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This is made even worse after she starts drinking and she starts to believe that if people say she is a child molester, she must be, and this is topped off by her raping Lincoln. *looks for the reception desk*. Ronnie Anne: *angry about what happened to her boyfriend* I hope you realize what you've done to Lincoln. This was that same morning that I had been locked out after having to had to sleep outside all night, with nothing but the clothes I was wearing. Ronnie Anne: Especially when their first word is their sibling's name. We got your back. - Lana furiously said (Lola is still laughing, which angers Lincoln into wanting to hurt Lola, but Lana and Leni intervenes; At home, Lincoln, bored, is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling) LINCOLN: I can't believe this. Johnny Test crossover part 1 Welcome to Porkbelly, Chapter 45. But by then, Sam had already raped Lincoln during the fallout from the incident before, Sam is bisexual and rapes Lincoln at one point in the story. Lincoln: *smiles warmly* Thanks, sweetie. Clyde McBride: With pleasure, Philo. Ronnie Anne: What about some video games? Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early Life 2 Personality 2.1 Nick Description 3 Appearance 4 Alternate versions and alter-egos 4.1 Linka Loud 4.2 Ace Savvy 4.3 Warren 4.4 Triton Lincoln: I'm guessing you're here to take her back home? Lincoln: I never knew that about you guys. Lisa: Seems Leni hasn't yet returned with our other female sibling. Maria: *turns to face the kids in the back seat* We're home. I.. just couldn't risk having my "family" find me. We can't have your scratches getting worse. Bobby: I'm beyond disgusted with you, Lori. Lucy, Lana, and Lola: *look down in shame*. Delivery Driver/non-CDL Job Oak Park Illinois USA,Supply Chain/Logistics It's (Not) Your Fault is a The Loud House Fan Webcomic created by DeviantArt user JaviSuzumiya. Maria: That's nice of you two! Luna: *feels bad for her little brother* Bro. *pulls Lincoln into another hug, trying to comfort him*. I'll be fine. Maria: Remember, before you go to bed, I need to reapply the neosporin and change your bandage. Job specializations: Warehouse. Listing for: HD Supply. Lincoln: It's alright. Hub Ideas Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Lily: *smiles, kisses her big brother on the forehead*, Bobby: *Walks into the living room, having just woken up*. I have to wonder about when Lincoln was born. Ronnie Anne: *quietly* Looks like you're about to fall asleep any moment now. The day bad luck became good luck, Chapter 6. Luna: *notices, concerned* What's wrong, Lincoln? Lincoln: *sees the Plaza Hotel* *thinking* Maybe I should just rest for a few hours. Little scientist, Chapter 52. Rita: Careful Lynn, we don't need it breaking. I love you too much to believe some stupid superstition about you being bad luck your so called family made up. (It's usually giantess which means giant girls.). You never did care about me! Takes place in the middle of the events of the infamous episode No Such Luck. You guys made him feel unloved, unwanted, unless it was to be used as your own personal good luck charm, while not even caring how miserable it was making him feel! [Later on, Lincoln and Luan are in the living room watching TV together. *sees her sleeping big brother* Winky stiww sweeping. Lincoln: *surprised* Lily! Pageant powerhouse, Chapter 50. Maria: *whispers* I just hope the family soon realizes that what they did was wrong, and how much it scarred him. The Loud House | Bad Luck Lincoln | Nickelodeon UK Nickelodeon UK 6.57M subscribers 4.7M views 5 years ago A spell of bad luck means that Lincoln's sisters don't want him anywhere near them.. Ronnie Anne: *still trying to calm Lincoln down* *soothing voice* It's alright Lincoln, I would never do that to you. Lincoln: *absolute touched by Maria's words, tears forming in his eyes*. If that's the case, it seems likely that by the time they got back, all of us were most likely already asleep, so they probably didn't want to wake any of us up, especially considering that Bobby always sent Lori messages except when she is sleeping for the night, and considering that Ronnie didn't have her phone on her the past 2 weeks, Lincoln likely had no way of knowing they were on their way back home. *nods to Bobby*, Bobby: *nods to Lincoln, plays the nightmare to the Louds*. Ronnie Anne: *accidentally bumps into someone* Sorry. Lincoln: *sighs* Okay, you got me. As the only boy, 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. Lily: *sees Leni and Luna, smiles* Leni! He becomes even more distant and isolated from everyone, not even answering his cellphone and spending most of his time in bed crying replaying images of what Sam did to him. Maria: I'm sure she was so happy to hear you say that for the first time. Ronnie: *smiling, quietly* Yea, your brother's still sleeping. theloudhouse loudhouse lincoln_loud nickelodeon the_loud_house theloudhousenickelodeon loudhousefanart lunaloud ronnieannesantiago loriloud [C] 'MY' Style: A Fancy 2010s Toon Crossover Party . Luna: What about Lily? Let me check. Forgiving a Loud part 4. Lincoln: *still broken down, crying* That dream seemed so real, even if the first half of it really did happen. Even if we're not related by blood, you are the best little brother I could ever want. I just want my little brother back. My dads made it themselves. In the show, while he had his jerk moments, he was an overall normal and good person. Ronnie Anne: *still angry* Because of all of you, you caused Lincoln to run away! Bobby: Always making sure no one is left hungry. *plays the recording on his phone, which tells of Lincoln's nightmare*. Lincoln: Before the Santiagos came for me, I actually was questioning my existence, whether my life actually meant anything or not. *holding his phone, debating whether or not to play the recording of Lincoln describing his nightmare from the night before, provided Lincoln is willing to let them know*. Lincoln: I wish there was a way I can make it up to you guys, not just for today, but for going out of your way to try to help me through a rough time in my life. We're bloody depressed and panicked, and they looked perfectly fine. Not only does Lincoln like to be in his underwear at home, but Sam's brother does too. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lincoln, the one person who carefully plans things out in advance hoping things can go right for him, only for you guys to ruin it for him! Lynn Sr: *walking to the front door and grabs the keys to Vanzilla, still feeling very guilty* Any of you girls wanna come with me to help look for your brother? Lincoln: F-Four days ago *lifts up his shirt, revealing large scratch marks on his back*, Bobby and Ronnie Anne: *winces at the sight of the marks*. When their grandmother makes food, she makes sure no one goes hungry. This is one big hotel. Lynn Sr: Morning girls, just in time for breakfast! Hi, i do not understand why you have done the drawing of lincoln loud why his head is so big. We got your back. La verdad me encanta ver a estos dos juntos. Since at a young age, other girls would often pick on her, similar to how boys would often pick on you, and although she did her best to not let it get to her, she just wasn't able to contain her emotions for very long. *smiles*, Lincoln: Yea, but it's getting better. I don't need you saying or doing something you might regret at some point. If you ask them, they'll say yes! Ronnie Anne: *quietly* Yeah, he needs it after what he's been through. Lori: *miserable* I wonder how Leni and Luna are holding up. Luna: *crying* How?! Lincoln furiously took off the squirrel suit, and began packing a backpack.*. Crossover - Sonic the Hedgehog & Justice League - Rated: M - English . Stop laughing! The Price of Admission. Ronnie Anne: *feels bad* Oh, Lincoln *hugs Lincoln close to her*, Lincoln: *crying even harder into her hoodie*, Ronnie Anne: *starts rubbing Lincoln's back during the hug, trying to provide any type of comfort to Lincoln*. In a world where metahumans and superheroics are common place, Lincoln Loud is just trying to get through each day with as little fantastical chicanery as possible. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. I don't yet know why, but some of your so called family is here. I'm sorry that I lied to you so that I've worked so hard to get enough credits. No pixels were harmed in the making of this comic page. If the Santiagos hadn't been determined to bring me back, Lily might not have gotten a chance to see me again, so me not at least giving her a last hug or kiss or even explaining to her what was going on, I can't help but feel like her sadness is my fault. Not only was my family treating my like nothing more but a good luck charm, my friends started to also treat me like one. When we get back to our place, I'll treat those for you. Ronnie Anne: *smiles* Don't mention it, sweetie. Baby Lincoln: *hugs Luna, giggling* Love you, Luna! raped by Sam, Lincoln ends up crossing this. Lola: *remembering what Ronnie said earlier, feeling ashamed* Maybe they're looking for Lincoln too, since they know what happened. Lola: *shocked* Even after everything we did to him? In the comic, in addition to having been with Luna, she had a boyfriend in the past and would later end up with Lincoln. Lori squishes Lincoln (shrunkengts) Extra Large Loud (BlueIke) Rita: A little walk (migueruchan) Sam: Fool me twice (migueruchan) Littler Brother (Final7Darkness) Leni: The Big Date (metalix64) Sam: Lady treatment (dipseli324) Lincoln and Leni Dream Team (migueruchan) Rita Loud about to crush son (SheepWoolington) Sid Stomps (MegaMaliit) Luna . She had noticed that you seemed to be a kind person and that you yourself were going through what she used to go through. Lincoln Loud Digitalized by HyperDolphin on DeviantArt Maria: I'll reapply the ointment and change the bandages before you go to bed tonight. Lincoln: *sits in the recliner* *quietly* Here, hand her to me so you can get comfortable. They would only let me come hang out with them while wearing that suit, fearing that if I came without it, something bad would happen to them. Sisters: *too depressed to speak, raise their hands*, Lynn Sr. and Loud sisters, except for Lynn, Luan, Lucy, and Lily: *shuffle out the door to Vanzilla*. Lincoln: *face turns green from suddenly waking up to a horrible smell*. *hopes Lily doesn't question further*. Bobby: *looks for the Plaza Hotel* Where is it? Leni: All of us are waiting for you so we can get going. After reading the note] GUYS! You treat him horribly! Even though they love each other, he and Ronalda didn't really have much in common with each other to form a deep bond with. Bobby: *smiles, puts his hand on his little sister's shoulder*. Lincoln Loud Alien Hero By Jss2141 On Deviantart - Redeemed control freak lori l. Original Resolution: 768x1024 px . We will. My family called me bad luck, kicked me out of the house, and forced me to wear some stupid squirrel suit. *, They all get out the car and go into Dairyland. I knew I could trust the Santiagos with not telling anyone where I was. No clue to where he might be. Lynn Sr: *teary eyed, extremely guilty* Come on girls, lets get going. Maria: Of course. Lily said her first real word! *. But, after Lynn threatened me, I guess I just became afraid of what everyone else would do if I said no. Lincoln: *holding Lily* I don't know how, but your diapers always seem to get stinkier and stinkier each time, Lily wily! Linky! Ronnie Anne: *calms down* You should be ashamed of yourself, as well as the rest of your family. Lincoln: *chuckles at a memory* The last time I was on it, my own barf landed on my face. Luan: (covers the blanket on her and Lincoln) Goodnight, Linky. Adrien, and Adriannas first day in a new dimension. Ronnie Anne: *wraps arm around Lincoln, pulling him in for a hug the best she could considering they're still sitting in the back seat of the car in their seat belts* *soothing voice* You wanna tell me about it? It looked painful just to even look at them. Lincoln: Luna told me that was one of her favorite childhood memories. *smiles*. Feeling like I had just been repeatedly stabbed in the heart, then have it violently ripped out while feeling completely abandoned by everyone that ever cared about me. His sisters join too and put Lynn in her place. Lynn Sr: *still guilty, very sad* *making breakfast*, Loud sisters: *guilty, shuffling down the stairs*. Clyde: Thank you Mrs. At the Loud House, Lynn was running in the backyard kicking a soccer ball. Lincoln: Thank you, Mrs. Santiago. Mom, Dad, you are now the worst parents in the universe. Lincoln: *tears falling down his cheek, nods* I was Ronnie Anne: *places a hand on Lincoln's shoulder while giving him a concerned look, as if silently asking him if he's sure he wants to do this*, Lincoln: *hugs Luna tightly, beginning to cry*. Wayside crossover part 1 welcome to the weirdest school on earth, Chapter 29. Ronnie Anne: *quietly* I guess you're right. I'm so sorry you had to suffer what you've been through, bro. The only one that hasn't mistreated me is Lily, so please, let her know her big brother still loves her. Sam discovers she is pregnant and the kid belongs to Lincoln, she starts having this reaction, wondering how this happened and what she did while freaking out, as she seems to have lost her memory. The Village of La Grange Park requests proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to provide auditing services. Lincoln enters the bathroom and deposits Luna's nightgown while Sam showers. Hungry Rita Vore Lincoln Vore The Loud House Youtube. She looks so peaceful sleeping in my arms, I'm kinda afraid to hand her to you thinking that she'll wake up. Ronnie Anne: *looks to her brother, while rubbing Lincoln's hair* *whispers* Looks like it. from DeviantArt: BeachGuyLover Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Ronnie Anne: Morning sleepy head. 50 foot Lincoln A A Giant but Gentle Sister A Giant Twin Date Attack Of The 50ft Jordan B Big Gig's End Billy Lynn C Colossal Loud Mom Coming Out in a Big Way D Double Loud Singing F From 50 ft. The series is currently ongoing. Luna: *opens the door* Lincoln, you com.. [sees the room empty, then sees the note and reads it. Our expertly trained hospitality team has 10+ years experience in the concierge industry, meaning youre in safe hands. Is all that true? Ronnie Anne: *sits at the table* So what's for breakfast mom? It's okay. Lincoln: *nods* The bear scratched me on my back. Maria: *quietly* Seeing you guys with Lily, it makes me think that the two of you are gonna make wonderful parents some day. Guess we overdid it a bit there. Lincoln: *as if replying to his mother* Luna! Lincoln: We've been having a good time so far. *, The Louds, with the exception of Luna and Leni, all feel a lot more guiltier after having heard Lincoln's description of the nightmare*, Lincoln was mad at most of his family, but not Lily. See? Luna: *notices, puts her hand on his shoulder* It's okay, bro. After what he's been through, he deserves a good sleep. After I had gotten to New York and managed to get a hotel room, even if it was for 1 day, I gave Ronnie an update, letting her know where I was staying for the day and that I was safe. Bobby's Reaction To Lincoln's Squirrel Suit RP | The Loud House Fanon Lynn: *tears in her eyes* And I was stupid enough to start all this. Maria: No, my daughter is his girlfriend. Miraculous ladybug crossover part 2 New family members. Chapter 8. Rita: *feels even more guilty now that Bobby knows about Lincoln* *starts crying* We need to make things right with Lincoln. It serves as an explanation for much of Javi's art that involves his OC Lina Loud, specifically the events that led up to her birth. It's perfectly reasonable to want spend some alone time to yourself, to do what you want to do from time to time, to give yourself a chance to unwind. Lincoln: I'm sorry I put Lily through all of this. (That night at Luan and Luna's Room, while Luna is asleep Luan was tossing turning in her sleep having a nightmare). Lincoln: *gives a small smile* That might help take my mind off what happened Ronnie Anne: *kisses Lincoln's cheek* I wish there was a way I could've helped when it was happening, but the best I can do now is to help you get through this. Writing a book, Chapter 55. Rita and Lynn Sr. approach them with Lily] Rita: Lincoln, Luan. Lana: So that's why the others didn't look like they were ready for school. Because of Lynn's stupidity, you can say goodbye to me! How dare you treat him like he's some sort of object, like he's no longer your brother *glares at the parents* or your son. The Louds: *flinches at Ronnie's sudden outburst*, Lincoln: *also flinches from Ronnie's sudden outburst*, The Louds: *knowing how Ronnie is, awaits the storm coming to them*, Bobby: *prepares for his sister's rage against the Louds*, Maria: *prepares for her daughter's rage against the Louds*, Lincoln: *realizing that although his so called family deserves Ronnie's rage, tries to calm down his girlfriend before she says or does something she might regret, and also to try not to draw attention to them, surprised that noone has already noticed what's going on yet* *hugs Ronnie tightly*, Ronnie Anne: *surprised by her boyfriend's actions, calms down*. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Lynn: You're my little brother, I'm supposed to protect you, and I failed to do that. Bobby: *sympathetic, whispers* Yeah, me neither Maria: *whispers* That nightmare he described last night. There's been no trace of him anywhere. I didn't see Lincoln in the car with them as we passed by it, so that would be a safe guess. Lincoln: *texts Ronnie Anne* Ronnie, if you don't see me at my house, it's because I'm leaving. Home Uncategorized lincoln and rita loud deviantart. Lynn Sr: Girls, as much as we're all glad to see him, lets try to give him some space. - Hey babe, Ronnie and I were wondering if you and Lincoln wanna go to Dairyland with us. Lincoln: *surprised* Thanks, but it just wouldn't feel right if I didn't pay for the room. Luna: *gives her baby brother kisses on the cheeks and forehead*, Rita: *comes into the room holding a camera* *takes a picture*. Lincoln: *still chuckling* Yea. Lori: *tears falling down her face, knowing Ronnie Anne is 100% right*, Ronnie Anne: *turns her back towards the Louds, finished telling them off*, Lincoln: *having heard everything Ronnie said* *tears of happiness in eyes from being defended*, Lori: *trying to think of something to say, but can't*. If little bro by chance did mention the nightmare, I figured this would make it easier on him than for him to have to try to explain such a horrible thing again. The strongest family (Loud House NSL x High After the events of NSL Lincoln leaves Royal Woods along with Lily in hopes of a better future, but (Y/n) Cipher, a Dream Demon was thrown in the world of Delinquents by the Fates to punish her for h Y/N Al Ghul is first born son of Talia Al Ghul, but he was not meant to be future heir of League of F! Luan: (shakes Lincoln in tears) Lincoln please wake up! Luna! Lincoln: As much as they deserve it, they're not worth it. Or did they decide that after four girls odds are this one was a girl so no need to ask the. Ronnie Anne: *puts her hand on his shoulder* It's fine, Lincoln. Luna: No, we're the ones who put her through this, since we're the reason you ran away. But whatever it was that I saw, I guess I was just imagining it. Ronnie Anne: Lincoln. I hate holding this grudge. Ronnie Anne: Like how? Ronnie Anne: *quietly* Yea. Submit your writing. Leni: *still very remorseful* I hope Linky is alright wherever he is. Status Update. Bobby: How big was the bear that did this to you? This is too scary, even for me. She does eventually sober up, and while she does forget exactly what she did, she has an idea that she did something bad. Bobby: *quietly* Yea, you're right. Lincoln: *smiles* Hey, can you hold her while your mom gets me real quick? Lincoln: *finally stops crying and for the first time in weeks, a genuine smile appears on his face as he looks up at his 2 older sisters, eyes still filled with tears. *, The rest of the Louds, after having heard what has been said, are feeling far more guilty than earlier*, However, as they do so, Lincoln's white tuff of hair appears behind Luna's arm. Lisa: Logic suggests checking the places that Lincoln likes to go to are a good start of where to look. Rita hands out breakfast, then notices Lincoln isn't there. Lincoln in Helluva Boss (Webcomic) - TV Tropes It's clear my daughter is done speaking with you guys, and quite frankly, I'm disgusted at what you guys have done. General Warehouse Associate /Load /Sort. Maria: *whispers* I can understand, considering he's been so traumatized by his so called family. Ronnie Anne: Thanks, Mom. Luna: (comforts Luan) shhh It's okay Luan. Lori: *crying, shows her mother the text*. Marinette's kidnapping part 1 Putting the plan into action, Chapter 37. I couldn't imagine the pain you were feeling because of it. Lincoln Loud And Linka Loud And Mall Qt Female Male Boy Girl The Loud House Fanart Loud House Art The Loud House Lincoln. And it's the name of one of his sisters! I really love seeing these two together. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/ItsNotYourFault. Luna: [goes upstairs to Lincoln's room, knocks on the door] Hey, bro. chapter 9. Well let me tell you, after what you did to Lincoln, my respect for your family has completely disappeared! Try not to stay up too late. Lincoln, the one person in your family, who unlike a lot of you, would actually realize mistakes he's made and tried to make up for it! I'm so sorry. Read on. Forgiving a Loud part 1. Lana: *guilty* We know we're not the people you want to see, but there's something we have to tell you. Maria: *finishes applying the new bandage* There we are. Lincoln: *laying on his bed* It feels so nice to finally have a bed again. Even though I doubt he's going to want to see them again. *, The front door opens to reveal Lynn Sr. and Rita moving in Lincoln's furniture, having not yet noticed Lincoln in the house*, Then, to their surprise, Lincoln hugs them. Lincoln: *sighs, knowing he has no choice* Okay, Lily. She brings Lincoln over to the school and at first, gives him a. Luna is given some of this, being more aggressive and prone to anger than she was in the show. *places backpack by the bed then hops onto the bed itself* *texts Ronnie Anne to give her an update about him, then, within minutes after sending the text, falls asleep due to the huge amount of emotional stress he's been going through*, Ronnie Anne: *checks her phone and sees a new message from Lincoln*. Maria: *sees Vanzilla* Lincoln, you may wanna lower your head. Lisa: While it is logically possible, there is no proof to go on that our elder brother is with them. Based off of Clyde's furious break down yesterday on top of Bobby breaking up with Lori, there is no doubt Lincoln has told them what happened, and considering what Clyde said, even he didn't appear to know the whereabouts of our male sibling, which could mean that Lincoln has either called them or sent them a message, so it could be logical that the Santiagos also may not know where he is, which would be a good reason for them to look for him. She's gotta be heartbroken at her missing brother. Ronnie-Anne: Yeah!, You 4 are Doing It to Abandoned Spongebob Just Like his own Sisters, His Mom and Dad Abandoned Lincoln! We don't want to scare him off. The Old and the Restless. Ronnie Anne: *trying not to laugh at that memory* Are you serious?! Lincoln: *gets off the bed and opens the door*. Everything kept reminding me of that game, what I had put you through, what our family put you through. Lincoln: You may not remember this, but remember when the scratch marks were on the squirrel suit? Lynn Sr.: No . Lincoln: *quietly* Lily's already asleep? Maria: *comforting Ronalda* We'll see him again. Explore the Best Lincoln_loud Art | DeviantArt Shop Get Core Join Log In User Menu Get Core Membership Theme Display Mature Content Get Help and Send Feedback Terms of Service Privacy Policy Submit Deviation Status Update Journal Literature Commission Poll Subscription DreamUp New!