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They are known to wear dark-green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue bandanas to show there Crips. Father of c life, will, c don, not mine, my other name iz, brandon levet mcgary, my last name went bacc 2 my original last name, from whitt, 2, mcgary, glory 2 The Most High God, cuzz, Crip, 4ever, clecce!!!!!!!! Crip gangs strictly bang (go to war) to defend their territory (hood) before any alliance or card, and are known to be very vicious in their attacks. SHOTGUN CRIP "NO GOOD" INTERVIEWShotgun Crip Talks Gang Bangin And Hood Life In Minneapolis - No Good#dustyvisiontv Hit the subscribe and notification (bell). 11=Always HAVE A FLAG On U. Crips under the Gangster Card are known to wear Gray in addition to blue. Real gangmember dont tell you they gonna kill you. 26=NEVER GIVE INFO TO Enemies. ALWAYS C-RIP. What's behind the clouds? Crip Knowledge Flashcards | Quizlet Shotgun Crip Talks Gardena And Growin Up In Raymond Crip HoodNo Good Interview Part 2 #dustyvisiontv Hit the subscribe and notification (bell) button!Dusty Vision TV on Facebook and IGI dont not own the rights to any music in this videoDusty Vision TV Instagram: Dusty Vision TVFacebook: Dusty Vision TVCheck out my other youtube channel \"Dusty Vision Radio\" Song: \"Peace\" By \"Kevin Smith\"\u0026t=2s (LogOut/ Money Macc Murder nigga bK all day. Long Beach Rollin' 20's Crips are known to wear yellow and black in addition to blue. Betray Never betray Insane Gangster Crips LOVE MY FOLKS N MY LOCS. Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. SHOTGUN CRIP \"NO GOOD\" INTERVIEWShotgun Crip Talks Gang Bangin And Hood Life In Minneapolis - No Good#dustyvisiontv Hit the subscribe and notification (bell) button!Dusty Vision TV on Facebook and IGI dont not own the rights to any music in this videoDusty Vision TV Instagram: Dusty Vision TVFacebook: Dusty Vision TVCheck out my other youtube channel \"Dusty Vision Radio\" Song: \"Peace\" By \"Kevin Smith\"\u0026t=2s Most Crip sets wear blue. Insane Crips (Long Beach) by Jordan Jereb Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:28 pm. KNOWLEDGE At this school, I met Crasper AKA Adam Crasper was an average-looking 13 year old white boy with freckles and he was obsessed with the Crips street gang. Dat dirty south real life shit real ni66as aint puttin none dey shit up here. Spilling Bloody 27=NEVER WEAR RED. Along with a few other friends near his 78th Street home near Fremont High School, Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Washington created the Crips alliance with the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. Crip Nation What's under your bed? TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE, NEVA SET TRIP. A DONUT Their territory stretches from E. Vermont Ave and W. Crenshaw Blvd, they consist of three cliques: 132nd street; The Deuce, The Foe, 134th street; The Foe, and 139th street; The Nine. 19. what do you do when you reach davids castle? Lex, Ky. Cali rules in effect. Crips is folk outside of Cali. 611 C^rip Rite Here wats craccen Loc !!! Some people believe the origin of the color is from the school colors of Washington High School in South L.A. Other believe they started wearing blue because of "Buddha", who always wore blue shirts, khakis, shoes, and a blue bandana from his left pocket, which is why Crips flag out the left side. 7 = IS A BAD NUMBER You all need to grow the hell up, Who give a fucc that you grew up in a broke ass hood i wouldnt tell nobody that dumb ass shit thats your mama daddy grandmama or graddaddy whoever raise yo Bitch ass should had got a good job. 4-01-Straight Loc Gang members in gangs under the Cripallainceare known as Locsand all Cripscall each other cuz (short for cousin) to signify that they see each other as family. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They spread their business on the Internet because they are Dumb Asshole Niggers who have major Inferiority Complexes. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffittiwhich shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffitti. 2-11 187 . U WIN 169-Set trippin 8Ball Gangsta Bible 856 Mafia Hoova Crip 4ever!!!!!!! 21=CRIP WILL Always SHOW LOVE TO ANYONE WHO,S UNDER The 6. UR WHOLE FAMILY DIES! Crip is an alliance of individual street organizations known as sets. The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. 6poping5droping all day bk shotgun crip eastside see a blood kill a blood to see his . What does gardena shotgun crips mean? - definitions The Crips eventually became the biggest and most ruthless gang in California and began targeting the other non-crip gangs with daily acts of violence. 4-09-IM OUT Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffiti which shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffiti. The Gardena ShotGun Crips and the Gardena Paybacc Crips are both known to sport appearel of theGreen Bay Packers, for the letter G to representGardena or Gunacompanid by the color green (Gardena city colors). Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. Crips under the Gangster Card are known to wear Gray in addition to blue. I WILL NEVER DENIE,ALWAYS RIDE. 1. WHYS THE SKY BLUE? When Buddha died, Tookie made blue the Crip color in honor of his death. Crips under the Neighborhood Card and the Avenue Crips are known to wear baby blue. Here is a short sample of some of the codes that he was memorizing: # codes. they try to divide what they dont understand they try too kill what they cant understand they try to destroy all of their fears and drown all the sorrow in all of our tears dont let the world bring u down show the world that we are coming up once i walked alone in the streets because my homies were all dead i came across a very wise man and this is what he said faith in myself lets build this nation strong true blue one gang one nation that way we r not alone kil tru Blacc Gansta blue u die with pride die with friends die tru blue till the end throw my Cs high in the air sight and life health to all my Cuzz starin with my ogs from my nation to all those i see thank u god for my Cuzz and country, putting in work ranges from:wall banging,contesting territory getting money by any means neccesary.bringing weapons to the set and murder.the work you put in will go by points system and must be witnessed by 2 or more other members,the point system will be as followed. ESR20llxnCrip, AogC 183 bkrooklyns own Crip up or grip up, Whats upk locc rollin 30 in da hous3 bk all day 3v3ry day until my bklu3 cask3t dropks, R1Chk R0LL1N 90z N4kY60Rhk90dk CR1p 94kN9 5 = FOR THA SLO8S I GOT. 1.WHATS BEHIND THE MOON? Its Nigger against Nigger. But I will always scr3am 21st baby insan3 crips, fucc u slo6 6itch ass nigga 823GSC free my nigga 6o66y Shmurda gs9 c-51 for life fool, blood for life fuck you crabs blat blat blat blat blat, CRRRRRRIPK 6 popping 5 dropping 6k til my casket drop 6 alive 5 must die, Nicca Fucc yo 8s We 60s Neigh60rh00d CuZz. Gang members in gangs under the Crip alliance are known as Locs, and all Crips call each other "cuz" (short for cousin) to signify that they see each other as family. When Buddha died, Tookiemade blue the Cripcolor in honor of his death. Contrary to popular belief, real Crips are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance, they are part of the Cripsalliance. What the fuck is a REAL CRIP?????????????? Crip Numbers (Triple O.G.). 3=NEVER LIE ON YA FLAG. Crip Knowledge Flashcards | Quizlet Hey we came up out the 3ottom of the mud of our ass to eat we must spread knowledge to the gs who want our history, to survive the struggle cuz we not some may 3e false claiming and shit 3ut we want to educate the Lil homies who struggling cuz like we are. Some of the other original founding fathersof the cripswere Angelo Barefoot Pookie White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, JimelThe God father Barnes, Raymond Cook, Eccy, Michael Christianson, Michael Shaft Concepcion, Macc Thomas and No 1. Crips try to kill Crips more than anyone else. green goblins show up, GPD will send a coupla of their MIDGET cops to beat that TIL I DIE, CZ UP HIGH. The Cripalliance has significantlybranched out of California and has spread throughout the majority of the United States. Fudge Town Crips are known to wear brown and blue. These ranks don't signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. Theres absolutely nothing cool about being in a gang. Get an internet college degree- gang banging aint done SHIT. ALWAYS C-RIP. lying 2 the true children of Crip aka, God of israel, cz up cuzz 4ever, clecce!!! he made the lyte for to C at nyte JERSEY FINEST. Place 2 guages at my sides 14=DONT SPEAK BOUT YA NATION OR SET. We stand by the folks nation as our own independent Crip set. Yall need to do something. U KILL A CRIP The Gardena Crip Card Have all Ways Been Nonfactors And the City Of L. A. Now this coming from a grown man and a CRIP BITCH, Dis gun z from s.c I need u to get at me so I can see if im all da way left and I got da rite history, What up cuz, let me give you young brothers the history of the Shot Gun Crops located in Gardena, In 1972 the Gardena Shot Gun Crops were formed by Bare Foot who met with Slaughter and other homeboys at the park located on 132st and Vaness. Athens park bloods kept them in checc real shit, All you cali niggas gazi come to south Florida and see how we rocking, put its in checc how> nigga fucc pies and they dead loks fucc outta here didnt yall just loose a homies like 2 months ago, cool crip west up cuH? Whk3a u g3t ya truk bklu knwl3dge at cuhkz? C-50=C- SAFE 17=CRIP WILL NOT EXCEPT MEMBERS FROM THA Enemies SIDE, Crips are known to mark their territories and all boundaries by the use of extreme wall banging. 1, Wh3t2 craccin deuce sgc here nxrth mpls mn bkabky gin loc whats mxving, $ht gun native Gangsta crip $uth$ide mpl$ 61-deuce little earth prjectz! The Crip alliance originated in Los Angeles, California. 6=FOLLOW The WAYS OF LIFE. Crips under the Gangster Card are known to wear Gray in addition to blue. Rules Crips Have To Follow - Sheba to show purity wit a single tear A lot of people believe the name came to existancebecause of a spelling error. 6 POPPIN 5 DROPPIN What is yxu a snkoopk im xff this thang smh yxu aint nx real cripk talking like dat. Im 13 year old in Indy and wuna Rep dis shit with yah niggas Ive been talk to some ppl bout it, was CRACCIN OBG NSC NUTTY NORTHSIDE CRIP 83GC, I never knew there were so many crips on the internet, Most gang members are afraid so they join, 183 all Day everyDay Cuz!!! Is a nonfactor allways has ben, cuh fucc nachos and the dead homies wess gargang 132139, 132 Shotgun outta Baltimore whats gunnin. I WILL NEVER DENIE,ALWAYS RIDE. Folk Nation "Book of Knowledge". crip, crip, crip, cuzz!!! Stanley TookieWilliams is one of the co-founders of the Crips. I can shxxt yxu my math, $up cuz-. (@30deepgrimeyy) on Instagram NayK66orHood 6a6y clean up my mess c-rip. Fake ass Crip- Raymond Washington wasnt from Texas quit reading old news articles and get your info in the streets! Los caico from Memphis 307 underworld mafia crop set stop playing out here we live by da under but will keep it mafia, Loc calico putting on 307 underworld mafia crop set in Memphis hustletown 3s for days, That shit aint true. DA CRIP POEM Each Cripset is its own individualgang and each gang are known to have cliccs which are like smaller individual setswithin the set. Hit cuz cuz 706 244 1197 I want to get down with the crip cuz, P8C IN THIS ITCH MUCH LOVE TO ALL REAL LOCS MAN PPL STILL DOING SHIT WRONG THO, 6 up on top 5 on da ground whats craccin locs, Whats craccin cuzz Acacia Blocc crip in this bkitch 6 up on top 5 on da ground, Watts craccin loccs bkodymore murdaland gsc 103rd watts dustown crip, Where my Acacia Blocc crips at fucc wit me, Acacia blocc crip whats craccin add me on my Facebook, 52 hoova crip rep hard in austin i go by cali rules ebk c-life or no life u dnt lixe it we cn loox at it, O^riginal Street Thugsta Crippin , 3z^ Craccen bz Draggen Tiny Locs run The City where im @, 103 grape street crips, Newark NJ C^.V.G^ cuzz, Im legit. Third!!! LMAO YOU AINT RATTLING NOBODY BITCH IF THATS WHAT YU TRYN TO DO BRANG UR PUNKASS HALF BLACK FUNNY LOOKN NO LIFE HVN ASS TO THE HOOD AND RATTLE SOMEONE.. YOU INSECURE BOUT BN HALF BLACK!! Also, Cripsets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. Each Crip set has significant differences such as hand signs, use of secondary colors, and customs. 14. Regardless whos hood is da hardest niggaz will still get laid down by a G bkoy like it aint nothing and ce left bkacc 2 da crib/ Make a bowl of frosted flakes watch some family guy on CRIP!! !Everybody wants to be a Gee but there throwing up different letters GEEZ UP! 5.WHATS UNDER YOUR FOOT?5 POINT STAR AND A RED FLAG Living Under Not always our best GO to the park at 132nd and Van Ness- its a CLEAN ,SAFE well lit place where old ladies walk and little kids shoot basket ball- If. The Shotgun Crips (SGCs) are primly an African-American street gang that was establishedin the 1970s and located on the west side of Gardena, Califonia. THIS IS ROLLIN 40$ Crip Gang. He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. ShotGun Crips in Gardena - StreetGangs.Com forum on gangs around the world SHOTGUN CRIP Talks GARDENA & GROWIN UP In RAYMOND CRIP HOOD ASHES 2 ASHES U KILL A SLO6 @ cool crip your talking about Slater not slaughter so your right on some of the things about elsegundo crips aka escopeta aka shotguns dooley a gee hair bear also, Lets be real nobody will walk into the shotguns neighborhood talking that shit just like they wont walk into your neighborhood talking that shit and thats bottom line its easy to come on here and run off at the mouth from the computer especially when the new says anonymous , Shot gun and payback are not considered real hood look where u goofs r at never had to deal with compton south central long beach watts gangs real talk gardena is a non factor city, Ask a real crip or bloods is shotguns real crop and have always been active always real gee shit some of the Compton watts and los angeles gangs cant duck with long beach too keep that shot 100 you fake as banger, cuh us gundena niggas dont beef with niggas in compton fucc you talking about bitch cuhs and further more GARRRRGANG bitch .. and we beef with niggas in the l.a area fucc are you tlking bout bitch know your history before you start internet banging. hoovers son aka peter paul, david and sheebas daughter pamela. C-284=THERE HE/SHE GOES T.G. (Baby Gangster)O.G. The Crip Label attached to any name means NOTHING. Founded 1969 in Los Angeles California by Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Lee Washington. 21. All Hoover Criminal Crip sets began to use orange flags in addition to the blue flags to separate themselves from the rest of the sets in the Crips alliance, essentially turning Hoover Criminal into its own "Card" or "Car" for short. All mobs under the Folks Nation represent to the right side and Crips / Hoover Criminals represent to the left which further shows that they are not related in any way, shape, or form. 33= WEED WE SMOKE,MONEY WE MAKE,MURDER WE DO. The ShotGun Crips are cliqued up with the Gardena Paybacc Crips and are friendly towards the 74 Hoover Criminals Gang, Whitsett Avenue Gangster Crips as well as the Eight Tray Gangster Crips. Triple Original Gangster Top rank within the gang. OHC for life original harlem Crip till i die. ShotGun Crips That Kid dume but cant blain him for tryn im a 103rd grape street waatts crip gangsta and we go by word of history from cali and no ather place. Stanley Tookie Williams is one of the co-founders of the Crips. 4-04-PUT IN WORK 10. Venus has her arm around Serenas waist. Im frm $ht gun Native gang$ta crip. Athat was c life that posted that anonoymous on december 30 @ 12:49 my time, & 6:29 am 2013, cant let the enemy still our cleccinc!!!!!!! And half of them is skinny jean wearinfg. Crips are known to mark their territories and all boundaries by the use of extreme wall banging. Crips are known to shout "CaRip" as a greeting to other Crips and to let their presence be known. Our set was between Rosecrane, Crenshaw, and we met every Wednesday and Saturdays at the park and conducted gang business. Shotgun Crips should come to Lindsay, California. 8. That is the reality of it. in crip we trust and slo6 we 6ust . 401 srt8 loc Members included Poncho, Monkey Man,Boudia, and about 15 other members. Members of this gang are known to sport Green Bay Packers sports apparel for the letter G to represent Gardena or Gun. Cripsets have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been bangingfor their particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. This widespread miseducation of the Crips has lead to a recent major outreach by west coast Crips to all Crips across the country to let them know that Crips do not represent the Folks Nation of Chicago and do not represent the Gangster Disciples 6 point star and lit. a. Additionally, the color green is the official color representing both the city of Gardena as well as the Shotgun Crips (along with the traditional color blue associated with the Crips). Founded 1969 in Los Angeles California by Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Lee Washington. ALL CRIPS GO TO HEAVEN were you from bet them gundenas air out yo whole scenery, Pingback:Vouching for Kyle J Howard Pulpit & Pen, Vouching for Kyle J Howard Pulpit & Pen. All yxt pkexpkle actinG like yall rkeal bkanGers bkut still Cry when yxu fall tx yxur mxm and the rkeal niggas thats abkxut it bkxaG like that shi cxxl yeah i gxt put dxwn with shxtGun Crip tx sx what thwn when yall gx tx jail yall gxn wxnder why because you spreading your buisness on the internet. Gang Terminology - Gang Enforcement. It took quite some time to find all this shit. (Original Gangster)O.O.G. 18. blue. Their rank structure is as follows: Lowest to highest They call it the "8 Ball" because of the shape you get when you merge the "C" hand sign of the Crips with the "Pitch Fork" hand sign of the Gangster Disciples, which is how they greet each other. E = ENEMIES. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 4-05-STRAPPED The Crips eventually became the biggest and most ruthless gang in California and began targeting the other non-crip gangs with daily acts of violence. In retaliation, all non-crip gangs, including the Pirus, later formed an alliance that eventually became known as the Bloods. Slobkz die many times before their death, Crip never taste death but once Crip dont die we multiply, CRIP LIFE N = NOW, NEVER. What's behind your heart? 18=CRIP WILL NOT ACCEPT Disrespect I have being looking for the history of the crip and the crip codes. U = UN KOWN fucc thka snotruns & thka snootchkies!! It contained purportedly detailed inside knowledge of the mysterious, complex symbols, codes, and oaths of the Crips, that must be memorized in its entirety by hopeful Crip recruits. The Shotgun Crips also rival the Hispanic South Los 13 and other gangs in the South Bay Region of Los Angeles, California. Getting Good Shotgun Crimps, a diagnostic. - YouTube Either way, the name stuck and the Crips alliance was formed. KB-KB=KEEP BANGIN, NUMBERS 2. 6mm what they do. They later became obsessed with protecting themselves from the other non-cripalliance independent gangs in the community which began to increase violence and resistance towards the Crips. Stanley Tookie Williams is one of the co-founders of the Crips. You dont think before the job. 12. Is there anything wrong with this picture? !#JordanDown, 5 deuce hoova gangsta crip.tres up til my dayz up bk all day.i run wit da cowboys. Tragniew. And oh yea your half black you honkey kike, LOL, My, My, Such a Nigger temper. 3 cz, a book of knowledge, 2 dueces, and a blue devil. A. (Original Gangster)O.O.G. This outreach has been makinga major impact on Crips in the south and midwest who have all been dropping the use of anything related to the Folks Nationand a 6 point star and are all steady getting bacc to their roots. who laid the last bricc on the yellow bricc road? All Rights Reserved. Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. COLORS: PURPLE= 8RIM ROYALTY L = LIFE V = VICTORY VICTIM. All it takes for an entire independent organization or gang to become a Cripset is the will to become Crips, meaning any gang can become a Cripset if it chooses to do so. The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. 101 enemy There are significantly more Crip gangs today than when the alliance was first created. 6MM crip insane neighborhood crip gang east side 4 life all blue everything its a blue world project baby dis jig about his, 64.23 dat 6MM shit cuz bang with dat unknown 4 point crown whats yo 4 points of crip fool Its a way to try and boost their very low self esteem. 403 loc shorty 10 = FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOT, kill a slobk and win killa a crip your whole family dies 1Love to my gs fuck dat 8 ball shit ffake trilll shit black. tHis Flicc Grve #Selos. Referred to as a youth protection organization. Dump it, and it becomes fish food. fuCC slobks.fuCC all da rest. False, If a male and a female who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol: Set Trippin Stay on point for set trippers 22=Always HELP A BROTHER IN NEED. t that time we were rivals of the Brims, Prius, and Black Stone Rangers, and a couple of essia gangs. rollin120's are more located in athens in hellen killa park and are . N 69, CRIP WAS STARTED. 2 strips of bacon, egg no yolk, and a cup of slob What's behind the clouds? Fudge Town Crips are known to wear brown and blue. C-1= PICK UP, PICK UP BLACC GANSTA CITY They only react like an animal would react to something, They also have huge INFERIORITY COMPLEXES and are ALWAYS OUT TO PROVE SOMETHING because they know deep down inside they are worthless, stupid losers who everybody hates. 3.WHATS BEHIND THE SUN? grap street crip when took got shot his blood hit the rag an it made it purple grap thay people out here bangin shit they dont no an u dont wanna false clam day dont play about dat shit, 107 hoova crip nigga its kswiss=killa slobk when i seea slobk. Puttin es fucc shit out there. I hope you niggas dont fuck like you gangbang, cuz I would hate to be your old lady. From I always heard about them beefing with 100s, Raymond's & 135 Piru. The gangs under the Crip Alliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is worn proudly by all Crip members as a primary color. Along with a few other friends near his 78th Street home near Fremont High School, Stanley TookieWilliams and Raymond Washington created the Cripsalliance with the initialintent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. Gtfo nigga 40s just became factors about 10 years ago didnt come out till around 1984 youll baby 60 still.youll wasnt even n hoods untill bout 1991yea youll deep as fuck but only have is riders deep hoods got a lot of busters straight up, Man its 139% or noting Im from pa we do this for all u that got something to say if its not sgc eat a dick die slow. Top Gangsters Insane Original Gangsters, C-21=YOU STRAPPED BLUE STEEL CRIP BANGIN TO DEATH. WHAT DAT BLUE BE LIKE? Many Crip sets have names which include the name of their City, a street that runs through their turf, or the name of the projects, apartment complex, or community they control. 9. They are known by the following clicks, 132nd, the original side of Shot Gun and 139th Street. cumin frm da WestSide of the A-town ! 2020 3.12 . Deep Swole numbers Many Cripgang members can be found on, which is a notorious virtual gathering-place for many other gangs as well. 300 their lieing her kids? Involved in narcotics trafficking, legitimate businesses and the music industry. For the cause Whats the cause? The Crips began to increase violence and take over new turf. 3 = FOR THA TRAYS. Murk Murder A lot of people believe the name came to existence because of a spelling error. ROC, OBG H52VA HCG. 132nd street or "The Deuce Side" (original clique of the Shotgun Crips), Oklahoma City Police Arrest 19 in Gang Sweep, 2 Reputed Gang Members Charged in Killing of Gardena Shopkeeper, Yung Fif & YG Soprano "Hard in the Paint" G-Mixx, It evolved from the Baby Avenues street gang. T TRUTH. Your post have really provided me with some of the codes I have being looking for. CANT FOR GET The 74 Hoovers are primarily African-American street gang located on the West Side of South Central Los Angeles, California. around these streets. I ride fo my Guns! GRAPE ST. or nothing!!!! Niggers in gangs are animals who look like monkeys and gorillas.