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You wouldn't be a superhero with me!". One of the major failings of the recently ended Supergirl is the lack of an epic romance. Im fine, Lena replies, but theres an edge to her voice. Kara, along with everyone else in the room, watches in amazement as the two most powerful people in National City bid over who gets to take her on a date. Kara fosters Lena's "little sister" from the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America programme. Kara plans to confess her feelings to Lena, but her plans are foiled as soon as she finds out about a girl called Lori. Kara makes Lena come on her long rough alien tongue in her office and other places. To make matters worse, its the first pink moon in six years which means her wolfish mate, Lena, has transfigured with her rut and has to be imprisoned at the headquarters too. Even before Lex sent his goon to finish her, Lena knew that she would willingly die for Supergirl. Lena managed to grab Kara's hand without waking the sleeping puppy in her lap Ned began to rub her thumb in circles over Kara's palm. The relationship that was very well defined and framed as the most important in the series for Kara (save for Alex) is with Lena Luthor. Oh wait Konohamaru-Sensei is still here great? What will become of the inseparable kids when Kara is replaced with an evil doppelgnger who shames Alex for her past? Lena flirting shamelessly with Kara. Lena finds out and doesn't agree with Kara). /Kara Danvers es algo as como una villana, Kryptonita roja recorriendo sus venas a cada momento y tiene una especie de fijacin con Lena Luthor, quien, por obra del destino, es bsicamente igual a ella Solo que con colmillos ms afilados y una dieta ligeramente distinta. by | Jun 3, 2022 | st john fisher soccer roster | | Jun 3, 2022 | st john fisher soccer roster | Kara called and shooting Lena one more apologetic look she was gone in a blur of red and blue. February 17, 2019 D.G. She's tired and overwhelmed and goes to the one person she feels she can let her guard down with, Lena Luthor. kara is possessive of lena fanfictionbitmoji dancing with headphones meaning. I mean all the away back to Krypton, this is a full origin story, and yes it is also a romance. When Lena is dating Kara Danvers, the most popular girl of the school, Sasha will stop bullyi Katie McGrath x Reader Set in a medieval era with tournaments, gladiators, and kings; Lena Luthor is the Crown Princess of a small kingdom and the heir to her brother Lex Luthor. femslash fanfic recs and history the best femslash fanfiction, This is my review / rec for femslashreviewfest (2020) on tumblr Day 5: Novella, You Are My Soul to Save by Almavivadreams. Their friendship blooms into a best friendship; they have an easy chemistry and bond as two strong women in their working and personal lives. Will they rebuild their broken trust? "Alright, Love," Lena soothed, rubbing her hand up and down Kara's forearm. Lena accidentally lets her feelings for Kara slip when the reporter takes the CEO to a science convention for her birthday OR, Kara and Lena go on a weekend trip and see cool sciencey things, and Lena falls more in love with Kara. Or lunch? This is a companion piece to "Sensibility" and the second part of "The Yearning" series. That didnt stop her heart from breaking each time, though. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction. Lena's relationship with the Luthors is antagonistic at best. If Lena wants to start hanging out with Winn, or accepts an invitation to go out and drink from Alex; then Kara is happy for her. *being edited*. (i wish) - potstickers Lena in a carnival kissing booth. Jealous of the way (youre happy without me)-BloodInTheFields, What Are Friends For? back off! It's the first day of ninth grade at Robert E. Lee HS. the maiden heist parents guide. Lets hear your idea. Her competitive nature might just allow her to shut Sam and Andrea up if she won the challenge. She looks ethereal, to simply describe it. Jealous Kara. When Lena finds herself in grave danger and forced to choose between herself and Supergirl, she knows the choice is obvious. "You're serious right now?" Lena wrapped her legs around Kara. Kara and Lena meet in high school, but then life. "I dunno," Kara mused. Kara sat bolt upright. Give it a Y/n's life is perfect. My interests include staying up late and taking naps. With a final plea, she injected herself with the black liquid. Kara becomes jealous when she thinks Lena is flirting with Supergirl. Roughly inspired by The Proposal movie but it takes off in it's own direction. Mitsuki decides to go with Boruto.This is the end of Team 7. Now, Lena says, physically pushing her keyboard away on her desk, as though trying to distance herself from the temptation to keep working. Read the tags. Nope! she's my girlfriend! A year since she had lost everything that mattered. It aired on March 28, 2016. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction Series. I suggest you start by reading the 'SuperCorp// No more Secrets' before reading this Lena needs a date and Kara needs a job. It had been a cold feeling that would settle in her chest, but despite the pain it caused her, shed been strong enough to overcome it. "Hey, Lena," Kara said, giein' her a braw smile. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction. Lenas new intern starts to show Lena a little too much attention in Karas opinion. Lena sips at her mimosa. Supergirl es una diosa para los mortales, una diosa malvada y terrible con hambre de muerte en los ojos. Kara and Lena fanfic in which Kara is obviously bisexual and Lena is gay and in love. Or The one where Kara is auctioning off a date for charity, cue a jealous Lena and Cat battling for her affections. Eve Teschmacher. lucky - cautiouslyoptimistic Today. Like it's nothing!" Kara started to fall to the ground. Unexpected Love - Becky G X Reader. Very fortunately, however, for her, finally being able to let her true self out and reign free, no limits and nothing to stop each and every single one of her impulses and desires. Lena flirting shamelessly with Kara. She wonders how many times shes allowed to cancel on Kara before shes ousted from their friendship. Just changed names!). Kara would need to inform the DEO as soon as possible: Lena Luthor was definitely some form of Kryptonite. What will Kara do? but this fic will be entirely around Sarada. It was official. "I made you! Lena leaves and they meet up again, this time as Supergirl and Lena Luthor. Kara Danvers sees Lena the woman she loves with her husband jack, She was jealous, Lena was hers, She was breaking them up. I have no idea, Ask his mother, who impregnated her with his DNA overnight as a backup plan. This is the longest and undisputed champion of all Supergirl fanfiction. It started as more of an arrangement, Andrea being the one to step up when Lena needed to be held accountable for her actions.They werent completely exclusive when Kara Danvers came bounding into Lenas life like an overeager puppy, and Andrea had braced herself for the loss that never came. Stared at the screen for a bit before turning on the stool. Lena crossed her arms over her chest as she lifted a brow in her friends direction, Ok. June 21, 2022. fundicin a presin; gases de soldadura; filtracion de aceite espreado/rociado; industria alimenticia; sistema de espreado/rociado de lubricante para el molde She will not accept any other alternatives. An epic two shot exploring two different scenarios in which Barry and Kara were to wage war against each other. What if Kara had known all along that Lena hadn't truly forgiven her? Supercorp story, Lena and Kara have feelings for each other but how will lena react to Kara having ke What happens when one secret is outed? She will not accept any other alternatives. Not my characters but my story line the characters belong to the CW After a late night visit to LCorp Kara-as Supergirl- ends up spending the night with Lena. Her relationship with Lena had always been difficult to describe. There will be some Sanvers and no monel, Alex will accept Lena into the family. Domme Lena is stern and exacting, but not cruel.Aka: The Salem AU. or, Lenas intern is thirsty af and Kara doesnt realise shes jealous. Standing in front of her. airbnb with pool in detroit, michigan; firefly axolotl for sale twitter; super bowl 2022 halftime show memes instagram; what happened to suzanne pleshette voice youtube university college london hospital staff directory. Y entonces Supergirl quiere tener al ltimo Luthor para ella sola/. Its not her fault that shes excitable, okay, and she forgets things sometimes and maybe those things should not be forgotten under any circumstances. Just being, no rush, no worry, no responsibility. Her face is plastered into a smile, one she hopes doesnt look as obviously fake as it feels, but she still cant breathe. Lena kisses her back. The impenetrable Luthor walls resurface and cloud her in darkness that only one person can see her out ofBut only if she lets her. Theres no name, but there doesnt need to be., kara keeps doing strange things, and lena doesnt know what to make of it or, kara is in love and it takes lena an absurdly long time to notice. Kara goes to bed with Mon-El, and wakes up with Lena Luthor. The flimsy material clings to her damp skin, and Kara feels her mouth water at the thought of running her hands along the curves on display. This is just a cute pregnancy fic. But I think most people would not like to read this fic without knowing this before (and I think this is also not substantially more than what the author mentions in the authors notes and tags). There's a new girl in town trying to get her way into Kara's life. This book begins at the start of Season 2. Lena is a shy girl and a bit of a geek in highschool. Summary. Don't get so upset. Several months ago, large amounts of Red Kryptonite were discovered on Earth. A time where nothing could come between them. Cat: I don't get it. Im the lucky one for having your voice be the last one I heard. Part 3 of Supersmut Language: English Words: 1,802 Chapters: 2 /? Kara murmured something under her breath and felt her cheeks go hot. AJ Trenton Painting Service vidal sassoon london academy. What they were. Kara has a secret she's never told anyone in highschool at the age of 17 she was raped, she had a child that she kept hidden and never told anyone about the rape what happens when the child has to live with her. "Tell me that I'm your favorite puppy," she repeated, blushing further. rv lake lots in scottsboro, alabama for sale; assistant vice president; who killed sara cast; where is mark weinberger now; cal storm basketball roster; Kara will hate her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A family trip with the super(and human) friends can never be just that. They say that every face you see in a dream is one youve seen before. The darkness inside her had morphed into something new, something even more dangerous. Kara returned a moment later, just as Carter was emerging for the day. That night was everything they had been. "Tell me that you think I'm the sexiest CEO in National City.". This involves going back to Kara's apartment and Lena making another painful discovery. Why wouldnt she want that? or, In the center of it all, on her desk, is a gorgeous glass vase full of over two dozen lavender roses. 002. Kara turned to look at her sister, her red cape swishing around her as she turned. I loved this very well written story. Lena in her own petty way had decided to waste as much of Kara's time as she could, rescinding her all access pass to her office and telling her assistant to make her wait as long as it took. "It's not just a dick, Sam." Being stuck in the Fortress of Solitude for hours gave her time to think and time to reflect all of the times she'd wronged Lena, doubted her, treated her horribly, and then turned around and tried to make up for it as Kara Danvers. I Do and Don't Care - Sam Arias/Reign X Reader. Lena accepts and soon grows attached to Alura, as well as her mother. Kara practically died of laughter as Lena dove towards the floor, trying to comfort the small animal, but he ran straight to Kara. :-). Please consider turning it on! Lena has been bullied for years now by a girl named Sasha and her minions. OR, Karas been dreaming of a cute barista for months and shes determined to get some answers. Whether intentional or unintentional Kara can't figure out why she keeps thinking about kissing her best friend. supergirl fanfiction kara and lena secret child. she asked almost tentatively. Kara is an up and coming soccer star preparing for the World Cup. She decides to avoid everything and everyone, especially Kara Danvers, who she is in love with, as well as the Girl of Steel. ", "Hi, Jess, in here to see Sexy. She never left her home city, she never cooked for her self, she never even made her own bed but that made sense for her seeing as though she came from a family of millionaires. ", "Calm down, puppy," Lena cooed. She doesn't want Lena to lose someone else. or, in which Kara is a jealous hoe who doesn't understand what she's feeling. sublimation silicone tumbler wrap; kara is possessive of lena fanfiction Love Cures All - Lexa X Clarke X Reader. After Lena got beat up again. Kara leads them inside, and the smell of Chinese food immediately accosts her nose. Lena has her life blown up when a group of armed people break into her office in an attempt to kidnap her and hold her for ransom, they are scared off quickly but one of them doesn't escape in time before L-Corp's security measures kick in and the doors lock. Like it's nothing!" -JediFighterPilot2727, back off! Kara goes into rut and shows up at Lena's office dressed as Santa to give her the gift she's been craving since they had their first child, only to be surprised by how naughty they can be. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. Kudos: 95 Bookmarks: 10 Lena no dijo nada mientras Kara se iba lejos con una ltima mirada en rojo. Lena rolls her eyes as she pulls on the jacket, "Just a boat in trouble she says, just a few miles off the coast she says. It was as if she couldn't breath. How will the Luthor handle it when the Super turns the tables on her once again? Wait? Kara White, a lone werepanther, has found herself skipping town once again. Wha. There she was. You would be nothing without me! For Hating Me You Sure Are Possessive. Its not Lena, she argued, Lena wouldnt do this, she hoped, Lena cant do this, she prayed.------We can fix this, Lena. After a lot of awkward glances, denial, and jealousy, Kara and Lena realize they're in love. Lena Luthor is a 14 year old bad girl but is a secret genius and she is hiding other secrets. Please consider turning it on! The characters must deal with a flood of awakened memories as they come to grips with the. Lena and Kara have been friends for a year when kara starts to realize shes starting to get feelings for Lena, and Lena struggles with how to tell Kara that she likes her. Sometimes you have a good day, sometimes you accidentally see a picture of your friends boobs and it changes the entire trajectory of your life. She shifted around, climbing on top of Kara, kissing her senseless and letting her taste herself. Mistress brings her new friend home during Karas third summer there. So who is the intended romance for Supergirl? Author's summary "Kara will hate her. Kara may never forgive her. Completed fics: Giant - coeurastronaute. In which Kara is a very nervous first time puppy owner and Lena is the cute vet who always soothes her worries. Chaeyoung already swoons over her soft voice. When Kara sees a vase of flowers on Lenas desk, she doesnt get jealous per se its just that she thinks that Lena deserves so much better than a measly, cliche bunch of roses. Kara's gaze sweeps over Lena's body, covered only in a light bathrobe. Lena desceu as escadas comigo, pois a enfermaria ficava no andar de baixo, exatamente no primeiro andar da escola. "I'm the favorite.". Possessive Lena Luthor; Porn with Feelings; . Chapters: 3 /12. "Just you watch, Scarlet Speedster." Looking for an old soul like myself. I'm going back to the beginning, and I don't mean Episode one of the series. The air always felt extra wet when she was breezing away from a long-distance partner. Kara happily obliged. Her generosity has to stop somewhere and surely a fifth time in as many weeks could be it, the final nail in the coffin Lenas built herself.. Lena wants to do good, and despite everything the world and the Luthors throw at her, she keeps trying. and kara had known it was a love story from the start. At first, it's all about needing enough money to pay for college. Prompt fill: Supercorp. Lena Luthor wasn't the most fortunate woman in National City. The morning after leads to Lena revealing that she's always known that Kara is Supergirl. Lena chuckled lowly and Karas stomach flipped and twisted into an achingly, tight knot. Lena is jealous of Mike but she really has nothing to worry about. Not after seeing everyone's face. After Kara revealed her identity and Lena took back Luthor Corp, the board has an unusal request of the only Luthor left. She used to be Ezra's girlfriend back from when he was still a member of the same band. Pain, overwhelming and inflamed, and numbness. Lena, as Mistress had informed her, doesnt wear a collar like she does, instead gifted with a ring around her finger that sparkles beneath the light. Supergirl | Lena Luthor Kara Danvers | Humor Romance Supercorp Beginning New Years Eve Lgbt. Lena's jealous of Mon-El (ahemMike) so she gets back . kara is possessive of lena fanfiction. supercorp Lena and Kara are more than just sisters. super saver foods kent wa; how to check balance on red cross prepaid card. He made eye contact with Kara, and then did a double-take. Lena's jealous of Mon-El (ahemMike) so she gets back . Con la responsabilidad proteger a los seres humanos de la amenaza de monstros, Lena tiene que enfrentarse no solo a sus enemigos supernaturales sino tambin aprender a dominar el arma secreta de los Luthor, la vampira Kara, pero no ser un trabajo fcil. "You seem to really like him," Kara pouted. Kara, she prayed. you don't want to cross either. Of course Kara gets jealous that Lena has a date with Supergirl and Cat does some plotting of her own. When Kara's best friend, Maver, moves in with his brother she isn't happy about it. That was the wrong thing for her to say, as Cat soon finds out when she is tossed off the building. supercorp fanfic rec "Hi," she returns, gasping in a breath and getting swamped with a hit of pheromones so potent she feels light headed. Kara and Lena meet in high school, but then life. (not a high school AU). ", "Don't kid about who your favorite puppy is, Lena," Kara said, deadly serious. Lena finds out that Supergirl has a habit of talking in her sleep. Series. Kara is after Boruto, for his Karma. [Soulmate AU]. Loving, she thought she was different. How Do I Contact Geico Corporate Office, Kara frowned at Mercutio, who was sleeping in Lena's lap. (Author is still me ViolettheLostOne. The elf turns to look at her and when Chaeyoung sees the girl's face up close, it feels as if her heart is about to explode. fanfic supercorp fanfic Its not like Kara deliberately sets out to make her life harder than it should be. its just that I never thought Id be alive to see how much it hurt you. Please don't hate me, Kara. Lena grinned and pressed a kiss to Kara's forehead. did i already say that this is #excessively dirty. Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f), Completed, 5 chapter, 25k words, 2018-2019, Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Near Death Experiences, This story is brilliant, but it is clearly not for everyone, There is a happy ending and nobody dies, but you cant really get closer to major character death in a story without anyone actually dying. Lena and Kara expand their family! Lena gave her a look and bit her bottom lip, something Kara wasn't unaccustomed to seeing. One-shot. "Point to anything, I'll get it for you! Kara couldn't deny that it wasn't expected. Something that made Kara wonder were she began and where it ended. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction +632-8-9134018, +632-7-7454529. Youre so sure that youre fine on your own and dont need anyone right? Lena nodded while still keeping eye contact with her. Summary. Doceira e Proprietria do @omelhorbrigadeirodobrasil kara is possessive of lena fanfiction kara is possessive of lena fanfictionvasculitis legs and feet pictures kara is possessive of lena fanfiction Menu virginia tech admissions address. Neither was Supergirl. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction police academy columbia mo June 29, 2022. predcasny dochodok 1961 . "Kara!" "You're kind of freaking me out.". Lena has her life blown up when a group of armed people break into her office in an attempt to kidnap her and hold her for ransom, they are scared off quickly but one of them doesn't escape in time before L-Corp's security measures kick in and the doors lock. Sequel to "A Super and a Luthor" fic, features engaged/married Supercorp, (A/N this chapter was inspired by@strix04 , who suggested that Kara should be jealous of Mercutio. supercorp fanfiction I love you. Lena Luthor becomes increasingly frustrated with how she never seems to leave hickeys on Kara, and she has been trying-very, very hard. Her sister, Alex, is two years older than Kara. After Lex Luthor defeated Superman, after the courts declared him innocent, after CADMUS rose to power,16 year oldKara Danvers went into hiding. Kara don't listen to him. I think we should stop seeing each other are the first words I hear from Kara. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (11), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (4), Lena was their leader and Kara was their God, Die a hero or Live long enough to become the Villian, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Intermarriage Between The Houses Of El & Zod In The First Chapter, Kara & Zod Are Siblings In The First Chapter, Background War Between Speedsters & Kryptonians In The First Chapter, Kara Is A Ruthless General In The First Chapter, Krypton Is An Intergalatic Empire In The First Chapter, The Speedsters Are The Chief Protectors Over The World In The First Chapter, Kara's Mother Is Lyta-Zod In The First Chapter, Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism. Kara Danvers was a lighthouse keeper's assistant, beloved but misunderstood by the citizens of her small seaside community. Series. This is the story of how she discovers they are one and the same. Lex has been defeated, and Kara and Lena are rebuilding their friendship, with Kara having realised she is totally and completely in love with her best friend. The boy clearly had just woken up. Finished! The Sharingan! loosely based off the movie the vow. Jealous - 8ounce. Or. A.N. Full of needs and desires and wants and With the thought of Krypton's destruction in her brain, Kara finds that life is determined to throw you curveballs whether you are ready for them or not. it starts with a cat and an interview and the realization that theyre not so different after all, or, a chance meeting kinda changes everything. Its stupid. A little sister who adores her older brother may declare her brother off limits to any girl who shows interest in him, jealous of them taking his attention off her.. Expect her to be the victim of lots of fan bashing for getting in between The Protagonist and his True Love, even if she actually loses.If she does manage to start a relationship with her . Anasayfa; Hakkmzda. "Kara? Cat: That bad? What if Supergirl bonded with the venom symbiote?! This one moment would dramatically shift the two enemies into a new battle with high stakes, not only for the world, but for their own emotions. Kara goes into rut and shows up at Lena's office dressed as Santa to give her the gift she's been craving since they had their first child, only to be surprised by how naughty they can be. Kara tried not to give in, she really did, but Lena's hands were so soft, and she smelled so nice, and she was looking anther so lovingly, so Kara reluctantly moved to sit on the armrest so that she could be closer to the beautiful, dark haired girl. Lena waved, nudging the mug towards the second chair at her table. When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily but things take a turn when Kara and Lena realize that something more sinister may be at play. It was as if she couldn't breath. Chronicling how Kara falls in love with the youngest Luthor. Or, the one where Kara makes the best out of having to leave Central City early. Prompt for a friend. While the violence is far more than what is typical for the TV show, the way Lea and Kara act is very much in line with what they would do if pushed to the extreme, to protect the ones they love: In particular Lena who is certain that she is dying, but she stays strong and she would rather die, than to endanger Kara.