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Im still running them both btw somehow dunno fallback feeling? It's useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics. In the include section, Im specifying which sensors data I want to be sent to InfluxDB. You can set it to almost anything else, but then you'll always have to keep that in mind later. You should be able to expose that to Grafana, Getting Started with Grafana & InfluxDB for Home Assistant, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/philhawthorne_black.png, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/grafana_screen_mac.jpg, '{% if states.sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor_battery_level is not none %}, {{ states.sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor_battery_level }}, Making Home Assistants Presence Detection not so Binary, HA-Dockermon Use Home Assistant to monitor, start or stop Docker Containers, Home Assistant database sizes are in gigabytes, Automating your shopping list with Home Assistant and Grocy, Breaking down Presence Detection with Home Assistant, http://docs.grafana.org/reference/templating/, https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python/issues/349, https://github.com/simpss/home-assistant/pull/1, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/74d7d5c1b2d72bb85e1cfbe6919afc6c1400ad447fe8a0a773a8437120be8124.jpg, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd57a5daa931c1379c57e296f4b358ab6e80a1950257bf014de60dba55bd1c20.jpg, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc4da4039404e2db4b3c8697ddb404f9b3ffcccd2ef383985271282a4583e97b.jpg, https://github.com/philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana. I select that and a new "Filter" frame opens. Which can be limiting for some of the commands/flags you might need to set. In the "Write" section choose the "HomeAssistant" bucket. thanks for writing this up, I've been looking to switch databases on HA. You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. I strongly recommend that you do not name the user "admin" or "administrator". $__interval should be used instead.. Once again click the Panel Title and then Edit. My approach to cleanup the InfluxDB: The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. To answer these types of questions, we need to use a separate system. First, theres heaps of types of data we can graph now: Now we can take a look at this data over longer periods, for fun and potentially to save money. Why run HA in a VM but components it needs in containers? :-). For some reason Im unable to get the logbook to show anything. Home Assistant. This made me think it couldn't resolve the host name, but I'm using the one from the guide in my config. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Hopefully they fix that in a future release. That was exactly it - default filter was not entity_id but gave me options that seemed like list of entities, just not a complete one. Lets drag-and-drop a new Graph. Moving to InfluxDB will improve performance which will allow you to store data over a longer period of time. Also, I hope this can help newbies (like me) get your image started, here are the commands I had to use (DSM 6.1 did not like -v): mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/influxdb,target=/var/lib/influxdb, mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/grafana,target=/var/lib/grafana, philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. A series in InfluxDB is the unique set of 1) measurement name, combined with 2) tag names and their values. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Click on the "Add data source" button. See the official installation documentation for how to set up an InfluxDB database, or there is a community add-on available. It looks like grafana cant start properly, do you have any clue why? Grafana allows you to setup Dashboards with graphs and widgets. Hmm interesting. All Flux queries require a range filter, one is automatically added to the beginning of your Flux query in the form of range(start: {range_start}, stop: {range_stop}). Is it only to ssh to the container and update ? So now we have the basic understanding of how to create a dashboard in Grafana (dont forget to hit the save button!!). {{ sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor_battery_level }} On the left side of the UI, open the Influx Admin panel and click '+ Create Database' at the top. That is it. USE "<***db_name***>"; DELETE FROM "<***measurement_name***>" WHERE "<***tag***>" = '***tag_value***' AND time < '2021-04-04', Actual query eg: Just note that if you ever destroy the container, the updates will be lost. At the top of the page are some icons for types of things you can add to your dashboard. Now were going to make the following adjustments to the graph: Now you should have data on your graph, but something looks wrong? You can also exclude certain items or domains. How are you storing data collected in your Home Automation? Turns on a blue Hue bulb outside of toilet, when toilet lights are on. A addict that is. If I do show databases, I have the following message . My battery sensors all of a sudden show N/A% even though my other sensors are still giving data. I'm monitoring temperature and humidity in all the rooms. Click "Select" button to go back to previous window. The edge tag will always have the latest and greatest that I have upgraded it to. Ill wait for this fix to bubble up to Home Assistant before I look at upgrading versions in my container (I try to live by if its not broken, dont fix it). Once youre happy that the changes are valid, hit the restart button on the same tab. I've got a PC where I have multiple VMs for some other stuff and have decided to put HA in a VM there. Yes it is and more than that. You will instantly see the result in the preview. If you are looking for more details you can check out my other article about Grafana and OpenHab where I go into some more detail or install new panels/datasources/ from the Grafana plugin page. 4. The influxdb integration makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an external InfluxDB database. It has a built-in HTTP API so you don't have to write any server side code to get up and running InfluxDB is designed to be scalable, simple to install and manage, and fast to get data in and out.. On the other hand, MariaDB is detailed as " An enhanced, drop-in . InfluxDB is working fine! Edit: This post is aimed at influxdb1, since influxdb2 got released the bigger part of this post got obsolete. InfluxDB - Home Assistant Community Add-ons. I tryed to install your container on my Synology NAS with DSM 6.2 but it seems not work properly. Home Assistant is awesome but it lacks advanced support for showing data, especially over time. So, its still a work in progress for the time being. thank you. influxdb: !include influxdb . Sounds like an ever growing pool of data if no retention is set. I also included my phones battery and my printer ink status for fun and added some stats for my Adguard network wide ad blocker. influxdb on port 3004 works but grafana on 3003 dosent give any response at all. In "InfluxDB Details" section under "Organization" enter the one you defined in InfluxDB. Click on the "Generate Token" menu and select the "Read/Write Token" option. Such naming significantly increases risk of successful brute-force attacks, should they ever be attempted. Now we should have something that looks better. is there a way to have some form of binary value for sonos if it is playing or not, my use case: we have sonos multi room audio and i want to find a way of having just a easy to see playing/not playing on my smart home dashboard. This will store all data points in a single measurement. Although this works for me, it might not work for you, or there might be other attribute data you might want to track. I did that change some weeks ago and follows a slightly outdated guide but got it working. To keep things tidy, Im going to create a new file in the config folder called influxdb.yaml that will hold all of the config for InfluxDB. InfluxDB is a tool to help you solve that! No suspicious entries in the logs.Restarting does not help influxdb: host: a0d7b954-influxdb port: 8086 database . Watch on. There are two parts to this setup. 2018-01-24 15:01:23,770 INFO spawned: grafana with pid 1698 Valid values are 1 or 2. In your Influx configuration YAML for HA, I highly recommend adding friendly_name under tags_attributes. However long-term trends and data can also be important. I am not sure if HASSIO supports this though. In this video we will set up statistics monitoring using the InfluxDB database engine and the Grafana dashboard.Home Assistant by def. Contribute to hassio-addons/addon-influxdb development by creating an account on GitHub. Ex. It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and if often used in combination with . Verify SSL certificate for HTTPS request. EDIT: I personally prefer the include-only configuration of the InfluxDB. What component is it? The toolbar to add new panels can be found at the top right corner. If I try port 8083 I see the page from Chronograf but it asks me to create a connection and I dont know how to create the home assistant database. Great article got this up and running a week ago on my Synology NAS with DSM 6.2 interestingly when I had to restart my Synology it appears to have wiped the influx db (ie the docker container wasnt running, so nothing worked), then when I restarted it there was no home_assistant database. Check the InfluxDB documentation on Home Assistant for the complete list of configuration. and our In my case it's HomeAssistant. I snaffled your docker-hub image and ran it up to try and its awesome. So, if youre using Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi, you could have InfluxDB running on a PC or NAS thats always on. I am using this experience to work on the Home Assistant project by giving back my knowledge and time to the open source community. 23f6dfc96bc8eb520513b97a843686129cb84d8566402114d82a73f12de40c26 Setting a coarser precision allows InfluxDb to compress your data better. The proper way would be to pull the updated image and recreate the container. For example, Im querying below for all the mph measurements (which were created using Dark Sky). No idea why, but Im getting error message After saving, I strongly recommend validating the changes by using the Check configuration button on the developer tab. SELECT "value" FROM "homeassistant"."autogen". name grafana I would first chmod 777 the Grafana config, and see if that fixes it. Add a comment. Therefore you need to add a WHERE clause to the query to filter out values. Is it primarily for energy monitoring? 1.xx only - Verify SSL certificate for HTTPS request. I am influx noob, first time touched it because of HA. SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON "
eg: homeassistant" Genius, thanks a lot. I chose docker/Grafana. If you do, then click on the "Submit" button on the extreme right side of the screen. Switch back to the Grafana tab in your browser. Possible values: unit_of_measurement, domain__device_class or entity_id. No, there is no way to get this on Hassbian, add-ons are a Hassio feature. But I think it has nothing to do with your code.Im sorry about that If you are already ready using docker-compose you probably already have something similar. Set this to specify the time precision sent to influxdb. Once your query is built and you see the results in the upper part of the screen, locate and click the "Script Editor" button that's just to the left of the "Submit" button, that you clicked one step before. InfluxDB, Home Assistant & Grafana - Energy & Power. Additionally, you can now make use of an InfluxDB 2.0 installation with this integration. Well first need to setup a database in InfluxDB. After that enter your InfluxDB, Database, User and Password. Hmm sounds like the two containers cant talk to each other. When it did I found it limiting would this be a suitable replacement? Seems to work with $interval. Something like. influxdb: @trusty That dashboard just looks freaking amazing! Go to the Legend tab then lets select Min, Max and Current to be shown. In the include section, I'm specifying which sensors' data I want to be sent to InfluxDB.