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Summary: Lucius and Harry have a first date and give into the forces of nature. Rating: R Rating: R Summary: Harry knows how to deal with violence. Warnings: threesome, incest, mentions of torture and rape, suicide attempt, OOC Author: Hijja Author: abstractconcept Author: Aisling Author: JBankai89 Summary: No summary provided. Easy. Summary:Harry and Lucius make love for twenty-four hours on the longest day of the year, to cement their bond and look into their past through the Midsummer fires. Author: Sestra_Prior What could be the problem. A Nightly Encounter During The Triwizard Tournament Summary:After the war, Harry finds out just how exhausted he is. Rating: NC-17 Author: keikokin Warnings: non con, violence Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Marcus Ingnue Summary: No summary provided. Summary: The side of the Light lost, and Harry becomes the consort of Lucius Malfoy. Warnings: character death Author: Minxie The Letter Nothing If Not Opportunistic* Author: keikokin Rating: PG-13 Rating: PG-13 Summary: The dark lord has a rather beautiful pet. A Little Bit of Honey Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Other(s) Rating: NC-17 Alternate ending to the series. Author: Eliseeyeah A Bittersweet Aftertaste Summary: The war is over, and now Harry has it made. Author:MarauderNextGen Rating: PG Summary: Kink, pink, tulle, and tears, in a few hundred words. How is Harry able to stand the night in a ball gown? Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Fantasies* Satin Firedancer Rating: NC-17 Voldemorts Daughter, part 4 of Lucius/Harry Stories Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, character death My Bloody Love* Rating: R Warnings: top!Harry Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: R Author: DictionaryWrites Pairings: Harry/Draco/Lucius/Severus Warnings: mpreg Human* It was Dracos father Lucius Malfoy.. Author: DeadlyElegance Author: gmth Warnings: light bondage The Uncommon Birthday Summary: Fed up and realizing that he will never be left alone or allowed to lead the life he wants, Harry leaves the Wizarding World. Rating: NC-17 Except young Harry, whos drifting more towards annoyance, because hes just received a letter asking him to a private meeting with someone on the board of governors. Summary: Come to me, a certain someone whispered to him, imploring him. Disarmed Summary: Harry receives an anonymous gift for Christmas. The fiction and artwork posted on this blog are based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scho-lastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. Snippets of Time* Rating: PG-13 All Unexpected Warnings: non con, dubcon, D/s, violence, slavery, torture, punishment Sequel: The Loathing In Those Green Eyes And, more importantly, what do they want? Rating: M Summary: Lucius takes the ultimate revenge. Rating: Not provided Summary: Harrys dream has walked into his life, will he survive? Warnings: mpreg, mentions of suicide Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU, darkfic, kinks Rating: PG-13 Warnings: time travel, mpreg, tragedy Summary: They took his world away from him. Summary: A man fallen from grace receiving comfort from a person he least expected. Author: Ravenna C. Tan Author: Lady Bekka/draconic_girl Summary: Harry has been writing love letters to Lucius for years Hedwig has become old and senile and she delivers the letters. Show me that you are more than just another failure. AU from Deathly Hallows Malfoy Manor chapter. Rating: NC-17 my world ended on the day Lucius Malfoy kissed me.. Scarification Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: Daisee Chain Warnings: slavery, non con, underage, dead dove: do not eat Break My Fall Harrys never been quite right since the war. Summary: Harry receives a very special present for his birthday. Summary: Whumptober 2021 Prompt 1: All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere to Go. Author: Twisted Mind Harry, gifted himself with power that he's grown tired of denying, decides that he might as well enlist Lucius to help him change the Ministry instead of trying to struggle against him. Summary: Harry is missing and presumed dead, so his will is read with surprising results. Summary: Dumbledore decides that hes had enough of the Dursleys abuse and brings Harry to Hogwarts at age eight. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Blaise, Blaise/Harry, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others What does Lucius do? No Way* Warnings: implied Snarry AO3**| FFN | Chinese translation | Czech translation, Black Satin Summary:Harry is remembering, and contemplating his marriage with Lucius Malfoy. Rating: R Rating: PG Warnings: BDSM Summary: Lucius needs an alibi after Voldie bites the dust. A Gift of Royal Quality* Rating: R He really needs to find his lover. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Moment of Truth Rating: NC-17 Summary: The aftermath. Author: Author_Person Congress Tripartite* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Lucius/Draco, Draco/OC Author: Evandar Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry makes a move on the infamous Slytherin sex goddrama ensues. Warnings: non con Warnings: darkfic Summary: Harry is unhappy after the war with Voldemort, only one person seems to truly understand and that is Narcissa Malfoy. And again. Warnings: references to character death, dark themes I Love Him* Im thinking of having the Boy who Lived entirely at my mercy.. Not Master Severus, Just Severus* Author: rons_pigwidgeon Will Never Be The Same* Certain, basic rights are guaranteed by the Welfare Inspector who just happens to be one Severus Snape. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Voldemort Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Tom Riddle, Harry/Severus It wasnt until Harry discovered he was pregnant did things start to become complicated. I just write the stuff. Memories Are But Memories Warnings: mpreg Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Sirius Author: Mello_McQueen Warnings: public sex Summary: Harry imagines being dominated by Lucius. Memoirs of a Death Eater Whore: A Year and a Day* Cycles of Hunger* Summary: Harry and Lucius discover that not all magic can be learned and that sometimes it just happens to you. Now fifty-one years later, he returns to Montana to find Harry, only to recieve the shock of his very long life. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Severus Rating: PG-13 Dear Lucius Rating: NC-17 And what will Harry do with his life now when hes free? Rating: NC-17 Author: DeadlyElegance Summary: Harry wants to play a game Challenge fic set down by hijo de muerte. He applies for, and gets, the job of Defence Instructor at Dumstrang Institute. Rating: R Time Travel To the Snakes Den* Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Draco/Harry World Like Fallen Apples Being ever innocent and naive, he hopes that Malfoy Manor will be a happy new home for him, despite the fact that he is a slave there until he can work off the money they paid to buy him. Author: iulia_linnea Pains of a Veelas Mate Warnings: bondage Warnings: AU, non con, BDSM, incest, character death Author: paperlantern18 Summary: Harry didnt mean to do it. Author: clarabellas Harry Potter must struggle through each day just to survive the consequences of one small change in reality. . Rating: R Pitter, Patter, Potter And the reason why they are always late. Rating: R Summary: If you dont remember your name, how far are you willing to go to get it back? Author: Skye AO3. Dream-Pedlary* Deceptions* Someone asked for more Master!Lucius/Pet!Harry. Are we clear?. Warnings: non con, mpreg, mates Warnings: dark!Harry, character bashing Harry Potter and the Detour To Heaven Rating: PG Harry Potter is one of those cases. Summary:Harry has killed Voldemort. Lucius had to return to England and try to dissolve their strong bond. Warnings: multiple partners, threesomes, crossdressing, A World Not So Black Nor White* Warnings: mpreg Snippets from an old idea. Author: underlucius Author: kai Author: LdDurham Rating: NC-17 Author: AwfulLawful Author: SoulAsunder Author: enchanted nightingale Summary: Heirs and affairsa proper Malfoy attends to both. Eight Months and Forever* Rating: PG-13 The White Winged Angel Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 It does not help when Lucius drags him into a street of pleasure and sin. Summary: Lucius thinks about his obsession. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: threesome As Lust Would Have It Potentia* Author: keikokin Summary: Post-war. Meanwhile, Harry is struggling with conflicting emotions. Author: knightmare Harri Potter learned two names before she even knew that her own was not freak. Warnings: dub con, bondage, voyeurism Make It Worth My While Warnings: BDSM Warnings: BDSM Prequel of Goodbye Alice in Wonderland (WIP). Not Only In His Dreams Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Behind The Looking Glass But whose hair does Lucius want to use? Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Rating: PG Cut off from the outside world he was cast into Hell. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Challenge drabble: pairing and title provided. Chemistry sounded cool when he was younger, and potions is about a million times better. Lord Black has every right to have the marriage dissolved if no child is conceived. Author: TheVulgarBookworm Author: DobbyRocksSocks Author: Atropa/a_belladonna Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word exempt.. Summary:Ever wonder what Snape does during his summer breaks? Author: son_of_darkness Summary: No summary provided. Harrys animagus form is an uncommonly handsome stallion. Warnings: OS Rating: NC-17 Author: Dessi Marie Rating: NC-17 Alibi Rating: NC-17 AKA Harry and Bella are pulled to the past where their parents are only a year or two older than them. Warnings: threesome, D/s, bondage, public sex, Summary:Harry and Lucius get a little frisky in Professor Snapes classroom. Will things run smoothly for then? Author:Lomonaaeren Warnings: EWE Author: Firesword Da Mi Basia Mille Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Severus/Remus, Harry/Severus, Harry/Severus/Lucius, Hermione/Luna Summary: He should not be charmed by Lucius, not when he knew all too well how that charm could be played against his enemies. Rating: NC-17 Of course Harry shows up where theres trouble, towing along his significant other in the process. Author: storm_of_sharp_things Hidden Lovers Unfortunately, for Harry these die-hard Slytherins dont know the meaning of the word. Sequel: Erastes No More Summary: Some idiot invented a potion after the war that gives whoever consumes it the characteristics of a Veelaand people keep taking it to find their mates or impress their lovers. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU, darkfic, major chaarcter death, non con, torture, D/s Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Summary:Harry hates feeling so isolated but a certain blonde man may be able to help him with that. Author: keikokin Warnings: character death, suicide Rating: NC-17 Summary: Whilst wallowing in a world of self-pity, Harry is kidnapped by vengeful Death Eaters. Rating: PG Summary: After being released from Azkaban, Lucius had nowhere to go. Severus Snape is all those things and more. Unless he went to the one person who didnt have a high opinion of him at all. Rating: R AS | SH | Italian translation** | Chinese translation. Will they survive it? Summary: Voldemort defeated at the ministry, Harry receives some information regarding his parentage, How will he cope with this and new friendships/relationships as old friends desert him. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: torture, non con, violence Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Blaise, Harry/Draco, implied Draco/Blaise Author: Kandakickass Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: non con Summary: A short story, where Lucius introduces his spouse to the wizarding world. Summary:Lucius is spying on our precious Harry Potter, but apparently the boywholived wants to be theboywholivednomore. Now as the new Dark Lord he hunts down those that betrayed him, waiting for the day that he will be able to join his husband. Rating: PG Summary: Harry is a Djinn. Rating: M Author: Hijja Rating: NC-17 Lucius envisions a future in a seedy whorehouse, the only likely outcome after his husbands dismissal, and makes a desperate decision. Rating: NC-17 Harry Potter is on the run. Author: DeadlyElegance Warnings: OOC Warnings: Dom/sub, mpreg Captive How is he going to break the news? Summary: Lucius Malfoy spent a wonderful two months with eighteen-year-old Harry Potter. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Other Rating: R Author: Miss C Riddle Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU, possibly OOC Author: underlucius Warnings: multiple partners, BDSM, non con Summary: After the events of OotP, Harry is sent to Azkaban for using the Cruciatus. Author: Jadzia The Practice of Walking in Darkness* Warnings: underage, crossdressing, fetishism Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Rating: PG-13 Author: aisling Author: Munchie118861 Summary:One drunken night in a bar Lucius and Severus make a bet on who can land the next male who comes through the door, in bed. Lessons in Mouthing Off Summary: Auror Harry calls on Lucius Malfoy to help him solve a case. Warnings: creature!fic, PWP Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Bill, Lucius/Bill/Harry Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violence, enslavement Author: keikokin Beyond Saving Goodbye Warnings: mpreg, underage, character death Rating: PG Warnings: mpreg Summary: Voldemort is dead, but Lucius loves his new master. Soon he finds himself falling for someone who he once thought to be his enemy. Warnings:BDSM He would make sure of it, and nothing would get in his way. Any Cost* And Hadrian Peverell is going to change. A Debt Rating: NC-17 How incredibly easy it is to murder someone? Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Warnings: underage, rough sex Author: Morgan Says Summary: Harry didnt want to disappoint him. Author: Minxie Summary: There are more Dark wizards than just Lord Voldemort. Author: FrankieSpitfire Restraint They leave out a few details on Harry though and after being misplaced in time he is forced to cope with those pesky details. Carte Blanche, sequel to Green Lights Not beta read. Warnings: underage, major character death, A/B/O, dub con Summary: Well, Lucius, if he was captured in your home, you should do the honours. Rating: PG-13 Author: Ayla Pascal Vengeance, part 5 of Lucius/Harry Stories It hadnt, even after almost three years. Author: alafaye Replay* The Fae* Author: keikokin Author: LadyCulebra/skellywag With the Last of This Days Sun Summary: Even a brief stay in Azkaban for Harry will be disastrous. Summary:Happiness means a lot to people, more so to people who have never really felt it before. Rating: NC-17 Author: ms_anthrophy The Best Right In A Million Wrongs* I wanted to break the hero, not shatter your soul. When Harry Potter is taken prisoner by Lucius Malfoy, he discovers that the mind can be a very fragile thing indeed. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: No summary provided. Character Torture Author: Lomonaaeren Author: vlredreign Rating: NC-17 Author: Iulia Linnea Rating: NC-17 Summary: After the war, Harry meets Lucius Malfoy once more. Rating: R Father Figure Potter has to go to a magic Sex-shop and buy something extreme. Author: keikokin A Means of Survival Summary: Lucius needs Severus to watch his boy for a week. Rating: R Author: ejab Author: vlredreign Author: Speedy Tomato Rating:M Well See Them Again* Warnings: AU Author: Arigazi Rating: PG Rating: NC-17 Warnings: corporal punishment Warnings: BDSM, bonding fic, toys, mpreg Summary: Some moments never seem to come, and if they do they are all the more precious to us making us forget the most basic things. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Do Unto Others Summary: Back at Hogwarts, Harry must deal with being thrust back into the limelight and everything else including Snape. Summary: To Lucius, with a temptation of one as young and innocent as Harry, there is no right or wrong. Separately each man has Harry until they join together to show him just how mind-blowing things can be between them all. Author: Anne Phoenix Warnings: incest, mpreg For some reason Im channeling Lucius in the first person. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Lucius/Narcissa Voldemort can think of a use for a phoenix too. Rating: PG-13 Author: Depraved Necromancer (BvinYa_Raama) Summary: Harry had never thought he would ever surrender to a Death Eater, until Lucius shows up in his cell. How Am I Doin? Summary:In which the reader is not sure if the elephant in the room is a friend or foe. ; . Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 Rating: M Author: Koibito247 Rating: PG Summary: A little look a life with Lucius and Harry. Summary: Theres an inspection going on at Hogwarts, and the students are all in a tizzy. And again. Author: Skye 00Hs Great Adventure Author: semaphoreddrivethru Rating: NC-17 Whore* Author: Titti Lucius is shocked when he finds out exactly what kind of relationship Harry and Snape have. Author: keikokin Rating: PG-13 Warnings: OOC Summary: Immediately after the events in Dark Angels, Wooing which you must read first for this to make sense, Harry feels compelled to do what his heart tells him to. An odd interlude set roughly in Aunties LIVIN LA VEELA LOCA universe. Warnings: BDSM, torture Rating: PG Its Just Not Going to Work For The Rest Of Us. Author: keikokin Harry proposes something that might help. The plan had been working till now. Something or someone has to lift us out. Summary: Voldemort kills Narcissa so as revenge Lucius helps Harry. Rating: R Rating: R Summary: Hermione finally knows where Harry keeps sneaking off to, its not what you think, or is it? Watching With Green Eyes* Summary: 500+ word angsty drabble based on the word Oubliette. Summary: No summary provided. Author: alafaye Rating: R Author: UchiHime Author: ITookTheOneLessTravelled Having to completely rely on Lucius and translation charms aplenty in his meeting with the disgraced former French Minister, Harry is struck with the realisation of his ineptitude. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, OOC, crossdressing Author: aisling Lucius has grown bored of his slave and invokes Montagues Law, a public and cruel repudiation of ownership. Author: Annika von Rammstein Choices Made* AO3, Sleepwalking with the Damned* Warnings: first person POV, darkfic Author: aisling Rating: R Rating: PG-13 Hope Gone* Slashcity | Czech translation | Russian translation. Author:Bridgette_Hayden Summary: Lucius Malfoy orders a new family tree tapestryimagine his surprise when a new name appears at the bottom. Author: ms_anthropy Rating: PG-13 Warnings: AU, creature!Harry Warnings: non con, AU Harry and the Dreamsharers * A Remedied Mistake, part of the Adventure in the Bedroom series Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus And Lucius isnt one to waste an opportunity. Vicious Circles He agrees but with Voldemort gone, what has he promised these men? Summary:Harry meets spirits light and dark alike. Author: keikokin Warnings: OOC A different kind of showdown, in the Chamber of Secrets and beyond, between Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter and Tom Riddle. Summary: No summary provided. A sort of sequel to Needs Must but can be read as a stand-alone. Author: ohmymarylou Do you think they said thank you? Warnings: mpreg (birth scene) A Christmas To Remember Rating: NC-17 Author: Anakletos Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Severus/Other Excidium Author: Hijja Warnings: non con, BDSM Summary: Written for Fluffy Llama who wanted to see Harry magically hidden someplace where he can see people coming to look for him whilst he is in Lucius clutches but nobody else can see or hear him. Rating: R Summary: The War is over, Voldemort is dead and the Light has lost. Summary:Harry is rescued from Privet Drive and is sent to live at Malfoy Manor. Rating: NC-17 Behind the Mask Summary: Draco cant believe that Lucius willing submits to Harry. Author: Furorscribiendi Deadly Temptations Warnings: bondage, voyeurism Author:ookamijudge The Ghost and The Coldness Rating: R Rating: Not provided Summary: When a Ministry official kills his family and then himself, Harry must determine if Snape and Malfoy played a part in the mans murder. He really should thank Harry Potter. Summary: Harry had gone on the run and hunted down the Horcruxes. Sequel: Never Just a Shag Summary: Drabble featuring implied Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius and Albus Severus/Scorpius. Warnings: threesome Warnings: daddy kink *~In the original masterlist (last updated in 2011) Disobedience is listed as written by Veritas/moltensulfur. Decision
Luciusxharry Stories - Wattpad When Under Goodness Wicked Lies Every Flavour Beans* Sequel:Carte Blanche Author: iamisaac Summary: The war ended, and Harry Potters friends moved on without him. Warnings: OOC, mentions of Harry/Severus Foretaste Rating: NC-17 Warnings: BDSM, non con, incest, character death, crossdressing, self-harm, underage, threesome, voyeurism, OOC Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Snape/Other The Light That Did Once Shine Freytags Pyramid* Warnings: mpreg, character death Rating: R It upsets a lot of what Harry thought true. Summary: Defeating the Dark Lord comes at a price, and Harry finds out too late just what that can mean. Warnings: non con, object insertation Warnings: non con, dub con, abuse, humiliation, bestiality, BDSM, mind games There Are Too Many Doors Warnings: threesome, D/s But he really does try. Erastes Rating: R Author: Lomonaaeren Author: Laerche91 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Lucius/Draco Summary: Lucius looks back on his life and looks forward to reuniting with Harry again. Trust us to take care of you* Waylaid Summary: The great sorcerer Lucius Malfoy leaves his hapless, but very charming, apprentice to his own devices, for just a little while. Double-crossed by their architect, and running behind schedule on their current job, they have to come up with a new architect fast. Summary: After tiring of using Draco and a Polyjuice Potion, Lucius finally gets his hands on the real Harry Just once before he hands him over. Rating: PG-13 After leaving Kings Cross station with the Dursleys, Harry was abducted by Death Eaters. Especially for the Boy Who Lived. Author: Anne Phoenix Rating: NC-17 Summary: Everyone knew that when a Potter was bored, all hell would break loose. Summary:Harry finally manages to win Draco back. Author: keikokin Drunken Trouble Summary: An older fic (drabble!fic from the Beloved Enemies community from *ages* ago), based on the word relinquish.. Summary: Harry is betrayed, Lucius learns to submit, but will our hero Sev be so easily tamed? Summary: Lucius has a serious problem. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Metamorphose Summary: Harry and Lucius continue their discreet relationship, until Narcissa gets wind of it. Author: alisanne Summary: This is the second part to Taking Turns although it was initially written as a stand alone piece. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Snape Rating: NC-17 Author: keikokin Author: Sestra_Prior And hes the one who teaches Harry to have a hearth again. Rating: R Summary:When Harry makes the biggest mistake of his life he will need the help of Severus and Lucius to make things better. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Tom Riddle Rating: NC-17 Warnings: dubcon, BDSM, verbal humiliation Author: amanuensis Author: LinW Author: keikokin Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Walking Past Summary:Harry is going through a hard time with his boyfriend. PS. Rating: NC-17 A Possibility* Rating: R Leering Lucius Limerick The wizarding world is in a shambles. Author: Hijja Sleeping Beauty? Dream Lover Summary: Harry doesnt get what he wants, but going to Snape gets him what he needs. Rating: M Summary: It sucks being the good guys sometimes. Author: mari Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, warm and fluffy feelings Warm Warnings: mrpeg Summary: Harry answers a personals ad in the Daily Prophet. Summary: When you think night and day and every moment only of pleasing me, things will be very easy for you.. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others, Draco/Others Confidant. Harry is James' twin and Lucious is in love with him. Author: Charm Rating: PG Summary:Foul mouthed, rude, and angry. A Helping Hand Rating: NC-17 Summary: No summary provided. Rating: R Author: alafaye Lucius, restored to his rightful place at the Dark Lords side, has seen greater challenges than this before. Author: Fabi_Gabi Warnings: mpreg, character death Warnings: character death, a bit of violence Author: scarletscarlet (ships_harry) Summary: Harry has a secret fetish, and finds the perfect partner to share it with. Pet* Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Rating: NC-17 Author: nevercanreadenough My Fragile Angel Warnings: BDSM, underage Warnings: not slash Warnings: hypothermia Trinity* Sweet Tooth of Seduction From grief and sorrow came their friendship to each other, but with time came their love and bond to the other. She couldnt long for their acceptance; their protection against the abuse of both magical and muggle. What if Voldemort threatens the baby? Rating: PG Learning to Dance Summary: Lucius wants to make his love known publicly, but he doesnt think it would go over so well. Warnings: AU, OOC However, while there, they warm up to each other considerably. Hidden Paths* Waiting for Death* Rating: PG Rating: R Luckily for Lucius Malfoy, Harry hasnt learnt better yet. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Summary: No summary provided. Rating: R Through song of course! Rating: PG Unfortunately it wasnt ment to last. Everything Lucius says is careful. Rating: M Summary: Just because Lucius got away with it doesnt mean hell get away with it. Summary: What you see is only on the surface. Rating: NC-17 The scent of the broom polish, the smoothness of the lacquered handle, the texture of its parts. Now the light was fading from Potters eyes, but Snape wasnt certain he wanted to rescue Potter again. How will his life turn out? End result? A Dance of Snakes and Seduction* Rating: NC-17 Summary:Eighteen year old Harry Potter has found his trust fund dried out and in need of work he answers an ad for a houseboy. Defiance, sequel to Resolution and Magnanimity " Finite Mutatem. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Tom/James mentioned and Remus/Severus implied Summary: Harry has spent a year in the servitude of the Death Eaters, captured after he is abandoned by his friends and family. Author: iulia_linnea True Names Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Draco