciate your comments and time for writing the review and posting pictures. When it comes down to chai tea, milk is an important consideration and it is usually made from whole milk because it brings out the richness of other ingredients. However, you might wonder what makes this simple menu different from other milk teas. If you want the true taste of both these incredible tea you will need to go for a trip to either India, or Thailand. The iced version is sometimes called cha yen () in Thailand, meaning cold tea. In America, Thai tea is often confused with chai tea. Black tea infused with cinnamon, clove and other warming spices is combined with steamed milk and . Only black tea and sugar. Thai tea is made from star anise and cinnamon with cardamom. Of course, you can add boba to Cha-yen too, but you cant deny that it lacks the satisfying blend of the original. For instance, it is added to milk, black tea, sugar, and condensed milk. Whether you opt to enjoy the iced or milk version of this tea, there will always be sugar if you purchase your tea on the street or in a tea shop. In addition, black tea, sugar, and milk are added to tea to make the perfect warm beverage. Tea, we all know it, and most of us drink it on a daily bases. Whole milk brings out the richness and flavor of the other ingredients. Only condensed milk is used to make the cold Thai tea. Size options. This process makes, Best Ways To Replace Frigidaire Puresource 3 Water Filter The refrigerators from Frigidaire are not only great for keeping food cold, but they are also pretty great in terms of making ice and water. Therefore, people wouldrecommend drinking Chai over Thai teaif you were to look for a healthier choice. As far as the availability is concerned, you can find it at any Thai restaurant. Chai vs. oolong - Oolong tea usually has between 37-55 milligrams of caffeine in a serving. In the Masala Chai case, you brew the tea with milk and water from the beginning. It can be served hot or cold. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Before this, the tea is shifted from one pitcher to another it is done to develop froth, so the tea becomes creamier. Thai tea is popular in Southeast Asia and is served in many restaurants [1] that serve Thai food. If the water is too hot, it will make the tea taste bitter. Many people know about the health benefits of coffee, but many don't know that there are some potential health risks. It is served all around the globe and is preferred by foreigners. On the other hand, chai tea or masala tea, as is traditionally known, is a concoction of fermented tea and several other spices. Chai can include a number of different spices. This is due to the spices used to make the tea, including ginger, cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon. In reality, the two are definitely different! Most Indians use Assam black tea to concoct Masala Chai. Like always, if you want to learn more about Thailand, stay with ThaiGuider. The orange color in Thai tea is due to the addition of food coloring. The ideal steeping time for both Chai and Thai tea is 3-5 minutes. It is made of different types of spices that warm up the body and soothe the stomach. Thank you for your review. But when you make it at home, you can control the level of sweetness to your liking. This process alone can take even half an hour, relying on quantity. It has been used to create exquisite Thai iced tea, which tastes similar to a bubble tea. Thai tea originates from Thailand. Of course, the sweet level depends on the baristas personal preference. Last Updated: Sep 28, 2022 by Calleigh ~. Sugar and condensed milk can be added, depending on the recipe. It is sweet, mildly spicy, slightly earthy, and subtly floralmaking for a blend reminiscent of Southeast Asian dishes like Pad Thai or Massman curry. Thai tea vs Chai tea. It is said that the heat in Masala Chai helps bring out the scent of spices and herbs, enhancing the effect of each ingredient. Thai tea is a Thai version of milk tea. Many people confuse a chai tea latte with masala chai, but they are different just like Caf au lait (coffee with milk) and a latte (a shot of espresso with steamed milk). Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for about 5-7 minutes. A chai latte is made with milk, tea, and spices. Cool 18. Business owner information. It is made with a blend of Ceylon and Assam teas, milk, sugar, and spices such as vanilla, cardamom, and cloves. If you use the hot brewing method, Thai tea has about 60 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup. If you are looking for a flavorful and aromatic tea that will warm you up on a cold day, chai is a perfect choice! Thai tea is made with Ceylon black tea, which has a slightly earthy flavor. Thai tea is much more than just black tea. Number One Original Thai Iced Tea Mix. The most commonly used spices are cardamom, cloves, ginger, and cinnamon. It is Chai Tea mixed with spices that give the mix a 'masala' flavour. Short and tall hot teas have one tea bag, and grande and venti drinks have two tea bags. It is usually made with a higher ratio of milk to water than regular tea, resulting in a creamier and frothier beverage. After reading the article, we now hope that it has become more clear what the differences between these two tea kinds are and that we are interested in trying them both yourself. Dejittr. It's a sweet and creamy beverage made with milk and sugar. Thai tea has a sweet and fragrant aroma because of the spices used! Although both Thai tea and Chai tea are excellent, many people consider the health aspect of chai tea. Black tea -- including chai tea -- contains up to 72 mg of caffeine per cup, compared to up to 50 mg for green tea, according . Some of our finest examples of the above are given here: Masala Chai Teas: In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Boil for 5-7 minutes or so until spices are fragrant, then add the evaporated milk. Wrapped Separately - The chai tea is wrapped separately in foil bags so that you will be capable of fully enjoying the pure aroma . If you dont like to drink your tea too sweet, you can always choose to take some sugar out or not add any sugar at all. Masala Chai contains about 26 mg of caffeine in an 8oz serving. The Thai tea's major flavor is that of the Ceylon tea which has a smoky and earthy aroma and tastes somewhat like black tea but with a slight hint of citrus and floral tastes blended in. In simpler words, chai tea has become an essential part of the diet. is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee by means of advertising and linking to products. Second, Cha-yen is all about sweet, but Masala Chai pays more attention to soft spiciness. Traditionally, Japanese people drink hot Matcha purely in a cup. Oolong teas evoke flavour and aroma of fresh flowers or fruits. This mixture is used to make real tea. It is not necessarily sweet since it emphasizes the right combo between flavor, scent, and texture. My name is Jordan Sully and I am a Thailand fanatic. The following section will discuss the Main Ingredients in Masala Chai Vs. Thai tea and the caffeine content of both teas. While Masala Chai can be served hot or cold, most people prefer to drink it warm because it allows the spices to release their flavors. Place the tea bags, water, vanilla extract, star anise, cardamom, cinnamon stick, vanilla bean, and turmeric into a medium-sized pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. You drink Thai tea on its own, while bubble tea is more like a dessert that you can add toppings to (tapioca bubbles). Thai tea is usually made with black tea, condensed or evaporated milk, and sugar over ice. Chai tea originates from India and Indians tend to drink tea on a daily basis (sometimes, multiple times a day). Tea is one of the widely consumed beverages in the world. The word Chai means tea. Chai tea and Thai tea as we know it in America are most definitely not the same thing. Thai tea is typically made with orange blossom water and star anise, while chai tea is made with a blend of spices. Some baristas use a Malaysian pouring technique called Cha-Chuk to add an extra flare to the menu. We are a small team of health advocates that want to provide the most reliable information based on our research and personal experience. #4. But its rare to find unsweetened Thai tea. Pour in the steeped Thai tea approximately two-thirds full, leaving enough room to add milk or cream. You can find a variety of spices in chai tea that will warm your body and soothe your stomach. Indian people drink Chai daily, making it part of their daily diet. To make chai tea, simply place the desired amount of tea in a teapot or mug and add boiling water. Crushed, broken tea leaves left to steep for 5-10 minutes naturally have a higher caffeine content than chai tea . (4 Helpful Tips), Why Are My Eyes Burning After Frying Food? Sometimes, it is possible to use natural colorings like butterfly pea flower or annatto. We are a small team of health advocates that want to provide the most reliable information based on our research and personal experience. Thai teais made using Ceylon (native to Sri Lanka) orAssam(native to India) tea leaves. Thai tea is also usually served with milk and sugar, while you may make chai tea with milk or water. 2% Milk; Milk Foam; Steamed Hot; Edit Milk Options. Saying Chai tea is equivalent to saying tea tea in America or Chai Chai in India. The dominant taste of sweetness mixed with a tad of bitterness is what makes Thai tea different. Nowadays you can also find vegan condensed milk in the supermarkets. People usually think of China, Japan, and England when it comes to tea. In contrast, Masala Chai typically refers to a blend of tea, spices, and milk that originated in India. Chai tea is served all over the world and has gained popularity. To ensure smooth performance, it is crucial to maintain your refrigerators cleanliness. It should also be kept in an airtight container. Kenmore Coldspot Model 106 Water Filter Replacement 1. But despite its simplicity, it still tastes unlike anything else you used to drink, thanks to 3 factors: ingredients, recipes, and concocting technique. Amazing 3 Types of Tea That You Should Know About It! The process is repeated several times to add air to the drink and create a bubbly texture. The barista has to fill the tea-leave powder in a cloth filter and dip the whole package into boiling water. Stay with us to learn more about Masala Chai and Thai tea! Cha-Manao is basically Cha-dum with a bit of lime. Traditionally, you will pour the tea back into the other pitcher, and repeat this about five times. When we talk about tea, it is important to consider the caffeine quantity; the eight ounces of Thai tea has 47mg of caffeine. After more than 30 . On the other hand, adding milk to Matcha is a common practice in Thailand especially when served cold. Changing the water filteris one way to do this. The question is, what exactly is Thai tea and what is it similar to? Chai tea contains high amounts of caffeine. Tall. Mix the black tea with the condensed sweetened milk and sugar. Therefore most coffee cafes have a form of Chai tea on their menu. Think of sweeteners like honey, or sugar. This doesnt mean that Cha-yen is a bad tea. If the water is not hot enough, the tea will taste weak. Copyright 2023. And thenjust to further complicate thingsthere are the modern American marketing geniuses, who want to make us think that "chai" means "milky and spicy tea," "tea" means the herbal stuff we. ), Does Rice Turn Into Maggots? 5 Superb Facts That You Need To Know About It, difference between Chai tea, and Thai tea, Add the ginger cardamom, peppercorns, ground cloves, and cinnamon to the. The great thing about the fact that both teas are different, can work to your benefit. Tea Pigs. Oregon Chai Original Chai Tea Latte Single Serve Powdered Mix, 8 Count (Pack of 6) 8 Count (Pack of 6) 4.6 out of 5 stars 22,184. It lets the striking sweetness take over and lowers the production cost. 2 If using Chai tea leaves. I'm a Thailand fanatic who has been traveling to the Kingdom since 2017. Both Chai and Thai tea are easy to make yourself. Keep in mind that originallyThai tea uses sugar and condensed milk. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. So, if you want to reduce the caffeine content in your cup of chai tea, brew it for a shorter amount of time instead of the typical 3-5 minutes. The caffeine content in the average cup of Thai tea made with 8oz of black tea is about 47mg. Vitamin D 0%. It is a species of Chinese red tea that offers a natural spicy sting. Some people think they are the same, while others believe they are two completely different drinks. These spices give the tea its characteristic flavor profile. Thai tea is also often served as cold tea. Thai tea belongs to Thailand as it originated there and the most surprising fact is that Thailand isnt even a tea nation. Milk Matcha, however, has nothing to do with the Japanese or Japan. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. A cup of chai tea has approximately 120 calories because of the added milk and sugar. Traditional Indian-style chai has spices added, known as the popular Masala Chai, or "spiced chai". Ceylon tea and black tea are also included in the Thai tea mix. It's made with black tea with broken leaves or CTC type. Thai tea is pretty straightforward. The spices in chai tea give it its signature flavor and aroma. Traditionally in Indian, and Asian cultures spices are used medicinally. The cold Thai tea is made with condensed milk only. Thaitea contains approximately47 mgof caffeine in an8oz serving. Answer (1 of 5): A LOOK AT DIFFERENT TYPES OF MILK TEAS Milk is one of the most popular tea additives worldwide because it adds a sweet flavor and a creamy consistency. Unsubscribe at any time. Thai Tea and Milk Tea are both iced black tea brewed with sweet spices and served with sweetened condensed milk. is readers-supported. Indians are known to enjoy chai tea daily (sometimes multiple times per day). This guide will give you step-by-step instructions on how to use your new bread machine. Milk is also a good source of protein and calcium. Thai iced tea is a unique drink that is popular throughout the world. Chai is the Hindi word for tea. Thai tea is made from star anise and cinnamon with cardamom. Thailand is not traditionally a tea nation. If you have been to India, you must have tried Masala Chai or Chai tea. This is because Thai tea also contains condensed milk, and sugar. In India, it's traditionally served in clay cups. Therefore, the two are often confused to be the same tea blend. But this little subtlety takes over the heart of many Thais and brings this drink to fame.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thaiguider_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_16',176,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thaiguider_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); After reading this far, you might think Thai tea is inferior to other milk teas. Generally, the higher the quality means a stronger and bitter taste. The barista simply adds more sugar instead of condensed sweetened milk. This means that oolong has about half the caffeine content of your black chai tea at its strongest. You need to do your research to drink one in Thailand. However, they usually dont make the tea too sweet because they have to consider the sweetness of the boba too. This straightforwardness makes Thai tea a brilliant drink you should try and fall in love with. This is added to a base of black tea, milk, condensed milk, and sugar. To give you an idea, a standard coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine in an 8oz serving. If you are looking for something even richer than chai but still want an authentic taste, try making Thai iced tea instead. Traditional Thai tea requires almost an hour to make. Tea is the english word for this drink and chai is the Hindi word for it. It is basically black tea with milk. It also enhances the aroma further. 16 fl oz. (Source). Strict (& Strange) Thailand Laws You Should Be Aware Of. What are those spices that give Chai tea its signature flavor? Thai tea contains different kinds of spices, milk, condensed milk, and black tea. It has similar properties to chai tea, like sweetness from condensed milk (or half-and-half), creaminess due to cream or evaporated milk, and orangey hue from food coloring added to Thai Black Tea. As per USDA, an 8 oz (240 ml) of Thai tea has about 154 calories due to the condensed milk and considerable sugar. As you can probably tell, the most vital is the tea leaves. You could say that nobody in Thailand drinks Taiwanese milk tea without boba. Its a hugely popular tea in Thailand, and it has been a worldwide hit. Customizations. (Common Rice Pests). There is certainly no shortage of tea options available, but when choosing between Thai tea and chai tea, which should you choose? As you can probably tell by the ingredients, this mixture is heat for the body, and will leave you warm and happy on colder days. Most often it contains at least four spices, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. In the most basic sense, Thai tea or Cha-yen is a simple milk tea. Thai tea is a spiced black tea beverage with a unique orange-red color, owing to a mixture of spices and artificial coloring. These spices give Thai tea its signature flavor and aroma. This is done so you can extract the most tea from each leaf. When you order Thai tea from a local shop, you will see Thai teas vibrant orange color. . For example, if you use the drip method, Thai tea has about 47 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup. This menu is quite popular in Thailand because of its sweet taste and herbal scent. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Number One Original Thai Iced Tea Mix has been considered to be one of the best Thai tea brands since 1945. Usually, laws and regulations dictate what is considered a crime in a country. For example, if you use 1 teaspoon of black tea leaves and brew them for 3 minutes, your cup of chai tea will have about 35 mg of caffeine. Possible Variations There are many similarities between Thai tea and Chai tea, but there are also some key differences. If the water is not hot enough, tea will have a bland flavor since it will not release the spices. Funny 12. Also from here on in, I will be referring to Chai tea by its proper name, Masala Chai, or just chai. Some evaporated milk can be added to the top of your tea. How To Fix Pudding That Didnt Set? Chai tea is traditionally sweetened with honey or sugar, whereas Thai tea typically contains condensed milk for sweetness. The idea behind putting the tea from one pitcher into the other, and repeating this a few times, is done because it helps to froth the tea and milk. Chai tea is an integral part of the Indian diet. Chai vs. green - Similar to chai green tea and oolong, green tea has about 35-45 milligrams of caffeine in an 8-ounce cup. Chai tea is a popular choice at coffee bars. It's a cold tea drink prepared with sugar, ice, tea, and dairy that originates in Thailand. Chai is most often brewed with black tea, and it can be sweetened with sugar or honey. This is basically Thai tea without all the milk. Chai tea is a spiced tea from India, while Thai tea is a sweet tea made with milk and sugar. Glad youre here, you will find recipes that are easy to make and taste fantastic. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Eight ounces of Thai tea contains 47 mg of caffeine. At this point, these teas have made their make in America and people in the western world are getting used to this palate. So which one should you choose? Thai iced tea is often served cold, while Thai milk tea is usually served hot. These teas are now popular in America, and westerners are becoming more familiar with them. Chai tea also contains black tea leaves, which are rich in antioxidants and have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and cancer. Depending on where you come from, you might also know chai tea by its other popular name,masala chai. Thai tea vs chai tea: What are the differences? It tastes sweet and has a herbal scent characteristic of most green teas.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thaiguider_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thaiguider_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); The ingredient and concocting method is quite simple. Both mixtures contain different spices. I guess restaurants either don't know this or they think they have to say Chai tea so people will know chai is tea. Required fields are marked *. It has a rich, strong, and bitter taste loved by tea fanatics. So, drink it in moderation. Then keep on reading! How To Change Frigidaire Puresource 3 Water Filter? For instance, ginger is a well-known remedy for nausea and indigestion, while cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to help regulate blood sugar levels. Although it does not deep fry or bakes your food, it replicates deep-frying by using hot air and very little oil. Dejittr, Monster Energy vs. Monster Juice: Key Differences. Chai tea is usually made with milk, whereas Thai tea is served with evaporated milk over ice. The caffeine content can vary depending on how strong the black tea is brewed, how many different teas are added when manufacturing Thai Tea and how long it steeps. (source). The drink has a solid brick brown to orange color and a milky texture. Although the anti-oxidant levels in this type of tea can be reduced, but the added spices make up for the deficiency, especially those like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, etc. Finally, Cha-yen packs way less tea-ness than Masala Chai. They contain black peppercorns and ginger as well as cloves. What does Thai tea taste like? These spices lend chai tea its unique flavor and provide numerous health benefits. La Moon Tea- Blue Thai Tea, Traditional Loose Leaf Thai Tea Mix from Butterfly Pea Flower and Assam Black Tea, 100% Natural no Food Dye, Homemade Blue Thai Ice Tea, Thai Tea Latte . Green tea receives a lot of praise for its high antioxidant content, but it isn't the only hot . Matcha () is a Japanese term for green tea. The leaves are steeped for a longer period than other teas, resulting in a stronger flavor. And which one should you be drinking? As soon as I returned home, I quit my job, sold everything, and booked a one-way ticket back to The Land of Smiles. Both are flavorful and aromatic teas, but each has a unique flavor profile and set of benefits. $30.99 $ 30. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of sweetened condensed milk, and give it a nice stir. The Polish word for a tea-kettle is czajnik, which comes from the Russian word (pronounced chai ). Both teas are made with spices that give them a unique flavor, but they are different. The milk also aids in creating the perfect cup of Masala Chai by balancing out all of those intense spices! Thai tea is a type of tea that originated in Thailand. Health Benefits of Green tea: Green tea works great for controlling and preventing diabetes, weight loss, heart diseases, cancer, tooth decay, blood pressure and improving one's complexion. All its content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without my written consent. When it comes to the caffeine content in chai tea, it ranges between 50-120 mg, whereas the average cup of coffee contains between 30-95 mg of caffeine. But the resulting taste would be similar: milky, fatty, and fragrant. This bitterness comes with the tea aroma that mixes well with the sweetness. Even though these countries are famous for their tea-drinking culture and high-quality tea leaves, did you know that Thailand also has its own unique tea menu? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Simmer the milk over medium-low heat, letting the tea steep for approximately two to three minutes. Let it sit for at least five minutes. It is hard to define the amount by number. With MATCHA, since it's in powder form, you consume the whole leaf, so you get the benefit of all the fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, with up to 10 times the antioxidants of regular green tea. You might be wondering which tea is high in caffeine. A Thai blend should be brewed at 80-85 degrees Celsius using a Thai tea mix. Editor's Tip: You can make a large batch of Thai iced tea in advance and store it in the refrigerator to enjoy at any time. Cha-Manao can be a lifesaver on a hot day, thanks to its refreshing quality. Take the milk off the heat and let it steep for another five minutes. However, many baristas struggle to find the balance between sweet and sour. Generally, Thai people dont order Cha-yen to experience tea. They just want a sweet cold drink to mitigate the heat. [Bread Maker Gudie]. It can also be served cold or ice blended. This is my journey to a more balanced lifestyle. Traditionally Thai tea is made with milk, and condensed milk. So next time you are in the mood for a delicious cup of tea, be sure to give Chai or Thai tea a try! Both teas are trendy, but they have some distinct differences. Thai milk tea has a distinctive flavor but a well-balanced one. We have a strict honest reviews policy. Ultra spice ain't a lie. So, if you want to get the full flavor of Thai tea, make sure to order the real thing! It is extremely popular in Thailand and has become a global sensation. Chai tea is a sweet, spiced black tea from India and is renowned for its fragrant, warming flavor. It is best to store it in a cool, dark place. Read on to find out the delicacy of Thai tea. Its often served with ice and comes in hot and iced varieties. Should You Simmer The Spaghetti Sauce Covered Or Uncovered? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thaiguider_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',172,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thaiguider_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Cha-dum usually has its name from its dark brown to almost black tea. What are the Main Ingredients and Brew methods of Chai and Thai Tea? There is a tad of bitterness too. Once opened, tea can be kept fresh for up to six months. I hope the articles on this site help you to learn more about Thailand and inspire your next adventure to The Land of Smiles. We follow the latest trends in the industry to make sure we are always providing our visitors with helpful information. (Answered). The chewy gelatin gives more dimension to the Taiwanese milk tea experience. Thai Tea vs Chai Tea- Which One Is Better? In India, tea is called chai in Hindi due to the strong influence of the Persian . (DONT! How to Make a Perfect Matcha Chai Latte at Home (Detailed Guide). It has been an integral part of Asian culture for a long time. Or add some evaporated milk on the top for a frothy kick. This makes cooking much quicker. As mentioned above, Chai tea and Thai tea are two different types of tea. The rest of the process is easy. With such a sweet-focused flavor, Thai tea is usually served cold. Many people dont know how to replace water filters.