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How much work will be involved on your end in delivering on the sponsorship? Sponsorship can come in a number of flavors, depending on the form of contributions the sponsor makes to the race. Want to sit next to thousands of screaming fans? You're the solution to their problems pitch yourself that way, rather than presenting your favorite things about yourself and some special award you got hoping they bite. Include contact information on the introductory letter and proposal. It must be fairly obvious from everything we've discussed so far that retaining a sponsor is a lot easier than gaining one. Once you have identified suitable organizations to target, you need to find the best person to contact within the organization to discuss your sponsorship proposal. About Blog Sponsorship Contact Site Map If you are interested in receiving product sponsorship, please mail your resume, including your background, special accomplishments both on and off the track and your racing schedule, along with all contact information (address, phone, email address) to: K1 RaceGear Attn: Sponsor Feel free to drop Racing Mentor a message on social media if you have any questions. Keep this in mind with everything you do regarding sponsorship. For one: Hawk performance brake pads has given me a TON of support through their Hawkbucks. Dont just assume that because youre posting nice pictures and updates, your audience will be interested. If you know a business has the goal of selling more through social media without using ads then your proposal absolutely needs to address how you might help with this. Strongly Agree 78.60%. Sponsorship Proposal. If you have any comments or suggestions for improving our race sponsorship guide, we'd love to hear them. Race Car Sponsorship Proposal Template. 2011 team racing sponsorship proposal our desire. Start by making a list of the businesses youd love to work with. You do not need to include every cost. If you get into Pro Road-Racing, they sell tickets for events, but aside from one-off popular events (like 24 hours of Daytona) there are still very few people in those stands. And yet, many sponsor stickers are from drivers who just like and want to support a specific brand or business without necessarily being compensated. Head Start is our industry podcast, delivering in-depth content on anything cool happening in the Consider what will be most impressive to the types of sponsors you want to target. Feel free to email You really need to know how you can sell a partnership to a business, and that means understanding the basics of business and sales. Pearson Racing members utilizing wearing apparel with your corporate name/logo and the exposure you will receive in front of thousands of race fans. Follow these simple guidelines to get Racing Sponsorship Letter ready for sending: Choose the document you require in our library of legal forms. Create a clear list of features and benefits that you can pick and choose from. 0000002058 00000 n Treat the race car sponsorship proposal as a business transaction. Tallulah Philange has worked as a journalist since 2003. A sponsorship proposal is an official document that an individual or a business presents to another individual or business, in order to request or seek sponsorship from them. 1. It takes only a couple of minutes. You need to show up to a potential sponsor with a persuasive, well thought out plan. These details usually include your name and contact details and the name and contact details of the potential sponsor. 20+ FREE Racing Sponsorship Proposal Samples in PDF, Download 26 BEST Baseball Scoresheet Templates [PDF, EXCEL, WORD], Professional Apology Email to Customer Templates, Tips for Writing a Memorable Farewell Email with FREE Templates, Writing a Kind Job Rejection Letter [FREE Samples in Word & PDF], How to Write an Open House Invitation Email (with Samples), 16+ Official Statement of Account Templates [in Excel & Word], Writing a Formal Letter to Request Raise in Salary (FREE Templates), Local Racing Tournament Sponsorship Proposal Sample, Individuals Racing Sponsorship Proposal Sample, Racing Sponsorship Proposal Request Sample, Electrifying Racing Sponsorship Proposal Sample PDF, Special Racing Sponsorship Proposal in PDF, Motor Sport Sponsorship Proposal PDF Sample, Simple Racing Sponsorship Proposal Sample, Off Road Racing Sponsorship Proposal Document, How to Write an Effective Racing Sponsorship Proposal? Sponsorship fee For the term of this Agreement, the Sponsor shall pay the Racing Team a sponsorship fee of ($ amount), payable in full by (date) or in installments. How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal (Motorsports) - YouTube This means trying to figure out: Listen. While it contains loads of feedback to help you create a proposal that gets you noticed, its actually designed to guide you through the process of positioning yourself in a way thats desirable. but you surely wont be walking away with a heavier wallet. Dear Sponsor Man, I e-mailed you yesterday but did not get anything back. Not all benefits will be relevant to every business. We work together, help each-other out, and do all we can to make sure well have a great race. 0000001257 00000 n stream FREE 4+ Racing Sponsorship Proposal Samples [ Team, Car, Driver ] Expect to promise a specific number of race appearances, shows, online presence, blog posts, etc. Such a proposal must include the following basic elements: The cover page of your sponsorship proposal must be prepared and presented in the most professional and elegant way possible. There are plenty of people (often very young) who show up with that intent. The appeal of any asset you offer will depend on a number of things, including the sponsor's objectives, line of business, business cycle and their ability to activate those assets. 6 0 obj Even at the pro level, the work, luck, and talent required to make a career is astronomical. If you're directing races, chances are you have a long and bitter history struggling with race sponsorship. 0 Create a two-way relationship with your audience. In those cases, sponsors will publishinstructions for rights holders, telling you everything you need to know to submit your sponsorship proposal to them, including: These direct-application sponsorship requests, where you can submit your sponsorship proposal online directly through the sponsor's own sponsorship request form, are you best bet for securing sponsorship. Take notes. uC%q.Nbd VMdkydek/ ZU>~r5pf There are plenty of great articles, podcasts, and books directly pertaining to creating a good. It is obvious that every sponsorship is made with the viewpoint of getting benefits in return. So fo ahead, drop them in the comments section below. 03. The second is a simple showcase of who you are. Are your posts in line with the companys current message? Without primetime TV coverage, how will people see your sponsors name/product? Sponsorship Benefits A&S Racing offers an exciting opportunity in motorsports sponsorship at a mere fraction of the cost of sponsorship in the major pro racing series like NASCAR, Champ Car or the IRL. race car sponsorship template Doc Template | pdfFiller The racing team approaches a mid to high scale business organization asking them for sponsorship. Through my time running Time Trial and Racing contingency prizes have long way to cutting my running costs. Do you have a special story? Drag Racing Sponsorship Proposal Template - Get Free Templates Think of it more like a sales deck. Download Its about being a christian role. When he would ask them what their plan was to earn him enough business to offset his costs, they were often dumbfounded or would reply, frustrated, that theyll obviously display his stickers! Using these pre-formatted samples will save a lot of your time and effort. Dear Sponsor Man, Can you sponsor me? %%EOF Philange holds a Bachelor of Arts in print journalism from American University and a Master of Arts in communication, culture and technology from Georgetown University. You will use that information to get back to your sponsor with a winning proposal. You might be sending gentle emails before pitching more formally. <> A fictional manufacturing company has contracted a student design team to develop a small Formula-style race car. Our very own Frank Galusha sits down with accomplished sprint car racer, McKenna Haase, as she explains best practices for sponsorship marketing presentation. Partnership is the key word here, treat it as a partnership, not a sponsorship. Sell yourself, but do not offer things you cannot deliver, such as offering to feature the sponsor's logo exclusively if you are reaching out to other potential sponsors. Sponsorship Proposal Examples - 15+ in PDF | Google Docs | Pages | MS I believe that sponsorship of race teams is important and necessary to the continuation of the sport. There is occasional TV coverage, but it isnt major. Sponsorship agreement team: Fill out & sign online | DocHub Your proposal must show depth and that you took the time to understand each sponsor. Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. But I wouldnt rely on these to fund your racing career, there are better ways to find sponsorship. Instagram is a powerful platform for building a following and promoting your racing brand. . Sponsorships - Summit Racing Equipment This sponsorship proposal also highlights information about driver profiles and the schedule calendar of drag car racing events. You might be operating in a specific niche (see below for more details) or area. However you decide to build relationships with decision-makers, the goal is to warm them up to your pitch because a warm lead is so much easier to land! Make sure to stay in touch with your sponsor throughout the season, even when youre not actively working on something for them. From NASCAR, to Club Racing, to go-karting. Skilfully navigating all the necessary steps to signing up a sponsor and keeping them happy will give your event a strong advantage towards long-term prosperity. Sponsorship Application. Yet you can derive nearly all the same benefits. There might be an opportunity in doing something with your local car dealer, an opportunity in the influence you have with your audience, or an opportunity in getting a brand in front of one of your existing partners. The cover letter should also include the reasons why you think this sponsorship will work. If anything, it means the opposite. Itll be the basis for everything you post on social media, how you write race reports, and more. If youd like to see examples of the pages in the Racing Mentor sponsorship proposal template, take a look here. 0000000016 00000 n If you'd like to see examples of the pages in the Racing Mentor sponsorship proposal template, take a look . Posted on January 12, 2023 by admin. Race Sponsorship: The Complete Guide | Race Directors HQ Pravega Racing Sponsorship Proposal | PDF | Automobiles | Manufacturing If you did, then it should be pretty easy to get them to renew but if you dont think youre doing what you promised, this needs to be addressed early on. %&'()*789:EFGHIJUVWXYZcdefghijuvwxyz Christopher hogan & team hogan racing sponsorship packages i. Download Proposal for auto racing sponsorship by moorespeed race engineering 2131 theo drive austin texas, 78723 512.474.7223 How to get more Instagram followers as a racing driver, Flow-state thinking: The secret to shaving off seconds. Nationally Televised. In return, the racer gives the organization publicity and extras, such as personal appearances. Make it very clear why you stand out over other drivers a niche that goes beyond motorsport can really help you here. [1] 2. With all this information, it should be easy to write a pitch that really speaks to the business and its goals. Select the submit format and acquire the legal papers template in your product. Ask yourself these questions to see if a proposal template is right for you or if you should have a crack at creating your own. Download this 100 percentage editable presentation and get access to our highly . Do not plead. How to Write a Race Car Sponsorship Proposal - SportsRec Racing Team Sponsorship Proposal Form Details File Format PDF Size: 915 KB Download 4. Becoming a NASCAR team sponsor is a big step for any company, regardless of size or budget. You should advise this on the basis of the information you collected and the potential target audience for the sponsor that helps them to get an expected return on investment (ROI). Be sure to target each proposal to the specific potential sponsor. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Details File Format PDF Download Sample Sponsorship Proposal Details File Format PDF Download Sports Sponsorship Proposal Write what the sponsor will get in return, working from the list you have prepared. Group outing packages can be set up for larger groups from your business or organization. First, provide a history of you and your racing team. The cover page should include the details of the potential client and your details. 5 0 obj Money demands include the car itself, parts, gas, assistants, a trailer and fees to enter races. Advertisement Envato Elements (Design Without Limits) smoga07 industry, as well as actionable expert tips to help you stay ahead of the curve. It is a sales document designed to persuade and convince that prospective sponsor why they should invest in their event, initiative, fundraiser, or program. Treat your Race Team as a Business. Here are the steps to follow to earn a motorsports sponsorship: Choose a target sponsor company that's affiliated with motorsports or has sponsored motorsports organizations in the past Determine your most worthy assets and put them on a valuation list Work on your sponsorship package and sponsorship proposal Meet with the sponsor to discuss ideas Enhance their brand's image? There are sponsorship opportunities wherever you turn but you need to think outside the box. These should not be too frequent, but frequent enough to make sure sponsors are kept up to speed with the successful delivery (or upcoming delivery) of key sponsorship initiatives. How do I find companies to sponsor my race car? Take a look at this blog post for an updated list. Click HERE To see more posts by No Money Motorsports, _ Regards,_ _ Dave Peters_ _ 910-616-3799_. If you cant think of anything to say or ask, consider whether the prospect is right for you. 21+ SAMPLE Racing Sponsorship Proposal in PDF | MS Word | Google Docs Of course you can. When I was doing a lot of commissioned artwork, I gave some discounted drawings as sponsorships on promises of displaying at car shows, handing out business cards, spreading the word, etc. Theres hard work involved but the secret is consistency, especially once youre all set up and in the swing of things. The most effective thing you can do to minimize out of pocket expense is in choosing a car that is affordable, reliable, and wont blow through consumables. This proposal contains proprietary and confidential information of EVSR and Entropy Racing . Mindset Performance Coach Craig Muirhead looks at the advantages of flow-state thinking for drivers and riders. If you dont know the difference between features and benefits are then a motorsport proposal template might help you out. Proposal for auto racing sponsorship by moorespeed race engineering 2131 theo drive austin texas, 78723 512.474.7223 Unless you are approaching a major sponsor, do not ask for your total racing costs -- potential sponsors are likely to balk and deny your proposal when faced with large sums. Click on the fillable fields and add the required data. Once youve established a bit of a rapport (2-4 messages), dont be afraid to link what you do to whats being discussed. This is by far the most useful and engaging type of proposal and the kind the template will help you create. Podcast 032: How to Maximise Opportunities on LinkedIn, Podcast 031: How to Make a Winning First Impression, Podcast 025: How to Make the Most of LinkedIn, Podcast 010: Why Business-Minded Drivers Succeed, Get Paid to Race pages: 107-114 and 129-132. Strongly Disagree 0.44%. NO! This all comes down to value. L@Pk98ky lhhV^r=\qnx1ts[Cs7{X9ZOMz a5DILWZ!G*p *U;g&gze*^Mg R(U(r krdWRLn{Fu? You also may be able to offer experiences, such as hosting the company at the race track. The design proposal sponsorship is easy edit in InDesign. How do I find companies to sponsor my race car? In your racing sponsorship proposal sample, you can also suggest and communicate suitable marketing tactics and strategies to the potential sponsor. If youve followed the steps above, you should know: Plenty about the business to personalise your pitch. 1. They must know what they are sponsoring so that they can decide whether to accept your proposal. If you're planning to present a sponsorship proposal to your prospective sponsors, make sure that you're ready with your offers. Description: Thank you for your interest in sponsorship from Summit Racing Equipment. Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2.18%. You need to show up to a potential sponsor with a persuasive, well thought out plan.