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Gun Test: Colt King Cobra | The Daily Caller A few days to grind down and re-polish hammer, trigger, cylinder release. Why anyone would want a .38 over a .357Mag. Again keep up the good work. see fit to give us a longer ejection rod in atleast a 2 1/2 barrel shroud thatll positively shuck out the cases (better even than my K. Cobra)? The problem was that she used jacketed round nose, because that was all she had at the moment. To me it sounds like Colt just released the Mustang II of the gun world. I have gone to carrying the S&W J-Frames. Glad to see the come back! My hope is that Colt does so and builds them with the same care and quality of the older Pythons, Anacondas and the like. A buddy bought a new Colt King Cobra 3" when they first came out. A. Federal, Remington and Winchester have all proven accurate and useful.
Review: Kimber K6s .357 Magnum Snub Nose - Lucky Gunner Lounge This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! There have been quite a few revisions and improvements since the first run. Gun looks like a Charter Arms product. They both produced very nice groups double action with a two-handed grip at 10 yards. To prepare for my trip to the range, I pulled down that box of holsters that all gun guys tend to have and undertook my best effort to find something that the Colt would fit. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. For Colt to come up with this gun as a namesake.holy shit.are you kidding Colt.what a shame.
The New Colt Cobra: the Good, the Bad, and the very, very Ugly,, An Israeli .308 AK? Many other guns in the same size category hold only five rounds. III has a finer finish than this new one. Bought a 4 inch stainless high polish one for 300 bucks around 93, left it in a closet forever, traded it in 2010 for an Arsenal SGL21 Russian made AK. This describes what I believe to be the perfect concealed carry revolver. Make the same gun in a nice These guns are now held to extremely tight tolerances and Colt isnt shy about rejecting even the smallest flaws. Too bad you will be under-armed in a life or death gun fight with a .38. Greg, this blog is called The Truth About Guns.
Thoughts on the New Colt King Cobra | Bushcraft USA Forums However, it showed my lack of skill with revolver reloads using speed loaders or strips. and sometimes thats a little much for non-belt carry. Since the department required we carry a S&W or Colt revoler. Theres never been a better revolver for smaller handed shooters such as women. They are awesome. He is right about the Bulldog having no competition at the moment. Barrel Length: 3 in. Q. We simply have not had a large selection of revolvers to choose from when it comes to full size revolvers. In the mid-1960s, he purchased a Colt Trooper from Massey Hardware in downtown Conway, Arkansas. The other snake revolvers had OK-to-nice finishes, but they were not the Royal Blue of the Python. Learned my lesson trying to shoot .357s in my J-frame, and now just pack .38s. Hogue overmolded grips come standard and a red fiber optic front sight comes factory installed. The original Cobra wasnt this type of gun it had an aluminum frame and was a five-shot cylinder. Ergonomics on the Cobra are exceptional. The SP101 is one hell of a gun. But theres no comparison. The polished stainless finishes were nice, as were the nickels. Another modification has been made, this one to trigger geometry. A big part of the DA revolver market is small frame, and that market is full of high-powered, lightweight models. Posted: 1/16/2021 8:03:21 PM EST. It appears that the trigger pin is more centrally located, and the trigger itself is straighter. How come you were able to rotate the cylinder after having pulled back the hammer into single action mode shortly before the three minute mark ? Wide rear sights have very easy to adjust screws for windage and . The new models are updated small frames like the old Detective Special and Diamondback. So theres been an opening in the market for somebody like Colt to bring back theyre snake guns and trust me if they can hit it out of the park on this one they will sell. SMITH & WESSON (In Stock) 0.0. The new Colt Cobra is in that same vein, and while it bears the same name and specs as the original it falls short on a few key features. No need to change the grips, but you could if you wanted and the same can be said of the front sight. Only the Python and the custom shop got the extraordinary level of attention that the author is thinking of here.
New Colt Cobra target reloading problems - The Firing Line Forums With advances in metallurgy, they should certainly be able to make a lightweight D frame in 6 round .357 mag to compete with the lightweight S&W J frame 5 round 357 magnums.
The Keefe Report: Colt CobraA New Factory Double-Action Colt I would have brought out a King Cobra, just to show the market that they could do the finishing correctly again. Although introduced at SHOT Show 2019, the Colt King Cobra revolver traces its lineage all the way back to 1908 with the launch of the Colt Police Positive. (My 53 Colt Cobra is about 15oz, spec sheet for the new model lists 25oz). The trigger is excellent right out of the box and the sights work, not something that is true of many snub-nosed revolvers. It was marketed as, and was, a PREMIUM revolver. 3 Revolvers are Pure Sex. hand. This should steer some of you towards the new Colts. Look at which way the cylinder rotates.
New Colt King Cobra Problems Users Must Know - GunAnalyst Feeling that his dad needed something for personal protection, he gave him the Colt Trooper, which served him until he passed away a few years ago. 4 Anaconda. Where is the new Colt Cobra produced? All this negativity 38s a weak caliber, why isnt it aluminum, a Python, an Anaconda, a 3, a 4, a 5, a 357, blah, blah, blah. In these later Colt's repairs are done, not by refitting parts as in the old action, but by simply replacing worn or damaged parts with new parts. Alberts achieved six-shotgroups within a 2-inch circle at defense distances with no problem in single-action. Where is the new Colt Cobra produced? You sir are very correct. I just replaced it with the Ruger LCR 9 when the Colt made it in steel . Actually about 4 years ago I had a customers royal blue python finish redone by Colt. Source: The success of the Cobra saw Colt bring two more of its iconic revolvers out of retirement. Ive got a blue 2 1980 Detective Special and a blue 6 1980 Python. At least the current vapor blasted finish (or whatever theyre using) doesnt look nearly as rough as the Parkerized Agent and Commando Special guns of the 1980s strike-era when the few craftsmen capable of creating that Royal Blue finish were not available in enough numbers to handle the lower profit margin D-Frame revolvers (Python and Gold Cup models took priority). The double/single-action Cobra is the baby in Colts wheelgun lineup. Though Ive owned only S&Ws, Im a revolver guy and definitely will look at the Cobra. The first six rounds through the gun were impressive; the double-action pull seemed to roll predictably. The. With an MSRP of $699, the Colt Cobrais a capable, concealable, and smooth shooting snub-nosed snake gun. This is Colts attempt to produce a competitive product that the average Joe can purchase without taking out a long term loan. As Col. Sam Colt wrote, Be not afraid of man or beast, that walks beneath the skies When danger threatens, call on me and I will equalize!, Sincerely, Seems as though you are a Colt fan boy! Six shots at 7 yards in double-action. The Ruger SP101 was made for a concealment purpose a little brother to the GP100. Colt a message from a customer that youve had since the early 1980s please hire some gunsmith and have a revolver line that was made exactly the same way youre early guns were. I hope to take it to my favorite dealer, and or call Colt to see if it needs to be sent for a check and repair, which I need to learn is an OK thing to do and more than worth the investment of time, work, and possible be free repair, if it even warrants the need for repair. I have had several of the lightweight Smith-Wesson revolvers. The new Colt Cobra and King Cobra models are not medium frame revolvers like the old King Cobra. I wonder if Colt will decide to sell this in California. The author was impressed by the design, operation and performance of the new Colt Cobra. Im thankful to see something not made out of plastic. The revolver features a generous ejector rod despite its short barrel as well as a full underlug.
Colt Cobra - Internet Movie Firearms Database - imfdb This Area is for Discussions on All Breeds of Colt Made Revolvers. The Pythons were always desirable, the King Cobras and Anacondas were scorned for having transfer bar triggers. Once people would see that, youd see why just saying Oh, were going to make them on CNC machines! isnt going to quite cut it with the original Colt lockwork design. I dont think I ever saw one in a big gun store unless, again, I had no idea I was looking at one. Glad to see Colt offering the new Cobra. Thanks , Bob. The IWI Galil ACE Full Review, Previous post: US Responds to Russians After Shooting Down Syrian Fighter Jet: We will not hesitate to defend ourselves, Your email address will not be published. I wish Colt would come back with their snake guns but lets bring them back the way they were originally created instead of this mass-produced mumbo-jumbo garbage crap. Not too small nor too big. It is June 27, 2017 and it is still not available anywhere. He said it was a fluke that I got this NRA model, it has not been officially released but a batch accidentally shipped out. Demand was so strong upon its release, the Cobra was often difficult to find. Heck, my old Trooper Mk. Anyone who wants a small (concealed carry) revolver can choose from Smith and Wesson, Ruger, Taurus, Charter Arms, and probably more. Every cowboy needs a revolver. Very very smooth revolver. The Anaconda also ships with Hogue rubber grips, which help dampen recoil. Should he have kept it a secret? The trigger guard of the new Colt King Cobra, like those of the new Cobra and Night Cobra, looks as though the gun was dropped on it. Out of the box, there was one inner internal scratch, not noticeable until one opens the cylinder, in a spot where it would not affect function, so I did not mind, it added character like a body scar. I went back and forth between Nighthawk and Colt booths comparing the Cobra and the Skyhawk. The items in this catalog will be sold at a live auction with online bidding starting on Saturday March 18, 2023 @ 9:00am. I almost slapped down my credit card right then and there, but Im married so Ive been saving up for it. Then when theyd gotten a feel for those, then do a test run of Pythons. Avoid the temptation to replace everything on your brand-new 1911 just to make it "better". The new Cobra sports a Hogue OverMolded grip. I dont have high hopes for the return of the Colt snake line. It may not be the people in Miami who have the communication problem. A well place bullet (even a pellet gun) will kill you if the round finds vitals. Before they stopped making revolvers they made a Lawman (.357 mag) with a 2 barrel. But if you criticize the company for its perceived poor communication skills, perhaps you should sweep off your own porch before commenting on anothers mess., Im disabled combat veteran that was blinded in Afghanistan by an IED I use voice text and I cant check my spelling very well or my sentence structure and I live in Florida so I think I know about the people in Miami a little bit better than you. Colt is the Premiere Firearm maker in the History. The Cobra name is actually a little misleading here this will be a steel framed gun, not aluminum like the original Cobra. As for the old Detective Specials: As they have more time, I would expect to see versions with a myriad of options. Smith & Wesson does this same kind of thing with their Heritage series, and they usually have no trouble selling them. If this is a .38 Special load, check to see if the bullet will fall through the throat. The general lines of the frame and hammer also bear a resemblance, but the new Cobra is a larger handgun7.2 inches in overall length compared to the original snake gun's 6.75 inchesand with its stainless steel construction, a hand-filling 25 ounces next to the First Issue's weight of just 15 ounces. Yea, we need it! Nothing wrong with 38 special (especially with +P) and if you want something else, buy it! So, why would anyone choose this revolver over other offerings? In any event, I like the DA pull weight, and it is a nice looking gun, but Id like to see it with a bit more barrel, say somewhere between 3 and 4 inches.
Is There Really a Recall on the Colt Python? | Field & Stream I think Colt, like Ruger to a certain extent, has the potential to carve out a great big place in the market if they double down on good steel. The new owners understand that abandoning the consumer market was a mistake. Sure and add a couple of hundred to the price. Finding a Cobra has been a problem since Colt discontinued it was in the early 1980s and originals became collector items. That Cobra was purchased for $220,000 at an auction in 1991. New for 2017 Colt has heard the peoples request and is giving them what they want. Does anyone think that they will continue Manufacturing the snake gun series into the king cobra anaconda and python? They started with compact revolvers because concealed carry revolvers are the biggest sellers The Cobra holds 6-rounds, one more than many revolvers the same size. The best gun is the one you have when you need it. First, I buy 357 magnums because they are heavier, but most important they will shoot 38s, 38+P, plus 357. Thank God I Had a Gun: True Accounts of Self-Defense Paperback February 1, 2014 And 25 ounces sounds too heavy. As a new Police Officer back in 1969 after graduation one of the first things was the purchase of an off duty gun. Maybe reintroducing their Snake gun line will keep them above water. This new Colt Cobra looks like a nice piece and wears the name well. The IWI Galil ACE Full Review, US Responds to Russians After Shooting Down Syrian Fighter Jet: We will not hesitate to defend ourselves. Im pretty sure that particular model has been out for quite a few years. One of the defining features of the line is the hand fitting of parts and highly polished exterior, things distinctly missing on the new Cobra handguns. I was able to find a DeSantis belt holster and a speed loader without much effort that seemed to be made for the Cobra. I stopped buying 38s years ago and Ill tell you why. The fit and finish of this gun is crap. Bead blasted finish? As I began rummaging through my stockpile of ammunition, I realized that I had sufficient quantities to really do more than just accuracy testing with the Black Hills 125-grain 38 Special +P.Once I was equipped with all the necessary gear, I strapped on the Colt, loaded up my speed loaders and speed strips, and headed to the range. It is the perfect frontal fanny pack gun.
New Colt Cobra .38? | Bushcraft USA Forums Also, what is with the take off on Pachmyer grips? Colts rotate into the window. The Detective Special I carry is probably only an 85% finish gun; thats why I carry it. YES WHY DONT THAY MAKE THE COLT 38 LEFT HANDED?????? According to internet forums and YouTube personalities like Hikock 45, the new Colt Python has issues causing malfunctions. Sporting a heavy-duty frame, and brushed stainless steel construction, the King Cobra secures a new place in the legendary heritage that makes Colt double-action revolvers some of the hottest collectible firearms today. This is Colts first time wading into DA/SA revolver market in over a decade. They seem to really like the gun with its special new grip design & larger trigger & trigger guard.