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Mercury in the 12th can easily tune out of a conversation that is not stimulating. Try to avoid this, otherwise the other person will lose trust. In a relationship with the collective blur. How can you judge situations? What you really need is a huge state of the art media room. Others may or may not be dishonest, but since its difficult for you to see your own goals clearly now, you probably will not get what you want. Hi Margit! You must let go of any personality traits that stand in the way of a spiritual union. He promised to divorce his wife, someday, so he and Beth could be together. Vertex in Synastry - Your *TRUE* Compatibility is Here - Access New Age Endless compassion. When I said these words she began to breath deeply through her heart. Juno in Synastry, Signs, and Houses: Your Soulmate and Marriage Thanks to Neptune sextile Ascendant, you likely only want to think the best of people, especially those in closest proximity to . I asked her to meditate on how her own suffering could awaken in her boundless compassion for all beings. Sometimes, people with the Mercury conjunct Chiron aspect work with their hands, avoid socializing, etc. It is a point of transition wherein I must consciously establish this protection since I no longer have the weight or the psychological barrier to closeness. The Empath does not receive through channels in the same way. THE CRISIS OF DISCONNECTEDNESS AND THE TRANSIT OF NEPTUNE IN THE PERSONAL HOROSCOPE, PART I, by Lynn Koiner written while Neptune was in Capricorn A Life Story. Everyone who has started to use this remedy states that they do not feel anything until they stop taking it. Just learning. (pp. Their failures may not be extremely bad, but it is your refusal to accept the truth that can complicate your life, because when you finally see the truth, you will be disappointed. I have observed that it is very difficult for people to lose weight while under the influence of Neptune. The impression you make on others will change. It is also a planet of mercy and compassion. Your partner accepts you as you are which makes you want to accept them as they are. Please and thank you so much in advance! This made me feel more disconnected because I regained some of the weight that I lost during the trip. The lessons of Neptune are to put us in touch with our creative skills, to learn to define boundaries for self and others (learning to say NO) and, with disappointment or betrayal, we embark upon a journey to discover our real Self. The difficulty, of course, is that there is then a confusion of what is in the original sponge and that which is filling it. If a close relationship deteriorates now, you may feel that you dont understand why its ending. Until I began renovating my house, I felt that I did not belong here. At first, the connection seemed tenuous but then I felt more firmly grounded. Neptune there indicates that intuition and creativity were suppressed for more practical endeavors. So, I made a decision to trust that I had tried to make a good decision and not to think about it anymore but to just do the job in front of me one day at a time. I do not know who Kitty is but I am the one who answers all. Build trust and keep the channels of communication open and free of interference like gossip and lies. In fact, your physical appearance may seem to change constantly or it may be just out of reach. Neptune opposite Ascendant natal suggests your partners and your individual identity dissolve into each other to a certain extent. I may have an article on the lymphatic system on this website but my house is being renovated and I cannot access all of my files. Remember, that any betrayal or disappointment is assisting us to let go and move forward in our lives to go beyond our boundaries. A woman had transiting Neptune conjunct natal Sun for two years: She experienced deep meditation and said that she felt the presence of God. If you feel disconnected from reality, if you experience panic attacks, if you feel the familiar is strangely unfamiliar at the same time, if you are afraid, you are probably not crazy but rather experiencing the influence of Neptune. Hi! Yet she could feel Neptune uplifting her vibrationally to a new level of consciousness. Personally, I use this Neptune checklist: Am I coping adequately with material reality? You love to watch TV with your partner. But eventually the veil drops and all hell breaks loose. Further, the difficulty and challenge for the Empath, is that most Empaths are not aware of the intensity or fullness or their receptive nature until certain things happen that interfere with and often endanger the present self. . When you live in an unstructured, totally Empathic state, you overwhelm the body and eventually short-circuit. It is great aspect, just frequent quick shower, to clean bad energies we grab during a day, and little bit Reiki or plant medicine, and everything is smooth sailing . Soul connection. In 2007-2008, Neptune was opposing my 12th House Mercury. Although its been hard keeping any habits at all. We often have to grapple with self-pity, discouragement, or loss of focus. Found this article to be quite informative! TESTIMONIALS ON NEPTUNE TRANSITING THE 7TH HOUSE: When Neptune transited my 7th house and, during this time period, I lost my ex-husband/best friend, a guy that I almost married back in the 70s, my grandmother, nephew committed suicide, and my boss currently in need of a liver transplant, sister developed cancer and went through chemo, good friend developed cancer and going through chemo, so I have had death and serious illness all around me. Give it away now. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. These people saw another Lynn that I did not know existed. issolving the boundaries between me and you. What did this disconnectedness feel like? These may include qualities you look for in a partner and tend to idealise, as well as fears and doubts. Endless understanding. Neptune square Neptune is one of the "biggies" in terms of transits (slow-going and a long transit). They were Orion clients as well and had several sessions with Orion discussing their individual and joint approaches toward working with their situation. Then, when you are most vulnerable energetically, you allow your son AND his girlfriend to live with you. Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your ideal partner to your door but also your worst nightmare. Brainstorm: Moon/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Neptune. SHOP NOW 35% off reports through March 22nd Dismiss. There is always a specific Spirit Guide in our lives at the time of a major Neptune transit. I no longer use this brand since Solaray Raw Adrenal is easier to find at The Vitamin Shoppe. In Vienna, I met with Jindra and her friend, Martin, and I connected with an Austrian woman, Ingrid Petroff, who I had briefly met in Chicago. You appear to be the goddess of someones dreams. When you begin to visualize or write an affirmation or receive a healing or a massage or energy work or a medication or a surgical intervention, see each element as part of a great weaving. Most doctors will write the off but Dr. John Pagano wrote about this a decade ago when he research the Edgar Cayce files. Neptune opposite ascendant transit and natal mean? This description applies for any of these transits: This is a test on your ability to let go of attachment to material things or even certain personal relationships. The ability to change the energy, which is part-conscious, part-energetic, and can be initiated by conscious will and thought. Otherwise, your close relationships could become a source of confusion and disappointment. Many other things happened at that time as well In the past, my mother had seemed embarrassed that I was an astrologer. Which is an uber slow motion experience several years of this as Neptune takes 14 years to pass thru Pisces, on top of that the Asc/Dsc takes 16-20 years to progress each sign. If you are such a person, you are likely to be a born mystic. Youre more aware of the subliminal all around you. I just thought that I was doing something wrong but I had no idea what it was. the two planets have done quiet a damage during their transit through my sixth house so I am scarred of what the conjunction to descendant and square to natal pluto will bring. However, change through dissolving what no longer works is still the prominent feature of a strong Neptune transit. Another client is being sued by a former employer because she quit and is starting her own business (she is a licensed practitioner and was only contract for the former employer and there wasnt a non-compete in place, and she is not taking information from the former employer). Susan also had solar arc Uranus conjunct natal Mars: She was intensely angry at her husband. The next night we went to the Eden Bar where tiny drinks cost $22 each and a bottle of champagne cost $500. One of the two tries to hide something or is lying. You fall in love with an unattainable spiritual guru. This shift allowed the group to grow and expand! It will sometimes take a crisis, intervention, or personal illness to snap you out of your delusion and rebuild your self-esteem and confidence. For instance, if a cell is growing within and the Immune System recognizes this growth it may work against it. She wondered if she should leave her husband. Mercury conjunct Chiron can also indicate a disability to speech or movement. The delusion is based upon your expecting them to be what you want them to beand they are not! The activity of the outer planets is often said to be turbulent and disruptive. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. *Please Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share. Eating or any compulsive behavior is a means of filling the emptiness produced by the disconnection. This ability to recognize and change energy is often what isNOTunderstood by the Empaths in this reality. Having 3 planets in Gemini, I have mental curiosity and find almost everything stimulating so I have a lot of joy. Jim Morrison is your best friend. When Neptune opposed Pluto in my chart, I had been writing a Sun-sign column for DC-ONEmagazine. But then it will square my Saturn and Uranus at 29 hopefully this will not be as hard, At 29 degrees, this is an Ending Cycle. We begin to perceive the one Spirit that underlies the world of multiplicity and material forms. There is another dissolving effect that I have observed which is affecting my interaction with others. Disconnectedness can feel like depression but it is a very different phenomena. She felt very betrayed when the promotion went to someone else. I feel this was a time for the right relationships to be in place and go forward, and I had to TRUST and stick to my beliefs and not allow clients and others to put words in my mouth just to hear what they want to hear I had to tell them only what is real. After the first day, my friend was amazed, Lynn, these people really love you they really do love you! She could see the difference in the relationships. It was the best thing that ever happened. . Consider that what seems simple is always part of complexity and multiplicity. Now is not a time for solidity. I felt so betrayed but I knew, typical of Neptune, that this was for the best. What Jane is sharing in her personal observations is the positive influences of the Aquarian energies as they assisted all of us in dissolving rigid boundaries yet creating new, flexible boundaries that support each individual. Self-awareness is a good start and spiritual development is the next step. It takes a little practice but I must be honest with myself, my needs and wants. Vesta Aspecting Neptune: Neptune rules dreams and imagination. I asked her to connect to a love transcending needs or expectations, a pure love for all beings. Do not give away your entire self unless you want to be a martyr. When he left, I felt so alone, so lonely, that I never wanted to feel this way again. Saturn Transits: 7th House - Jessica Davidson Thinking of the Immune System as a sea, gives you an image not of an even plane, but an element within yourself that is in motion and more so, this motion is natural, an expression of the natural way for the Immune System to be. Your email address will not be published. Deceptive opponents. I am having to be really strong for my boss right now, and keep the office running. Rudhyar calls Neptune a planet of deconditioning. I distilled for 2 years and started gathering medicinal herbs to extract and feel out. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant can represent your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. A great web of interconnections. If you play the martyr, someone will play the role of persecutor. They paid her less than originally promised and they found excuses to hold back even that small amount. There is another book that has been around since the 1980s on Hypothyroidism by Brota Barnes MD. Save 35% off reports! After all, its about giving structure to the nebulous. The change was necessary and I did feel ungrounded as my furniture and bed were in the yard. This is a great time if you're an artist of any kind. 17 people love it! It dances with the beliefs of your own life, of your societys life. The greatest challenge for the mature Empath is discernment and differentiation. She was overly protective. Just dont take any wooden nickels. Please if somebody has or had this transit and discover some solution, can you help me. Pisces rules the Occipital Lobe of the brain and Seratonin. The descendant and 7th house signify parts of yourself that get lost in the unconscious and that you project onto others. Transit Neptune conjunct Ascendant<br> (like Christina Aguilera) This dialoguing can occur simply by speaking aloud, by picturing yourself engaging with this guardian of the body as a partner, as a compatriot, coming together to harness you views, to bring an outcome of harmony and balance in the physical realm. Theres a strong possibility of receiving wrong information or being deceived. Each of you must be very conscious now of focusing on when you need to be open, when it is time to be closed. Relationships are thrown under the spotlight and often start under peculiar circumstances. This transit can also produce important psychic experiences and transcend your personal life to a higher and more spiritual level. But do consider that these events do not call upon you to judge, to turn away from, to dislike yourself, your actions, choices or outcomes. It was a wonderfully social time. In an invisible relationship. It teaches us to surrender and live with a calm acceptance of whatever may come, yet with a clear intention to heal whatever portions of this universe we can. With the shift in the groups energy, a lot of people joined our group as well as another that formed at the same time. I feel that the Bach Remedy,CLEMATIS, saved my life in 1997. Spiritual battles. LYNN: The transiting Neptune in Pisces entered my 7th House in 2013 and it is still in my 7th House in 2020. Can you please clarify because I have no idea if this information applies to me or not. These affiliations are not based upon proximity but rather through shared values, even goals and aspirations, so that there is some continuity in relating. During the Capricorn cycle, the many flowers of friendship in my garden were allowed to go to weed while I focused upon the one orchid on my table, so to speak. To say Ive lost my drive and focus would be an understatement! I have always said that the people in Germany are my best friends but the people in Prague are family. You may become interested in helping those who need it and increasing your compassionate and spiritual sense.