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Look to see how many of your . Its fun to IMAGINE all of this I like early mornings my star Sirius often hangs in my backyard and in the wee hours of the morning about 3:15 am I awake and many time Sirius is right over my house flickering a blue and red Show! How To Find Your Starseed Markings - Spiritual Unite With much regret, I am sad to inform those of you who are interested in having a reading with me that I can no longer accept new clients at this time. My north node is also in Gemini. They do this by planting little seeds of spirituality and suggestions of there being something more than just the physical realm. if you would like, comment below and i can double check to make sure you made it over to my spreadsheet. : The older your soul, the more of these races you will identify with. Your soul is not small letters; its an all-cap YOU, all the time. A Starseed might have the ancestry that points to expansion, but they may or may not have the intention to pursue their highest self. You have experience in processing raw data and packaging it into a format so that other people can understand it, through your past or present work or studies. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. races like the sirians and pleiadians and lyrans have played such a large role on our planet that we all likely have ties to these races in some way. Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; Origin marks and Incarnation marks. This is a family reunion for your soul. Okay, but what does all of this have to do with being a starseed? Being near the water is a comfort to you. Hadarians These souls are bringers of the energies of Divine Love. It also enhanced my understanding of the gifts I possess as a starseed and lightworker. Team Enki. While most Starseeds appear to have come to Earth to teach and heal its citizens, not all Starseeds are intent on helping us evolve. People with this marking are likely to be an old soul or lightworker. Sometimes I feel as if I was a giant sea creature too. Each of these temporary self-identities has limitations and consequences. This nurturing, loving energy comes from having a strong divine feminine influence in their past lives e.g. Some Starseed may have the sole purpose of assisting human beings as healers or spiritual masters. Mystic Panther Home (Note that this includes emotional, physical, psychological or spiritual ways to heal. While some say that Starseeds are tall and thin, or have big eyes and broad foreheads, a soul seeking its expansion will not require one physical type over another. i love to meet all of you! info. Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 111.00; Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins. You currently live near the ocean (or long to live near the ocean). or even "you are draco-pleiadian-andromedan!" Its even easier to want to leave our lives and bodies so that we can transcend the Universe and become Everything. Gemini is another good indicator, especially if accompanied by other markings in the chart. Starseed Origins - Find Your Home - Cosmic Minds One of the earliest references to the Akashic Records in modern times was made by Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical movement in the late 19th century. Many say that there are over 100 billion stars in The Milky Way, our home galaxy. Where Does Your Soul Come From? | Anna Sayce Those that survived the nuclear holocaust decided to reincarnate on earth. Star Origin Readings - Jacquelin Smith Animal & Human Services If you have water signs, cancer or scorpio in your moon through to mars positions, its likely you are of starseed origin. Labrum (Crater), Alkaid (Ursa Major) 27. They are often drawn to teaching and love academia, seeing a life spent learning as a life well spent. Note that we can have more than one affiliation with a soul group. They are sometimes referred to as Earth angels. How to Find Your Starseed Markings - SELFFA We have a lot of astrology informaton including Free Starseed Astrology Chart data. Lyran Starseed: Traits and Characteristics - StarseedSigns.com Rated 4.50 out of 5 $ 22.22; Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins. Id never heard of starseeds before January 6 2021, when one of them stormed the Capitol building in DC. In the end, though, the things you are calling might distract you from the expansion you seek. The 9th house in particular means youre likely to experience messages from your spirit guides and soul family in your dreams. I love this website to automatically draw up birth charts. in this example, my sun is in cancer with a degree or aspect of 2729. p.s. Personally, I feel more pulled to the modern version, but you can work with the one that resonates with you the most. Thank you! Vegans are covered in more detail in my book. The Sirians are from Sirius, within Canis Major. They are often seen as the most spiritual or mystical of the Starseed races because of their strong connection to psychic power and the paranormal. Reprogramming Your Subconscious & Healing Your Body. It was a reading that I still reference many months later. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. Moon in houses 4th, 8th, 9th, or 12th house is extremely common with starseeds. The lyran starseed is known for a fascination with the ancient world, an interest in magic and sorcery, and a desire to make contact with ascended masters or angelic beings. These placements can suggest a newer starseed incarnation souls who need to adjust and finetune their energy to this 3D world. You can find out a lot more about this group in my book. Every soul is pursuing knowledge, experience, or expansion, on some level. The Arcturans are from Arcturus, found in the Bootes constellation. This fifth element of space is considered the fundamental fabric of reality from which all other elements emerge the source of material reality. Everyone. Virgo or Taurus in Moon through to Mars are ones to look for too, as are Sagittarius and Aries. And knowing that you are a Starseed gives you a new piece of knowledge to help you in gaining wisdom about your purpose. Parallels have lots of different reasons for choosing to come to Earth, and their own soul purpose will depend on what they are exploring here. We're Born Natural Innovators, So Does School Kill Creativity? The Pleiades was my most recent incarnation before . So, a part of the Parallel soul is always in another place. The position of the Sun, Moon, planets, and even our north and south nodes can uncover many hidden secrets and revelations about our true soul origin. If Virgo is strong there could be a Vega/Lyran connection. The only exception to this rule is with Virgo and Taurus south nodes. The older your soul, the more of these races you will identify with. Mars on the cusp of Leo, Jupiter on the cusp of Cancer. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. It would be fair to say that Starseeds come in all shapes and sizes. Pleiadian. Every soul, whether from this world or another, is fulfilling a purpose. Taurus in any of these placements is a true sign of being in tune with gut feelings and intuition. the different planets can signify different areas of our consciousness, and star systems at these points are indicative of lessons that we can learn from that star race, or gifts that we have been granted and asked to bring through from these archetypal galactic points via our frequency. Some signs are more common in certain placements, and certain degree positions can reveal exactly which starseed type you are (or at least one of your previous incarnations!). Hadarians as a soul group bring Divine Love, in two different ways: they radiate and give love in their personal interactions with others when they are incarnated here. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. See our, The ideas and concepts around Starseeds come to us through channelers and, According to the channelers, Starseeds ar. How to remember your Starseed origin? - Alien Meditation If Gemini is strong, Feline or Lyran is possible, If Aquarius or Uranus is strong there could be an. What Happens When Your Twin Flame Dies? These records comprise the energetic imprints of all intentions, thoughts, emotions, relationships, creations, and events, ever to have occurred, throughout every race, in all the realms, throughout all of spacetime. Now more than ever, those with Aquarius in their sun sign are likely to be the humanitarians, volunteers, and change-makers amongst us leading us forward to the Golden era of Aquarius, said to start around 2032. starseed origin readings : r/starseeds - reddit These are just general waypoints Ive seen in many charts over the past few years. When I email you with your origin results, it will tell you the race in which you originated. You like to feel free to follow your souls calling and to be able to dance to your own tune. If ever youve looked up at the night sky and felt a connection with a bright planet or glowing cluster of stars, you might be feeling your souls connection to a past or future life. Most (but not all) starseeds have an empathetic, free-flowing side to them. Theosophy is an esoteric belief system that incorporates philosophical tenets from eastern religions while maintaining that there is no religion higher than Truth.. Sometimes, intuition alone is all that is needed to confirm suspicions. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. By connecting with people one-to-one, they hope to bring true balance to the planet. When it comes to emotional intelligence and empathy, Starseeds may be more expanded in these categories. If you watch tarot card readings on Youtube, youll hear some readers refer to your placidus placements this is the column theyre referring to in your birth chart. starseed traits, characteristics, & types: what is a starseed? But so are fire and earth signs! You can find out more about them here. It is the place where their energies are most relevant, most at ease. Their reason for coming here is always about their own aims, rather than to serve others. Let Debbie bridge the gap by helping you connect to your star origins and lineage. Given the vast arrays of ideologies and experiences they most likely have had, and having lived in a variety of worlds, it stands to reason that Starseeds could possess brighter hearts and the keenest intuition. When you say if a planet or sign is strong in the chart what does that mean? Signs You're A Starseed + What To Do About It Alycia Wicker As you are doing so, you will resonate with some things and not resonate with others. Reading charts is a skill in itself, one that will develop over time. But nobody can tell you which one is more important. You often experience FOMO (fear of missing out), You think life can be really awesome, and youre happy to be incarnated now at this juncture in the worlds history, You dislike being told what to do by others, You often feel spacey or distracted; like youre not fully engaged with life, Although you have big dreams, youre often not all that driven to achieve your goals, Youve had to reinvent yourself multiple times during this lifetime, You know that the possibilities for your life are endless, and youre excited by this idea, You think its important to bear in mind that when making a decision, we always have more options than we think we do, Youre not sure if youre a lightworker or if your purpose is about contributing something amazing to this planet you prefer to live your life and just see what happens, Love & relationships is the most important area of your life, to the extent that your motto in life could be: all you need is love, Youve had multiple (i.e. For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as Today.com, Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. Also these are donation based so if you have no money that is ok- but if you can donate - I have cash apps. This is reflected in his Akasha Paradigm which he relates to human evolutionary processes. Its in this way that our souls may have birthed a thousand times in a thousand different galaxies. Reading the poetry helps to activate light codes. Charlotte is a renowned Trauma Psychotherapist, Astrologer, and Founder of Typically Topical. Akashic Records 101: Can We Access Our Akashic Records? Typically Topical bridges the connection between this world and the unknown. They have huge amounts of faith and trust in Divine that they can bring to others. Starseeds-Discover your Origin - Apps on Google Play (45 min 5 card reading, including channeling of downloads/messages that are then emailed to you in one email. Markeb (Argo Navis If Rising: Profitable journeys in company with Jupiterian and Saturnian people wherein the native is grave and discreet, but suffers much injury, which ultimately turns to good. There are probably other lineages with varying degree ranges, such as Arcturian . Star Seed Codes (Degrees) | Fixed Stars - Blogger The same can be said for the abilities of Starseeds. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Do these records exist in time and space like a galactic internet? Neptune is the ruling planet of psychic abilities and intuition so any sign can appear here. starseed origins, starseed readings, starseed art, galactic origins, galactic readings, galactic art, akashic readings, akashic, capella Learn how your comment data is processed. Origin Chart - Are You A Starseed? Reading Delivery. The last chart youll see is super simple and simply lists your true north and south node. Mintakans are bringers of positive energies they are very compassionate and forgiving; they also see the best in others and they always see the silver lining in any cloud. One of the earliest references to the Akashic Records in modern times was made by, , founder of the Theosophical movement in the late 19th century. DEGREES. Types of Starseeds are as follow: Starseed Test: check here Sirian starseed: Sirius is the multi-star system having more than one sun.Founded by Saoirse Clare . This is reflected in his Akasha Paradigm which he relates to human evolutionary processes. Andromedans are fiercely independent and place the most value on individuality, self-control, and autonomy. Alpha Caelians The Alpha Caelians are a group that seem to specialise in lightness as an energetic quality and so many of them have been involved, on the other side, in helping human souls to heal after difficult lifetimes, in this way, and slough off any heavy energies that need to be released. 12 Symbols of Patience. Starseed Reading - Misha Almira Am I a Starseed? - Medium Join 14,000+ beautiful souls, and receive my award-winning 5-day starseed awakening course for free! hi guys - i have been doing a lot of starseed origin readings on here, and i wanna let anyone who hasn't gotten their reading They are also studious people, and they always like to keep their nose close to a book. Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins $ 77.77; Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins. My Starseed reading will show you your galactic origin and I will write a full, detailed report on your Starseed family, characteristics, challenges while here on earth, your Starseed . Our astrology website has a lot of Free Starseed Astrology Chart information. But, in my experience, 3+ single zodiac signs (e.g. Friends Lovers Report Through Astrology Free, Free Vedic Astrology Predictions For 2009, Site officially launched 28th September 2000, Astrology Yahoo Horoscopes Chinese Dog Overview Yearly 2013, Capricorn Horoscope August 2012 Cafe Astrology, Virgo Gemini Compatibility Cafe Astrology. These are just the most commonly known ones. Id like to explain the origin results to everyone before they order one as Im getting some emails from those who are confused. In the quiz below, I give statements that apply to the 7 most common star seed groups that people who visit my website belong to. Heaven's Child is a good place to find info about Free Starseed Astrology Chart. This can be very educational as you can see which areas of your life you are most connected with. a star cluster also known as Seven Sisters. Or, do you feel you do have starseed characteristics but not sure what star system you're from originally? Here's 16 signs that might indicate you're a Starseed. The ideas and concepts around Starseeds come to us through channelers and seers who regularly connect with the Akashic records. The second row shows your second house, third row third house etc. 11 Signs He Is Fighting His Feelings For You Decode The Confusion. The purpose of the angels is to hold energies that we humans can access here on Earth. Go ahead and check other info on our website! if you ever want to check out an alien chart, maybe youd like to take a closer look at mine. Those born with Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, or Gemini in the Uranus position carry the strongest starseed traits and characteristics. Reading your site seems to be taking me to another level of understanding. The Lyrans from Lyra are the most aligned with the physical world. Mintakans love to be of service and to help others to grow (especially on the spiritual level). The Orion Starseeds hail from the constellation of Orion, and they are the most competitive of all. 1. Can Sacred Geometry Produce Musical Harmony? So, healing & lightness seem to be their specialty as a soul group. According to the channelers, Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings, from other planets and realms, who possess spiritual and scientific knowledge that date back hundreds of thousands of years. Please dont feel disheartened if you dont have these markings theyre possible indicators, not rules. I now other starseeds but unsure of their origin. Archangel Jophiel: 4 Beautiful Ways to Connect [Ultimate Guide! "You are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while." ~ Eckhart Tolle . Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. Are the Akashic Records some cosmic repository of endless file cabinets in infinite hallways and stacks? Let Debbie bridge the gap by helping you connect to your star origins and lineage. We might say, Im a seven on the Enneagram, or Im a recovering Catholic, or Im a conservative Democrat. We might even say, I am Starseed, Pleiadian, to be precise.. To give a couple of examples, some Parallels simply come here to explore the natural environment of Planet Earth and others come here to grapple with & explore our human system of communication. Freedom is the highest value in your life. Psychedelic Toad Medicine; DMT and the Eternal Consciousness, Oldest Evidence of Ayahuasca Use Found in Ancient Shaman's Stash, Psychedelics Pioneer Creates Alcohol Substitute With No Toxicity. I just cannot add any more people to my waiting list at this time. Sign up by clicking here or the button below. Pluto and North node in Libra. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 or 55 tends to show old soul, 13, 14 or 15 can indicate Avian origin, If Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Mars or Capricorn is strong in your chart (shows up 3 times or more), there is likely to be an, If Cancer or Scorpio are strong or are in a Sun placement, its likely a. Its original inhabitants came from Vega, in the Lyra constellation, the supposed home of Earth's ancestors. The final album before the breakup of Sybreed, "God is an Automaton" was the point at which the band arguably settled into their sound, an interesting mixture of programmed synthesizers and It should now say vJoy - Virtual Joystick beneath the Assigned . The collective purpose of the Hadarians as a group is to teach us about all the different aspects of Divine Love that we can experience on Earth such as connection, co-creation, community, grace and togetherness. These Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, as Blavatsky referred to them as, taught her clairvoyance, psychic abilities, and astral projection. in my example above, 533 311, this is usually an indicator of psychic ability or starseed presence. But their main aim is to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants. To find out your specific starseed alignments, you can check out this free birth chart reading here. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Paul Wagner is a spiritual teacher, intuitive reader, and experienced life & business coach. using the natal chart, it is possible to find these special points in the chart as well as what star race archetype they align with. These cookies do not store any personal information. They are very balanced and identify strongly with the heart chakra. Chances are that you do not have just one Starseed origin because most do not. Nuclear weapons that freeze or destroy the body in to human particles. Metaphysician Rudolf Steiner also referenced the Akashic Records, asserting that every action, word, and thought leaves a trace in etheric realms. Hollow Earth vs Flat Earth Theory; Where Does One Draw the Line? In this article in the Soul Origin Series, I am giving you some insight into how to tell you might be a Starseed based on your natal and fixed star astrology charts. Learn about the most common negative energies which affect our spaces, how to diagnose and clear energetic issues in your home and how to protect your home from negative energies in the future. When they are not incarnated, this is still a soul group who sees it as their mission to raise the vibration of planet Earth, and as a group they are sending out Divine Love, like a beacon, to Planet Earth, so that we may be reminded of the existence of Divine Love, at times when it is needed here. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are most likely to resonate with and be in tune with their previous starseed incarnations, making it easier for them to connect with this celestial energy. I dont tend to look much at the Sun sign when giving readings because theyre so general and dont tell us much about ourselves beyond surface-level personality. In my experience, the most common trine would be the grand water trine, where all three water signs, pisces, cancer and scorpio are evident in a triangle trine shape. Mission Realmers These souls have their origins in the angelic realm. Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. I have a grand trine fire with Neptune(sag), Aries(Sun/Merc exact 21 degree conjunct retro), Leo(Saturn). What Is A Starseed? {Different Starseed Types & Traits} This weird history has four parts: 1) The origins of UFO mythology in the far-right occulture of 1880s-1930s. Author of Philosophy for Life and other books. Even with these real feelings of alignment with other worlds, you might never know whether or not you are genuinely Starseed. Its easy to become distracted by the latest spiritual systems or the most charismatic spiritual media stars. Heres a good place to pull that reading. Following the Celestial markers of the Lunar Mansions. It is complete with audio files, meditations, techniques and inside knowledge from a professional intuitive. The history of all the places your soul has journeyed to is present in . Starseeds Remembering their Celestial Selves Amanda Jane DeMarco 'IndigoAngel' provides a unique methodology for easily determining one's Starseed Origins in accordance to their synergistic relationship with the Moon and the Original Earth Template. The planetary origin of Pleiades makes people highly sensitive, incredibly loving and super kind. A star seed soul who has had at least a 1,000 life times is an original starseed. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. How to Read Celestial Akashic Starseed Origins: Lunar Edition: DeMarco COMPLETE Starseed Origin, Powers & Mission Session $249 USD. Five Proof Points That the Birds and Bees are Conscious, Part One: It's Hard to Realize Global Consciousness, All By Yourself, Bicycle Day 2022 79 Years Since Albert Hofmann's LSD Discovery, Final Words Project: The Dying's Final Words Hint at Afterlife, New Gene Discovery May Explain Rapid Human Brain Evolution, Ketamine Therapy Proves Powerful For Treatment-Resistant Depression, Robert Moss Describes Parallel Realities He's Accessed in Dreams, Psychedelic Research Finds Ego Exists in The Default Mode Network. Are You a Sirius A Starseed? Here Are Some Things You Should Know! They tend to be incredibly loving, so much so in . www.philosophyforlife.org. Privacy Policy. You'll get two color charts and an MP3 of your starseed confirmation and extended reading emailed to you. There are thousands, if not millions, of possible marking combinations. Thats 1 billion-trillion stars in the observable Universe. Some of the questions repeat themselves or are a bit similar. Starseed readings available now - find out more info below! There isnt a hard and fast rule as to what a strong influence looks like. 5K+ Downloads. Learn how to access the Akashic Records to give professional, accurate, content-rich readings on soul purpose, past lives, life lessons, soul gifts and origins. Biblical scripture asserts that a record of every life is kept in heaven, and it is from these records that souls are judged. To help us identify where we might belong, we adorn ourselves with labels that make us feel special or unique. Starseed Reading - Alloya Good question. Each starseed has a different origin realm and mission, and while we describe typical physical features of the starseeds, by no means are these set in stone. Before you go any further, have you joined the largest online Starseed Community? Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Akashic Readings | Debbie Solaris 2 appearances? FDA Gives Psilocybin Clinical Studies Breakthrough Therapy Status, How to Become Limitless | A Lesson on 360 of Abundance, How Humanity Sacrificed Truth and Equality, Criminalizing Plant Medicine; Suppression of a Sacred Human Right. The 33, 34, 35 placement is looking at the aspect () i.e. This article will be like NOTHING you've read before. Calculate your star chart with this helpful tool - and share with friends - it's free! How Does It Change Things, Steps To Handle Empath Awakening Symptoms, Arcturian Starseed Activation Take Your Light Body For A Spin, What Do Lemurians Look Like? The advanced technologies allowed them to build their home from the ground up again. Signs You Might be a Starseed - Allorah Rayne Many Vegan souls love to be in the limelight and they are sometimes found working in the world of entertainment as a result. They have opened their hearts and minds, freeing them from the most base constraints. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Placidus Orb column is what you might know as houses. or let me know what star races you resonate with underneath the thread! I have done astrology since about 8-10yo, mathematics, computer programmer since 1996, artist, musician and I have music apps up on the Android store since 2016. Knowing or Recognition. When traditional titles and archetypes fail us, we hunt elsewhere, even into the stars. For example, if a person has numerous planetary birth alignments within the 25 to 27 degree range, then it is likely that this person has a Pleiadian lineage.