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I appreciate being able to load and unload with the safety on. However, the company improved upon a proven design giving it legs of its own to stand on. Its a personal comfort thing, and if you are going to conceal carry, the P238 is perfect no matter the Condition. Sig Sauer p238 Cleaning and Partial Disassembly | Basic Gun Maintenance Firearms of America 36.4K subscribers Join Subscribe 284 25K views 4 years ago YouTube wants to kill this channel!. Start by using the cleaning brush to remove any dirt or debris from the gun. Before we get to the details of the P238, its best to understand how it was developed. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us. Even when the Safety is on in this position, when you squeeze the trigger the hammer will drop just a little bit. SIG ships the P238 with their glow in the dark night sights. Sig Sauer p238 Takedown & Reassembly Don't destroy your gun! There are, however, a few points of detail. Again, you want to be pinching and pushing down on the hammer, so the hammer doesn't move as you initially squeeze the trigger. If youre familiar with the 1911, then you should find the breakdown of the P238 a breeze. In fact, this disassembly step should be similar to a lot of other p238 models, so if you want to know how to disassemble p238 gun, well, this might help! I currently carry eight rounds on board with two spare 6-round magazines, giving me 20 rounds. load bearing equipment. JavaScript is disabled. Lock the slide to the rear and remove the slide stop. The grip is removable, and there are a number of cool looking options available. You should also clean it after exposure to any kind of corrosive substance. Can You Shoot Buckshot Out Of A Rifled Barrel? I have found the product link on Amazon and provided it below.So, I hope you like my gun maintenance for beginners video, let me know in the comments if you want more gun reviews or more maintenance and disassembly videos! Sig Sauer P238. Finally, replace the grips. Depending on my attire, it goes with me either as a primary or secondary weapon. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Anyone notice this problem with the P238? Remove the barrel from the slide assembly. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to Jim Davis served in the PA Dept. I am out to shoot my Sig p238!If you are interested in this gun, you can check out my Sig p238 review!Slide-Glide Gun Lube: Cloth: CLP-2 Cleaner Lubricant: you want to be all fancy, Marksman Precision Universal Gun Cleaning Kit: now there is a Facebook Page for this channel: it turns out, there is an Instagram page for this channel as well: you ever need to reach out to me with any requests or questions, here is my personal IG:, I just found out that there is a website for Firearms of America: https://firearmsofamerica.orgJoining the Twitter battle! The P238 (right) does away with the barrel bushing found on the Colt (left). Sig Sauer P238 MagGuts-High Capacity Magazine Conversion Adds a round to your 7 round Sig Sauer P238 .380 caliber magazine without adding extension. Opting for an internal hammer instead of the dominate striker-fired design, the company was able to use lighter springs, thus reduce the force required to manipulate the slide. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Its the one I carry IF I absolutely cant carry anything any larger. Advance Tips: How to Clean Sig Sauer P238 Cleaning Kit? Luckily though, this is a SIG firearm, and its loaded with safety features. We like this, as cleaning isnt one of our favorite tasks. Though honestly, we arent sure why youd do so. This ammo isn't too expensive and is pretty common. Having said that, there are a number of laser sights designed specifically for the P238. As you can imagine, there arent a whole lot of accessories that are designed for such a small handgun. Smith & Wesson accomplished the feat by breaking from the herd. I'm not at all clear as to what the safety concern is when racking the slide w/ or w/o the safety on. John Browning's original design (for what became the M1911) did not include a grip safety. Sig Sauer P238 MagGuts 7 Round Mag. Conversion The Ruger LCP Max, with its 10+1 (12+1) and other improvement is a more intelligent Ruger to utilize in your comparison. IMO, that makes it safer to unload. Among the most highly anticipated guns in the past decade, the G42 didnt disappoint. Reviews on line would indicate the Max is a much better option to consider. Having fired smaller pistols before, Ive always thought of them as having very snappy recoil in a hard-to-get-ahold of package. This little beast can easily be slipped in your purse. 1.38K subscribers Taking a look at the Sig Sauer P238 subcompact pistol. That little thing was just unpleasant and even painful to shoot. There is no grip safety on the P238 like most 1911s have. That got me to thinking that maybe the .380 caliber choice wasnt a terrible one because of how soft this pistol shoots. There are often warnings about specific grain ammo to use, or some such issue known to shooters. It features a manual safety and slide release lever. You should also oil the gun regularly to keep it in good condition. The Hornady American Gunner .380 ACP features the XTP projectile and penetrates very well. There was then, as there is now, much call for a more concealable handgun. Assuming you have all the necessary parts to your kit-. I showed my child but they still know to double check just in case of malfunctions.Also not to point it at anything you don't want to shoot. Its certainly worth a look at! How to disassemble your kit for cleaning? Sort. So if you had a spring with a 10 lb. Sig p238 cocked and locked opinions? - USA Carry It's a small gun and the small motor movements involved in both taking off the safety and cocking the gun are going to be tough to pull off efficiently when adrenline dumps into your system under stress. I would not change a thing! Accuracy was good in my opinion. For good measure, Smith & Wesson added a few other assets, such as aggressive slide serrations and flared section at the rear of the slide. Take solace, few ever feel the pistol is a waste of money. PMC Bronze, Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Gun Guy Goes Gaming. While it shouldnt replace knowing how to load ones own magazines by hand, it is a great tool for shooters who lack the hand strength to effectively load mags or who dont want to deal with the exasperating task of mag loading.A RAEIND magazine speed loader is a supreme accessory to your range or conceals carry gear. I was very disappointed as this was my first Sig Purchased. We think the P238 is one of the best micro-compact pistols available. 20 Items . scorpion ocp camo. The reason I picked the Sig is because I have a bad case of rheumatoid arthritis in my wrists which does not give me the normal strength I used to have. My pistol came with a holster and Siglite night sights. The .380 caliber pistol is loved by some, but often overlooked by others. But, if you are comfortable with it, its up to you. Although capacity is not large, with the extended magazine of seven rounds, plus one in the chamber, an eight-round capacity is not bad. Diamondback DB380 .380 ACP, Bersa Thunder, Bersa Thunder Cc .380 ACP. I handled it again and decided that even though its in .380 ACP (not my favorite for defensive purposes), I really did have to have it. I shot out to 20 yards and was able to keep all the rounds on an 8-inch paper plate, but I had to take my time to do that. My back up is a us bonds defender. Use the cleaning rod and brush to clean the bore of the barrel. If youre a responsible gun owner, then you know that its important to keep your gun clean. The 6+1 capacity P238 runs on the spendier end of the spectrum. My first gun was amdexterous to. This involves controlled double tap execution in addition to firing a number of rounds from the 15 and 25-yard lines. Its a slightly twisted history, and the origin lies in the land of the mythic 1911. Once everything is dry, you can start reassembling your kit. In addition to this, SIG has crafted-in a firing pin safety block, hammer safety, as well as a disconnector that wont allow the gun to fire when the slide isnt properly locked in position. In fact, the M1911 remained the US Forces standard issue pistol right up to the mid 80s. This conversion uses our Hybrid Spring System. Reassembly is fairly easy, but the extractor must be pushed down for the slide to be placed back onto the frame. He loves writing and sharing his extensive knowledge of firearms, especially AR rifles and tactical equipment. Lightweight: It sure it is nice to have a featherweight on the hip, until the time comes to pull the trigger. An improvement on the original Light Compact Pistol, the LCP II is an ideal backup or deep-carry gun. Worrisome, given velocity is the main variable dictating modern bullets' performance. Yes, its a tiny detail that is rarely going to be an issue. SIG SAUER P238.380ACP MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, SIG SAUER 1911 .22LR MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, SIG SAUER P290RS .380ACP MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, SIG SAUER SP2022 .40ACP MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, SIG SAUER SP2340 .40ACP MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, AMT 22 / II 22MAG 22WMR MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, SPRINGFIELD ARMORY XDM10mm MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, THOMPSON SMG .45 ACP MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER (10 ROUNDS IN 1 PUSH), SIG SAUER P365 9mm MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, BERETTA BU9 NANO 9mm MAGAZINE SPEED LOADER, Buy 2 - 2 You never, ever want your round to go through your target and hit someone else or ricochet. I have a child so my gun is on safety chambered and with a full magazine. The kit also comes with a can of compressed air to blow out any dust or debris from your gun. Sig Sauer P238 For Sale - $649.99, Review, Price - Pew Pew Tactical Not wanting to argue but my curiosity begs me to ask how the safety is compromised if you operate the slide or load the chamber with the safety on? As far as accuracy across a room, I practice at 21 feet from the target and I consider this to be one of my most accurate guns. Please consider supporting me through my Patreon - Sig Sauer p238 Cleaning and Partial Disassembly | Basic Gun MaintenanceWelcome back, this is not a gun review video, but instead, more of a educational, on how to keep your gun clean and functioning well, specifically, your Sig Sauer p238 Sport 12.Sig Sauer p238 maintenance is pretty simple and I like to do it after every range use to remove the dust, dirt and ammo particles. Sig Sauer P238 overview and shooting - YouTube Separate the slide assembly from the frame. What solvents and cleaners to use on your kit? But as far as picking a piece thats a no-brainer to carry every day, few beat Rugers little .380 pistol. He lives in Kansas with his wife Shirley and the two German Shepherds, Troy and Reagan. I'm a lefty. How to Load a Magazine | Handgun 101 with Top Shot Chris Cheng Luckily its nothing a quick shot of compressed air wont clear. I can carry it in a shirt pocket if needed. Any woman shopping for a concealed carry piece that has issues with recoil tolerance, please consider the P238. Your best chance for customizing this pistol lies in the grip. Theyre small, downright minuscule. That said, full-sized 9mms with readily available extended-capacity magazines are looking pretty dang good right now. Unload your gun and make sure it is clear of any ammunition. I have had mine for 7 years without issues. The portion of your review where you compare the P238 to the 1911 where you again refer to finicky safeties might lead one to believe the P238 has a grip and a thumb safety. It is chamber with 2 slugs safety off. Sig P238 and Buffalo Bore? | SIG Talk You are using an out of date browser. Spray the solution on the brush and scrub the slide and frame. This soft-shooting pistol quickly became my favorite handgun to shoot; its just plain fun! SIG Sauer P238 Breakdown If you're familiar with the 1911, then you should find the breakdown of the P238 a breeze. To be honest, were not a huge fan of this design. Its basicallya scaled down version of the 1911 chambered in the .380 ACP. As far as two safeties, mine only has one safety and it is so well-designed that I am confident to carry in Condition 1. Nice aesthetics. Though, there is at least one bone to pickthe trigger. Its better known today as the.380 GM(Government Model), and its a stripped down 1911. Raising the humble .380 from the dead was one main factor: ammunition. I wasnt about to put the pistol into a Ransom Rest, as that would be ridiculous for this type of firearm. Download the manual for your SIG SAUER product. A forum community dedicated to SIG Sauer Pistols and SIG Sauer Rifles owners and enthusiasts. The length is 5.5 inches, height is 3.9 inches, width is 1.1 inches. Its a little light for self-defense for my taste, but it is what it is. A good one, mind you. I can't help but be curious why you trust your thumb not to slip - TWICE - during the hammer-down-hammer-cocking dual exercise, more than you trust the external safety designed and built into the pistol by Sig? Though, for some, there are sticky points to the pistol. Truly one of the classics, the PPK/S still holds its own in modern concealed carry. Once your gun is disassembled, you can start cleaning it. Then, using the brush that came with the kit, scrub all the nooks and crannies, getting rid of any dirt or debris. For 25 years, he was a professional instructor, teaching topics including Defensive Tactics, Riot Control and Tactical Operations, Immediate Responder, and cognitive programs as an adjunct instructor at the DOC Training Academy. In fact, the attractive price tag was on the pistol because no one wanted yesterdays news, which is a very common phenomenon in gun circles. So, I did some horse-trading with the gunshop owner and walked out with the little pocket pistol (that I really didnt need or want, but had to have). The Taurus TCP 738 is what I consider a tiny option. So, before we ramble on to the top .380 pistol options available today, we should hit some of the pros and cons of the demure 9mm and its handguns. You dont want to lose any small pieces while you are working. Incidentally, now might not be a better time to get into a PPK/S. In fact, there are a few manufacturers that specialize in sight upgrades for compact firearms. I always slingshot it home to chamber a round with the safety off myself. This is important because you want to make sure that you can get to all of the parts that need to be cleaned. So I'm not sure if I will have the safety on or off. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Any review can be picked apart for isolated aspects, but all in all, Mr. Turner did an excellent job in exposing the potential for failure in selecting this beautifully executed pistol. I like this pistol so much that I now one two of them. Wipe it down with a clean rag and set it aside to dry. The P238 has an overall length of 5.5, measures 3.96 in height and weighs just short of 16 oz. 9mm short, 9mm Browning) 6 Rounds in the magazine with capability to be carried safely with. Do you notify the front desk person at a hotel that you have a CCW Permit. Be sure to get all the nooks and crannies. The support hand, when shooting two handed, should be nowhere near any moving part, which would cause injury of any kind. A big plus for the .380, yet, there are some less than desirable facets to the caliber and its guns that deserve thought. The P238 is anything but expensive, unless you consider a brand new in the box P238 with 3 magazines, night sights, and Hogue grips for $440 (which included shipping) to an FFL as pricey. I concur 100% with Don P. His post is the perfect review of the P238. It shoots where I aim it. I do not have the safety on unless it's in my safe. Ticking like a Swiss-made timepiece, the P238 had folks looking .380 ACP long before the cartridge regained popularity. At 3.9-inches in height and 15-ounces unloaded it is legitimately a pocket pistol and would do well in this role. 20 years not one problem. For a while, at least, as Colt eventually stopped production. A gun of this price shouldnt reward you with a painful pinch whenever you shoot if for the first time. Assuming you have the basic cleaning kit that comes with the gun: Its important to keep your kit clean for a number of reasons. I hesitate to say that it looked cute, because I dont carry cute guns! At least, until you need it. All things considered, I am more confident carrying this piece than any other. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Make sure that they are tight and that the screws are tightened all the way. Use the cleaning rod and brush to clean the trigger assembly. The less of it there is, the more difficult it becomes to hold on a target. MSRP: $685; Sig P238 starting at $519 Glock 42 Among the most highly anticipated guns in the past decade, the G42 didn't disappoint. All Rights Reserved. Chambering/Unloading P238 w/Safety On - YouTube Based on the article, it is recommended that you clean your Sig Sauer P238 every time you use it, or at least once a month. Particularly due to its shootability. Its pocket-sized design makes it easy and convenient to carry in a purse or range bag. I personally like the ability to chamber a round with the safety on. Semi-auto pistols prove prohibitive to some. SIG P238 Pistols | Palmetto State Armory I also carry a revolver, so no safety and cocking the hammer makes sense. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Not only that, but the small size and limited weight means youll likely forget its there. Download the manual for your SIG SAUER product. Much of this is thanks to a fixed barrel, a feature that eliminates any barrel wiggle and makes the dashing heater a natural pointer. I know this is an extremely old thread, but since there are still many who will search this same question and come to this thread, I thought I would try to update some misunderstanding on the internal mechanisms of the P238. Its ideal for IWB or OWB holsters, and it can also be used with many ankle holsters. Academy Training Videos | SIG SAUER Bersa Thunder, Firestorm Sig P238 S&W Bodyguard Taurus Spectrum PT 738 Walther PT738 PK380, PPK/S Kahr CW380, CT380 Springfield 911 and many more! Sig P238 jammed up | SIG Talk Use the cleaning rod and brush to clean the magazine. I bought my P938 primarily because of its 1911-ness, and am very happy with it, 500 rounds in. Youll need a cleaning rod, a cleaning brush, a can of compressed air, and some gun cleaning solvent. Ugh, I told him, you dont want one of those for your first pistol. The P238 is 15.2 ounces, and before I get into the rest of the specs, let me tell you that it is an absolute joy to carry! Otis Technologies FG 1000 Elite Cleaning System #Unboxing, Would The Kriss Vector Work With Larger Calibers, Best Gun Cleaning Patches Reviews With Buying Guide, Are Night Vision Scopes Illegal In California, Best Cz 75B Holster Reviews with Buying Guide, What Is The Best Submachine Gun In Cold War. So we have a tiny 1911, and the controls are as good on the P238 as they are on the legendary 1911. The basics of cleaning your Sig Sauer P238 Cleaning Kit. I dont like pocket pistols! What if it slips and the slide blows back possibly breaking your thumb and shooting something you wouldn't want getting shot. Finish by running a oiled patch through the barrel. Sold my P238 right only and bought an ambi. This was a .45 caliber, and it not only looked pretty, but it also functioned rather well. I have a P238 Two Tone with just over 1000 rounds through it, including JHP, FMJs, and a lot of Sig Crown JHP and not one failure to feed. RangeTray's Magazine Loader exclusively for the Sig Sauer P238 .380 Caliber magazines. Sig Sauer p238 Cleaning and Partial Disassembly - YouTube Sig Sauer P238 Review Right-handed . View as Grid View List View. The Extractor may pull the stuck round out the chamber. It feels solid, yet very light at the same time. Be sure to get the solvent into all of the nooks and crannies. Using a cleaning rod and patch, run a wet patch through the barrel. They were used and had a very attractive price tag. Very little recoil. Handgun 101: How to Safely Load and Unload a Semi-Auto Pistol and Magazine Adiga Armory 649K views 2 years ago Gun cleaning Sig Sauer P238 James Palmer 3.5K views 3 years ago Good Holsters. He served on the Corrections Emergency Response Team (CERT), several of those years as a sniper, and also the Fire Emergency Response Team (FERT). Namely, my dads 919 Makarov. It throws a 95-grain projectile at around 1,000 feet per second, give or take. Conceals well and still packs a punch. color camo. Gun Reviews By Women - Sig Sauer P238 Black Pearl - Melissa . The Sig Sauer P238 It's Pocket Magic! - The Mag Life Then, use the cleaning rod to push the cleaning solvent through the gun. Use the cleaning rod and patch to clean the chamber. Not only does it saves your hands during the loading & unloading process, but it also is a necessary item to go along with your holster, grips, extensions, optics, and other comfort and target practice accessories. I admit, my pistols must have striking looks and the 911 has it, with its natural stainless finish and the black and white G10 grips. Many of the guns were shipped with defective magazines. Back and forth I went, reasoning that I dont need a pocket-size pistol. Refer to your owners manual for instructions on how to disassemble your Sig Sauer P238 for cleaning. Reassemble the firearm in the reverse order. and get 5% off, Buy 3 - 3 holster if thats how you intend to carry, Best M1A Scope Mount For The Money in 2023, Taurus Judge .410 Revolver Review [Updated 2023], Maverick 88 Pump Action Shotgun Review [2023], Top 8 Best .45 Pistols in 2023 Reviews and Buyers Guide, Top 7 Best Ruger AR 556 Scopes For The Money in 2023, Top 6 Best AK-47On The Market 2023 Reviews, Top 10 Cheap Handguns for Sale in 2023 Right Now, Top 8 Best Thermal Scopes On The Market 2023 Reviews & Buying Guide. I would never carry any other way. However Im thinking off. Filter. I also carry a separate full magazine with it. All in all, this pistol is a winner! Deep carry means in a pocket, not riding in a belt holster under a shirt. Last week, I was in my favorite local gunshop helping a friend select his first handgun. The Sig Sauer P238 is a great little pistol for concealed carry or backup gun. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Use the cleaning rod and patch to clean the chamber. This is caused by the light pistol frame and short muzzle. Remove the magazine and make sure the chamber is empty. Which brings us to the safety. Winchester 5.56mm M193 Target Ammo: Good Bang for the Buck? I expressed my concern to Sig cust. It really did look neat, like a little 1911 (in fact, thats pretty much what it is). Learn how your comment data is processed. Still, something to keep in mind if youre finicky. Start with the barrel. A high quality. If you have an account, sign in with your email address. Sig Sauer P238 SAS Review Right-handed . As far as finicky, of all the guns I own, this is the only one that has never jammed. Far from it. Just for the fun of it, I asked to handle the P238. Then, field strip the gun according to the instructions in the owners manual. This is not a gun for individuals who are not prepared to learn and regularly practice. People run out and snap up the latest goodies, which often leaves the older models, which are still stellar, overlooked. Gun Reviews By Women - Sig Sauer P238 - Gina. Rating: 99%. While doing this, push the slide forward so you can remove the spring, and next the barrel. MrBulletpoints 11.6K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K 179K views 8 years ago How to take down & reassemble the Sig Sauer p238 pistol.. There was one spare 6-round magazine. Handgun Maintenance, Cleaning and Gunsmithing. Not doing so can cause damage to the ejector. That's why I carry that way. Don't forget to subscribe! The Sig P238 is the same gun. It is good to know how to do basic gun maintenance and how to clean your gun.Also, you will find out how to lubricate your gun. Accuracy is spot on. Squeeze the trigger. It looks like +P .380 has no real standard that Buffalo Bore has to meet. The Taurus TCP looks good, I hadnt heard of that one. This is easy with the 5.5 inch overall length. However, I agree with coyotetrapper that a grip safety would be an added safety feature. Separate the upper and lower receiver. If you would, please point these two difficult to manage safeties. My personal P238 has had no difficulty whatsoever functioning flawlessly using a number of different types and brands of ammo. Internal OEM components are replaced with MagGuts components. The lack of heft in most .380 pistols amplifies recoil. Guess I'm in the minority with the 1911 crowd.