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L. French, Nogales, ArizonaARTICLE IIThe name of corporation shall beTITLE INSURANCE, MORTGAGE& TRUST CO.ARTICLE IUThe pjincipal place of business Jof this Corporation within Arizona jshall be Nogales, Arizona, but other,offices may be established and maintained within or outside of Aiizonaat such places as *he Board of Directors may designate whore meetings of stockholders and directorsmay be held, and any and all corporate business transacted.ARTICLE IVThe general nature of the business jof the corporation and the objectsand purposes proposed to be transacted, promoted, or carried by itare as follows, to-wit:1.
Nogales International Airport - Santa Cruz County, AZ Jones Tuesdaymorning as he struck back at criticsof his regime.The old departments of Arizonaare running on the same budgetsas they have been receiving for several years and all are living withinSonora BoostedBy HighwayMagazineOn a trip through southern Ari| zona, Harold Wrenn, assistant di! The State tax ratehas increased because of increasedactivity, he said.I do know there is somethingwrong with the tax structure in Arizona. IGNo. Mr. Duran was recentlydischarged from the Marine Corps.Nathan Forbes of Forbes Sportswear returned to Los Angeles Sunday after a weeks business in Nogales.WHEN INPHOENIX , ARIZ.LOOKING FORREAL ESTATECONSULTOSCAR IRVIN14 S. 3rd Ave.0SAVE MONEYBring your car to us.We have Factory Trained mechanics to do thework.Pontiac & InternationalTruck PartsBUCKHORNAUTO STORES341 Morley Ave. Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. Search Nogales obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. Yes, simply click Add a photo located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share. * Deceased's funeral arrangements. Fleischmanns fresh active Yeast goes right toworkmakes sweeter, tastier bread . Helene Irvine, Mrs. Richard C. Irvine, Mrs. A. L. Lornsteft andMil, JftWto Lake* Mrs. Uka owns the island where the colonists will attempt building their Utopia.Cowgirl Owner Os Vast CattleRanch Attends Nogales ConventionOwner and manager of one ofthe largest cattle ranches in Arizona-perhaps the only woman atthe head of a big strictly cattleranch in the entire Southwest Miss Viola McNeil was here forthe cattlemens convention.An active participant in the deliberations, she addressed the convention Tuesday afternoon and wasa very busy person Monday andTuesday greeting her host of friendsfrom throughout the state.HAS 3 RANCHESMiss McNeil, who gave her address as Congress Junction, Unincorporated, actually owns threeranches west of Congress Junction.The two largest are D-G.and Q-L.Those two and another comprise aFormation Os Non-Partisan TaxpayersLeague Favored By Cattlemen;Reciprocal Trade Treaties CondemnedThe Arizona Cattlegrowers Association at its annual convention inNogales this week went on recordas favoring formation of a non-partisan taxpayers league.Organization of a militant nonpartisan tax payers group to takean interest in governmental affairswas voted following an address byFrank G. Arnold, Fullerton, Neb.,president of the Nebraska Federation of County Taxpayers Leagues.Arnold said Arizonans should beparticularly interested in the workings of the state government because Arizona has a per capita debtexceeded by only eight other states.He said the taxpayers should notplace their hopes for reductions ofdebts and taxes in the hands of politicians because politics is largelytI mm Mli' Ijify B <.&
Community Calendar of Events: March 4-5 | Community var today = new Date() Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Copyright She was a loving daughter, mother Read More, Obituary of Jordan Thomas Paganini Jordan Thomas Paganini September 25,1996-February 5, 2023 On Sunday, February 5,2023 Jordan, a beloved son Read More, Obituary of Ray Clinton Tatge Ray Clinton Tatge, born on September 11, 1958 in Koln, Germany to Helga and Leonard Tatge, died suddendly on January Read More, Obituary of Marilyn Kay Wilson Marilyn Kay Wilson passed away peacefully on February 5, 2023 surrounded by family at age 88. .and the same woman left for Douglas yesterday when she couldnt finda place to stop in Nogales.TOMATERO BANQUETThe annual tomatero banquet willbe held on Saturday March 30, itwas announced last week by MartyLoughman.Miss Mary Allen Smith, studentat the University of Arizona, washere Sunday visiting her parents,Dr. Roberto is now establishedin Mexico City, but secured muchof his first experience on borderpublications.The article deals with the terriblej misunderstanding Americans have ofMexico and the Mexican people, andj the tragic effects this misunder! According Read More, Obituary of Oren Frank Adair Oren Frank Adair, 82, of Tucson, Arizona, passed away peacefully alongside his family on January 28, 2023 after Read More, Obituary of Gale Lougheed Richards Gale Lougheed Richards (ne Seaman) entered Heaven on January 25 2023 of natural causes. 3Now Serving Third TermFOR SHERIFFI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for Sheriff, subjectto the decision of the voters althe July primary election.J. LA. Bisbee, deputy mineinspector, is invesitgating the accident, Justice of the Peace CyrilForsyth, of Patagonia, conducted aninquest yesterday afternoon.Landers is reported to have beena resident of the Red Rock districtof Pima county.Carnes resided in the vicinity ofthe mine.Tucson HotelsSendingTourists Hereimmediately after Secretary Don; Smith of the Chamber of Commerceinformed Tucson hotels and touristcourts Monday that Nogales couldtake care of the overflow of touristsand winter visitors from hotels inthe neighboring city, Nogales began getting results.! Reach . Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. E. CRENSHAW. Nogales international. Many old Nogales International obits used initials instead of full names. Obtn las ltimas noticias del Nogales International justo en tu bandeja de entrada. towed serve ib distinguished pahmag*ALFRED S.AMERtCaud;NEW ORLEANS. Are you looking for a female relative? Inspector General | Get started with GenealogyBank and start making connections today. Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. Submit. Ed Martan. He passed away peacefully Read More, Lydia Arellano's passing on Saturday, February 4, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. According Read More, Elisa Nunez's passing on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. "Connie" was born February 25, 1961 to her parents Ramadan and Grete Dzapo Read More, Obituary of Mary Elizabeth Cantrall TUCSON, AZ - Mary Elizabeth (Miller) Cantrall passed away on December 16, 2022, in Tucson, Az. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. No. (Mike) Frankenpohl, Trap.212 MORLEY AVE.Nogalesj Exchange &Commission Co.Upstairs at 203 MorleyAvenue. External Link Disclaimer | The purpose of this dance isto raise funds for a Veterans Club House and sponsorship of Baseball and Softball teams.Each ticket entitles the holder to vote for a deceasedveteran of World War II from this community. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. Find the right funeral home to guide your family through end-of-life planning. Nathan Ronald Lumm. To conduct said business abovespecified in any and all branchesand ramifications and to do suchbusiness in any and all places inthe United States and in the territories of the United States and allforeign countries, either as principal,agent, director or otherwise.11. Nogales.Charlie Reeves of Camp Stone issuffering from a broken leg. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. C. MEDLEN AGENCYPhone 98 223 Morley AvenueFOR BEST BAKINGDIAMOND M FLOURStandard Family Flour for 40 YearsBUY IT FROM YOUR GROCERESCALADA BROTHERSWHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORSHayden HoldsImportant PostsIn G.O.P. For a successful Nogales Nogales international marriage license search, you need to narrow down your results. Nogales International Airport (OLS) located in Nogales, Arizona, United States. According Read More, Obituary of John Paul Neel Current Tucson, AZ and longtime Chesterton, IN resident, John P Neel passed away at home, with his wife Roberta by Read More, Obituary of Gay Lynn Waslo Gay Lynn Waslo, 65 passed away surrounded by family on Jan 28th, 2023. 1Mwalls are six feet in thickness and support a massive church tower. Rafael C Hernandez. There is nolimit to the number of tickets which may he purchased.The Nogales AMVETS invite the mothers, wives,sisters and daughters of World II veterans toorganize an AMVETS Auxiliary. Photo. Oscar Read More, Obituary of Cynthia Jean Nelson-Gubbrud On the afternoon of December 26th, 2022, Cindy passed away after a yearlong battle with cancer at Tucson Read More, Obituary of Richard Leroy Hawley Richard L. Hawley passed away peacefully in his home in Oro Valley, AZ on January 13, 2023 at the age of 73 Read More, Obituary of Fedelina Rivera Barajas Born April 24, 1937 to Manuel Rivera and Carlota Jaramillo in Aragon, New Mexico, was taken to heaven on Read More, Alberto Gonzales's passing on Sunday, January 22, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96060774/1946-03-15/ed-1/seq-6/. An Arizona rancher accused of shooting at a group of migrants on his property near the U.S.-Mexico border, killing one man, will face trial on charges including second-degree murder and aggravated . 1Your Vote Will Be GladlyAppreciatedA. Gale (Gaga as SHE Read More, Obituary of Amelia J Sanchez Amelia J. Sanchez October 21, 1929 to January 31, 2023 It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Read More, Diana Savory's passing on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Nogales international Marriage Records Online Search - NewsBank STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. Employ these five steps when tracking down your ancestors to get more accurate results. l. Jones, governor of Arizona,, defended his administration at thecattlemens convention.1; , ** , *J-HI ***'''i w Jk Jr M< jjjH&xf ' *' &T. It seems a safe prediction to say that a new all-timehigh mark will be set by vacationists this summer.Your Income is LikeYour Shadow - ItStops When You DoAn Income for your family thatwill not stop if your life shouldbe cut short can be convenientlyarranged through an EquitableFamily Income Policy.The Equitable LifeAssurance SocietyOs The United StatesHERMAN C. MEDLEN,AgentBowman Hotel Bldg.War Brings Breadlines to North ChinaWar and flood, three years of the former and a succession of thelatter, have had their effect on the Japanese-dominated part of China.More than 2,000 Chinese, most of them women and children, died onShanghai streets this past winter. To build houses or other buildings of every kind and character,either for sale or lease or on contract or otherwise.3. NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Nogales Home Newspaper- NOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1946Hooales UntevnationalA Democratic NewspaperEstablished May 25, 1925Devoted to the Interest ol Nogales and VicinityPUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNINGIn The NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Building225 Grand Ave., Nogales ArizonaCRAIG POTONGER Editor and PublisherSubscription Rate $2.50 A Year, $1.50 Six Months, 25 cents a MonthEntered as Second class matter February 3, 1928 at the postofficeat Nogales, Arizona, under the Act of March 3, 1878OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTYOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CITY OF NOGALEStpipr it of {Arizona Newspapers As36a7:onPa# Greater Public Servica IThere Will Be No WarDespite the gloomy prophecies, there will be NOwar. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. I thank you for, me me, the songs you sung to me,the prayers that you saidI am is by you, whoFor the faith you hadJjrineA you had for me, for your trust andyour pride, my mother, I thank you. Nogales international. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. SADDLESMADE TO ORDERNOGALESSADDLERYE. Finish. Roberta N Bracker passed away peacefully on June 3, 2021, just one day shy of her 83rd birthday. Inspector General | Some of the most beneficial reasons to look into Nogales International local obituaries include: Explore the comprehensive records in our online database, and you'll gain access to almost 150 years of local history. Please choose a method to submit your photo. Cars leave church at 5:15 A. M.Bible school, 10 A. M,Morning worship, 11 A, M. Sermon by pastor, The Resurrection ofJesus, A Christian Fundamental.Solo by Mrs. Duane Bird On TheCross.Special number by choir.Junior and Senior B. Y. P. Us.6:45 P. M.Evening worship, 7:45 P. M.Sermon by pastor, Eight NewTestament Resurrections.Special number by choir.Bible study, Book of Romans, Friday, 7:45 P. M.We cordially invite you to worship with us.W. and Mrs. Jones Black expectto spend Saster visiting their daughters in Tucson. 1Jefferson St., following a lingeringillness.Services will be held this afternoon at the Carroon Mortuary. (MAC) MIGNARDOTCounty Treasurer of Santa Cruz CountyPoliticalAnnouncementsFOR TREASURERI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Treasurer,subject to. Gold and Silver in i aample .. ~ SI.OOGold, SUver, Lead and Copper in 1 ea topic Sk.nOLead, Copper, Zinc, Hangaareae, Iron, Lime, Grapmte, II Sulphur, Inaolubles (fold |or silver alone) each SI.OO IDiscounts on larre amount*. To the east may be traced walls believed to have formed the cloisters and workyords. Ron was born August 28, 1942 Read More, Graciela Carranza's passing on Sunday, February 12, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. New details emerge about Nogales rancher charged with murder J. M. Keith of Phoenix, secretary of the association, said arrangements should have been madefor 300. USA.gov, Nogales international. Phone 176Mexican MoneyBought and Soid.| Loans to salaried peopleINSURANCEC. state department of mineral rej sources, today revealed that H. R.; Espey had turned in a sample ofgold ore assaying at the rate of$34 000 a ton.Extent of the vein from which thesample was obtained was not disclosed. External Link Disclaimer | Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project O. A private burial was held by her family and close friends on Os C. DriveTo End MondayWith the two teams in charge ofthe drive running neck and neck,the annual Chamber of Commercemembership campaign will close ati 5 p.m., Monday.Tire teams, captained by BobMarcus and Bill Lytle, have broughtin more than 50 new members,many of whom have never beforebeen affiliated with the chamber.Team members are urged to turnin their remaining membershipcards before 5 p.m., Monday.NOGALES HOME NEWSPAPER .. . You can also get some additional guidance by downloading the free Tips for Searching Titles guide. NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Nogales' Home Newspaper- NOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1946 Hooales Untevnational A Democratic Newspaper Established May 25, 1925 Devoted to the Interest ol Nogales and Vicinity PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING In The NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Building 225 Grand Ave., Nogales Arizona CRAIG POTONGER Editor and Publisher Yes, simply click Add a photo located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share. Nogales International - Home - Facebook Accessibility | . Political News & Election Results in Nogales international Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. USA.gov, Nogales international. 53. on the 7th.Dennis Hunt was here yesterdayfrom Elgin.Dr. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. The Montezuma Hotel was filledup with tourists Wednesday nightand other hotels also report a bigdemand for rooms.J J. M. Procter, manager of the Pioneer Hotel in Tucson, advised Secretary Smith, Wednesday that ThePioneer sent a party down hereTuesday afternoon and also said jthey would continue to send their (overflow here and that he expects |The Pioneer tc be filled to capacity; the next sixty days.Curio stores in Nogales, Sonora,! J. LOWEFORSCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County SchoolSuperintendent subject to thedecision of the voters at the Julyprimary election.CORA EVERHARTFOR SUPERVISORI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Supervisor in District No. MmcftrIf. The investigation into the case of a man who was found dead in a . Oscar Read More, Obituary of Michael Anderson Hicks Michael Anderson Hicks was born in Bend Oregon in 1958 to Dolores Jeanne Anderson and TJ Hicks. \ \ / \For the sore travail that rcaused theyislons and despairs, mymother, forgive me. Delivered right as the newspaper goes to print on Tuesdays and Saturdays. A celebration Read More, Obituary of Eric William Beach Beloved husband, father, grandfather & friend Eric William Beach went to live with Jesus on January 25, 2023 Read More, Obituary of Ronald Phillip Trout Ronald P Trout, 80, passed away peacefully on February 11th, 2023, in Tucson, AZ. Due tothis beating, the locals will enterthe fray tonight as underdogs,j After tonights fracas, the Apach-1 j es will resume practice on Monday| until Wednesday when they leave| for the state tourney. Hathaways wrist, which wasbroken several weeks ago.Johnnie Hill arrived from Shawnee, Okla., early in the week and isnow employed on the Jim Parkerranch.Jack Duran arrived Sunday tojoin his wife, Mrs. Ruth Duran, director of the Home Economics De-NEW STeE, FENCE POSTSFORImmediate Delivery6 ft. or 6% ft. long2 poundsper foot . .WE BUY USEDFURNITUREand Pay Highest Prices . W. McFarlandWilliam W. McFarland 70, wgllknown commodity broker, diedTuesday night at his home. Lindsay Kerr 4:08 PM, May 21, 2021 . Forgive me the, peVillD|Doitoiiyou to, the sobs and moansI wrung from you, and for the strength rtook from you, mother, forgive me.For the fears I gave you, for the alarms and the dreads, my mother, forgive me. She was born on January 16, 1928, in Los Angeles, CA. TheroomsLEGAL NOTICEbrought against you by the abovenamed plaintiff in the SuperiorCourt of Santa Cruz County, Stateof Arizona, and answer the Complaint therein filed with the Clerkof this said Court, at Nogales, insaid County, within twenty days after the service upon you of thisSummons, if served in this saidCounty, or in all other cases within thirty days thereafter, the timesabove mentioned being exclusive ofthe day of service; or judgment bydefault will be taken against you.Given under my hand and seal ofthe Superior Court of Santa CruzCounty, State of Aiizona, this Istday of April, A. D. O. Marie Arbuckle, who suffereda broken leg some weeks ago hasimproved to the extent she has beenmoved to her home at the SandsRanch.The annual business meeting ofthe Elgin Book Circle was held atthe Elgin club house. Deceased's obituary. Uncover the branches of your family tree. She was preceded in death by her husband, Daniel Alvidrez Read More, Victor Montanez's passing on Thursday, February 23, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Obituary Announcement. Amos A. Betts. Nogales International obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Nogales, Arizona.. With the Nogales International obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Arizona, it's important to know how to perform a Nogales International obituary search to access this wealth . Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. Titcomb arrived Tuesday fromSombreretillo, 60 miles southwest ofNogales, where he is engaged inmining.CUSTOMS OFFICIALEdson J. Shamhart, chief of theDivision of Enforcement. The headsi of both men were blown off. With the Nogales International obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Arizona, it's important to know how to perform a Nogales International obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. But whats the |HARRISON-SMITH , !Phone 4932Tucson 228 E. 6th St.Tucson |NOTICE OilVEHICLE OWNERS1946 COMMERCIAL STICKERSHAVE ARRIVEDThese Stickers and 1946 Registration Cardsmust be on all commercial vehicles by Saturday,March 16, 1946. Sam Dysart, program chairman for the club convention, is leaving teday for Phoenix to conferwith the state president of the organization on program events forthe March meeting.Both the Junior and Senior divisions of the State Federation willmeet here.All arrangements for the convention are being handled by the Nogales Womans Club of which Mrs.Russell Meeker is president.Two Die InMine BlastNear NogalesVictims of a premature dynamiteexplosion, Robert Landers, 48, andPedro Carnes. July 26, 2022 (75 years old) Agnes Hamlin, candidate for Ithe Democratic nomination for jCounty Treasurer, and daughter, jMrs. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Marilyn was born Read More, Obituary of John R Grimes John R Grimes, Sr 86, passed away January 28, 202, born April 13, 1936 in Detroit Michigan to Jessie and Margaret Grimes Read More, Oscar Lucero's passing on Thursday, January 19, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Ar.Nogales Ft. Hna. Box 956, Nogales, Ariz. or Phone 181, NogalesMARINE CORPS COAST GUARD-Hey, Chum! Nogales Obituaries | Local Obits for Nogales, AZ - Legacy.com