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The Parent Resource Center is a place for parents, students and families to receive support. The per-semester cost has been reduced from the regular $290 to just $145. 2023 Winter Assembly featuring The Teacher Lip Sync Battle!! The Shelter Janitorial Assistant will provide/perform routine janitorial, basic grounds maintenance, and general support for the for the Emergency Family Shelter. I am very excited about starting a new school year and am very proud to be part of the Mount Vernon Jacket Family. (more) Contact Us 400 West Highway 174 Mount Vernon, MO 65712 417-466-7526 417-466-4307 (fax) Dr. Josh Ladd - Principal Mr. Chris Johnston - Assistant Principal / Activities Director <> Mount Vernon High School 1 2 3 . Mahnyia Marks, Benjamin Turner Middle School. All Rights Reserved. Address. <> about Leading Together: Where are we going? We have Six elementary schools (grades K-5), two middle schools (grades 6-8), one high school (grades 9-12), and one home school parent partnership (grades K-12). Auditions will be held on Thursday, March 2 at 5 p.m. and Saturday, March 4 at 11 a.m. I also helped start a program for students struggling with mental health illness who could not attend a typical school due to their illness. Classrooms are organized by Academic Departments located under the Academics Menu. Everyone knows everyone, Its like a family here at Traphagen. g'JKSZ4f*:O0jDi.A&vd~ZW&=QuYyW8^VUra&gNMX)zQO?/X#l12ex5. Report an incident of bullying, harassment,vandalism, guns, weapons, or safety issues. A}Ol@{/xQD:^P3dW?U^611- pm\KX6o$.*&oosu7#>vfGS^mA:/:" i\W?>_k%p~yW\=&mP\gK+>MVy=G1|ip-&5\G We reimagined and redesigned this year's event so that families will have access to several resources and have an opportunity to meet the staff that will be working with your child. March 8th will be a snow make up day. She led the team that facilitated the years long authorization effort for the school to become accepted by the International Baccalaureate organization. Mount Vernon High School. Mount Vernon High School departments and several District departments are located on the right. 13 0 obj Read more for two ideas that you can try this season. Our vision of excellence.provide educational options for students that will foster meaningful applications to citizenship, career skills, social interactions and lifelong learning to exist in a constantly evolving society. Mount Vernon City Schools. Vernon R-V School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. 300 Yellow Jacket Drive Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 740.393.5900. ?VA_eljRjDOo@hE(Lk&D$Wq8=3cQ4rN hm3zj.DpXw MtsRf%x`p/? Phone | 703-619-3141 Brian Murphy | Director of Student Activities | [email protected] Monty Fritts | Assistant Director of Student Activities| mgfritts@fcps.edu John Uccellini | Assistant Director of Student Activities - Clubs | jmuccellini@fcps.edu Brittany Diggs-McLean | Administrative Assistant of Student Activities | bndiggsmclea@fcps.edu Mount Vernon, WA 98273. showcasingstudent projects from our very ownMVHS Fine Arts department. Montay Campbell, Mount Vernon High School. I like to do math the best at my school because it is amazing and fun. ( Come Visit Ms. Baughn and Ms. Zimmer In Our New Career Center, Embedded video for Winter Formal Royalty Crowning. 10 0 obj 15 0 obj Welcome to the second half of the 2022-2023 school year. 1075 E Fulton St. Yanelfry Fabian, Mount Vernon High School. Supporting Students Ran - Z; Administrator for the Class of 2024; Administrator for Math; Administrator for World Languages; . Mount Vernon, GA. Posted: October 31, 2022. 19 0 obj ]c\RbKSTQ C''Q6.6QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Q" Mount Vernon High School recognized top scholars during its Black History Month assembly on Friday, February 17, 2023. Matt Thede, Assistant Principal/Activities Director, Before / After School Day Care (Kids Club). dZ Attendance. 3 0 obj <> [CDATA[// >