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Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the freak-out factor is unnaturally high in THE SHINING, Kubrick's 1980 film of Stephen King's celebrated horror novel. My son read it at 13. Your child is establishing their independence, but that could result in them experiencing situations that they're not ready for or don't know how to deal with. I'd recommend waiting until high school at the earliest as this book has a lot of brilliantly written psychology to it in addition to the normal big bad guys, violence, etc. Lots of drinking! Generally, in most places across the U. S. , a 12-year-old is allowed to own a knife, but with certain restrictions in place . Be better able to express feelings through talking. 2005;330(7486):301-4. doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7486.301, U.S National Library of Medicine: School-age children development. According to most legends, Theseus found his way out of the maze by following a gold thread laid down by Ariadne, a woman who fell in love with him. However, it's inappropriate for kids. CDCs Breastfeeding Information It can also be streamed via cable substitute service Sling TV. You will probably get your first taste of sarcasm and slang, and they will understand tone, as well as the actual language, in a conversation, says Jen Trachtenberg, MD, a board-certified pediatrician and parenting expert from New York. Along with a painting on the wall of the Overlook that could be interpreted as the head of a bull atop the body of a man, though not in a literal sense. Abstract thinking, problem-solving, and logic are all becoming easier. Killing with an axe, not overly bloody. Other challenges can be eating disorders, depression, and family problems. Parents Should Take Early Action Against Child Obesity, The 39 Best Gifts for 10-Year-Old Girls of 2023, First-Ever AAP Guidelines to Diagnose and Treat Obesity in Children, 12- to 14-year-olds: Ages and stages of youth development, Consensus statement of the american academy of sleep medicine on the recommended amount of sleep for healthy children: methodology and discussion, Physical activity guidelines for school-aged children and adolescents, Associations between social media and cyberbullying: a review of the literature, Begins a shift from concrete thinking to abstract, Understands and applies logic to situations and problems, Becomes aware of the concepts of justice and equality, Starts to understand cause-and-effect sequences, Begins to show signs of puberty, including menstruation in girls and muscular development in boys, Emotions frequently ricochet between happiness and sadness, Begins to question family values and develop personal morals, Shows concerns about being liked and accepted. When did Amerigo Vespucci become an explorer? The hotel was built upon a Native American burial ground and is decorated with various works of Native American art. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques. like 2 years ago Matt Reardon I'd say no unless the 12 year old is very mature and does not experience nightmares or has a high tolerance for horror. Then I read the short stories that had The Mist, The Body and Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption. The aforementioned Room 237 doc covers this theory and the following video digs even deeper into this Native American genocide interpretation. You play an important role in keeping your child safeno matter how old he or she is. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. CDCs Parent Information (Children 4 11 years) It's natural to feel as though your preteen is pulling away from you. Slowly, the punishing snowstorms and overall isolation (or perhaps something else?) In all, I would recommend this movie to a mature fourteen-year-old. Stay in contact with your childs teacherswithout becoming a nuisanceand remain active in their academic life. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry has many fact sheets for parents on child and adolescent health and development. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This often means finding independence from parents and other family members, but with that comes the risk of peer pressure. Well explain each theory, why people believe it, and look at the corroborating evidence. There are also various historical parallels that support the theory that Kubrick wanted to express subtle themes surrounding the genocide of Native Americans. Frequent language is used, but in my opinion, language is the least of your worries. [on hiatus, probably forever] The rockabilly werewolf from Mars. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Visit this site for information on healthy eating and exercise for children and teenagers. Those who believe this theory point to a handful of other small details. The novel tells a deeper story with more character development and a more gradual decline.. But that hasnt stopped people all over the world from trying. CDCs Youth Physical Activity Basics CDCs BAM! Is The Shining appropriate for a 12 year old? The Shining is not a horror movie that rests on the usual scares: giant monsters, jump scares, piles of corpses. Hormones change as puberty begins. This site has information to help you learn how to guide your teen to be safe and become a healthy and productive adult. Newborns (0 to 3 months): Should average 14 to 17 hours of sleep a day, including naps. You may be ready to face such unsettling ideas. A 12-year-olds brain may have stopped growing in size, but its nowhere near done developing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Is Stanley Kubrick's The Shining okay for an 11-year-old? You can help us help kids by No, I was too young at 15. Welcome back. If you need to go back and make any changes, you can always do so by going to our Privacy Policy page. CDCs BAM! Set clear boundaries for any electronic devices they use and encourage your tween to stay active, even if theyre not into organized sports. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You can pose questions to the Goodreads community with He found 2001: space odyssey kind of slow and tedious, and I have not introduced him to The Matrix etc., as I think it has some strong adult language and themes. Research shows a connection between kids' healthy self-esteem and positive portrayals in media. In this reading of The Shining, Jack would allegorize the monstrous Minotaur, whereas Danny would be a stand-in for the hero, Theseus. I personally would not allow any kid under 13 watch it, but this movie may have a bit of sexual references such as the naked woman in the bathroom an Jack sexually mistreat Danny, there is nothing to really worry about. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Tips for Parents Ideas to help children maintain a healthy weight. Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Intensely violent and scary -- and a poor remake. This is one of the more compelling The Shining theories and there is a lot of ancillary evidence to support it. What age is appropriate for reading Stephen King's books? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. Who Is Too Young or Too Old for You to Date? - Psychology Today White Fang is an appropriate book for young readers. Dont wait until the report card comes home with a bad grade to ensure that your pre-teen is performing well academically. So, my older son is almost 12, and while he reads a good amount of science fiction (Three-Body Problem, Asimov, Project Hail Mary etc.) provides information from various government agencies on how children, parents, educatorsand others in the communitycan prevent or stop bullying. For King fans, check out our list of the best Stephen King adaptations. One of the most disturbing scenes the film has to offer is where Danny suddenly encounters two little girls while biking along the hallway. Fight Song, by Rachel Platten. CDCs Youth Physical Activity Guidelines The Shining Explained 6 Compelling Theories on The Shining If you decide to watch, enjoy!. Great plot, well-planned and entertaining. CDCs Kids Quest Then again my kid is only 2 so what do i know. The Shining Questions and Answers - "Home family routines and family time [are] important," says Dr. Trachtenberg. Powerful Stories About Martin Luther King Jr. A free app for parents to help prevent bullying, created by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Agency (SAMHSA). Kubrick constantly pulls the rug out from under us in relation to what is real and what is not. The novel tells a deeper story with more character development and a more gradual decline., It checks a lot of boxes, in terms of being scary. Helping with household tasks such as mowing the lawn, walking the dog, or washing the car also will keep your teen active. * I recommend a parent watch with kids age twelve to fourteen. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 3. You can glean those things from the book jacket or movie blurb.). Here are some of the most obvious clues supporting this theory. As well as adhering to company guidelines, other ways to help keep your child safe on social media include setting clear limitations and helping them navigate it in a positive way. Cookies used to enable you to share pages and content that you find interesting on through third party social networking and other websites. "But choose your battles carefully.". But the key to The Shinings terror is Kubricks full embrace of the uncanny.. The movie itself is not that scary, its what trauma the characters go through. Theseus was a king of Athens and one of the legendary heroes of old. Its a bona fide classic. 12-Year-Old Emotional and Social Milestones, Why Tween Social Media Use Impacts Well-Being Later, Tween Parenting Tips (10-, 11-, and 12-Year-Olds), What Is Typical Behavior? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Those who believe The Shining moon landing theory point to Danny's wardrobe. ew films inspire as many diverse fan theories and interpretations as Stanley Kubricks, a film that can be definitively explained? Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Perhaps explaining The Shining in this manner falls more in line with the book rather than the film despite the conjecture to the contrary. And what kid doesn't want the thrill of reading a Stephen King book? It's terrifying. He really wanted to read It, Pet Semetary or the Shining and I decided that it was best option. This interpretation suggests that the changing layout of the hotel and moving objects aremetaphorsto indicate that the Torrance family is suffering from hallucinations. Many 12-year-olds begin exploring the morals of their peer group. Discover how to be prepared for the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development that happens at this time. When Should Puberty Start in Girls and Boys? Warning: this move contains full frontal nudity, heavy drinking, swearing, including the N-word, and gore. Mental health issues, such as depression, can pop up at this time, so it's important to keep an eye out for any warning signs. Language 4/5- Frequent use fu*k, shit, asshole. Question about The Shining: "Is this appropriate for a 12 year old who has never read horror but is really into it?" If there are academic issues, find the root cause rather than get upset, as it could be anything from an eye problem to a learning disability. For me, the 1980 movie version of The Shining was much scarier than the novel that spawned it. Show more interest in and influence by peer group. Full-frontal nudity an attractive young woman turns into an elderly woman with rotting skin. Families can talk about the relationship between fantasy and reality in the film. Respect your teens opinions and take into account her thoughts and feelings. Id recommend waiting until high school at the earliest as this book has a lot of brilliantly written psychology to it in addition to the normal big bad guys, violence, etc. It is timeless but does require some patience! In attempting to answer "what is The Shining about?" My Plate Infantsexternal icon Implied oral sex in a sequence of nightmarish imagery. (No spoilers there. Definitely didnt understand some of it but if you think they will be ok, go for it. Encourage these skills by letting them take part in decision-making processes in the home and supporting involvement in community or school activities. In boys,pubertybegins with the penis and testicles getting bigger, then hair growth in the pubic area and underarms, and then facial hair growth, muscle growth, and then voice deepening. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. How do food preservatives affect the growth of microorganisms? The Shining Movie Review | Common Sense Media But proceed with caution: Once your child has their own social media account, they are then at risk of cyberbullying. Create robust and customizable shot lists. Associations between social media and cyberbullying: a review of the literature. As early adolescents are beginning to separate from family, the adolescent will be more dependent on peer groups for support, says Dr. Cardona-Correa. Physical child abuse is clear from Dannys broken arm, his trauma response, and the words of his child psychologist. Safety goes beyond just the physical at this age. This is a bit over the top and you may think Im crazy but I can put a bad influence on kids. 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Whats scariest of all about The Shining is the lack of answers it gives the audience. Answer (1 of 10): I'm 12 this year and I have very overprotective parents. Provide extra support by teaching, guiding, and practicing together. By 12, most children have a strong command of language and communication skills. Young Teens (12-14 years old) | CDC Injuries from sports and other activities are common. I am a 14 year old guy and I was not completely freaked out by this book. "For example, if your child is fighting over a toy, then put the toy in timeout for 20 minutes. I think i agree, i found a scary book when i was young and hid it back in my parents book shelve. 6. Doctor Sleep is only suitable for those aged 15 and above, but specific scenes may be upsetting for individuals. Stay in the loop on how much time your 12-year-old is spending on their electronic devices, as well as install parental controls to ensure they only have access to age-appropriate material. My Plate Toddlersexternal icon Body and Mind is a website designed for kids 9 through 13 years of age to give them the information they need to make healthy lifestyle choices. If they can take scary stuff then they should be okay. For me, the 1980 movie version of The Shining was much scarier than the novel that spawned it. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. StopBullying.govexternal icon Not only do you want to support your child academically, but also by providing a safe and loving family environment. Is The Shining appropriate for a 12 year old? Best Movies for Kids | Common Sense Media Feel a lot of sadness or depression, which can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol or drug use, unsafe sex, and other problems. - he does not enjoy Science Fiction movies as much. They are able to think beyond literal interpretations, and proverbs and idioms wont fly over their heads anymore. 12-Year-Old Language and Cognitive Milestones. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. All rights reserved. You will find information on physical activity for young children and on ways to keep them moving. Answer (1 of 7): Is Stanley Kubrick's The Shining okay for an 11-year-old? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I love this movie. However, there are two different levels to this theory, and one is far more apparent than the other. 3 Is The Shining the best horror movie ever? I definitely got into some things that I didn't fully comprehend until I re-read them later, but I don't feel like I was ever damaged in any way from it (I began reading Stephen King at 11, at my father's recommendation of "Firestarter"). The most obvious parallel is that both stories feature their combating opponents showing down in a sprawling maze. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Body and Mind Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Teens might be drawn to this movie for its one-of-a-kind menacing atmosphere. One strong and memorable element of The Shining that didnt directly factor into any of these theories was the soundtrack. Meet and get to know your teens friends. I know people who read it at that age. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Typically, 12-year-olds have moments of both acting like the child you have always known and suddenly turning into a little adult right in front of you. How to use shining in a sentence. A stone labyrinth in the case of the minotaur and a snowy hedge maze in the case of The Shining. Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. The last of our The Shiningmovie theories is the most cogent of the bunch:The Shining abuse theory. This title has: Great role models Too much violence Too much sex Helpful 13-Year-Old 14-Year-Old 15-Year-Old 16-Year-Old 17-Year-Old 18-Year-Old Discipline Advice . The supposed connection is that Monarch is believed to be the codename for one of the CIAs mind control experiments, though this is mere conjecture. My parents were very lose in a way, they let me start listening to explicit rap music when I was 10 and I had listened to non explicit up until then and I was allowed to pick up the Shinning when I was 9 and It when I was 10. yes and without hesitation..i am so so glad my mother allowed me to read whatever i wished..if it was to much i tried it again later..began reading mr.king when i was 9..the stand and my mom would give me her old copies. Proponents of this theory also point to objects and furniture in the background moving and disappearing between takes as further evidence. This site has information to help you learn how to give your child a healthy start in life. In my opinion, the most spine-chilling thing about the movie is the feeling of isolation that was created by the filmmakers in the hotel. This is one of the more straightforward and most believableThe Shiningtheories in circulation. If they lack social skills, their struggles may become especially problematic when they enter high school. Implied abuse. Though it's not exactly terrifying in a typical horror sense, it's certainly a scary idea in its own unique, relatable way. My Plate Kidsexternal icon. A place to discuss the author Stephen King. Understanding alcoholism beforehand will help since there is a lot of it in this book. The young adolescent may demonstrate the capacity for long-range planning, and the ability to consider other points of view and feelings, and this capacity continues to develop as they grow older.". Scary twins, who are creepy characters and are shown covered in blood with wounds. At first, the film feels a bit empty. One might expect that explaining The Shining could be done by reading the original novel written by Stephen King. Also if you know a site where we can check the minimum age for reading a book you can also let me know. "Communication is key," says Dr. Trachtenberg. HealthyChildren.orgexternal icon Ask him what he knows and thinks about these issues, and share your thoughts and feelings with him. I've read many of his books and I turned 14 a month ago so I'd say its ok . The Overlooks construction in the early 1900s and the photograph of Jack in the 1920s both pose interesting clues. Were here to help. CDCs Parent Information (Teens 12 19) Tips for parents Ideas to help children maintain a healthy weight. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. How long does a 5v portable charger last? It has plenty of entertaining moments, yet very little action until the end. My Plate- Preschoolersexternal icon Simply put, this The Shining analysis posits that the film is just as much about the genocide of Native Americans as it is about ghosts haunting the hotel.. Has any NBA team come back from 0 3 in playoffs? In girls, you will notice breast development, hair growth, and finally the start ofmenstruation.