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British accounts are the most credible but the information is sketchy.
Nathan Hale Jr. Obituary (1947 - 2020) | Enfield, CT - Echovita I have the entire family tree for the Hales from Nathan Hale all the way to the present day children that were born decedents as recent as 2011. HERE IS WHAT I HAVE.MARY BALL IS THE MOTHER OF 2/7/13Update: See comment below for an online resource for Enoch Hale. I am looking for a sure & reliable source to start my family tree. Nathan Hale was a soldier for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Apparently, some evidence was found on him, and he was subsequently hanged for treason the next day. You have chosen this person to be their own family member. from - http://www.mrnussbaum.com/nathanhale.htm, See his "pedigree" at the Nathan Hale Society - http://www.nathanhalesociety.org/docs/nathan_hale_pedigree.pdf. ELIZA ANN, I BELIEVE, MARRIED A CHANDLER (CALVIN CONNENT CHANDLER).TRYING TO CONNECT WITH NATHAN HALE. ANNE LONG We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Hi, Herbert, Photos larger than 8Mb will be reduced. Many libraries and genealogy societies have copies. He was the son of Deacon Richard Hale and Elizabeth Strong and the sixth of 12 children. Try again later. Share this memorial using social media sites or email. I know the change in spelling is helping make this harder. The effort required a soldier to disguise himself in civilian clothing, slip behind British lines, collect information and documents on the enemys next planned attack, and return to camp undetected. It includes TWO master suites, new roof (2021), windows/sliding door (2020), as well as a new screen for the great size lania (2021) . This page has been accessed 12,860 times. Contents 1 History 1.1 Prominent Members 1.2 Known Living Members 1.3 Family Tree History Coming Soon! The farther back you go though the Hale name does end up changing. 1773 : Education - Yale. The young schoolteacher-turned-officer-turned-spy was a hero to nineteenth-century Americans, but they didnt know what he looked like, as no contemporary likeness survived. Death : 19 APR 1849 Filer, John ). He was the son of Edward and Elizabeth Hale (Sarah). katknit Surely they are.. On the night of September 21, he was discovered on his way back to the American lines and captured. Elizabeth Strong (c1727-1767) 3rd Generation 4. Joseph Strong (1701-1773) 7. I only know my family line back to the early 1900s right now, and the only research I have done ends before where I have knowledge of. Nathans grief-stricken family erected a cenotaph in the Coventry cemetery with the inscription He resigned his life a sacrifice to his countrys liberty at New York, Sept. 1776, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-vetscor/932445/posts. I love my employment; find many friends among strangers; have time for scientific study, writes Nathan of his new position. Shun all vice especially card playing, he writes a year later. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. Please reset your password. Ive simply posted scans from that resource. That summer, Hale was selected for an elite company of rangers commanded by Col. Thomas Knowlton. Betrad he doutless wass by somebody Since Nathan carried his own diploma, however, a villain need not have been involved. An error has occured while loading the map. Attachment tp the old Constitution of my country is my only crime with them Nathans father disbelieved the newspaper account, though he assumed his son had been pointed out to British by someone. Are you aware of the proposal letter Enoch sent to Alice Adams? Apphia Moody (1693-p1724) 6. If youd like to tour the Hale house in Coventry, where Enoch grew up, please contact me and Ill take you around personally. Hales comprise a huge family. Childhood & Early Life. Are you sure that you want to remove this flower? Do you know if Nathan Hales mother, Elizabeth Strong was related to Selah Strong from Setauket, Long Island? i am also related nathan i just recently figured out. Upon finding this document, he was carried on board a frigate and sent to New York City the same day, well-guarded. Research genealogy for Nathan Shirley Hale of Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA, as well as other members of the Hale family, on Ancestry. Hales athleticism was probably a big hit with his male students. From August to September 14, Hale was stationed in New London. American Revolutionary War Spy. Required fields are marked *. With scouting parties and citizen couriers proving to be ineffective, the general proposed that one of Knowltons rangers conduct one of the first American spy missions of the war. Brother of Samuel Hale; John B. Hale; Joseph Hale; Elizabeth Hale; Rev. With young children to raise and a large farm to manage, Deacon Richard Hale remarried two years later to a wealthy widow from Canterbury, Abigail Cobb Adams. In what way do you recommend I go about this? School was the local ministers home, two miles away; the curriculum was Latin, Greek, Hebrew, penmanship, among other subjects. Their son was named Enoch Hale. 1,783 Sq. http://books.google.com/books?id=IuA-AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA245&lpg=PA245&dq Hale: the Martyr -hero of the Revolution with a Hale Genealogy. Constructed in 1776, the current house is the second dwelling built on the property. Hale's body was buried in an unmarked grave but a cenotaph was placed in his family's cemetery. Allow the whole force of our enemy to be but 30,000, and these floating on the Ocean, ready to attack the most unguarded place. Does anyone have records of Hales from the center Pennsylvania areas? Unfortunately, no one is alive anymore to get the facts from. My grandmother, my moms mom, was related somehow to Nathan Hale, I just dont know how, her maiden name was Millie Mae Hale, married last name (Gardner) I would love to find out more. Original photo added by: Sara on 8 Jun 2009 and posted at Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 28 February 2021), memorial page for Rev David Hale (15 Dec 176110 Feb 1822), Find a Grave Memorial no. He was using the cover story that he was a teacher looking for work. Their widows and children moved to the family homestead, so that an average of 12-20 people lived in the house at any one time. Additional Info: We do know that Washington was justifiably concerned with the British recruitment of American Loyalists at this time, a recruitment that was in high gear all along the coast of Long Island Sound in the spring and summer of 1776. It is really a critical Period.
14365 30th Ave NE #10, Seattle, WA 98125 | MLS# 2011837 | Redfin Nathan Hale was born in Coventry, Connecticut on June 6, 1755. Dubbed Hale Secundus, (Enoch being Primus) Nathan was a good student who also enjoyed the sports of the day. He volunteered to spy on the British Army after reportedly confiding in his classmate that he longed to be useful and that every kind of service for the public good was honorable by being necessary. "Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906," database, FamilySearch (, "Connecticut Deaths and Burials, 1772-1934," database, FamilySearch (. sons to Rhode Island due to a disagreemnt with Religion tenents? Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. 1st Generation 1. Conclude to go to (the) Camp next week., In response to Nathans death, an aide of Washington spoke of retribution, and early news accounts tried to fire up support for the American cause by blaming the loyalist cousin Samuel for the betrayal. This browser does not support getting your location. All photos appear on this tab and here you can update the sort order of photos on memorials you manage. Regretfully, I have not been able to find a William among the descendants of Nathans siblings. A Gazetteer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, his ancestors' Y-chromosome or mitochondrial DNA, https://famouskin.com/famous-kin-chart.php?name=11769+susan+ann+watson&kin=24990+nathan+hale&via=3701+john+king+of+england, Died in Military Service, United States of America, American Revolution, Knowlton's Rangers, Continental Army, American Revolution, Births, Marriages, Baptisms, and Deaths of Coventry, Conn. (, Revolutionary War Graves Register. DESCENDANT Hale was born into a family of twelve children. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. According to an early newspaper account, Nathan was betrayed to the British by his first cousin, a Loyalist from Newburyport, Mass., Samuel Hale who was on Long Island at the time.
Biography of Nathan Hale: Revolutionary War Soldier and Spy - ThoughtCo . Clovis H. Brakebill, compiler. They were engaged in a holding action, a stalemate, with the British occupying the city and the Americans surrounding them. People Photos Purpose. Edit Search New Search.
Daniel-M-Taylor-HI - User Trees - Genealogy.com He was a member of Knowlton's Rangers, a reconnaissance and espionage detachment of the Continental Army established by General George Washington. My school is by no means difficult to take care of. Her grandmother donated her Hale papers to Smith Colleges archives. After a pause, Hale responded to the call. His great grandfather, Joseph Strong Sr. Is my 8th great grandfather! My Grandmother is Dorothy Hale. We cannot know the thoughts of this soldier in the last moments of his young life, but his behavior and legendary last words catapulted him to the pantheon of American heroes. Home > User Trees > Daniel-M-Taylor-HI. Just went on my ancestry and supposedly, Nathan Hale is my 3rd cousin 8x removed. When the war began, he joined the Connecticut militia and became a first sergeant. Their vision of the young herorepresented in three important works in the Institutes collectionshave shaped the way Americans have imagined Hale for more than a century. Sources: Dowling Family Tree - Tim Dowling - rootsweb, 2001-2015 - - electronic - I42233. If you are related to his family, it would be through one of his brothers or sisters. He graduated with honors in 1773 and began teaching in New London, Connecticut. Click on thumbnails of manuscript for enlargement. He developed into an intelligent and athletic young man, after a sickly childhood (Sarah). Nathan and his brother Enoch were prepared for Yale by the well-known Congregational divine, the Rev. I might be able to help you. Kevin, your grandmother is undoubtedly descended from one of the branches of the Hale family, but there were 5 of those branches in Connecticut alone. The recognizing date of the exempt status is April, 1979. John Hale (1636-1700) 9. He was shortly to die -- and to die the death of a criminal, of a traitor -- he was to hang, convicted without benefit of a trial. We encourage you to research and examine these . Disguised as a school teacher, he was captured by British forces near present-day Queens following the torching of New York City. He was promoted to captain as the regiment settled in to the Siege of Boston. When Nathan disappeared in N.Y., Enoch went looking for him. Family History Learning Hub ; My Trees ; Start a New Tree ; Upload a GEDCOM ; Search & Browse. He was ordered executed the next morning. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. He died on December 15, 1995 at 32 years of age. . A statue of Nathan Hale stands proudly in front of Tribune Tower, a memorial to one of a America's heroes, a true patriot. Failed to report flower. There is a problem with your email/password. Numbers in this Colony, and likewise in the western part of Connecticut, would be glad to imbrue their hands in their countrys Blood.
Nathan Hale, born 1786 - Ancestry Email me if interested. The house was first restored by George Dudley Seymour, who saved the house in the early 20th century. My father, and his father, and my Grand fathers brother were all twins. In 1768, when he was fourteen years old, he was sent with his brother Enoch, who was sixteen, to Yale College.
Nathan Unhealthy Forest Essay - 769 Words | Internet Public Library Nathan was the sixth child, one of nine sons and three daughters, ten of whom survived to adulthood. The Brooklyn-born artist Frederick MacMonnies (1863-1937) sculpted the work, which is one of the best examples of American Beaux-Arts sculpture. Hope to hear something soon.
Nathan Hale (1818-1871) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (John J. Kim . His company reached the American camp at Roxbury, Mass., at the end of September 1775. One contemporary account mentions Hale as being caught on Long Island by Major Robert Rogers, hero of the French & Indian War, turned Loyalist recruiter on and off Long Island at the time. He had joined a Connecticut militia unit in 1775, reaching the rank of first lieutenant within five months. Are you sure that you want to delete this photo?
Nathan Hale, born 1836 - Ancestry 1998. A statue by another sculptor was erected in 1914 at Yale University and replicas of that statue are located at Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, and the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. On October 1, 1985, Nathan Hale was made the official state hero of Connecticut. If you can trace back your 20th century genealogy, you might make a start on the earlier records, I am a Hale also, my mom is Frances Hale, but I have not traced the links yet as I am working on another side of my family at the moment. Tweed New Haven Airport draft Environmental Assessment March 2023 Son of Deac. Make sure that the file is a photo. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account.
Accused shooter of slain Chicago police Officer Andres Vasquez-Lasso There were 5 different branches in CT alone during the early days. September 30. After graduating from Yale University in 1775, Hale sought employment as a schoolteacher and later joined the 7th Connecticut Regiment. Nathan Hale was born on June 6, 1755, in Coventry, Connecticut, to Richard Hale, a prosperous farmer, untiring patriot and church deacon, and his wife, Elizabeth Strong Hale. The only contemporary accounts are very brief and were written by British soldiers. Just a place to read something small and interesting! Hey, my name is Connor Morey Hale, and am pretty sure I have a direct bloodline to Nathan Hale. Our family has personally updated them through the years in our personal records book with all documentations and letters that we have had throughout the years. Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. I am related to Nathan Hale, I also have all the documentation of our relationship to the American writer and editor Sarah Josepha Hale who is related to Nathan Hale and wrote Mary Had A Little Lamb. If anyone would like information I would be more then happy if you contact me to look over specific members in the family. His hands and feet bound, face resolute, and gaze fixed on the horizon. For reasons unknown, Hale was unable to join his troops on the battlefront during the Siege of Boston, which deeply troubled him. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Nathan was the sixth child, one of nine sons and three daughters, ten of whom survived to adulthood. $2,578/mo Get pre-approved 4 Beds 3 1,945 Sq Ft About This Home This home is a must see! Early life of an American Patriot Nathan Hale was born to a prominent Connecticut family in 1755 and attended Yale University (then known as Yale College) with hopes of becoming a teacher. Soo fun! 1865 - 1880 . "More than a century after his execution, the first statue of Nathan Hale was dedicated in New York in 1893. Nathans mother did survive the birth of her twelfth child, but only by a few months, leaving Nathan motherless at age 12. Both his Parents were devout Puritans who believed in the value of hard work, the virtue of religion and the . I suggest that one of the editors update the biography to make clear that this is the Revolutionary War hero. DALAN ROBERT DRANE, (DIV) I believe that Robert Hale came to Charlestown MA around 1630 as part of the great migration. We encourage you to research and examine these . Thanks for using Find a Grave, if you have any feedback we would love to hear from you.
Nathan Hale (1921 - 1969) - Biography and Family Tree I thought you might like to see a memorial for Nathan Hale I found on Findagrave.com. Resend Activation Email, Please check the I'm not a robot checkbox, If you want to be a Photo Volunteer you must enter a ZIP Code or select your location on the map. Birth : 1 OCT 1771 Skip Ancestry . They may soon be listed for sale. Nathan Hale (1755-1776) 2nd Generation 2. My family holds a lot of heirlooms from the Hale family along with some other family belongings from other influential people in the family genealogy tree and to whom they married. Birth of Capt. This flower has been reported and will not be visible while under review. Soon after his death, rumors about Nathan must have circulated through the American camp, but no American letters or other documents written in New York at the time survive. Nathan Hale, (born June 6, 1755, Coventry, Connecticut [U.S.]died September 22, 1776, Manhattan Island, New York), American Revolutionary officer who attempted to spy on the British and was hanged. They were placed on the left wing of his army and made their camp at the foot of Winter Hill. Has the genealogist traced back William H. P.s lineage? In 1769, at age 14 Nathan had demonstrated sufficient knowledge of the classics in addition to New Testament Greek and set off with Enoch for Yale College in New Haven. Add to your scrapbook. William, who later became a General, reported a number of years after the Revolution that he had tried to dissuade Nathan from accepting his last spying mission. In this city such as refuse to sign the Association have been required to deliver up their arms. Oops, some error occurred while uploading your photo(s). Though there is no known portrait of Hale, the sculptorartist Bela Lyon Pratt who was commissioned by Hales alma mater, Yale Universityused a local man who was the same age as Hale to serve as inspiration. But Hale believed in America and was willing do anything in his power to defend American freedom.
Cowin Special Account Po Box 2766, Birmingham, AL 35202-2766 For People Who Don't Have Time to Read Bad Books, Exploring the folklore, history and mystery of the ancient water supplies - images and text copyright Pixyledpublications unless stated. Richard Hale (1717-1802) 3. Are you sure that you want to delete this memorial? His fowling piece hangs in the family home today. Just one grandparent can lead you to many Please try again later. As was the custom, he was left hanging for several days as a warning to the Americans and buried in an unmarked grave that has never been located. Looks like its only 3 generations away from Nathan and his sibs. In various sources, the present-day location of the execution is listed in different locations. The Twelve Bots of Christmas - Nathan Hale 2012-09-01 In this variation on the folk song "The Twelve Days of Christmas," Robo-Santa gives gifts that consist of electronic gear, including a cartridge in a gear tree, three wrench hens, and nine droids a-dancing.
Dr. Joseph Huntington. Drag images here or select from your computer for Nathan Hale memorial. i need some help in finding more if anyone is interested. It is a copy of the Hale statue that stands in front of the Connecticut Hall dormitory on Yale's Old Campus. The Hales were a deeply pious family. Pease, John Chauncey & Niles, John Milton. Previously sponsored memorials or famous memorials will not have this option. I think I am related to Nathan Hale to. Username and password are case sensitive. There is 1 volunteer for this cemetery. Little detail is known about Nathans childhood but he certainly would have helped with the many farm and household chores and spent many happy hours hunting, fishing, and bathing in the nearby lake. It wasnt until some time later that Nathans brother Enoch came to New York to investigate the rumor that had reached Coventry concerning Nathans execution. Had the British done a better job mobilizing American sympathizers, the Patriots might well have lost the war. In the 18th century, teaching was usually a stepping-stone to the Congregational ministry but it is not known what Nathans plans were. Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of Nathan Hale (2306)?
Any info would be appreciated. It is also during this period that Nathan kept up quite a correspondence with Yale classmates, their letters full of news of friends, jobs, romances, and politics. Also an interesting note I found one trace that leads to the Hale family having a connection to the Mayflower, but I am not sure on how reliable It is. His speech in favor of rebellion at a town meeting inspired many to join the army. Nathan Hale (Continental Army) worked at New York, Capt.
Nathan Hale 1788-1844 - Ancestry Two last letters written by him to his beloved brother Enoch and his commanding officer, Lt. Col. Knowlton were lost or destroyed after his death along with his Yale diploma. Nathan Hale has long been a legend, the martyred hero of the American Revolution. AMY DRANE. The Americans main object then, was to make it as difficult as possible for the British, and despite official reports to the contrary, to burn the city at the last possible moment in order to made it uninhabitable. Nathan Hale 1921 - 1969 Born February 2, 1921 Death July 14, 1969 Summary Nathan Hale was born on February 2, 1921, and died at age 48 years old on July 14, 1969. For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. Learn more about merges. John was the first minister in Beverly MA, his home is part of the historical society there. Captain Nathan Hale served with Knowlton's Rangers, Continental Army during the American Revolution. Why, many scholars have wondered, would a spy carry his own identity papers? IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. http://nathanhalesociety.org/membership.htm, http://asteria.fivecolleges.edu/findaids/sophiasmith/mnsss90_bioghist.html. Candles and flowers are left above memorial posters of Chicago police Officer Andres Vasquez-Lasso after a vigil in his memory at Nathan Hale Park on March 2, 2023, in Chicago. Recalled one: He (Nathan) would jump from the bottom of one hogshead up and down into a second and from the second up and down into a third like a cat.